u see m not mother teresa like u @Shubhank plus somebody told me my coding standards are very poor.so i dont think it is a good idea to impart the same coding standard to others
@NightFury {"status":"success","message":"Thank you for the like.","nostorelikes":"125","storeid":"URNJGDS274"} am getting response after clicking the view
@NightFury is any demo simple link for after setting data to adapter views and change the items and update on those models and set to view with updated data
@Harsha Do you know that recycler content is controlled through array. If you want to update a row, you actually update item at that position in array and call notifydatasetchanged
If you want to add more data, add items to array and call notifydatasetchanged
@NightFury ok i dont know can u provide any sample actually am settings data from arraylist of objects to views using holders i dnt know how to updated with new data on existing models and updated thats why am requesting please
> Please use a non-generic display image if you intend to hang around in the chat. The plain simple SO avatars for profile is boring and confusing when 10 of you are talking in the room.
@NightFury am initialized in public void onBindViewHolder(final MyViewHolder myHolder, final int position) { //myViewHolder = myViewHolderview; MyViewHolder myViewHolder = myHolder;
@Harsha It is wrong way then. You need to keep track of index only, at which item needs to be updated. After you receive data from server, parse it, and assign it to that index in array
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@NightFury storeItems_clk_LT.setOnClick display dialog box in that click on ok button am getting as response and then myViewHolder.storeItemsProducCountTv.updated likes count