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mike ??
I have no idea sadly. I would say @k111ky but I believe he is internetless.
Try in the JS room?
lemme try
does anyone know a way with the mac command line to duplicate and rename a batch of files? or any other easy way?
No idea, windows user :D
or if you don't like running commands, I often use multi rename tool in total commander (don't know if total commander is available for mac)
Thanks, I'll give it a shot
got automator to do it for me, wasn't as hard as I thought it would be
Just so everyone understands: Developers have been including the -ms- prefix in these types of code blocks until now because IE10 has been in “Platform Preview” and “Developer Preview” mode (which is Microsoft’s weird way of saying “Alpha” or “Beta”).
sure is a weird naming
btw I forgot again how to quote on chat
markdown m*therf*cker, do you speak it? :D
It's not legit markdown here though
Why not?
Is markdown flavoured better?
@PatsyIssa what is your favourite colour?
@ZachSaucier what is your favourite colour?
@easwee what is your favourite colour?
black I think
@ZachSaucier ta :D
well, very close to black
@mikedidthis depends on the mood - but usually yellow or black
if black is color
yeah, I am not 100% on that.
But, black will work.
Don't think i haveo ne :P
Pick one mothertrucker!
@ZachSaucier yeah, off black. :D
@ZachSaucier that is gray
technically speaking yes
but I get your point
i like that shade too
make the interfaces look professional
me too.
specially if you add a very soft noise over it
I use it again on my blog but as an accent color
I'm gonna use it on an app for kickboxing tournament I'll be designing next month
@easwee is there a hex of yellow you like?
This has been stuck in my head for the last day youtu.be/ykIwtNyASVM
@mikedidthis #FFCC11 <-- it's not pure yellow but slightly darker
mustard yellow
Nice, I can use that. Thanks :D
@mikedidthis what are you making?
@easwee skin variations. I finally am going to release some shit :D
in JavaScript, 11 mins ago, by Feeds
posted on September 05, 2014

For the first time we’re going to organise a design conference: dsgnday; 11th of November, Amsterdam. We just unveiled our speakers, and it’s going to be quite a nice conference, if I say so myself. Seeing that he’s the designer, Stephen Hay curates this conference, and he invited the following speakers: Mark Boulton Bonnie Colville-Hyde Val Head Laura Kalbag Leisa R

I would love to go to a conference, but € 275 is a little out my budget.
@mikedidthis atm everything is out of my budget - waste to much money over summer
I know that feel. Kids off school is not good for my back account. Kids going back to school isn't either :D
3 weeks without smoking: about +100€ in my wallet
@mikedidthis i got my first car 2 months ago - wallet depleted
what happened to @Purify?
@easwee yep, that is next for me. The woman has her test soon :(
@WesleyCrushed in the UK I think?
lul - lucky me I don't have kids
there's no internet in the uk?
@easwee I have no one to blame, but myself :D
@WesleyCrushed ha ha
@mikedidthis haha - atleast you admit it - I hate a few friends who always bash on me for not having/planning/wanting kids
Duck em'
I didn't want kids for a long time, but I changed my mind. Everyone finds the right time.
except wes
@WesleyCrushed I'm with you
i have worked too much today because robocraft is down. this is not good
@WesleyCrushed don't spoil your clients
i don't want use them to a "productive me"
dammit why do most canvas examples have such bad code structure
Should HTML be wiped out in favor of a new markup language? discuss
@BenjaminGruenbaum what new markup language?
Not anything concrete
than no
Just something that's built for websites and not documents
if something replace html with xml - so I can make up my own tags
but don't make any new stuff since it won't improve anything
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think templating engines did that already
@easwee you mean like the web components spec?
@PatsyIssa nono, not just templates.
Did someone say web components?
@BenjaminGruenbaum the only problem with HTML5 logic is that as far as semantics go, it will never cover all cases - the rest of the DOM stuff seems ok - unless you totally change and make a language that ignores the DOM completely and works on something else - but this breaks 90% of internet logic than
I mean, the whole <!DOCTYPE html><html>... part
As in, a different markup language for the same markup.
For example (not suggesting it) - something that uses JSON like notation instead of anglebrackets.
the syntax itself is irrelevant - if something change the logic on how the markup works - like I said - the only limiting thing (well not really limiting since we can always use div) is the limited ammount of HTML elements
<b title="aaa" class="foo">hello</b>

tag: 'b',
xml/sgml is better
posted on September 05, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Exclusive bonus comic at The Nib!

