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3:00 PM
@SecondRikudo I'm not dead! Honest!
!!invite 63494
@SecondRikudo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!summon 63494
danke sir
3:02 PM
@PatsyIssa bitte.
hey guys
anyone have some tips of @media quieries? in terms of finding break points
start resizing your browser, when it breaks set a breakpoint
i noticed on certain sony android devices media queries jumbles up
3:05 PM
so break points are basically all centered along the design ?
Yes sir
If you're using chrome, click on the phone icon next to the inspect element icon
i downloaded an extension on chrome called breakpoint tester
what about fire fox is that ok to use as well?
Of course
3:07 PM
chrome has native breakpoint tools though
aslo is it advisable to use this @media (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
(-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2),
(min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5),
(min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5) {
/* high resolution styles */
@WesleyCrushed hahaha, nice
You aren't using SASS/LESS ?
i saw this here on stack , as someone was having issues with how website was displaying on sony mobiles
@WesleyCrushed You make that?
3:09 PM
why should i se sass/less?
@PatsyIssa so does FF
though it's called "responsive mode"
I wish I was good at Photoshop
@LukeSmith if your website is complex and needs to scale quickly, it's popular to use a CSS pre-processor like SCSS or LESS to simplify your code. You write less code
3:10 PM
@LukeSmith to avoid having to write browser prefixes
@PatsyIssa ohh i see thanks man
@PatsyIssa just don't write browser prefixes anyway and fuck the browsers that don't implement stuff correctly :-P
If only that was an option :P
nobody on webkit would see css animations though
so there'd be a lot of backlash
@cimmanon thanks
3:12 PM
@ZachSaucier just gotta spend some time in it, that's all :-) Google for lists of 50 photoshop tutorials and find some you like, and practice!
@LukeSmith using a preprocessor can help speed up writing CSS in many ways. It also allows it to be changed more easily
@TylerH Ain't nobody got time for that
@ZachSaucier can you give me an example? is there a steep learnign curve?
It's really about judicious use of a handful of tools while zoomed in
@LukeSmith there is no learning curve. You can write pure CSS in a preprocessor's style sheet. The only thing you have to learn is how to install it, the rest comes with time and usage
@ZachSaucier I feel like a front-end web developer should have a little time for learning Photoshop :-P
3:14 PM
we'll see
@ZachSaucier not exactly true. If you are using pure CSS in a preprocessor's style sheet then you essentially aren't using the pre processor.
I can hack my way to most things
so just use pure CSS
@ZachSaucier sass used variables ect right?
@ZachSaucier i forgot the crow:
3:14 PM
there is a learning curve to actually writing with SCSS or LESS
just like there is with anything
@WesleyCrushed haha, tanks
@LukeSmith If you know a language that uses variables, and you know CSS, then it will be pretty easy to pick up SCSS
@ZachSaucier hacking through PS is the first step to using PS :-D
i know php
@ZachSaucier not very well but to be able to write scripts
3:17 PM
that doesn't help
Sass is easy to adopt
@PatsyIssa how long do you think it would take to learn? month? 2 months?
not even
It is css after all
i use font-size: percentage% all the time @cimmanon (well not on html{} or body{})
3:19 PM
And you have libs like bourbon.io and compass-style.org
i thought em was better practice
@WesleyCrushed font-size: 62.5% specifically or any percentage?
em is still messy
i find percentages more readable
3:20 PM
@PatsyIssa rem can be messy too
just use px
@cimmanon any percentage i need, like i do
@Loktar Still waiting on that procedural generation article/project :P
@WesleyCrushed thats okish. its the retardation surrounding "i am just going to pretend every browser is set to 16px as the default font size" i can't stand.
there is no difference between font-size: 200% and font-size: 2em, i just prefer em
yea in fact that doesn't make sense :P
posted on October 22, 2014 by Chris Coyier

I had a post in my drafts for CSS-Tricks recently I called "Removing the Space from the Bottom of Modules". It's all about that tricky situation where you want even padding all the way around some elements to visually separate them. But elements inside will also need bottom margins, and that might lead to extra space along the bottom where that margin hits the padding. Apparently I'm getting o

posted on October 22, 2014 by Chris Coyier

My occasional update on life, work, and everything in between. CSS-Tricks Chronicle XIX is a post from CSS-Tricks

3:24 PM
"convert everything to 10px so that math is easier" when its not
@PatsyIssa sorted?
@cimmanon I started working on space rather than an actually value.
@SecondRikudo got it
1 space = 15px go from there.
.header {
  padding-top: @space * 4;
  padding-right: @space * 1.5;
  padding-bottom: @space * 1.5;
  padding-left: @space * 1.5;
.header-wrapper {
  max-width: @type-max-two;
.header-title {
  padding-bottom: @space * 1.5;
.header-social {
  padding-top: @space * 1.5;
space all the things.
thats not so bad
@cimmanon well they are :-P
3:29 PM
they are what?
I like it a lot, @WesleyCrushed :D
posted on October 22, 2014

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Symmetry Magazine did a nice article about me and BAHFest.

