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@AaronSiciliano no, just develop something that solves a problem you may have.
@ZachSaucier I am one of those people that delete everything once i am done with it
Why would you let it take up space.
it should be solving a problem, no?
I am ocd about everything having its place :P
that problem shouldn't just go away
source control...
Also, please don't tell anyone you delete things when you are done.
copying from old code is a great way to save time
@mikedidthis haha, that'd be terrible
@ZachSaucier I have previously kept libraries of my methods.... however hard drive failure and not backing it up to another computer made me a fool lol
> "Got the job done, boss"
> "Great, so where is the code?"
> "I deleted it all"
@ZachSaucier iknowright.
@AaronSiciliano cloud storage
Take old code, refactor it, put it on some sort of source control, profit.
The only thing i have developed that is still in use is in use at a job i legally cant talk about.... So thats useless
@AaronSiciliano just store all your code on github or something, or if it's private, then some cloud storage solution
seriously though, if everyone deleted their work a week after they published/finished it, we would all be lost as web developers
I am going to go make another github account and start on that. I had previously used SVN tools to collaborate with other devs and whenever the project was finished i would uninstall the svn client lol
imagine if the w3c deleted their spec as soon as browsers published their first implementation if it X-P
That would be amazingly scary
Ok so what i am gathering from you guys is keep every project i ever work on? And store it in source control on github.
or somewhere
While looking for background ideas for a site I came across these two; could anyone direct me to how these two websites did this type of background design? The first one is: read.thisispaper.com/#issue-two The second one is: zionistspring.org
And to apply for jobs and tell them i can do it and if i can not do it then burn and try again
@BruceBanEm it's called parrallax scrolling
googling it will be more useful than us :)
@AaronSiciliano exactly
Oh gawd don't make another parralax scrolling site. Or if, then at least make a decent one.
That's all I needed was a term to reference this style.
What's wrong with parralax scrolling? Can you give me some sites that have done it bad so I can get an idea of what not to do? Are the ones I linked to above good examples of its use?
@k111ky just don't bother.
@BruceBanEm I think they are just grumpy in the morning. Poke em with a stick that helps sometimes.
Has it been overused?
@BruceBanEm The technique itself is fine
but, like anything, if there is no purpose for it then don't add it
@AaronSiciliano 4pm here. Time doesn't alter my grumpy state.
both of those examples I disliked. the first is just horrid user experience, the second is better, until I get near the end. the rest of the site is kinda half-assed
@mikedidthis Right there with ya bud.
@Loktar Do you have a post on dynamic generation or w.e it's called? Like the space ships and people?
good sale.
@ZachSaucier no
make one
@BruceBanEm the parallax effect is when two objects at different distances move at different speeds with relation to the observer (you). Luckily this is supported pretty well in web browsers these days, but it can be annoying if overdone
@ZachSaucier you playing AoE2 this weekend?
and whoever is do we know day/time yet?
@Loktar I second Zach. You should write a post about that
Alright- thank you guys for your help!
@AaronSiciliano even if you just keep a bunch of jsfiddles around instead of full production sites (which you should also keep), that can halve your production time
yeah I should :?
@Loktar Do at least have some of your code for it online so we can look at it?
@Loktar buy it. I want it for FSX badly
@ZachSaucier nah I've kept it all closed source
I know I've seen some before, maybe it's from rlemon
@Loktar you decide and ping
Im working on a UI with a friend for generating them
@Loktar Ping me if / when you write it?
so you are making it a legit thing
@ZachSaucier trying to, Im just too lazy
@TylerH yeah I want it for Elite Dangerous
How's Grapple Hero going?
@Mr.Alien Im free Saturday Afternoon
games > free time coding it seems
like 12-2 central (-6)
@SomeGuy its going alright, Im struggling with it feeling too boring idk
@ZachSaucier lately that has been my problem too.
keep trying to think of things to spice it up
@Loktar kewl, pm on steam, and we will play.. @ObiWanWesabi and @PatsyIssa will hopefully join as well
alright sounds good to me
@Loktar have a demo for us?
we can give ideas
@Loktar I think it's quite fun. Maybe you feel that way because you've had to test it a lot?
not of the new graphics at all
there is an old demo I think out there still maybe, id have to dig for the link... there is the lite vs on the play store still too
@SomeGuy maybe idk, it just feels too simple I guess
like.. not worth a $2 price tag
or .99
I see what you mean
@ZachSaucier grapplehero.com is where I have the info, but I pulled down the demo since its so different now
Wow this one is an amazing parallax scrolling design... at least I think so: flatvsrealism.com
@Loktar add powerups :-)
I'd need art assets which sucks lol
did you ever play Pang on Alfy.com?
I did add a new control method
@BruceBanEm I still hate it
@Loktar google "alfy pang"
because it takes 5 minutes to see content
its very similar
I could skim an article in a minute or less
except you shoot bubbles/balls instead of moving upward
ahhhh I see.
haha yeah it doesnt really seem to similiar too me besides having a grapple :P
that one right?
I've played that type of game somewhere else
I added a method where you can hold down after you hook your grapple
and if you let go at a certain time you get a boost
and if you do it 5 times in a row you're "on fire"
@Loktar I remember a game like that. Was more simple looking (less japanese/NES like)
and you get a bigger boost
haha I think I'm just annoyed that it will be a failure in terms of getting what I put in back
so I'm just doing it slowly
there are so many games and not a good way to find/filter games you want, so many get lost
some that are really amazing and look like tons of time and money was put into them
@ZachSaucier What is the current trend for website designs?
Yeah, that's always what worries me most when I think about making a game for the Play Store
Or really a game in general
It isn't easy to stand out
its overwhelming really, I mean just look at all the early access titles on Steam
@BruceBanEm there is no one trend
Steams library I think has almost doubled in a year
so many games lol
Hahaha yeah
Anything dominant? You said you hated parallax scrolling so I'm just wondering if there are any elements that are consistent across many new sites that people seem to like more now.
My advice, don't follow trends. Its not unique.
posted on August 07, 2014