posted on September 05, 2014 by James Miller

    Successful developers all have something in common: the desire to create. To fully realize that creativity, they need to continually improve their skills. The web industry has grown from this desire to learn. You only need to look at the unwavering demand for conferences, workshops and training days for evidence of this. For many companies, however, these sources of train

gief json markup
People that disable javascript shouldn't be allowed to be on the internet anyway
@WesleyCrushed yeah sgml
@PatsyIssa only jerks do it
so to you answer your question @BenjaminGruenbaum i think sgml/xml is perfect for web. think about it, you can't make it shorter / easier to parse than it is now
except perhaps using shorter tag names
but that's another question
if they switch to xml I m changing careers :P
what's hard writing html as xml?
you just need to close single tags <img/> and add the xml declaration at the beginning
Stupid question time...
why are all dogs boys and all cats girls?
How do you pick the root heading / text colours? jsbin.com/rifidaworici/1/edit
@rlemon happy birthday! :D
and what is your question? about specificity?
curiosity, would you use the main content color as the default body color, or the sidebar?
body colour
@mikedidthis your sidebar should not contain h1
h1 should be unique per document
@easwee it is, its the logo :D
logo is not page title
posted on September 05, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by j_recuerda */

var h1 = document.createElement('h1');
var style = 'h2 {' + Object.keys(h1.style).map(function(key) {
    return key + ':' + window.getComputedStyle(h1)[key] + ';';
}).join(' ') + '}';
var styleElement = document.createElement('style');
styleElement .textContent = style;
@mikedidthis run this, then use H2 all you want ;)
really though, don't use that. but it is fun script!
anyone here do shopify themes ?? @mikedidthis ?
y-you guys
the Oculus Rift and the Virtuix Omni only cost a total of €655
seriously considering it...
dont do it!
well the rift is amazing
but the omni I'm not sold on personally
id wait for the CV1 when it comes to the rift
the DK2 is great but its definitely not just plugin and go
its a dev kit for sure
also rumor is the CV1 (consumer version of the rift) will be cheaper, like 200-300
I just made grill cheese by putting my toaster sideways, it was a good idea until it popped out and landed cheese side down on the countertop =o(
Omni looks sweet to me
Loktar is just an old guy who doesn't want to move around a lot
@rlemon I do shopify themes.
on themeforest ?
No, just private.
@mikedidthis can you add more product options with themes?
(i'm relaying from IRC)
Who wants to make the indiegogo page?
Someone with a paypal account preferably
I'm really enjoying that layout / theme
I'm gonna attempt to clone it
Indiegogo has a minimum of 500$ :/
@WesleyCrushed sucks monkey balls
you are just jelly that i'm not playing aoe3 anymore
robocraft is funner :P
now that I'm an old man I think i'll have to stop playing your childish shootem block game
sorry chaps
Farting dust already?
I'm currently pricing *stair lifts for my appt.
I googled lift chairs wasn't disappointing :P
those also look sweet!
old people have the best stuff
the lemon in a few years
the lemon now
look how happy I am
ride those stairs baby! ride em!
but that guy is thin, you are fat
@rlemon ahahahahaha
at my age you no longer rob cradles, you rob craft master adjustable beds.
@PatsyIssa My grandma had one of those
Firs time i see one, looks weird as fuck
how can one comfortably sit on that
they are for getting up
aaah am noob
t5 machine guns?
how are they?
I haven't unlocked them yet
ahaha I see those funds \
pay to win! \o/
i have those since the beginning
I don't recall getting that many :P
at the beginning i also used them for repairing the bot
You ll always have RP to repair why use gcs?
at the beginning i sucked xD
I got a rail gun, accuracy is shit
And the reload time gives you cancer
i can buy many things with 2.5k lol
@PatsyIssa you have to wait for it to stablize
the white crosshairs move in and you see the red dot hover on them
how many gc do you have?
basically you can't hit a moving target
once the red dot is on them fire right away
@PatsyIssa you have to guess where they'll be and aim there
@WesleyCrushed I had the starting like 200 or w/e and haven't bought any
was going for a blimp build :P
@PatsyIssa helium blocks a radar jammer, and two rail guns
you can make a T3 high flying sniper
no hoverblads ?
you don't need them at those heights if you are not planning on moving around a lot
they do stabilize you a bit in movement
no thrusters?
again depending on if you actually want to move
well yeah kinda want to move :P
some people just snipe from their own base
otherwise will be a sitting duck
yeah i do that but i like the option to move out of the way if they see me
@rlemon yes, but depends on context.
0s being helium?
start your base off like this, on the ends of the top and bottom row put vertical stacks of helium blocks (two high)
Right now all i have is 3 helium blocks :P
managed to make a somewhat stable satellite
put your seat in the middle, radar jammer on the front, two thrusters on the back, two thrusters on the front on top of the helium blocks facing the sides (turning) and then get two rail guns and put on at the back and one at the front (on the underside)
has 2x T4 blades
@mikedidthis some guy on irc runs an ecig juice store online -- wants to add more options on the product popup thingy (i think) so he can offer more variety (different levels of stuff)
i.imgur.com/1HEH7Eh.png?1 he shared this screenie
@PatsyIssa i have 8 now but sniper sucks
tier 8? :O
I prefer plasma cannons
Or 8 blocks :P
I love sniping >.<
I snipe with my cannons :D
tier 5
I need a land build for plasmas
I have 5 t4s
SMG are better imho
but can't make a decent bot for shit :P
got a good aim
@NullPoiиteя depends on strategy
I don't run in, I follow and clean up
plasma = artillery
when you get the hang of how to tilt the cannons it's op :P
i have 4 T6 smg and they works great
@rlemon yeah, its just a product variant
Base to base plasma bombing is awesome :P
my biggest beef with the railguns is that you have to fully expel all of your shots before it starts to reload
@mikedidthis so doable?
@Loktar isn't CV1 already pre-orderable on their site?
@rlemon totally.
@mikedidthis do you have IRC?
you wanna talk to the guy?
robocraft updated twice with in 2 days ... :x
@rlemon i think i have used a promo code once, but i thought it didn't work
i should look at the forum more often
@DarkAshelin no thats the DK2 (devkit 2)
@mikedidthis aha did you make a sock website for someone?
please say that was you
it was me
I made an insole one as well.
that is hilarious
@mikedidthis for 48 pounds you must be kidding
looks great, but the fact that there is a website dedicated to socks makes me smile
@NullPoiиteя I have a few pairs and they are the shit.
IIRC they have silver or something in them
all you need
access denied
you can get 20 pair of Nike's socks for 48pounds
Insoles: secolino.co.uk
@NullPoiиteя they are aimed at people with diabetes etc.
@mikedidthis she looks like she was cropped out of a porn (looking at her left hand)
love stock images
.. all I can see is that jerk hand. can't unsee
that's just marketing strategy .. i dont believe them
But anyway, yes, you can do all sort of variants and stuff. If the guy is having issues, contact the theme author, or get them to post a question on main.
Digital Ocean users, ever moved a droplet from one region to another?
Nope, but I need to :(
I just moved the image trying to find out if i need to change anything else
@Mr.Alien were you looking for me?
user "root" does not have permission to access the dev dir "/root/.node-gyp/0.10.3"
I'm root
I'm Mike.
O.o how did ya fuck that up
ls -la that dir what do you get
sudo npm install ghost
npm install --production
finally no more console lag, i was dying here
I am disappointment.
@mikedidthis I did rtfm and it still errors
want my 3 pages of npm errors?
huh?! do you?! do you punk?!?!
If you gist them, sure.
buntu or windoez?
Lagging on the vps's shell any ideas what might be the cause?
fuck github
Permission denied (publickey).
ssh -T [email protected]
> Hi rlemon! You've successfully authenticated, but GitHub does not provide shell access.
so what the bloody hell
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
A: Show tip about the @userName ping mechanism on few first comments

