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I'm kind of liking polymere
its definitely different
but neat at the same time
Oh my god lemon.... your avatar....
I got used to iOS 7. I never thought I would.
@rlemon how do you make screenshots in robothing?
@ObiWanWesabi rlemon is afk: he probably just doesn't like you.
greenshot didn't work either
The soundcloud app has some amazing touches.
@mikedidthis i ended up going windows phone so i never had to deal with the ios 7 crap.
when is 8 coming out?
Mine was a hand me down. I hate alot of the stuff, but some of it is super nice.
@ObiWanWesabi f12?
if its running via Steam F12 should take a screenshot and when you quit the game you get the option to upload them to your profile
mike it worked! :D
@ObiWanWesabi !!magic
@Loktar thanks :P
Uh, I still get confused with {} and [].
@Loktar What do you use for hosting node?
i lost four wheels but i have four more under the pyramid! xD
@joshhunt ubuntu server
Your own?
I have one project on nodejitsu, but all the rest run on my colocated server
@joshhunt yea
I bought a server a few years back and sent it to a datacenter in texas
runs esxi so I can spin up vm's whenever
I want this for reasons
@Loktar do they charge you for maintenance ?
if they have to replace a HDD or something yeah
otherwise I just pay the fee for having it there
$75 a month, unlimited 100mbit
O.o that's nice
thats who its through
their site looks meh, but I've had no complaints
been there almost 3 years now
oh they upped their prices a tad, $99 for a 1u I guess
You manage the server right?
only benefit I really have is being able to run my own vm's like windows ones if I want and not pay any extra
but when the server finally dies Ill just get another vps somewhere probably
ideally id love to get a commercial connection at my house
and just host from home
something I was just thinking about with web components
... will web components be the new jquery plugins
> Oh we need x functionality, don't worry grabbed a few components that do it
i'm enjoying this roboshit a lot :D
What's the best way to store a list of country names? Just in a file or a mysql table?
Hi ppl! When I hover my menu links I have a background. This background is occupying the entire height of menu. Do you know how can I remove this? I just want background arround my menu link and not in entire menu height!
@Marby Got an example I can look at?
have a fiddle or anything @Marby
@joshhunt if you already are using a db, id store them there personally
I´ll create one, just 1minute
@Loktar How come?
don't have to code anything seperate for reading from files
I assume youd already have stuff implemented for reading from the DB
I would suggest adding them as constants into the app itself.. but unfortunately countries change
like Ukraine will be Russia at some point right? :P
Yup. Though couldn't you just have an array of all the countries and use that?
@Loktar I hope not, that could be WWIII
yeah, I guess it just depends where you feel like updating the list when the time comes
True. Which is better any terms of performance?
I have here my fiddle: jsfiddle.net/jcak/Lmc4mj2u/2
^ so what do you want to happen?
My hover is occupy the entire height of my menu, and I just want that my hover stay around my link!
@Marby This'll help you improve :) flukeout.github.io
@Marby It is just staying around your link
your link is full width/height and has padding
@Marby You mean the grey background area?
if you inspect it you can check for yourself
@Loktar ES6 is inc
You can use components now, just need a transpiler
@ObiWanWesabi if you are around in a few hours, I may join you.
ok @mikedidthis
@Loktar something they did with ember could probably adapt it for generic use github.com/stefanpenner/ember-jj-abrams-resolver
is there a way to respawn the truck when it gets upside down?
yes they gray background is occupying entire height
@ObiWanWesabi negative ghost rider. I spent 50% of my time like that.
@Marby so change that and your problem is solved :)
stupid truck
@PatsyIssa haven't heard of transpiler
resolver my bad
isn't that what polymere is for, for web components I mean
@mikedidthis when you get destroyed in one shot only, what could it be? xD
like a giant polyfill
maybe i got hit at driver's head?
Have you tried ember js?
no, heard good things though
we're going to go down the angular route
I used angular in my last position too
I m working with it now, so far it's amazing
Im trying but its not easy to understand why this is happening
you ever use Angular?
@ObiWanWesabi rail cannon.
if so how would you compare them?
I hate how Angular forces you into their mentality
nope, can you give me a quick brief of what you like and such, I can't compare them
Is there a way using the Google Maps api to get a list of cities based on a country?
I just like being able to write Javascript
thing is ember goes for convention over configuration
and not forced into certain conventions :?
angular has so much terminology too
You should give ember a spin just to get an idea
In about 2-3 months they ll release htmlbars
man.. there is too much going on in the front end world
hurts my head to think about sometimes lol
have you tried out handlebars?
