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@rlemon so the google api fonts thing is just a way to get fonts that arent standard on most browsers?
an easy way* yes
@rlemon ty for all the info
it's not too bothersome when i ask you lots is it?
nope, just don't ask me the same questions over and over ;P (not saying you have) but that gets old fast.
ok lol

Javascript Resources.

Sep 4 '12 at 13:36, 2 minutes total – 8 messages, 1 user, 1 star

Bookmarked Sep 4 '12 at 13:40 by rlemon

if you are looking to get into this stuff, this is a good bunch of links to start you off
yes, once you get a thirst :P docs are wonderful
stay away from w3schools.
I read a book called HTML&CSS htmlandcssbook.com and thats what got me re-started in web design
they are not affiliated with w3c and are not a good resource for someone looking to get into it
lol i check css propetries there all the time
is that bad?
it tell you what is depreciated in html5
developer.mozilla.org/en-US is a much more reliable source
mozilla developer network (mdn) is a public wiki
meaning anyone can update mistakes.
w3schools is slow to correct mistakes (if ever) and has some poor code examples
@SethTaddiken if you're checking the names of properties it's okay
they are not great for people who are just starting out
just don't rely on what they say about anything
@ZachSaucier or just use mdn
it isn't like there are not alternatives.
vv this
w3schools just owns SEO it seems and is almost always top of the google search
ah i know how to make basic web pages and stuff and i use webmatrix
!!google webmatrix
but webmatrix is weird i just like how it shows file oraganization
hadn't heard of it before
nor i
its made by the evil empire
MS isn't evil
do you guys have sublime text?
they just held a long standing monopoly
I use it
i do to lol
didnt mean to express any opinion i like pc's more than mac's if it helps
nahh I don't like either :P
I'm just saying, MS isn't the evil corp people used to and sometimes still see it as.
they were considered a little evil when they demolished netscape
i think
they certainly are not as assholeish as Apple (imo)
nahh the early browser wars were needed
and IE innovated a lot until they let IE6 sit stagnant for like 8 years
now we have to see you do the same thing
I remember gladly using IE over any other browser back in the day because it was in fact the best
ya introduced css right?
mind you, I don't think you were born @SethTaddiken if your age on your profile is accurate :P
:( god damn I'm old.
what is my age on my profile?
ah ya im 15 :)
I turn 28 in 4 hours
happy birthday!
!!google html
I'm so old, I remember when TV was 480p =o(
the bot works for me too :D
@crypticツ my first TV had a 10" screen and was 600lbs
do burnination requests on meta ever get carried out?
my first tv that i remember was a 72" flatscreen
ohh, and the remote was attached to the TV via a long cable.
@rlemon 28 is far from old
it seems to be here :P
@SethTaddiken wow
you are all such young-lings :P
this is what TV remotes looked like at one point
attached to the TV via a cord. push buttons for each channel.
I had one as a kid
this was our remote for a while (little me)
@ZachSaucier =oD meme time!
Got that pimp jacket already :P
when I was 3-4 the family was watching TV one night, I had fell asleep on the couch (like my mom, dad, brother and uncle were watching tv) I get up (sleep walking) and walk in front of the TV, drop my pants and pee all over it. the TV still worked after. 80's TV's were built to last. :P
I ofc don't remember it, but my mom loves telling the story to every gf i've had since I was 14
how does bunination work? Mods just burn them when they feel like it after a request on meta has been made?
who is devdoc.io like a better w3schools?
devdocs is like an API document
but there is a whole hell of a lot there. and you need to know what you are looking for
MDN has beginners guides you can go through first and then goto devdocs if you like to get more information on functions/elements/apis/etc
and this is for javascript?
it's for all of the APIs listed
html,css,and js is on MDN
devdocs is for a whole lot more including those
TIL there are CSS units called pica (pc) and ch (This unit represents the width, or more precisely the advance measure, of the glyph '0' in the element's font.)
i like the people who made htmlandcssbook.com
they have a javascript and php(i think) book
there examples on the website have no doctype
I already don't trust them
how you gonna teach HTML and not put in a doctype?!
the book really stresses the doctype... dem hypocrits
but it helped a lot
just a tip, get a handle on basic js before you start using libraries like jQuery.
some might not agree with me, but I think it is best to do so
jquery is a framework?
like a toolkit
but all baked into one package.
(albeit new jQuery is modular, so it is more like a toolkit)
@ZachSaucier Whats the css learning website you always recommend to people?
jQuery more specifically is an abstraction library, meaning it simplifies things for you. so if you don't already have a prior knowledge of how the language and api's it is abstracting work, you'll have a hell of a time debugging problems.
@rlemon I agree with you, I started with jQuery (because when I started I didn't even know what javascript and jQuery were) and now I regret it
@joshhunt learnlayout.com for positioning
after you get a basic understanding, jQuery will let you do some really cool things that would take you a long time otherwise.
but there is a give and take.
all will come with experience.
Zach whats the website with the plates?
@joshhunt when I started jQuery didn't exist :/
^ old timer :D
my first project ever was super mario in jquery
first programming project ever?
let's see if I can find it
Now I imagine you with long grey hair, a shaggy beard, cowboy hat, and a pick axe
first web project, I had done java before (albeit a couple years before - wasn't very interested at the time)
ah ok
still though lol thats interesting
I mean to me, since jQuery to me doesn't feel that old
because I'm old.
@ZachSaucier damnit...to select the fancy plate I put plate[id="fancy"] instead of #fancy =o(
having to worry about ActiveX when doing xhr seems old to me
jQuery is shiny and new
@crypticツ good!
My first programming experience was my dad trying to teach me to make a tic-tac-toe game in c++ and me hating it. Then I started using Scratch and made a pacman game and that's what made me interested in programming
^^ that's why I hated most of my java course (first experience in programming)
I only liked the very last project because I got to choose what to make
I ended up making a program that gave the entire statistics of any two starcraft 2 units fighting in java
and which unit would win
it was massive, hahhaa
:gets that reminiscent glaze and looks off into the distance: my first programming experience was me sitting down in front of my fathers work pc in 1994, I had QBASIC at my finger tips and an urge to see if I could make a computer do math. guess what. it can.