Adriano RepettiI would do something easier. As we're used in many forums a small Reply link may be placed near each comment. Like this: It won't change anything in how comments work (it's pretty well as it is), what this macro will do is to simulate a click on "add a comment" (with relative focus) and precom...

@rlemon do you have other users on that vps (besides root)
good call
I'm stupid today
I blame old age
how old are you a/w
@mikedidthis when you move the droplet remember to switch the ips in the dns A records
Yes sir. On reflection I may leave it. I am not sure I need to move it.
Why do you want to move it?
I m moving it because of the lag i m getting in shell, server was in NYC moved to amsterdam
Because I can?
I should login and see where it is.
don't move it for the fuck of it
iirc, they have servers in London town now?
will break shit that doesn't need to be broken
yup 1 server in london
I m out laters guys
@mikedidthis done any Ghost themes yet?
@cimmanon @WesleyCrushed ping
@rlemon yep
Just finishing one up for release.
lol are they for sale?
$ grunt init
Loading "Gruntfile.js" tasks...ERROR
>> Error: ENOENT, no such file or directory '.npmignore'
Warning: Task "init" not found. Use
They will be, I will try and get the none js demo up today
because if i'm going to buy a theme, I may as well buy one of yours
cloudeight-kyochi.ghost.io however I do really enjoy this one
like fuck you are buying mine, I will give you it.
welp, I'm treating myself to some Arby's for my bday
!!afk getting a death burger
Enjoy it :D
that sounds delicious
I presume Arby's is a good ting?
any good movie recently?
posted on September 05, 2014 by nlecointre

/* by acus alan to */

Sims 4 launched..
@Mr.Alien its lame from what I hear :(
lots of cool stuff from Sims 3 missing
the best one was 2
Poorly Drawn Lines
@Mr.Alien lol you are going to make me spend time on that eh?
I haven't updated it since like 2010! :P
@Loktar haha yes, btw, whats the thing behind the word Loktar..
what the good lord.
how the hell is this not working
@Loktar ahhhh I don't play that..
Warcraft/II/III are awesome games
WoW meh
lets try installing Ghost for the third time
@Loktar I've played old one before, similar to AOE, but I was too small to understand the game and never tried again later...
upstream app_blog {
server {
  listen 80;
  server_name blog.rlemon.ca;
  location / {
    root /var/www/blog;
    proxy_pass app_blog
    proxy_redirect off;
this is working for one of my apps, but not the subdomain
nvm got it working now
as it turns out i'm an idiot
happy realization
lol, that was not for you, sorry..
@mikedidthis blog.rlemon.ca
now, theme me big boy!

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