@cimmanon 16px
16px might be the default, but that doesnt mean that users dont do things like increase the font-size because 16px is too small for them to read
3:35 PM
^ that
the sooner we forget metrics and work in a ratio, the better imo.
my husband set his browser to enforce a minimum font-size of 20px
I agree with you, I was just being tongue in cheek, though I guess my emoticon had its tongue sticking out
but hey, eventually we will not have eye problems anymore
and that could really affect how we handle fonts
hello guys is anyone free to helmp me with some html canvas?
crazy that applied stem cell therapy could affect the day-to-day jobs of web developers who otherwise would not be affected
3:47 PM
@cimmanon same
makes me feel really good about myself actually
thinking about CSS the right way ftw
now if only this damn secretary would stop sending out outlook calendar messages for meetings NEXT YEAR, life would be great
like, I don't need to respond with whether I'm going to some application team meeting in august of 2015
Sounds like my gf.
She asked me this afternoon if I wanted anything, the next next time she goes shopping.
I asked when the next next time would be, she said she didn't know. I told her to get out.
you should say "a little more warning would be nice"
3:56 PM
hi all
with media queries for breakpoints should i take the window size into consideration or the viewport size?
do they differ?
@LukeSmith viewport size
4:17 PM
@zach thanks alot man :)
posted on October 22, 2014 by kbironneau

/* by PhilReinking */

why does RSS send so long after the original? It's at least 10 minutes since that was posted on the blog
I don't imagine RSS to poll.
I'm guessing Feeds only checks every few minutes or something?
yeah I would imagine so.
4:26 PM
this zombie photo of me got me thinking of how we might have procedurally edited photoshopped images, meaning something like what Wes did be automated with variations available. Perhaps even rendered in real time over a video or something
@mikedidthis I advertised your halloween avatar link on reddit, imgur, facebook, twitter, and on channel 6 news.
@crypticツ grand, thank you please.
Still watching channel 6 news.. waiting for the link..
hi guys...can someone help me with small doubt?
4:39 PM
Channel 6 news in Kupreanof, Alaska (population 23)
slow news day =oP
What's the problem avis444?
i mean a stupid thing....i'm using mamp on mymac to run php and html.i wanna install word press.
@ZachSaucier there was a concept demo doing exactly what you said, using chrome api
I've seen similar things
@Avis444 sorry, i can't help you with that.
4:46 PM
CommitStrip - Blog relating the daily life of web agencies developers
The truth about what Magic Leap are up to
ok...! no problem.
Kelly Clarkson has gained some weight
@ZachSaucier NO WAY
4:51 PM
lol, I thought she was attractive. Bigger-her is less so
i don't even know who she is
i mean, i heard her name somewhere, and that was enough
@ZachSaucier mind blank
4:54 PM
is that supposed to be a popular song? never heard it before xD
best song of hers. Fairly popular in USA for a while
3 hours ago, by mikedidthis
minimum requirement: don't ask to ask, be an asshole.
room topic should appear 132pt in a flashing fluo green 3000x3000px modal window
lol @ who starred my chat message about Kelly Clarkson's gained weight
i did now
5:01 PM
breaking news!
@ZachSaucier I'm not going to point fingers but it is a pony ;)
undead pony reminds me of a squirrel, haha
or some other type of rat like creature in the skull shape
@ZachSaucier now yuo have 3 stars,
5:30 PM
Is that girl in the middle really Kelly Clarkson?
6:16 PM
@TylerH at least she didn't end up like this imgur.com/gallery/VHPTwz3
thats horrible.
the comments are hilarious
man, i wish when websites actually gave you the content when you requested a page. now is "lol, your content is in another castle, ima go get it for you"
psssh men drivers
I would have flipped the car on the first try =oD
what the heck are they trying to do?
6:26 PM
Hi, i need help, can i ask my question?
@OsamaYawar read the room description first
I have a variable in which i am fetching content from DB. Content includes twig as well. Now i want to print that content inside twig, is it possible to get twig inside twig, if not how would it work?\
oh ok - i googled it but stackoverflow seems to be the last hope :p
@crypticツ what the hell is that
are them stealing the car?
@WesleyCrushed looks like a bunch of drunk guys trying to get into a private parking garage with dropdown gate.
6:32 PM
@crypticツ have you noticed that one of the two got hit twice by the gate while the other seem to not care at all
@WesleyCrushed yeah, definitely drunk. You'd have to be to take two hits from a flying steel fence. That or bath salts.
cant find the origina lvideo
@OsamaYawar looks you are doing something really wrong
6:46 PM
@WesleyCrushed I do not have any other option actually. I am migrating the existing database and they have twig in their content field in db. Is there any way possible?
I can process it via controller but just wondering if there is any way out if i can directly use it as a variable. Something like this