@Marby Take away the height for .dropDownMenu a { ... } (and the float because it does nothing)
only messed with handle bars a little bit
nothing too in depth
Yehuda Katz wrote it before writing ember
it was way back when I did backbone stuff
And he started htmlbars after
he initially wrote it for ember
If you do get into ember check out the ember-cli
They wrote an amazing build tool for it
Grunt was never meant to be a build tool, it was meant to run tasks
Broccoli runs through grunt but handles the building
For instance the watch in broccoli doesn't rebuild everything on each save
It only rebuild the modified files
ah nice
You can write es6, all you have to do for it to build it to js is name the file myscript.js.es6
Hell can even be .js.es6.rb builds it in ruby then converts it to es6 then js
hah crazy
I've been a nub when it comes to ES6
I need to really sit down and start using it
Amazing stuff is coming
If your site design must be the whole screen, is it fine using javascript to resize some css properties by giving the screen width?
@BenBeri yes but you can do it in css
@ObiWanWesabi just hit f12
or print screen
@rlemon done :P
w/e one takes a screenshot in steam
(what I do)
check my robot in messages above
@PatsyIssa How can I get screen width in css
@BenBeri Media queries?
@BenBeri use percentages for width like 100%
and shift your content depending on breakpoints using media queries
@PatsyIssa Percents are bad for my site. it must be px
Can you link to it?
I already tested with percents, looks bad when I resize
Show me
this is the javascript one
However i cba to change it back to percent lol
yes Zach, the height its not necessary i just need line-height here, but float:left its necessary
if I use percent, and then resize the window, the bottom ul element boxes will go messy
Your site is perfect for percentages :O
if you resize with px, this wont happen, the overflow will have it
that looked way prettier than I expected
@ObiWanWesabi uploading screenshots now
I'm in Tier 4 now
@Loktar +1
cc @mikedidthis
@BenBeri I would have used a grid system for your layout
Your site is the perfect candidate for a responsive site
I dont think it can work great on phone, cause of the sidebar
@ObiWanWesabi @mikedidthis
@BenBeri The hide and refresh buttons should be responsive
my tank - upgrading the guns takes me between T3 and T4
have them float right or something so that they move in when I resize my browser window
sidebar on phone would be a toggle menu with a single column in the middle
@TylerH he has a fixed width right now
@BenBeri that's why you do a menu button to open it, and more importantly, start with the mobile design :-P
@PatsyIssa I agree this would be really easy to make responsive
This is a desktop design, ill make mobile after i finish this though
well, straightforward at least
@BenBeri You know pintrest ?
@Marby Don't be afraid to ping me when it you take a little while to respond. I don't have this tab viewing all the time
@PatsyIssa Nop
@BenBeri If you are using Bootstrap why don't you use the bootstrap grid structure?
@rlemon bad ass
because i forgot about it lol, i didnt use any bootstrap there only got the include
need to get those bricks :D
it's solid armor bricks.
@rlemon damn!
two different kinds
all of the cannons are T4, except one - but it is keeping me in T3 right now
so I toggle it when I want to get T4/T3 stars
@PatsyIssa I hate these sites that don't explain about itself on the main page, and require me to login
It's a social media site
ohh, and @ObiWanWesabi if/when you get to buying the radar, uprighter, etc. don't mount them on the outside - encase them with you
@BenBeri fairly sure the assumption is that you already know what pinterest is for :P
they don't get kicked off as easy
a/w i m off for the night, listen to @TylerH 's advice he knows his shit
@TylerH Should I re-code the design with a grid structure?
@rlemon i'm Bubucraft in the game
@BenBeri if you have time. It won't really be redoing so much as adjusting
first I would do a couple basic grid layouts to get the hang of them
then use what you've learned and apply it to your site
that way you don't really mess up the site you have now on accident and aren't able to get it fixed again
I see
just get the grid sorted and then copy/paste the content into the grid
@rlemon wait i'm upgrading the truck
got new bricks :D
@ZachSaucier nice, did you catch the one I sent the other day.
Its haunted me.
hmmm, I can't recall one
Oh yeah I remember that one :) Not for me
@ObiWanWesabi my client froze
@ZachSaucier yeah, its marmite.
it gets stuck at "you are entered for battle" @rlemon
try again
@rlemon join?
how the hell it takes so long to join a game
minor upgrades :P
aaand tabbing out crashed me
> Why would anyone choose vanilla JavaScript over jQuery just because it does 100x operations per second? You are never going to perform over 10 million operations per second anyway so it shouldn't matter at all.
it will all end in tears.
@mikedidthis need to join asap xD
@ObiWanWesabi I will try, currently crying.
game crashed, now it's saying "user already logged in"
loading assets
@mikedidthis enter + tab to talk
@mikedidthis looks like the TS server is down
tell me there's a way to replace automatically all cubes of one kind to another kind

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