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2 hours later…
"thought" - Yeah, by whom?
backyardchickens.com is such an amazing website, it convinces all the crazy chicken ladies (& gentlemen) that they are normal :x
@NickA Precisely my question.
Total: 2,076 (members: 70, guests: 1,731, robots: 275)
I'm sure they release endorphins, but a parasite? Come on
(not they, but you when petting them)
I thought cat gets high from petting too, that's why they want to be petted.
Probably, but I'm less sure of that :P
3 hours later…
@TelKitty I think that "trivia" usually refers to toxoplasma, which causes rodents not to fear cats that much en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasmosis#Rodents
@TelKitty that is toxoplasma gondii (source: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toxoplasma_gondii)
Iirc it has not been proven that t.gondii causes behavioral change in humans.
But it definitely causes behavioral abnormalities in rodents in suppressing their natural fleeing and fear response to cats. The parasite has evolved this mechanism because it can only reproduce inside of cats.
Magical synchronicity
1 hour later…
Good morning by the way, pretend I posted that like an hour ago. You have to press enter to post a message, who knew.
Hmmm @Yvette is back in the room to check out the drama
they should cancel weekends, stuff always happens in them
Popcorn! steals Nick's popcorn
Tosses Zoe a bag of popcorn... That's right, I got another bag
You need popcorn where like every 50 kernels is laced with a ghost pepper extract. That'll spice things up.
I only give those bags to people I don't like, want one? :P JK
haven't seen anything
The current reasonable conclusion is that they don't care.
And won't unless they're pressured.
@PeterHaddad They fired a widely respected moderator for ideological disagreements with SE staff
@Zoe And then they'll shut up the pressurisers
@NickA That's why you use social media. Social media is like the meta effect on stereoids
Just with fewer votes
Hearing things like this from people who are above all scrupulous and civil to a fault means that it must be bad enough that nothing will change sans a change in leadership:
The reason why Monica was fired has been out and clear. She had a different view point from what the director of Q&A had, and was therefore thrown out like street garbage. The director has repeatedly demonstrated that they don't care about the community's feelings. There used to be a time when users were free to oppose whatever the company had done, and were able to remain on the site. But in the past few days, the Stack Exchange staff have tried to take down posts on MSE and Stack Moderators teams which were focused on the resignations, and suspended a user for posting that. — Bhargav Rao 8 hours ago
@Magisch So far I've only heard this from one side. The other side hasn't said anything of substance to contradict or back this up.
@Druckles You mean outside of taking unsubstantiated potshots at monica and stating they won't discuss this any further
Meh, I see that as admitting the current story is true. They could easily mention details if there were others. But this isn't behavior you'd see to a false accusation
@Magisch oh I thought they released some changes to how q&a works and I didnt see anything lol, didnt even know about these problems
They haven't released anything
isnt Sara the director of q&a?
They kicked a mod because of a future change, and another left because of a plain awful practice I can't believe exists. Most of the other mods who left build on one or both of those (but mainly on the mod who got kicked). There's still a mysterious change coming some time in the future that we may or may not get a vague answer to some time in 6-8 weeks
@PeterHaddad yup
I'm afriad of the upcoming change
They keep tweeting that they want to accept everyone, and when someone doesn't agree with a change they kick him lol
@Zoe At this point enough people that I trust have made their asessment known that I'm accepting this as true barring evidence to the contrary
which we all know they won't release.
@PeterHaddad Come join the movement: codegolf.meta.stackexchange.com/a/18135/44904
@Magisch True
@PeterHaddad And first they came for the mods.
Then they'll come for users, 'til only vampires remain
@PrincessOlivia From reading Aza’s post and some comments under this thread, my guess is that their and Monica’s departures are related but on opposite sides of the coin. That is, Aza’s resignation sparked some CoC change that Monica dissented from as the pendulum swinging too far in the other direction, and voicing these concerns got her dismissed. I say this because Aza’s note paints other mods in a poor light, and directionally points in the same direction as TPTB have forcefully pushed the CoC in the last few years. I expect SE will announce the CoC changes in this light. — Dan Bron 17 hours ago
Is there any information to back this up?
I've created a room on chat.SE to be notified of new network-wide meta moderator/moderation posts, in case anyone is interested: Network Notification Room
On one hand, isn't that kinda morbid? On the other, great addition, I'm in!
why morbid? it's in our business to stay updated
I mean, it is an obituary.
@Druckles Nope, that was later invalidated.
