"I'm not sure what happened...maybe they ran out of vowels?" Mitch wrote. "I know it's important to pay close attention to my portfolio, but I think SigFig could have just put 0% instead.," writes Dave Scott K. writes, "Alright, I guess I'll take zero." "While trying to install some debugging tools, I found that Asia simply won't allow it," writes Johnathan R…
Cordova version 4.2 can't able to create the directories. I refer this HTML 5 document for creation sub folder inside main folder but not able create folders in cordova version 4.2 ..same code working in cordova v 3.3
var path="example_one/test/sample";
window.requestFileSystem = window.request...
What Does Name "Jarryd" Mean You are honest, benevolent, brilliant and often inventive, full of high inspirations. You are courageous, honest, determined, original and creative. You are a leader, especially for a cause.
font and font-family do different things:
Best illustrated with an example. Arial is a font family. Arial Bold 14 point is a type font. Helvetica is a font family. Helvetica Ultra Compressed 26 point is a type font.
@DarkAshelin What if you sneezed so hard that only you moved and the headphones stayed. Results in them floating in the air in a short moment before succumbing to gravity and falling down?
I love the fact that I'm sitting here setting up a medieval city in Unreal Engine 4 in an open office and noone questions what I'm doing. Not even my supervisor that just walked past and looked at my screen for a second.
@DarkAshelin I'm not sure... I think my supervisor is like "urgh... we're not paying him enough anyway so I'll let him do that now and maybe he'll stay in the company another year"
I got the idea, that I have to use either normal, break-all or hyphenate. But if I want to use all of them. Then How to resolve syntax error. — Rubyist3 hours ago
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "Sick Day" - originally published 3/13/2015 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!