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good luck!
60 / 100
you go through nginx or node now?
node behind nginx
Q: Make custom avatars unlockable by reputation

FfisegyddI propose that custom avatars should be unlocked as a reputation privilege, say 10 rep similarly to the other "new user restrictions" privileges. This will stop people "avatar-bombing" the chat rooms where they join the chat rooms with brand new accounts that often have offensive avatars. The de...

nginx proxy_pass to the node app
I've learned so much about nginx configs the last few days
and omg are they so much better than dealing with Apache
I need to try it out
sounds promising that they're better than apache's
the configs for multiple domains is so easy
and proxy for node is super easy as well
I struggled to try and get node behind apache and failed.
upstream app_foo {
server {
  listen 80;
  server_name www.foo.com foo.com;
  location / {
    root /var/www/foo;
    proxy_pass app_foo;
    proxy_redirect off;
duplicate for as many apps as you want on the same server
and that is just in my /nginx/conf.d/defaults.conf file
I'm doing something similiar, but with node instead
@Loktar yea I saw the node-http-proxy module
I use compressor.io for image compression
i use it in another project
but i've been told it is a bad idea to run node as root, and to get node on port 80 you have to run it as root
I use that within my gulp task to min any images introduced to the project
lorempizza has image compression
I should tweak that script to just be an image compression script and rehost it
@rlemon they aren't optimized though
uses gm, i'm sure there is a way for gm to optimize it
graphics magick
like imagemagick but better
!!C program or something fun
@ZachSaucier C program
always the productive option
how's your birthday, rlemon?
not bad
slept in, came into work around 9:30
off work in 45 minutes :P
I'm following approximately an 8-5 school work day this year, or at least trying to
yea my work days are generally 8-5 with an hour for lunch
mine are 9:30-4-ish :P
yea because you are a bastard :P
my classes keep me busy this semester
<3ro love
I work flex yay
I work at night randomly too though
yea so do I
since i can actually work from home at this job
but I drive the GF too and from work, so I can't work flex because she can't
couldnt in the gov.. still only worked like 8-3 though
@rlemon ah lame
she's ops manager, so flex isn't an option for her :P
@ZachSaucier how many credit hours are you taking?
@Loktar only 15 this semester, but each is more difficult than average
@rlemon plan on marrying her?
that is the plan
glad to hear it
now I have to plan what I want to wear for the wedding...
won't be for a while
buying the house first
@AndrewBarber o/
to what do we owe the pleasure?
@rlemon o\
Just seeing if any death is warranted!
you are SO's Michael?
heh... took me a second to get that! I'm not so much an angel, though ;)
What's the purpose of doing something like int functionName(void); int main(void) { ... }; int functionName() { ... Actual function ... };?
it's like they're saving a reference even though it's declared later in the same file...
unrealistic school program is unrealistic
that's not what I'm talking about xD I mean the other function
Can anyone work out what is making FAQ not central? I used text-align: center, yet it's off slightly. >.<
it is central - you just have extra space on the "what software.." section
the container div is greedy - going to take up 50% since that's the max. It's not sizing to the content
change its display to inline-block if you want to fix that
@ZachSaucier Thanks man. Fixed
I hope you're learning from us, not just fixing :)
@ZachSaucier Obviously >.<
I just mean that because of the first two comments shows the thinking behind it. If you're just fixing then I will skip 'em, haha
your nav highlighting is deceptive
@ZachSaucier Don't worry. I don't think like that. ;)
meaning the hover states don't line up with the visual state
@ZachSaucier Is that any better?
I didn't mean the colors, I mean you can't hover over the top left sides of the parallelograms
@ZachSaucier The triangles are created using borders.
You cannot have triangular elements.
you can do it using transforms :D
@ZachSaucier I tend to stay away from those
1 sec
@JordanRichards I see no reason why
I could rotate an element
...which uses transforms...
-webkit-transform: <transform-list>; /* Chrome 21-35, Safari, iOS Safari, Opera 22, many mobile browsers */
 -ms-transform: <transform-list>;     /* IE9 */
 transform: <transform-list>;
I just have the tendency to stay away from transforms. I'm not sure how compatible, I better do some research.
that's the support for transforms
the fallback would just be rectangular elements
Very decent.
Thanks Zach, I'll work on that later. :)
I'll do it for you
So happy that the support for transforms is broad.
just give me a min, haha
@ZachSaucier No please, I like to practice :)
Thanks anyway :D
I'll be afk for around 15 minutes.
@JordanRichards here's the answer if you want to check what you get ;)
you can remove a tiny bit of rendering error by using translateZ(1px) as well jsfiddle.net/Zeaklous/8oenjmrw/1
@ZachSaucier Cheers :)
You can remove the HTML comments and still prevent the inline-spaces by wrapping the entire set of DIVs in a NAV, setting the font-size of the NAV to 0, and then setting the font-size of the DIVs to 1rem.
I know, I just did that real quick
Does no one minify HTML outputs anymore?
Hey guys!
Can I have some help?
I've run into an issue with spacing in a horizontal list that doesn't make sense.
Don't ask to ask, just ask!
one sec...
I hate when I answer questions with 5-10 upvotes and get 0 upvotes on the correct answer
So I have a horizontal list on my site
and all the list items are equal, no difference other than content, but width and padding and margin are all the same
thats the issue
in chrome and firefox there is a 2px larger gap between the middle two of the 4 list items
show me a demo
but jsfiddle doesnt have it
the gap
so link me to the page...
@SethTaddiken Probably to do with the browser defaults.
posted on September 05, 2014

Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "WRITING." - originally published 9/3/2014 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!

Each browser has it's own default properties.
safari doesnt seem to have the gap
whoa nvm
It seems like the background image makes it look like a gap but it's not its just darker...
Oh and I figured out my issue last night/this morning where there was extra space within the left side of my ul
I forgot that ul's indent by default
so I set the padding to zero
My inline-block(add 4px to margin) list items are 124 px(width) each with 4 px(2 px each side) extra on margin making the total width of the items 132 px... right?
so turns out that the inline-block adds 2 px to each list item, except for the left side of the first(left most) one that rests in unordered list element
What's the difference between using <!-- comment --> and /* comment */?

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