When I resigned, I frankly did not expect that my resignation would become related to an occurrence of these proportions. It's difficult for me to discern what happened with Monica, because my resignation predates her termination. Instead of adding fuel to this fire, I wanted to thank you for differentiating our departures so clearly, rather than rolling them together or directly implicating mine as a cause-and-effect as some might. It lets me go in peace, for which I am grateful. — Aza 14 hours ago
The company I used to work for wanted to drastically change directions. They had one big problem though: they had an entire workforce that was used to working the old way (in-house versus hired out) and resented any and all change. So... they acted like complete bastards and that made people angry enough to trigger an exodus. Today it's a healthy profitable company with 90% of the workforce replaced with new people.
I can't help but notice that similar things are happening on Stack Overflow...
@Zoe How does it invalidate it? From what I can tell, Aza was not there to experience what went down.
@Druckles If the mod involved on "the other side" says Monica's resignation is different, they're most likely separate
> It's difficult for me to discern what happened with Monica, because my resignation predates her termination.
Doesn't say that they're not different?
Dunno. I'm a bit slow this week
@CindyMeister I have this feeling that there will be a lot 'firing' re-structuring happening within 6 months after the new CEO starts regardless whatever happened in the last few days.
Fire all non-sales people?
CEO's responsible for the stakeholders, lesser for the employees and users. Definitely not so much so for the moderators. Although if you pissed off ALL the users, there are unlikely to be any profit.
meh, no matter how it ends for most users, losing a significant portion of moderators and regulars will likely result in sites being flooded with all kinds of crap
Guessing that means they can rename the site to Spam Overflow
I could be wrong but I suspect that a good deal of SO's profit is expected to be from corporate deals. The subscription a large corporation pays equals the commission charged from selling many many individual developers on stackoverflow jobs. :p
I can live with a lot as long as they don't actively harm the community in the process, and as long as it's ethical
They need to pay their employees too.
I wonder, how much users frustration comes from the way this site handles duplicate question and how questions are closed.
Don't blame the people if they are just doing their duties, blame the system.
That's like saying "don't shoot the messenger" - but that is exactly what people will do, because the messenger is visible.
Maybe if system is improved, all the symptoms will disappear too.
People don't shoot a messenger because they're visible, but because the messenger's origin isn't and because it's the only way to send a response to the origin.
I like potatoes.
And the answer has been unlocked with a notice. Seems better this way.
*logs into SO after a weekend AFK*

Oh, my.
@E_net4theMeta-RemoveR Yes, no reason to hold back the votes as long as comments remain respectful.
Agreed. An inspection of the comment archive shows that some of the comments were excessively hot.
In a sort of morbid way I wish I'd seen them before they were [probably rightfully] nuked.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit me, this morning
"abusive" or abusive?
Wonder whether this firing, knowing the $h!t$t0rm that would ensue, was an attempt to distract from the recent illegal activities HMM
very Trumpist!
@LightnessRacesinOrbit FWIW, we can still see some heated comments where the same answer was posted (example).
I flagged them for removal though, because they're really just fuel for the fire.
@E_net4theMeta-RemoveR Anything actually line crossing can also be deleted from the archive
just be aware of that
Dunno, they look alright to me.
Hanlon's razor seems to apply here. I don't think there's an evil plot to distract from the CC stuff.
Oh, I forgot about "welcoming" :)
@ErikA Nah, you're probably right, and I was mostly joking. Mostly.
@Magisch I imagine as much, but the heat is not unnoticed from those that remain there and not on the site.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit Do you really think that invoking political animosity in the middle of this firestorm is a good idea?
This is so well put I can't even...
The CoC applies to some more than to others it would seem
All animals are CoC compliant, but some animals are more CoC compliant than others.
Yes, the irony of the situation is almost amusing in its absurdity
@E_net4theMeta-RemoveR Classic book
@jpmc26 I trust that everybody in this room is mature enough not to take wild offence to an obvious real-world parallel and start throwing pitchforks - if I'm wrong about that, I'll rescind the comment.
(In case you're unaware, deflection by diverting the media's attention is a well-known political technique, famously a skill of the President's. That's neither a criticism of him nor a compliment.)
@jpmc26 not who you asked, but I dont think it'll become a problem. If it does, Lightness has indicated their agreement to have it binned already
@LightnessRacesinOrbit I don't think we should be paying any attention to real-world politics
In general, this whole fiasco doesn't mean the same rules don't still apply to the room as well. There are mods in here, who will keep the peace if necessary, and room owners. But I don't expect it to become a problem.
