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10:00 AM
No, how to put in jsfiddle , i kept some js files are in seperate folder.
i.imgur.com/qjPdhcv.png < this is how it cuts off on landscape, i.imgur.com/GWWAERY.png < this is how it cuts off on portrait
No such problem on desktop
weird give a link
@k111ky it looks great on my phone, nexus 5 chrome
I have nexus 4 chrome lol
we should have the same chrome you know
10:03 AM
can anyone please help me..
android 4.4.4
exactly the same version
really weird
@PatsyIssa: "With great sudo comes great responsibility"
awesome one!
u made it on ur own?
gotta admit wasn't mine :P
10:08 AM
I saw it and felt.. thats cool, gonna use it somewhere..
hahahha yeah
a friend of mine on facebook posted something along the lines of it, got refined
but original concept wasn't mine
btw what do u do ?
working or studying?
working graduated last year
saw this nice answer on Quora
u r from beirut right ?
I have never been there but is it true?
Yup from beirut what's true? :P
10:19 AM
the answer from the link
there is this TV show called Homeland that showcased a place like this
Oh yeah, hamra street is a pub/coffee shop street
it's full of restaurants and pubs
It's normal for people to think that everyone in the middle east is wearing a suicide vest under their clothes, blame the media
and they think that everyone in india are snake charmers and know magic tricks :P
Tbh from the media i see india is portrayed as the land of public defecation and gang rape
At least that's all they report about india
(british news)
10:24 AM
over here India is the land where they crap on the streets (Baltic news)
But I v met my share of indians to know that just like anywhere you got good people and assholes, but thing is everything is relative, we have 6 mil peeps here 30% are dicks, you have 1.2 bil and 30% are dickheads as well
we got 1.5m people, 800.000 of them are dicks.
@k111ky star for maths.
the rest are Estonians
10:27 AM
450000 is 30% of 1.5m
where r u from, k111ky?
sorry, will have to google it uo
And unlike all the imported Russians who are by now in majority, I'm actually a native Estonian.
I didn't even know about estonia before today
sorry man..
117 countries in this world
10:29 AM
@k111ky Friend of mine was supposed to take a business trip to Estonia to fix some client's server or something
Estonia is in NATO, right?
the number is beyond 190 actually
But the flight the company offered him was through Turkey so he refused.
Please don't annoy the Russians. We've got your back if they start something, but still, take it easy
@TomW yes
10:31 AM
@SecondRikudo any specific reason for that?
@GNi33 Turkey kind of openly hates Israel. So both due to ideology and fear of being targetted.
oh, okay. Forgot that you're from Israel
u guys are all web developers?
@SecondRikudo Israelis and armenian people have things in common :P
@AmoghTalpallikar yup we mostly chill in this room, since we discuss everything from programming to poopslides
I got the idea
there is this JavaScript chatroom i went to before this
there was only chat about everything except programming
I ended up here then
10:34 AM
usually the js room is a bit stricter
making a canvas game as my pet project
there were a lot of my kind there
and they were discussing about marriages in india
Aug 4 at 9:43, by mikedidthis
Is anyone doing http://js13kgames.com/ this year?
with someone from bulguria
I am learning
You need to wait for us and canada peeps to come on in the js room
I haven't ever made a game in my life!
10:36 AM
Now is the time to start ^^
@AmoghTalpallikar that's because we (room regulars) kinda know each other for some time now. Personal chat comes up all the time
no complains
btw my prob got resolved
anyone seen @IonicaBizau around
but if you want to talk about tech/js over there, no problem, people will join in
@AmoghTalpallikar Most of us (except a few rep whores cough @Mr.Alien cough) abandoned main site for chat
10:36 AM
@AmoghTalpallikar The main reason is that we come to chat to hang and chill, so we aren't always on-topic :)
@PatsyIssa: I did start with native iOS dev for a year and a half
then moved towards web dev
I personally think web dev is more fun
yeah it is..
but coming back to games
The future isn't with native phone apps, phones come and go, the web is eternal.
@AmoghTalpallikar did you delete your question?
10:38 AM
is html5 canvas ready for mobile devices?
on dual core android devices, it sucks
kind of
yes I did
the prob was somehtng else
It is check out cocoon js
!!caniuse webgl
caniuse: webgl
10:39 AM
cocoonjs charges?
Mobile browsers don't yet support webgl it seems
where is @Purify go?
I heard about ejecta
that works with impactjs
cocoonjs + impact
10:40 AM
@Purify is probably crashing some server somewhere
k.. going for my evening tea
will be back in some time
Cya around ^^
awesome here
may be u will find me here often
kind of bored off both facebook and quora these days
@PatsyIssa ha
Oh, he got let go right?
Yeah but that was a while back
His contract ended
Said he might have to move back to the uk
10:48 AM
Ahh right, well I hope he is alright.
dm him on twitter
11:17 AM
@user3890317 ...
Just build your form differently... You're using Wufoo aren't you?
@SecondRikudo tinyavatar++
@PatsyIssa I'm getting there
@SecondRikudo: yes, built by wufoo
@user3890317 So just build the form however you like...
11:27 AM
But i dont how fix this, which is mentioned in stackoverflow.
You've gotten two answers
At least one of them is correct.
@SecondRikudo: first one is not correct..
@easwee drag the cursor in the middle and enjoy :O
11:33 AM
I am back
@easwee why did you use haml?
because I use * as sign
11:36 AM
haml + sass + compass
Any good resources to CSS?
@easwee i m not complaining it's trippy as fuck
no matter how many times I try
I never get CSS positioning
11:37 AM
@PatsyIssa i used compass since it has a build in sin and cos functions
click edit pen if you want to see
I did that's how i found out you are using haml
i'm to lazy to copy paste that many lines
11:52 AM
posted on August 07, 2014 by Chris Coyier