^ true story btw
qbasic was fun
looking back I was a punk. I had no way to verify it was correct math. I put in two large numbers and it spit back a larger one and I was impressed it did anything at all
My grandma gave me her commodore 64 and the manual as well thank god
> I wonder what 3452345 * 345 is?
> > 1191059025
> woahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
otherwise idk what I would have done
back when manuals were really damn useful
@Loktar I had no manual. and no one interested in pc's :/
it was tough
yeah but you had the help!
the commodore literally just says "Ready"
only after like a year
and a blinking cursor
first year I was going at it blind.
what is this flukeout github thing?
:/ it sucked :P
@SethTaddiken it's a kind of test/game to see what CSS selectors you know
you people that had mice saying it sucked! :P
but in grade six (later in life) I was selected to do a computer enrichment program (only one from my school) and that helped a lot
see looking back I can't now pin point which pc was my first
I remember having a commodore, but I also remember having a very old shitty intel?
i gtg cya guys later
how often are you in this chat?
> visited 1117 days, 305 consecutive
@SethTaddiken we don't leave
ok cya o7
o7 kind of looks like a salute
maybe it was?
haha @ZachSaucier
@rlemon Are you familiar with how windows 8 works in reference to multiple applications running? As in one can click in the top left to select a different application and it effectively focuses on the application clicked?
I like that.
@ZachSaucier nope
ask @Loktar he's a w8 user :P
@ZachSaucier you mean the "metro" apps?
top left shows the most recent one
anyway, I was thinking of how I might create something like it in js
then if you move down from top left to the left it has a bar that appears on the left with all of them
allowing you to select whichever one
in essence it'd be kind of like saving a page state and pulling in a new one
Do you guys know how plausible that is?
definitely doable
I mean as long as you have control of the pages in question
yea tracking mouse / touch movement isn't hard
touch cross browser is a PITA
but the logic is simple
I mainly meant keeping page states exactly how they are
@rlemon i think he means the state of the pages
okay it was a long video. what was I supposed to be looking at :P
yeah I mean if you control the pages you would control the state of whats saved
as in a page has a canvas where a game is being played, it gets paused, state saved, and another page moved in
so like scroll position, ect
and then later the canvas game could be pulled up in the same state
I've been wondering how codepen pauses states
not if they are external resources
but I know it is doable, they do it
like loading google.com doing a search, then loading up amazon.com and then switching back to google
all of the content would be on the site
idk, actually you could probably do it with an iframe in that case I suppose.
you could make each page .. ^
yeah then you could definitely do it
fuckin beat me too it
so in essence have full page iframes then?
you can also in modern browsers create temp documents and clone the structures
really? docs on that?
I'm not sure how the events and states would be handled, I'm sure it is possible.
but not out of the box I assume
I think it's an interesting idea
when you mention canvas games that sounds tricky
but simple pages I wouldnt even keep a live one open
id do something fancy with phantomjs
yea, I would go iframe
it would be easier
take a screenshot on the fly
and just have the screenshot in the top left
then have my json state saved off
when they open it it basically loads the page quickly and applies your state
but like you said, games and such.
there is so much memory to restore.
would you guys be interested in working on such a project with me?
wouldn't it be easier to just hold it in an iframe
I have too many of my own random goals/dreams/time sinks unfortunately :?
Abhishek is delivering on sunday
a layout, not a baby.
well if you guys have any information or specific names of things I should look up let me know
@ZachSaucier you have an in with Chris, ask how codepen pauses the iframes they use for pens on the main page and your user pages etc.
they play for a bit then pause.
i'm amazed with it
Not a bad idea
i'm imagining they just take control of setTimeout setInterval and rAF
but I can't personally think of a good way to take control of it all effectively in all cases.
I think they are crazy for doing it that way
it kills page performance
I would personally generate animated gifs x seconds long
its why they reduced the amt of pens on the main page (performance reasons)
that's what I mean by effective ;)
they do it okay.
not imo
it can be improved on
I think its the easiest/worst way
if it was at all effective they wouldnt have to limit it to 6 pens :?
i'm talking about that specific technique, it's a decent implementation (imo)
how easy is it to make a gif for a few seconds of dynamic size though?
I would think very
@ZachSaucier they have fixed sized boxes they show the pen previews in
I didn't think so...
so they don't need dynamic sizes at all
ya, they definitely change
go test it
ah since they made it responsive it changes for smaller sizes
your application doesn't need animation in the frames tho does it?
wasn't always like that
but still, images scale fine
@rlemon no
they already lose a lot of fidelity even with the iframes at smaller sizes
yea then you can easily find a html -> image snapshot library to use
pausing the iframe would be to restore the state later
html->canvas is okay, but is this a script or an extension?
the image isn't what I'm most concerned with
could end up being either, still in thinking stages of this part of the project (obviously)
if you had a browser extension you could leverage more tools and possibilities
I know chrome at least allows you to use c++ code in browser extensions with limited apis
!!google NPAPI
aww deprecation?!
sent Chris a message. I kind of think he won't respond
from what I can tell he's very work focused. Almost like, "If you can't offer me anything then I'm going to leave"
sometimes people can surprise you
but then again I haven't actually talked to him before
well he does run css-tricks.
he does put up the front of helping people
so maybe he's a nice guy and will give you tips
@WesleyCrushed so i'm down to a mix between 3mg nic and 12mg nic
mostly using the 3mg and a mix of the two
He wrote a blog post on something I asked him via email
and he replied fairly promptly to my email
@joshhunt ya, I know he responds to emails quickly and such, the content of what I'm talking out is just off a bit because it's not something directly related to his content per say. It's more like a request for help
That's true, well no harm in trying
@ZachSaucier Learnt something from that css selectors game, I didn't know that :empty was a selector
glad to hear it :)
is that the one with eggs and plates?
so theoretically you could do something like:
.alert-no-image {
    display: none;

