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not sure
might switch
where is Dubey?
no idea
good after noon guys
good morning
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- - - i -
/hang trail
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- - - i -
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a - - i -
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a n - i -
/hang ankit
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a n k i t
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
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- - - - - - n - - - - - - -
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- - - - - o n - - o - - - -
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- - - - - o n - - o - - - -
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- i - - - o n - - o - - - -
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 |  \O/
- i - - - o n - - o - - - -
Hangman hint : MVC
/hang viewcontroller
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 |  \O/
v i e w c o n t r o l l e r
Success. Good going, can you reach the top?
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i - - - - -
/hang o
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i - - o - -
/hang r
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i - - o - -
/hang c
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i - - o - -
/hang e
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i - - o - e
/hang s
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i - - o - e
Hangman hint : september release
@AmarbirSingh lol
/hang iphone
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i p h o n e
Success. Don't you have work to do ?
6 mins ago, by Shubhank
user image
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- - - - e
/hang r
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- - - - e
@Shubhank it's @Rajat phone:p
/hang c
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- - - - e
/hang b
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/hang s
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 |  / \
- - - - e
Limit exceeded. Next game playable in 30 minutes. Try the /jumble /t3 game till then
Game over.. The word is glide
/hang scope
Hangman limit exceeded currently... Next game playable in 29 minutes. Try the /jumble game till then
it can also be scope @Kamini
@Erum You are so annoying by god!
i second that @Kamini :D
@Rajat Please dont ping.. i hate you :p
me too
@Rajat @Shubhank @DimaRostopira @Erum @NightFury gist.github.com/anonymous/368007b7c3f8fffcab6f6d1f6c7d5b2c
Still app crashes in marshmallow
name the file with java extension
@Amarbir don't you understand log message?
error not in this part of code
line number is this
/search setAudioSource failed
Q: android mediaRecorder.setAudioSource failed

user121196I have android G1 firmware 1.6, I am trying to record voice from the app with the follow code. MediaRecorder recorder = new MediaRecorder(); recorder.setAudioSource(MediaRecorder.AudioSource.MIC); recorder.setOutputFormat(MediaRecorder.OutputFormat.THREE_GPP); recorder.setAudioEncoder(MediaR...

what i have to do changes in my code according to this link
@Shubhank @Rajat jimmy choo by fazilpuria
i have taken my own imageview for hamburger for drawer menu but another hanburger icon also displaying on my screen
why any idea /
@AmarbirSingh ?
@Erum no one helps without showing code
you are too annoying sometime
bro song @Shubhank
lol amarbir
did you listen the song
going to have lunch
will listen after it
current mood is to sleep
i ahve taken ActionBarDrawerToggle drawerToggle; this one too
make sure you aren't setting another icon from code
yes this is bcoz ActionBarDrawerToggle drawerTogglehttps://gist.github.com/anonymous/a7fba386c6c0c5eb6657c76f2e0c901b
but if i m putting my own imageview for hamburger then how will i write code for fnctinality means
maintain app drawer open, close etc
quickly have to leave for lunch
pls check
coming aft lunch
I am leaving for lunch too :P
erum, whole functionality is already written for you by the template. Just replace icon from code I guess
@NightFury hi no luck, sensor disable whencamera open, any idea
@Shubhank Hi
my hand is moved, I want to detect images back to back. I need to capture images and timestamp both. android , I have read and try below link but it not proper solution what i want?
Q: Moving image when wave hand in front of camera using opencv for android

Luthfan Mi'm trying to implement like this in my application http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrXwJIco4w8 but it seems i don't really get the idea how to do it.. seems i must use motion tracking and hand recognition, also communicate with front-end camera, but mostly link that i found only show detect OUT...