New Cyanide and Happiness Short.

Alright thanks again for the advice and providing me with some terms I was unfamiliar with.
So guys I cringed yesterday
we have a dedicated wordpress developer
and I was talking about UNCSS and how awesome it is
and he said "Thats cool, but it will be even better when we find a wordpress plugin to do it!"
I just smiled and said heh, yeah...
Wordpress plugins fix everything.
lol I know right
made me really question his ability and understanding of dev..
they are doing live minification I guess too on the server (with a wordpress plugin)
@mikedidthis So what you are saying is don't be a hipster. But trying not to follow the trends will also make you a hipster right?
Im like why.. just do it pre deployment wtf
Yeah, I had to set something up like that the other day. It was sad. To be fair the plugin works well.
we use umm w3 total cache I know
which seems really nice, I just threw it on my blog
But, you know, end product should be optimised.
@Loktar pretty much. You just look like all the other hipsters.
but idk, imo the minification/concat stuff should just be done pre deployment
yep, totally agree. Sadly I took the theme other when it was already live.
it just feels like wasted processing I guess
@Loktar You use Gulp, right?
Its just one more thing to remember.
Make change, make sure the cache plugin has cleared the cache and created new files.
yeah true, and not everyone has good deployment automation
RTL languages so weird
on CM with one guy who uses it now
ooh yeah that too @mikedidthis yeesh
I was trying to convince them to do that locally as well
I'm going to give Gulp a shot when making the JS13k game, methinks
and push changed content to the server
using phantomjs
@SomeGuy do it. Its super simple.
@SomeGuy nice! I hope you like it, I prefer it over grunt
@ZachSaucier What's so weird about them?
I wonder if the caching plugins just use obstart/obend
I remember doing that on zombiegames.net
It got really cold in my office as soon as I came back from the bathroom
I'm shivering now
generated static .html files for everything
something like this:
?this is the question
and it's on the right
Not sure, I know this one looked at wpenque and then does a switch around.
yeah translating it to english but keeping the RTL flow would make it look odd I bet
wtf, SharePoint Designer is automatically removing my -ms-filter
They want to discourage people from supporting IE
like this is Designer
the "power editing" mode
anyone ever had this issue before? when I save my psd file as pdf, it comes out as super-small
are you zoomed in while viewing in Photoshop?
nvm finally fixed the problem. always a minute after asking huh
LOL but it allows the IE 6-7 and sometimes 8 filter @SomeGuy @Loktar
so the standards -ms-filter is out, but the non-standards filter is okay
lol friggin sharepoint man
I just heard some frightening news
so like I said they use WP here
but they've apparently done some customizations...
and can't keep it up to date
its liek a huge undertaking
Sounds scary
its pretty insane because WP vulnerabilities are so damn common
@SomeGuy yeah it confuses me.. like wth did they do to change it so much
you see the new vulnerability for drupal/wordpress?
Oh, shit
That seems like a pretty awesome exploit, though :p
what fun names for the attacks
at work there is a client who is running Drupal 5
they're screwed.
4 messages moved to Trash
ok so I was told why
we use something called pagelines which is garbage
and they are trying to get off of it
posted on August 07, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by Astrea */