{{ variable_with_twig }}
i don't know twig but any solution would be temporary, not definitive, right?
I would imagine you would write a directive that tells twig what template tag equals what data.
Yes @WesleyCrushed
@mikedidthis So what you are recommending me is to go through all the data in the content field for thousands of id`s and see what tag they are using in each row? :P
woot finished training in my comp :D
just got access to production code/project :D
@PatsyIssa ?
6:54 PM
anyway the solution is to run twig twice. but i don't know how to do it @OsamaYawar
@OsamaYawar ideally yes. The data is clearly borked.
$firstRenderResult = $twig->render();
echo $twig->render();
something like that
you should ask in the php room, iirc there's someone using twig @OsamaYawar
@mikedidthis left my old job for a new one 3 months ago
so 3 months training/probation just ended
6:56 PM
@PatsyIssa ahh right, congrats!
@PatsyIssa y u no have halloween avatar yet
Thanks any ways @WesleyCrushed and @mikedidthis
Yeah, sorry I was zero help :D
ain't halloween for a while here :P
Eid il-Burbara or Saint Barbara's Day, is a holiday annually celebrated on December 4 among Middle Eastern Christians in Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Palestine. It has become Lebanon’s counterpart to the Halloween celebration, although it existed as a tradition much earlier. It is celebrated in honor of the Christian Saint and Martyr Saint Barbara. The general belief among Lebanese Christians is that Saint Barbara disguised herself in many different characters to elude the Romans who were persecuting her. == Traditions == The traditional food made on this feast is Burbara, a bowl of boiled wheat...
@OsamaYawar that's the correct input, hope you find a solution
6:58 PM
^ our halloween
actually we celebrate both :P
but official one is burbara
make me an avatar mmkay
use barbra ^
lolz @WesleyCrushed via controller its not difficult to process but want to render it as a variable in twig directly
7:02 PM
haha client wants their phone number to be super large and flashing
Any ways have also another question, i recently got a job in a company based in Canada and i am still in probation period. Now i am planning to visit my family on Christmas, is it a good idea to ask for leave of a week? :P
there is a Workplace.SE you can ask :-)
@OsamaYawar it makes sense "rendering" a template twice. many do that. wordpress for example has the shortcode
Q: When should I tell my new employer about an already-planned vacation?

ssbrewsterWhen is it appropriate to tell a new employer about a holiday/vacation that is already booked? Especially when it is close to the start date of the new job.

