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@easwee made me wish we had spheres in CSS
i saw the title
"if we can ever make spheres in css"
what is it?
but i'm thinking now how to fake it
ya, I know we could fake it
as we could fake a lot of things (and I have)
posted on August 07, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Hey geeks! The Augie pre-order page will be open for just a little w

I'm to the point where I want to make really challenging things or something useful, not just fake stuff though
user image
@ObiWanWesabi lol
@ObiWanWesabi captain obvious plz?
I wonder if he was kidding
@Feeds Hahaha, love this one
@ZachSaucier guess so :D
@ZachSaucier I'd be very surprised if he wasn't
i still don't get it
@SomeGuy me too
@easwee Neil deGrasse Tyson!
sorry - I'm bad with gossip
who is he?
gossip, haha
he's a scientist
i never recognize people
@easwee he's a physicist
or remember names
he invented universe
ok :P
Hahaha "gossip"
well you gave me a name - doesn't tell me much
ya, no worries
I assumed you'd google him :p
@easwee watch "cosmos", 2014 series
i'm to lazy
@ObiWanWesabi this x 100
@ZachSaucier did you see Neil's comment about the buttons?
looks like he's right
yes I saw
but it works on FF
no it doesn't
the hover is default Win7 hover
if you change the color:blue to color:green for example, you'll see
and him having the same name as the guy we're talking about in chat doesn't help
Of course not
@ZachSaucier yeah - please - stop confusing me
@TylerH I swore I had it working yesterday
I thought it was working when I tested it because I was just glancing at it
didn't stop to think that color:blue would be a lot darker
so it's your fault
because I was too lazy
I remember now
it's your fault for trusting me :-P
TIL never trust TylerH
but, there's been a bug report open and assigned on Mozilla for it for some time now
posted on August 07, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by lalouve */

hopefully it will be changed eventually
@ObiWanWesabi @Mr.Alien ^^ AOE in your browser will come eventually :D
IE12 is gonna have support for playing web browser games with your xbox controller
I forget the API name
webGL is the future imo
i want that internet like in Cowboy Bebop
I'm learning some WebGL
harder than I thought to pick up
Yeah, use ThreeJS
ever think your song is skipping then realize it's just dubstep?
@easwee I love Cowboy Bebop
I tried for a while to just learn the basics, but it's pretty complicated. ThreeJS simplifies it a lot
ThreeJS is wonderful
we use it here
Here being where?
@ZachSaucier easwee.net/code-samples/rotating-cube that's the most I've done till now
was hoping to use that for a commercial rpoject
@SomeGuy my workplace
Yeah, I was asking where you work XD
IT department supporting a hospital group
after a week of dealing with bad threejs documentation i switched to plain html with javascript rotations
@TylerH I hope they updated their docs
We don't get to do much fun stuff, usually it's "make an internal webpage for this doctor's e-paperwork" and stuff
@easwee Well, I see they updated their website X-P It looks way worse now IMO
old one was beautiful
this is why I hate it
TODO everywhere
Haha, not a lot of pages are that way, though
holy shit they should get on that
well - a year ago it was even worse
Also I just have to say I think it's such a mistake that you can't crop in Adobe Illustrator that someone deserves to be fired for it
seriously, every image editing software ever lets you crop
so I just dumped everything due to short deadline
Go searching for how I can do it in AI... "that's not really what illustrator is for"
illustrator is not image editing software
yes it bloody is
no - it's vector based
you make images
you export images
that's even more support for my claim
crop them in photoshop - i think it has a simple port to PS option
vectors are easier to edit precisely
can't crop in PS, need to save the data from AI
PS loses some
use fireworks mby?
they are like a mix between photoshop and ilustrator
@ZachSaucier I am looking for a game with real world play now like, extract oil, minerals etc, make buildings for population, create tanks and planes etc for war
most pro webdesigners switched to fireworks
so I heard
not giving any facts
@Mr.Alien civilization?
they should just support cropping -_-
lal :D
@easwee I have that but the game itself is so complicated with the controls that I left
write to their support
"ChromeOS is a variant of Linux" huh, nice
@ZachSaucier meh - why would I use a donkey if I can have a stallion?
what do you guys think of this?
first page: http://i.imgur.com/8l87sSx.jpg
second page: http://i.imgur.com/AvFve50.jpg
I like linux well enough. What do you prefer @easwee?
