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04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 20:00

how to automatically remove force close dialog after crashing it ?
On android? Do you get a "force close" dialog if the app crashes? that doesn't sound right. If it has crashed, then what will you close?
i have two app if my first app is crashed than in background my second app is check if my first app was crashed than manually from second app i restart the first app
i want to remove this dialog
because when start first app from second app still this dialog display
because i want to run my app 365 days
It seems like you are exiting the app incorrectly
my app was crashing after 2 to 3 days
because i continue running app onscreen
any idea
how to cancel this dialog
before start app
Fix your app to not crash
trying to cancel/close the dialog is not the solution
but the client upload large size images like 5mb 10 mb 25mb 50mb 3d images on server that's why my app was carshing
that doesn't explain why it is crashing
is it taking too much memory? Are you handling memory, resources correctly? Freeing them when you don't need them any more?
i have tried picasso universalimageloader everything but still give heap
and after more heap it will crashing
You will need to put in a little more effort. Figure out what is consuming most of that memory? Ensure that you free up resources (like bitmaps) once you are done with them. Repeating what I said before this
but everytime new image will come from sdcard because it is continue connected with server for sync images and video
Imagine you run a tourist taxi (car), you get new passengers, take them around the city and then drop them off. Then you get another set of passengers and repeat
but now imagine that you didn't drop them off, instead you kept trying to take new passengers, then your call will be full at some point and your service will fail. What is the solution to this -- 1. get another car that will pull over overflowing taxi .. or 2. drop off the passengers that are done with their tour?
(1) is a hack, it's not the solution. just like trying to write a second app that tries to close that crash dialog and restart the app.
what do you mean by "continue connected with server.." ? Older images?
what does your app do? display some images from sdcard?
if new image and video will add from server than it will download in background in sdcard and delete old image and video if it is not in the new list
and this new image and video will display
What list? Could you explain what your app does, clearly?
my app is work like mall monitor i just set my tablet on malls and display images and video like advertisement
with syn server
in television new add will come one by one like this
Mall monitor? Mail monitor?
also i display this image and video offline
Shopping MAll
oh, the display screens in malls
exacly like this
So, you keep a list of available ads (images or videos), and keep displaying them in a loop, correct?
using handler
because it will depend on second which is set from server side
if one image display from 2 second other is for 10 second
like this
after 2 second the next image or video will display
Hm. when do you remove an older ad from your sdcard?
either way.. so, you need only handful of images/video in memory at a time
Did you check how many you are keeping in memory? Is that a lot or are the images/video themselves too big?
images and video size is really big
but main issue with images
really big compared to the amount of memory available on the device? How much memory does it have and how big are your videos?
image size more than 2 mb 5mb 10mb 15 mb
I ask multiple questions and you answer any one of them!
this device is used for testing
check above link
using this client display image and video in monitor
hm :/
What is the heap size when your app crashes?
my video size is 50mb 150mb 200mb
depends on device some device 50mb some device 85mb some device 150 mb
i have also test with smart phone
smart phone will crash after few hours
2048mb memory on that device
smart phone! these are just devices.. android devices, specs is what matters here
anyway. point being..
it is possible can we continue display image and video without crashing 365 days means never closing app
do you get a crash with just one video loaded? How many videos and images do you have in memory when it crashes?
i have create 3 views using view pager mean it will circular display
use a profile, track your usage..
don't have stuff in memory that you don't need
once an ad is done, remove it from memory - imp
don't pre-load too many images/videos
figure out your heap situation. see how much memory is free on the device etc
manage memory :)
Sorry to ask a silly question (I'm very much a beginner at Android), but is there a step I'm missing when trying to present a fragment on top of the current activity?
I create the fragment and present it with the fragment manager like so:

CameraFragment cameraFragment = new CameraFragment();
                .add(R.id.swipe_container, cameraFragment, TAKE_PHOTO)
Do i need to add the fragment to the XML file?
is R.id.swipe container visible ?
it's a swipe refresh container
what do you do in onCreateView of the fragment ?
Nothing, the only time I touch the fragment code is when I press a camera button
and then i have the above code
fragment onCreateView is the place to initialize its view
so you must Override that and inflate or create your View and that wil show
Thank you
have you ever before done this type loading large size of images
Nope, mine are all low quality images
ok and shubhank ?
how large ?
i wasnt around when you were discussing.
ok upto 1 to 2mb
didnt download a 1 mb image
uploading one did crashed my app :D
hi all
can someone explain to me how is this translated in the api - constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|[drawerView(==tapView)]|" ?
i tried this : [NSLayoutConstraint constraintWithItem:drawerView
but it doesnt seem to work
anyone worked with quick blox api
the awkward moment , when the app's home screen memory consumption increases 1 mb per 20 seconds :p
Hi there...
can someone tell me...why my app doesn't become active, after coming out from background state while using url schemes. i mean when i come from another app to my app using url schemes. please ...and thanks!
Hi all
A quick question, is there a way pass to context without implicitly sending to a class?
@Avis444 than what does it become if not active
so jaao sab
1 hour later…
NSMutableDictionary *param = [[NSMutableDictionary alloc]init];
[param setObject:total forKey:@"total"];
[param setObject:lineprice forKey:@"price"];
[param setObject:@"RS:120" forKey:@"tax"];
do you have any idea , how to post this data to server?
I was just saying hello :p
post to server.. that depends on what the server accepts - ex- xml, json, custom collection of key/vals..
lol he left!
04:00 - 14:0014:00 - 20:00

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