@maveň @ManishAndroid
need help buddy
@Narendra back to back ?
means in farme one by one
@Narendra hlo buddy
kya hai ye
iphone 7 se li hui pic
looks awesome isnt it ?
i work in a architectural company :P
i got magazine lying around with such stuff
why are you reading those magazines? get back to work
no its actually below my mac now :P
oh, you're feet up are on them
i needed to put something on my lap to avoid the heat of mac :D
oh, you want to have kids someday?
get back to work
short term plans was to avoid the burn
getting back to work
what is the appt place to add a imageview or any view inside custom uiview class ?
is there an inappropriate place?
i dont know the method names
only know layout subviews
i only want a place to add and setup constraints
swift or objC ?
do you want to add it at view load or will appear time?
its a UIView class
not viewcontroller
should checkout some open source libs i guess
why not use layoutSubviews and just check to see if the subview you want to add has already been added?
good practice ?
the best practice is to use a viewcontroller
but you're not using that.
well a custom view can have subviews
yes they can
@AmarbirSingh what for
weekend with gf :p
awesome place
@Rajat will go with bhabi ji
itni garmi me no chance
@Shubhank @maveň any idea need solution
@AmarbirSingh nice ^^
want 2 visit their @NightFury :p
How will I visit gurgaon :(
drive or take a train?
oh you r right!! bad luck @NightFury
@MichaelDautermann haha I live in neighbour country
does it really need to stop you?
just because your governments can't get along doesn't mean you can't visit and be a tourist and have fun.
maybe @Rajat can be your tour guide?
hmm right ;)
haha raju will you be? :P
but you might want to volunteer to do the driving... Rajat is terrible at it
Umm case is opposite in driving
I dont know how to drive :p
well that also means you're better than Rajat.
@NightFury my fees is high you can't afford me :P
that means he likes to get paid in pizzas.
@MichaelDautermann my driving is best come with me for a drive
@MichaelDautermann haven't said that :P
its ur perception
how big is that gif
@Rajat haha I am still going to hire you for that job :P
its an image
why the hell didnt it load lol
Your net sabun is slow
bad coding nightfury :p
that is not mine code lull :D
facebook.com/TriedManyUsernames.NoneWorked/videos/… Only for hindi/urdu speaking users :P
must be of erum :P
uh oh @shubham5263 is here everybody look busy
just want a bed in office to sleep
rajat can do this nightfury :p
is there anything he can't do?
@NightFury i do this daily :P
AOA, hi @all
stupid this can be ur code @Shubhank
its yours
@NightFury i m not using template code
how can I navigate to specific page on ionic (I have that screen added to my state route but how can i go to that directly instead on going through by clicking any ui-sref link ??)...I am farely new to IONIC
@Shashi welcome to the chat. Have a good day :). Please make sure to go through the room F.A.Q.
Q: Change Icon Of Navigation Drawer

TufanI am having trouble with changing my navigation drawer icon to a custom one. I've currently had to implement the standard drawer icon which has 3 horizontal lines on top, but now I want to replace this with my custom drawer icon. This is how my mDrawerToggle is at the moment: mDrawerToggle=n...

@Shashi i guess index.html is still the initial screen
@Shubhank yes
@AmarbirSingh eww what is that :\
@AmarbirSingh hahah
I am using state route to move and have put bases state as login
@Erum help ^
@NightFury reality :p
looks like sand. I was expecting base foundation/ powder :p
you better know
@Kamini hi
@Android grrrrrr. who told you to ping mee..
you should ping her more often
she likes that.
any one android devloper here?
yeah, there's this guy named "Android"
I think he develops for it.
ha ha ah
i need a help
meanwhile, did anyone watch the iPhone presentation yesterday?
which one do you own ?
the iPhone Tin Cans
@Android say?
when i upload image that time get respose body null
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
@NightFury see code
that perface or not?
:32726305 no I didn't
@Android @Multipart
Call<StepTwo> steptwo(
@PartMap() Map<String, RequestBody> eventFile,
@Part("userid") RequestBody userid,
@Part("Eventid") RequestBody eventid);
@Android how are you uploading image data? that is only interface part
what? what! Michael
Please use gist.github.com to share code longer than 10 lines in chat
:32726886 leke aon? <3
just dont annoy her again plz else I am gonna kill you :\
give me gun :P
@NightFury my code is rigth or any issue there
@NightFury you kill from eyes >< >< ><
@Android Did you try to debug with api person to know what is he receiving on server side? And what is expected in server call to be send
@SaadChaudhry get lost lol
@NightFury no no geting any data server side
@GurpreetKaur see what's kamini saying to you
Gurpreet you forget to greet every time :P
@Android Sorry?
@NightFury possible to check whether marker exists at a particular location or not
why would you neeed that ?
oh found it
because that is the requirement
i mean the marker is on the map ?
anyway, if you found it. cool
yea i solved
and i solved previous one too
though my code is poor
what have you been working on Michael ?
getting a longer string for my tin can iPhone
fixing other people's code
fixing other people code is hell
hi @KomalK
yes ?
How to Show only two Digits after Decimal...like 0.00 and after entering the ammount it should come like 99999.99(8 Characters Length) in android
@Shubhank in my activity am using recyclerview and set data to adapter in that am having one field likes count after setting to views and once click on likes count i need to call api for response with updated likes count and then set to view for that how can i do
@Priya android ?
yes my friend stucked here...i did in ios..in android she was not handling that

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