You're the only one with that badge!
Q: How to use sibling combinator with :valid pseudoclass in IE?

recursiveI've stumbled across some odd behavior in IE 10 and 11. The adjacent sibling CSS combinator works. (+) The :valid and :invalid pseudo classes work. But when you put them together, they get weird. Take this html <input required> <p class="message">message</p> styled with this css input:val...

Ah yes, the classic IE/Chrome "I cannot repaint things properly" bug. — BoltClock ♦ 26 secs ago
2 plugins and 70 lines of jQuery later... and I need a shower.
@BoltClock I didn't even know that was a tag
@BoltClock Need to update your description, "I'm a teen software developer"
@ZachSaucier No.
why not?
( Í¡° ͜ʖ Í¡°)
@Feeds LOL I love that the guy has to pick him back up and he is still laughing
@ZachSaucier a total of 124 questions... not very common
Probably because when you know specificity is the problem, you know how to fix it
Yeah. More often than not, the answer is specificity. You don't get a lot of questions about specificity, although those do exist
For whatever reason though, people tag questions with css-specificity when it is the answer, not the question. I'm not so sure that is appropriate but eh.
I think that's 100% appropriate
perfectly tagged questions should have only the languages or libraries etc. that are required to answer the question.
Just had an answer accepted like... 1 and a half months later
The longest delay between me posting an answer and the OP accepting it must be like about a year though
I remember that happening some time ago
So a question about "why isn't my selector working?" correctly answered with "selector specificity, add #element" should be tagged CSS and CSS-selectors and CSS-specificity
though I wonder whether and ought to be synonyms
@TylerH That's something I've thought about. The term specificity isn't very well-defined. As far as I'm concerned it's purely a selector thing, but then the Selectors spec goes and says "the specificity of an inline style attr is defined in css2.1 or css-cascade"
No that's just cascade precedence
yeah cascade order and specificity are distinctly different things
@TylerH I agree
I don't really understand why the spec uses the term so loosely
Q: Points in CSS specificity

SamResearching specificity I stumbled upon this blog - http://www.htmldog.com/guides/cssadvanced/specificity/ It states that specificity is a point-scoring system for CSS. It tells us that elements are worth 1 point, classes are worth 10 points and IDs are worth 100 points. It also goes on top say...