.img:empty + .alert-no-image {
    display: block;
Though you would have to watch out for whitespace
hello everybody
how we can add a fav icon in html5 code
do you need to?
@LijoJoseph favicon or fav icon?
can you not just put it in the root directory?
then include it like <link href="/blog/favicon.png" rel="icon">
^ even that's not necessary when its in the root right?
/I suck with data management/server stuff
according to html5boilerplate it can just be in the root: github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/dist/index.html
i am fresher in html 5 so i don't know more about that.
anyway thanks for your valuable help
and you'll want it to be an .ico not a .png if you want it to work with ie8 (I think?)
again, I have no idea :D
i want to work it with all browsers
On the first day of multivariable calculus (yesterday) we learned how to make the common packing foam shape in one function. Awesome.
then use a .ico. If you have photoshop I think there is a plugin that you can download to allow you to save as .ico
IE didn't start supporting png favicons until IE11 :o
i will try it now.
thanks for your support
@LijoJoseph also put a png this size in your root for tablets/phones: github.com/h5bp/html5-boilerplate/blob/master/dist/…
and make sure it has the same name. Even though it has the word apple in it it's actually used by android devices also
@ZachSaucier I can't tell if you are being sarcastic or not
Not at all! :D
I'm 90% sure that ^ is sarcasm which means the other one was probably sarcasm too
I seriously am not
I love math
I just hate doing the work for it (most of the time)
lol so none of it was sarcasm? Damn visual cues are important
because I was going to say I wish they taught me interesting stuff in college
the first was like dumbfound-ness
the second was being excited :P
it's like you dropped a stone into water, but in one function
now I'm thinking of all the generative landscapes that could be generated using similar types of functions

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