Hotjar Insights is a web app to help you understand your website visitors. It combines a lot of insight tools (that you might pay for separately) into one unified platform. Heatmaps that tell you where your users are clicking. Feedback forms. Exit polls. Surveys. Video recordings of users using your site. A platform for recruiting people to do user testing for you. Live chat integration. Funnel

@ObiWanWesabi o/
whats this feed thing?
this looks like more of an ad to me
@AmoghTalpallikar It's an RSS feed parser.
This room is listening to a feed by css-tricks as well as several others sites
So when they post, we get notified here.
Stackoverflow has such features as well
btw.... Just in

12:01 PM
@SecondRikudo 100 universities recommend w3, no wonder why developers are getting dumber by the generation
@PatsyIssa It's a good thing I don't draw my knowledge from universities, but from the web.
was a waste of 4 years
didn't even go to my graduation, my dad picked up my certificate 6 months later because he needed it
yeah but parties were fun
how good is coursera?
12:05 PM
@PatsyIssa Yeah, it's the native one, and I didn't want to implement the whole thing just to style it better
I put it off, and never got around to it
@AmoghTalpallikar I really like it
Take a look at other apps and how they handle the pro versions, most of them just have it as a cert
It's good but i have yet to follow through any course :P
Yeah, I know. Phonegap was a pain :P
I couldn't find an easy way to do it
And since I had no experience with Java, I didn't know what else to do
Nothing worth doing is easy !!!!!
Not everything hard is worth doing, though
(I apologize to all the creeps out there with boners)
I think you would like that movie
12:08 PM
I have it on my list
I watched it yesterday
Going to watch it...soon
Liked it, I assume?
Have to say it's nice to see movies work on their scripts instead of flashy visuals
Entire movie revolves around a discussion in the same room
@SomeGuy at my age, I don't worry about such things popping up :P
12:10 PM
@PatsyIssa Ooh, like 12 Angry Men?
Haven't seen it
You should
It's quite brilliant
I ll download it tonight
I still don't get why it cuts off half the page on my phone and not on any other phone with the same exact browser
It's an old movie, though
12:12 PM
Are you familiar with amber, as in the substance
Amber is fossilized tree resin (not sap), which has been appreciated for its color and natural beauty since Neolithic times. Much valued from antiquity to the present as a gemstone, amber is made into a variety of decorative objects. Amber is used as an ingredient in perfumes, as a healing agent in folk medicine, and as jewelry. There are five classes of amber, defined on the basis of their chemical constituents. Because it originates as a soft, sticky tree resin, amber sometimes contains animal and plant material as inclusions. Amber occurring in coal seams is also called resinite, and the term...
I tried watching this movie. seemed abstract to me
A/w about amber, one of my ex bosses invited me over last night to chill, he goes around looking for perfumers and he gave me some amber
Smells amazing
amber is:
1- the cheerleader in 2263892731092 hollywood movies
2- the thing jurassik park took dna from
12:18 PM
hahahah no
@PatsyIssa are you sure that was amber and not ambergris?
which is used in perfumes
12:20 PM
Let me find a pic
@TomW Yeah, I've heard about that before
Super expensive, isn't it?
man wtf, whale semen @PatsyIssa xD
A sperm whale's digestive substance
Not semen :p
oh, fair enough, both compounds although similarly named and completely unrelated are both used in perfumery
12:22 PM
what you all are talking about
w3c, pls input:text pseudo

:-webkit-any(input[type=text], input[type=search], input[type=tel], input[type=url],input[type=email], input[type=password], input[type=date], input[type=month],input[type=week], input[type=time], input[type=datetime-local], input[type=number], input[type=color])
12:35 PM
i gor for lunch and we are already at whale semen
like whales' digestive substance is better, right? xD
same shit
already talking about whale's is disgusting xD
since when regex101.com cloned jsfiddle's theme? :P
well since jsfiddle coppied facebook theme xD
12:40 PM
lol, true
@ObiWanWesabi later
talking about cloning themes
this website copied theme from a website which itself didnt have a gr8 theme
but this regex101 looks nice though
12:57 PM
I think HN looks alright
they forgot adds

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