@BoltClock there are various errors in the spec
Also, I had an answer to this that I was working on because I don't really like how the top answer just lists all the implementation limits without saying "these are implementation limits and you shouldn't rely on them"
@TylerH Still not corrected in Selectors 4 apparently :( dev.w3.org/csswg/selectors-4/#specificity
chalk this up to not enough eyes reviewing it
To be fair, it's a pretty good analogy. I've used it myself
A: CSS Pseudo-classes with inline styles

BoltClockNo, this is not possible. In documents that make use of CSS, an inline style attribute can only contain property declarations; the same set of statements that appears in each ruleset in a stylesheet. From the Style Attributes spec: The value of the style attribute must match the syntax of the...

"Think of inline styles as the styles applied to some anonymous super-specific ID selector"
I never would have let them include a typo in the backwards and forwards properties for animations
@TylerH lol
Q: How can i define that beginning of text will appearstraight after end of text inside marquee tag

user3468253I have this code for example: <marquee behavior="scroll" scrollamount="3" direction="up"> Here is some scrolling text... going up!<br><br> here is some other text<br><br> here is some other text<br><br> here is some other text<br><br> here is some other text<br><br> here is some other text<br

It's even a duplicate!
Q: Vertical Marquee remove space

blasteralfred ΨI want to include some vertical marquee text to my page <div> so that the content will be automatically scrolled. I found the following code useful; <marquee behavior="scroll" direction="up" height="250" scrollamount="2" scrolldelay="10" onmouseover="this.stop()" onmouseout="this.start()"> cont...

marquee hasn't been a valid element for like 12 years
is there a return function for something like
`$(".spc tr:nth-of-type(n)")`
where I want to know n?
What do you mean by return function?
@rodling might be better asked in the JavaScript chatroom if you don't get an answer here
@TylerH well i can come up with JS solution, just curious if there is css solution, but ya you are right..
@rodling ... but you just asked a JS question
A CSS solution for...
CSS is more about declaring things rather than finding what things are
in CSS you would tell the browser what N is, not ask it to find it for you
ya, i kinda see your point
tr:nth-of-type(2n+2) to select every 2nd tr element starting with #2
What exactly are you trying to do? Best to frame a complete question
i think presence of css kinda zoned me in on this chatroom
highlight a certain row, it is added into an alphabetical list and then need to be highlighted
if you have written that already in CSS somewhere, then you can use JavaScript (or jQuery, in your case) to find what you already declared
but that's still a JS question and not a CSS question :-)
i just realized it was PEBCAK issue haha
what were you forgetting?
just a poor loop structure
I can't tell what pisses me off more about SharePoint Designer... the fact that it changes half my code on its own, or the fact that it crashes half the time when I save.
oh god, I'm in the awkward part of Frank Sinatra's career on Spotify
skip skip skip
So how to I convert something like 06 August 2014 to Wed, 06 Aug 2014 19:04:27 +0000
using CSS?
Or do I have to manually make it like that with date() ?
no, PHP
looks like it
second answer there might be helpful too, though
Having a CSS brainfart at the moment. If I want to select the first element (whatever it may be; it could change) of a parent div#insideContent, is the best way: #insideContent *:first-child ? Though I should double check if you can use * with pseudo selectors
@TylerH yeah, that should be ok.
dunno best practice for something like that
@mikedidthis I especially like the IT Consultant
very true
Come in: make suggestions to change lots of things, get paid.
Zero support required
Yep. Zero fucks given.
@mikedidthis Yep, works fine. Thanks.
No worries.
I hope you enjoyed my test text
I can't decide if I like the second to last, or the last line the most :D
@CarrieKendall That dude sucks
you need an id silly.
it uses the requester if none is supplied
4 hours ago, by Carrie Kendall
@mikedidthis That dude sucks
my mistake #failboat
!!stat 2312574
@mikedidthis You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2312574/mikedidthis) have 3229 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 107 answers, for a q:a ratio of 4:107.
avg. rep/post: 29.09. Badges: 1g 7s 25b
@Cereal You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2424975/cereal) have 810 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 14 questions, gave 49 answers, for a q:a ratio of 2:7.
avg. rep/post: 12.85. Badges: 0g 1s 15b
!!stat 998328
@CarrieKendall You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/998328/carrie-kendall) have 3161 reputation, earned 40 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:43.
avg. rep/post: 59.64. Badges: 0g 14s 42b
59.64 is very good.
i got a few upvotes and was hoping it pushed it above 60 :(
when i get above 60, i'm screenshotting that shiz then i am going to repwhorehell
serial upvoting is >2 per day, right?
Thanks @TylerH that works
are you asking what the automated script's (that is kept secret) algorithm is for finding serial voting?
@CarrieKendall Didn't realize it was secret but lots of people have mentioned in meta Q&As that it's anything over 2 votes in a given time frame
lots of people = high rep users and moderators, IIRC
yeah, it is kept secret so people don't try to abuse it :)
they are guessing
is that !!stat updating live? Or does it take a few minutes?
it's live
!!stat 998328
@TylerH Carrie Kendall (http://stackoverflow.com/users/998328/carrie-kendall) has 3171 reputation, earned 50 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:43.
avg. rep/post: 59.83. Badges: 0g 14s 42b
one vote (assuming no one else upped you in the past two minutes) is .19 so one more upvote will put you at 60.01 I'm guessing
someone is linking to my bootstrap tut answer, so i should probably get +1 by the end of the day >:)
oh yeah that big one?
i am pretty sure anyways
i might go looking for it later
it has been getting heavily trafficked so
@mikedidthis derp, was wondering why that above selector wasn't working... forgot that I had wrapped the first element w/ content in a dummy container
@mikedidthis LOL it's your problem now
hello hello
Q: CSS List - align list elements perfectly into the width with an equal gap between them