@ZachSaucier y - I wanted to say - if you have many linux distributions already done over years why would I use chromeOS
@DarkAshelin Why left align languages when you right align the title?
@easwee Ah. I just didn't know what ChromeOS uses. Now I do :)
not suggesting you switch
well maybe it will be lightweight
@DarkAshelin where's code?
@easwee depends if you want something that's never gonna give up or something that is powerful :-P
netbooks would be happy
@ZachSaucier no reason, will change
@ZachSaucier what code?
speacially those cheap ones
@DarkAshelin Any XD
@easwee Well, because a stallion would use more resources. If you don't need one, you can save those resources
You can list languages and technology you use
@ZachSaucier why? this isn't for a coding application
last time I've seen some indian netbook for 30$
but as 3D artist
We aren't the target audience for ChromeOS
if I don't see code for them I won't know how much
@DarkAshelin Ah
The target audience is the consumers who think that the internet is all a computer is good for
@SomeGuy y I suppose not
@DarkAshelin as an English nazi I would say change "I work very fast" to "I work very quickly"
and definitely change "eye to detail" to "eye for detail"
@TylerH somehow the first sounds better to me
uh yes, changed that
@DarkAshelin well it's incorrect X-P
@DarkAshelin cool! the apple's shadow is 3d rendered? looks not realistic is it?
6 messages moved to Trash
might be making this one tonight
seems easy
@ObiWanWesabi yes it is
that's why I added it. All those images are 3d renders by me
@DarkAshelin why do you have your birthday listed? (twice)
or once
well you have it listed as your birthday
u mean my age twice then
which I find odd but I don't know the norm in your country
and then your age at the top
eh well, it was just to indicate age
it's regular to list it
in America age can't really be asked
at least afaik
ah kk
most companies require it even
here it's illegal to discriminate based on age so it's one of the questions that can't be asked unless it directly affects your ability to do your job
like combat in the military or something
that being said, it's very easy to find out
well besides that, good cv?
just look at an image
@easwee that's trippy. i like it
Yeah it looks good
here you don't need to list it but you will require to give your EMÅ O code in roder to get the contract valid - but that is your personal ID code from which the date can be seen in the first few numbers
on the second page I'd add a space between "workexperience" since it's two words
where you have it listed each time
@DarkAshelin have you tried to put the light a bit more distant? or use 2+ lights?
otherwise I really like it :-)
well I must go
@TylerH nice catch
my car got serviced
have to pick it up
got new breakes xD
@ObiWanWesabi are you talking about the 3D render images?
yeah, the apple
anyway the layout is super cool, like it a lot
eh well, if I want to change that I'd have to re-render the entire thing (not to mention reinstall the 3d program)
@easwee bye
so I'll just leave it for now lol
ok ok, postprocessing then? :P
guys the "Eevee" thing isn't bothering anyone?
1 sec
my text below is currently:
Once I get to know my tools, I work very quickly. I am always trying to improve myself and the environment around me, and try to work as efficiently as possible. With an eye for detail, I aim to make photorealistic images and animations. In a good work environment, I can easily evolve my skills.
@CarrieKendall You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/998328/carrie-kendall) have 3141 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 10 questions, gave 43 answers, for a q:a ratio of 10:43.
avg. rep/post: 59.26. Badges: 0g 13s 42b
That's a pretty good average
@SomeGuy You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/401137/some-guy) have 8537 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 241 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:241.
avg. rep/post: 34.14. Badges: 3g 25s 44b
so close to 60
i want > 60 :(
@DarkAshelin bothering? No. I'd just skip over it
damn @CarrieKendall thats a nice avg
@Loktar You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/322395/loktar) have 17461 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 4 questions, gave 476 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:119.
avg. rep/post: 36.37. Badges: 1g 30s 57b
@DarkAshelin I didn't know what it was
hopefully not a pokemon reference
It is
It's just who she is
!!stat 829835
@CarrieKendall rlemon (http://stackoverflow.com/users/829835/rlemon) has 10037 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 71 questions, gave 369 answers, for a q:a ratio of 71:369.
avg. rep/post: 22.81. Badges: 4g 35s 77b
err... heh well I wouldn't put eevee
i'm failing @DarkAshelin nvm :P
I would just put graphic designer or w/e you are specifically looking for
but that's just me
@DarkAshelin Hahahaha
Quite subtle, yes
I'm hoping for the recruiter to have a good laugh out of it
"this girl's funny, let's hire her!"
