@Mr.Alien remote.modern.ie is a streamable version of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 and the new Project Spartan rendering engine (EdgeHTML.dll). It works on Windows, Android, Mac OS X, and iOS.
@TylerH The amount of space they consume is largely up to you... what are you looking for ideally? I'd be happy to file a feature request on your behalf if we aren't already taking care of it.
@JonathanSampson I'm not up to speed on all the requests or features being implemented, but the ability to have text links instead of live tiles is basically what I would love
@ Joshhunt, do I need to download the files and place them in my Sass directory? Or can I instantly start using font-awesome now that I have installed it as a gem?
@TylerH Often times we can "update" from one build of Windows to another. But, at times, I like to do a complete wipe. It's not that bad since all of my data/settings are roamed, and as such the new install is identical to the previous.
@TylerH Roaming was shipped in Windows 8 if I'm not mistaken - that's all I'm taking advantage of. It's the same feature I use at home when I setup a new laptop.
If there are any other Windows 10 / Internet Explorer / Project Spartan questions, please feel free to shoot them my way. I'll be more help on the browser/web-platform side than the OS though - just a warning :)
@ItachiUchiha backend is how content is generated and how data is handled. You could use PHP, Node.js, Ruby on Rails, etc. to automate some imports like that. It helps with page formatting and importing things
Currently, this is a fairly involved process as the tooling does not seem to support much in the way of generating WCF client code or automatically map from config files. Also, as dotnetstep has pointed out, the ASP.NET team has not ported System.ServiceModel to core (or provided an alternative f...
Yes, you asked me to create a separate page for header and footer and use them. But somehow, the template language which I am using doesn't suggest to do the same.
I'm having a CSS brain fart. I have an inline-block colored box who color changes to show status and a button. I want them to align with each other. This is what it looks like now:
They're sort of master templates with placeholder for your specific template, so you think of your template as a fragment included inside that master template.
@SecondRikudo So I can have say one file, which has my header and footer. I create fragments in those files and use them everywhere. Is that what you are suggesting?
I want to remove this HTML code using preg_replace:
<style=\"color:#ff0000\">>>> Visit My Blog Here <<<<></style=\"color:#ff0000\">
I use the following regex:
@SecondRikudo I had began learning PHP in 1998 I think. Used it until 2005 when I began a C# position. Freaked out the first day because I couldn't figure out how to include() my nav-bar in my design :)
Used .NET for 2 years, and then went back to PHP. Today I focus largely on front-end though.
PHP (prior to v4) wasn't OO, so it was a bit easier to grasp. No abstract concepts of inheritance/etc.
That's probably why I took to it first too - my first language was C++ (I failed miserably at that... though I did write an infinite loop that called my younger brother a "butt" I think).
@SecondRikudo Once you grasp OO principles, you will struggle to go back to a procedural way of thinking. JavaScript is nice since it's got both flavors with prototypal inheritance, etc.
Sometimes I write things in JavaScript, things that Java takes 10 files and 5MB of code, and I write it in JavaScript in 25 lines, and I weep at the poetic beauty of what I have just wrote.
@Phreak It's not that I don't like it, I find the benefit:cost ratio to not be that great.
Especially if you don't need to support some of @JonathanSampson 's older projects.
@JonathanSampson Oh yeah, I don't know if I ever talked to you about it, the feature missing from all versions of IE so far (although I vaguely heard that IE11 did get it)
@Phreak Think about it this way, in Java, if you include a library (say with Maven), what will happen?
Your build time will be longer, and your end JAR or whatever executable you use will probably be a bit larger
Not that big of a deal
In JavaScript, if you include a library, you included for every visitor of your site. everyone need to download that library in addition to everything else on the page.
This means slower page load, which means bad news.
That applies to every library you include, so you want to make the libraries you use count.
jQuery and jQuery UI, in 2015, don't do much to help you relative to the extra bytes they introduce.
will bandwidth really be a concern in the future i feel load times are getting faster and faster but i totally know what you mean. Processors on mobiles devices are slower which would take up more resources if you have more libraries etc.