@WesleyCrushed yes you are right but if u dont get inside the bun how would you know whats inside the burger. Thats how you learn ;)
7:10 PM
@mikedidthis Fucking hell
@rlemon should have waited lotr bundle
@PatsyIssa rlemon is afk: service call. yay! time to take a drive in the country
@SomeGuy @easwee @Loktar ^ nice bundle if you don't have them lotr games lego + non lego
@PatsyIssa nice thanks
thats an awesome deal
I already have the war in the north game but not the others
I m gonna buy it now
did you play shadow of mordor?
7:13 PM
@PatsyIssa damn, that's nice
gonna get that I think
brb emailing myself the link
They come with dlcs as well that's sick
@PatsyIssa yea
too bad shadows of mordor isn't included :-P
Shadow of Mordor is kickass
@TylerH it's on 33% sale if you want it, same site
7:14 PM
I had LoTR RoTK for GameCube
I love/ed that game
beat the entire game and wanted more to play :(
I just got to the second map
beat every side mission and everything lol
and got swamped with work :P
7:15 PM
loved it but couldn't get past Isengard as Gandalf IIRC
ah lame
yeah i m aiming for 100% completion
I have ~12 keys that are unclaimed :P
fuckin bundles make it easy to forget
I like the ones that connect directly to steam
where you just hit a button and boom you have it
humble does it right?
my steam client locks up for 2-3 minutes when adding/buying games now
@PatsyIssa yea
7:17 PM
they need to add it on bundlestars those guys usually have good offers
thats my fav bundle site now honestly
shadow of morder does look pretty cool, any idea what it's replay-ability (is that the right word) is like?
I wish they had a game plus mode
or even difficulty levels
hmmm probably won't be buying it for a while then
7:19 PM
they do
there's a dlc for it
I need to make a UK psn account
can't claim product codes if i m in lebv
woah wtf
thye released a bunch of dlc
the game just came out haha
@joshhunt It's worth it as is
You will enjoy every moment
^ yea
its a great game
@Loktar I sidequested and killed everything i could before going up against the hammer :P
it took me like 20 hours to 100% it
7:21 PM
he was easy as fuck to takedown
we'll see, I only have an xbox and no gaming pc so it's probably more expensive
it cost me 77$ for my ps
and I still think it's worth it :P
Found it for $60 on an online store, might see how much it costs to rent for a week
I can't wait for metal gear solid to come out
that shit will be crazy
I should totally start a gaming club :D then we can all put money together and buy one-off games and then share them around
7:24 PM
I kinda like to collect games :P
joey doesn't share
Don't think I would ever trade in games :P
^ I agree but then I am also trying to save up to buy a house
I don't think I would ever buy a house
Too permanent
@Patsy Thanks, but I'm still on a game buying break :p
30 years paying off something is a lot
@mikedidthis Fuuuuuu
7:27 PM
@SomeGuy I was until yesterday :P
I want a house that I can do what I want with, sick of living in someone else's house (renting)
I can understand
And mortgage is expensive but it's actually about the same as rent per week
@SomeGuy :(
got a 30% voucher off civ beyond earth @SomeGuy i had to cave in :P
@joshhunt yeah it comes about the same but with the "You staying here for a while niga" tag
7:29 PM
@PatsyIssa that's good for raising a family :-P
Part of me wants to raise a family around the world :P
Spend each year in a different country
that depends on the next 5 years and what happens career wise
get a 44' catamaran and live on the ocean
make port as you sail around the world for supplies and brief forays onto land
could be a fun lifestyle for a few years
remember the code on a boat question? :P
the only question to ever be deleted from SO :P
7:33 PM
@PatsyIssa who says you have to spend 30 years paying it off? my husband has been looking at houses in the 50-75k CAD price range (i make ~45k a year before taxes).
A: Why was the original boat programming question deleted?

mmyersThe boat programming question was not just deleted - it was actually removed from the database. There's a long and sad story behind it, but most of it is has been covered in the question you linked. Suffice it to say that there's nothing even I can do about it now, even if I wanted to. However,...

@cimmanon can you find such places O.o
I live in buttfucknowhere and the cheapest apartment you can get is 125k$ +
new brunswick
I could always live in a mudhut like @skibbi_bizzle
@mikedidthis the fuck... Real are too good man
@PatsyIssa luckily i like you doos
7:35 PM
Had no idea houses in canada could be that cheap
we actually have enough money saved up to outright buy one, just having a hard time deciding which one we want. there are so many to choose from
@PatsyIssa in places where real estate is plentiful, it is also dirt cheap
problem is, theres no jobs up there
The house I grew up in is situated on .27 acres and is pretty spacious, wouldn't sell for $200,000 most likely
7:36 PM
But that same lot in the same neighborhood transplanted to Silicon Valley or NYC would be like $1.5 million
If i had the money saved up and able to buy it without taking a loan then I would
@PatsyIssa this is me saying fucknyou
@skibbi_bizzle Acquaint your face with my balls kind sir.
@TylerH exactly, its all about location. the shittiest house we can buy here is around 300k
(here being within commuting distance of Toronto)
7:38 PM
@skibbi_bizzle so you are coloured too
that is why westerners are fat
@skibbi_bizzle ahahahah
7:43 PM
skibbi_bizzle taste the rainbow
@PatsyIssa this is the oher half
ok im off to get more smashed tgan i currentky am.... @PatsyIssa go hump a landmine
@PatsyIssa man, that led me down a rabbit hole
a lot of reading to find out that Jeff Atwood is kinda awful at managing a community
7:59 PM
@TylerH try roman atwood

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