Ben BeriLet's keep this simple and short, I've made 2 dummy examples of my problem. I have a container section which is 600px wide, this section will container list of products. each product is a 100x100 block, and there is a margin of 62px between each product. The ul is set on display: inline-block ...

@TylerH happens all the time. More times than I care to remember.
Was like WHY ISN'T THIS WORKI-- oh.
move along... nothing to see here...
Aw @ObiWanWesabi beat me to an answer
different answers, though
yeah :P
have an upboat, but I wouldn't use either of your answers :D
the only correct answer would be.... waitforit
mike would use a WordPress plug-in
I would just float them and carry on
haven't seen that comic in months
Flexbox one.
I would respond with "but we have to support IE8" at which point @rlemon would throw me out of the window
Flexbox wan
display: flexwank
yes, it's nearly impossible to use flexbox for websites today @TylerH
!!doge true, length, password
            such true
                           very  length
so  password
Its always about length, right?
@mikedidthis also special chars
just use your social security number (american thing)
@BenBeri updated my answer (just for annoy @TylerH)
@CarrieKendall can you make that image bigger please
@TylerH bigger is better, ask your lady friends
@ObiWanWesabi code-only answer, serial downvote fuuuuuuu
@CarrieKendall I don't have any of those, too expensive
explains so much
@TylerH go ahead, i deserve it
@mikedidthis blocked :-(
@CarrieKendall you're such a nice girl dude
@TylerH to further prove your point:
+1 because you're not TylerH — Carrie Kendall 35 secs ago
btw, i love code only answers, for the same reason i don't like most code /* comments */ that say what is obvious
@CarrieKendall :-(
be my frand
I <3 how we are all so supportive in this room. Good job.
(this message has been removed by a moderator)
+1 because you're not TylerH — Carrie Kendall 2 mins ago
@ObiWanWesabi needs moar +1s than your answer :)
i don't think a mod would like what we are doing here xD
9 votes on that post and not a single one for the question, laughoutloud
I got the: Don't forget to upvote the question popup.

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