I have a code that should send mobile number if a button pressed and get the value from the database on the screen, So where to change if there are two values to retrieve . gist.github.com/JEREEF2/…
Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536 [2016-04-27 15:45:22 - HomeopathyApp] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536
@RavindraPawar Its quite simple you need to uncheck your Android Private Libraries and Android Dependencies Libraries.... As far I think u r adding your google play lib service as lib project in to your current project
Basically error occurs when your 65K method over limit means exceeds
If I add view like this: [myView addSubview:viewController.view]; how can I dismiss it and get the old view. For example on button click
//some code
I want to add google places autocomplete to xcode with swift, so users can search on a city and press enter, so should the app show that city on the map.
I´m using google maps, so it has to be connected to that map and the search bar would i like to have in the navi-bar (just above the map)
I'm breaking my head for the last one week on how to solve the issue with showing and dismissing multiple view controllers. I have created a sample project and pasting the code directly from the project. I have 3 view controllers with their corresponding .xib files. MainViewController, VC1 and VC...
i am getting program received signal “sigabrt” on main.m
- (IBAction)segmentControl:(id)sender {
NSTimeInterval oneUnit=(60*60*24*3);
//NSTimeInterval oneUnit1=(60*60*24*60);
switch (self.ydm.selectedSegmentIndex) {
case 0:
for (i=0; i<([forex count]); i++...
Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536 [2016-04-27 16:56:46 - HomeopathyApp] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: method ID not in [0, 0xffff]: 65536
@iShwar Ok .When I create tableview then when I tap on any cell it will open sub category.Subcategory will open its subcategory.So I get data from server as in Tree format.& want to show in Tableview.Just like given link,but with json parsing data...?
I want to make this type of expandable/collapsible table view.
there are categories and subcategories as in picture.
for example "health and beauty" is a category and when i click this cell than its open subcategories as in picture below.
So how can I make this type of table view?
please sugges...