It'll probably just confuse them if they even notice :p
and then maybe if they read the text they'd be like oh... OOOOH
@GNi33 You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/809950/gni33) have 2497 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 50 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:50.
avg. rep/post: 48.96. Badges: 0g 11s 28b
@DarkAshelin You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2539335/dark-ashelin) have 1411 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 11 questions, gave 107 answers, for a q:a ratio of 11:107.
avg. rep/post: 11.95. Badges: 0g 2s 22b
whats up guys
@CapricaSix Nice
lowest stats of all
i might have lower stats :D
I haven't answered anything in a very, very long time
!!stat 2620028
@SomeGuy That dude sucks
I don't even look around at the mainpage too much anymore
@Mr.Alien You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/1542290/mr-alien) have 60434 reputation, earned 20 rep today, asked 28 questions, gave 1618 answers, for a q:a ratio of 14:809.
avg. rep/post: 36.71. Badges: 11g 65s 102b
Designer relationship feed I'm totally subscribing, hahaha
rep/post dropped :s
@AaronSiciliano You (http://stackoverflow.com/users/2620028/aaron-siciliano) have 125 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 2 questions, gave 16 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:8.
avg. rep/post: 6.94. Badges: 0g 0s 8b
@DarkAshelin There
@SomeGuy rofl
@ZachSaucier Hahahaha that's awesome
^^ I didn't got that
The girl saw that she was on the big screen in the stadium
some random guy is asking me for help in the trash room
wanted to do something unique I guess
> when you think its a fart but its not
@ZachSaucier Liar. I'm not!
@ZachSaucier haha the best one is, "We are not all pixel-perfect, baby"
I hope there are more in the future
@TylerH someone reading lips said she was making fun of someone
saying "guy over there was like this"
it's a short clip slowed down
I wanna see the full one
but.. its reddit who even knows lol
the bullet remote made me lol more thinking it was that
So guys, is a mailing list on a blog a good idea?
that would be a fun thing to do with my significant other
I love posts like these imgur.com/gallery/UTQiF
so inspiring
@k111ky I'd say so. For updates. Optional of course
that camera balancer is insane
hah yea
crap, #12 is like a legit transformer
the prosthetic arm made my arm feel tired
I cant imagine trying to control one and it reacting slower than you want
@k111ky meh, RSS would be better imo
I wouldnt mind getting emails when my fav blogs updated.. but good luck getting me to give them my email I'm too lazy
Also, if I have to click more than once to unsubscribe, I will find you and kill you.
Nah I was thinking an input box and a submit button, boom
I'd probably do it via mailchimp or something
I dont think it would hurt to add it
but don't have it be the only thing
^ that
RSS is a given of course, which I also need to make, atom?
what movie is this? haha i.imgur.com/hZGW0tE.gif
american psycho? I don't know
American Psycho was gonna be my guess but he doesn't look thin enough
yea that guy actually went dangerously skinny for one film
he takes his roles very seriously
Guys, how do you know when you are competent enough with a technology to interview for a job requiring it?
You don't, you just tell them you are?
if you fail and get fired, at least you got experience.
Is it possible to change image color from white to any other color with filters?
@AaronSiciliano can you solve simple problems using simple solutions?
No iirc. It alters the whole image.
Bahahaha so there is no good metric for being able to tell your knowledge of programming languages then.
@BenBeri You can with js
I figure the less people whine about your code and such, the better you are.
@TylerH I would like to believe so. However that is entirely subjective and my simple might not be what is actually optimal.
Or so I take my level of skill over the years
@AaronSiciliano if you can do the job you're knowledgeable I'd say
@ZachSaucier That would require me getting the job first.
@AaronSiciliano If you've done some work of your own, and you are constantly learning/improving, then you are probably on the right track, at least
if not ready already
you explain why you're knowledgeable now by showing previous work
However i have been avoiding applying for jobs in my field because i have no way to know for sure whether i could actually do them.
I lasted half a month on my first agency, after that I took a year to learn as hard as I could and I killed it on my second agency.
@ZachSaucier In that case i would have to develop a live demo of something for every language i claim competency in?
you should already have one xD

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