i have two app if my first app is crashed than in background my second app is check if my first app was crashed than manually from second app i restart the first app
You will need to put in a little more effort. Figure out what is consuming most of that memory? Ensure that you free up resources (like bitmaps) once you are done with them. Repeating what I said before this
Imagine you run a tourist taxi (car), you get new passengers, take them around the city and then drop them off. Then you get another set of passengers and repeat
but now imagine that you didn't drop them off, instead you kept trying to take new passengers, then your call will be full at some point and your service will fail. What is the solution to this -- 1. get another car that will pull over overflowing taxi .. or 2. drop off the passengers that are done with their tour?
(1) is a hack, it's not the solution. just like trying to write a second app that tries to close that crash dialog and restart the app.
what do you mean by "continue connected with server.." ? Older images?
what does your app do? display some images from sdcard?
Sorry to ask a silly question (I'm very much a beginner at Android), but is there a step I'm missing when trying to present a fragment on top of the current activity?
I create the fragment and present it with the fragment manager like so:
CameraFragment cameraFragment = new CameraFragment();
.add(R.id.swipe_container, cameraFragment, TAKE_PHOTO)
Hi there... can someone tell me...why my app doesn't become active, after coming out from background state while using url schemes. i mean when i come from another app to my app using url schemes. please ...and thanks!