Helps here please , Why is the method getContenResolver() a part of the Context class ? I mean why should the getContentResolver() need a context ? Should it not be a part of ContentResolver class ?
I have read Apple's MVC article and am confused about various things. Firstly Apple uses a combination of the View and the Controller in almost all its sample applications which is fine and I like it but they contradict themselves in this article because they said that View's should not rely on ...
I have read Apple's MVC article and am confused about various things. Firstly Apple uses a combination of the View and the Controller in almost all its sample applications which is fine and I like it but they contradict themselves in this article because they said that View's should not rely on ...
I'm creating a DialogFragment to show some help messages regarding my app. Everything works fine besides one thing...there is black stripe at the top of the window that shows the DialogFragment, that I presume is reserved for the title, something I don't want to use.
This is specially painful si...
-(void)webViewDidFinishLoad:(UIWebView *)webView {
[_WebViewPrograma stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:**(your js here)**];
[_WebViewPrograma stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString:@"myFunction();"];
Use this code, if there is anything that you might need, I will try to help