At the very least, I really don't want to.
@JohnDvorak Again, it's not politics. Sigh. Whatever. This went well.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit dw, I getcha
Bringing in real-world politics is great, because it reminds us that there's always worse :P
@AndrasDeak eh, true
Yeah, I'm in the UK, you can all laugh at me and our situation now
@NickA fish in a barrel
@JohnDvorak I mean... This is the expression of a sociopolitical ideology that's been under scrutiny for years. So ignoring them seems unwise here.
I've seen a lot of things about the way some mod was fired and how the ensuing reaction is handled. Are you aware about the spark, the reasons of this firing ?
The specific disagreement is subject to privacy, but we have a wealth of witness accounts that it was majorly mishandled by the company.
@DenysSéguret We're not in the loop, only mods are. You can favorite this answer and view the linked answer, that's as up-to-date as we can be
@NickA Nah dude, let's just stick to making bad jokes and laughing at that.
@Cerbrus it's probably just Jeremy again, nothing to see here
All I know so far is that several people whom I trust and would not blink trusting on more contentious matters then this who have been party to the dispute have made the judgement that the company gravely mishandled it
someone tried shoehorning him into the discussion last night elsewhere, so it's probably the same thing
@AndrasDeak What do we know about his case?
@AndrasDeak Something I missed, I guess.
And all of these facts are anecdotally corroborated by the fact that I've never known monica as anything other then scrupulously respectful and courteous and civil to a fault
@Magisch agreed
@JohnDvorak that it's been a very long story, lots of history, and I'm certain it has nothing to do with any of this
Well, to warrant a five-year suspension he probably did something more than the usual
@Magisch that's why there's so much pitchfork juice. Nobody in their right mind would assume that Monica of all people deserved it.
"Pitchfork juice". Ew.
I have popcorn if you prefer
I got mildly disappointed at monica on the twitter fiasco because I thought she was a bit too tolerant and concilliatory with staff
Oh, Banks... What happened there?
@Cerbrus I thought he's been on and off suspended for years
@DenysSéguret The most info we have is that Monica asked some questions about an upcoming policy that didn't sit well with the staff. cs.meta.stackexchange.com/q/1650/49059 Monica noted about the policy in question: "unlike the rest of the CoC, this rule mandates specific, positive actions." (judaism.meta.stackexchange.com/q/5193/14311)
@E_net4theMeta-RemoveR Can't see the archive, but what I saw before it was (relatively promptly) locked was not particularly disrespectful.
@jpmc26 It's also been suggested that the resignation from Aza instigated the change in the CoC.
Implying some people were on the wrong side of this.
When will they release the changes in the CoC?
@Druckles Yeah, I saw a comment linking to it, and it appears potentially related, but that's unconfirmed by any party.
@PeterHaddad They haven't been publicly announced yet.
Possibly never with the fiasco it caused even without being released, I hope
To give the company some credit, they did not remove the posts (in particular the one on judaism.se). Hopefully it means they aren't too far gone.
@PeterHaddad "soon but not so soon now"
@ErikA Given SE's past year and 5 months, I don't think community outcry has any sway over them anymore.
@StoryTeller That's the canari. When the posts are gone, we know SO's dead
@StoryTeller That would be throwing fuel on the fire, though, they probably realize that
bah, sorry, I completely misread
I thought you meant the company reply was removed
sigh... Nothing we can do now, not that we could've ever done something.
@ErikA Given how sure the response is of their moral superiority, I don't think they'd care if they really were that far gone
SE isn't going to listen to us, that's that.
TBH, I don't see what Sara could possibly hope to achieve with that answer
Silence would have been marginally better
There's always one simple step you can take: leave. But I don't know the facts. I'm still holding on to that 0.0001% chance that Monica was overreacting and we have nothing to worry about
get us riled up
@StoryTeller To rile up all the nae-sayers for banning?
@ErikA first we need a place to go
@ErikA Is firing someone a measured response to overreacting?
@StoryTeller If I'm speaking honestly, I don't think she really thought through the consequences. She believes she's in the right, and when your attitude is to demand acceptance from everyone, you don't really think about whether your words make that easier or harder for other people.
We could fire up a Discord server or something for former SE users, and create a channel for each site.
@Druckles Suspending someone so they can't do damage is. But not communicating that is just silly
@NickA Nah, probably just got called to handle a fiasco of her own creation during the weekend, and didn't proofread
@jpmc26 +1
@ErikA best case, the reason they're "not communicating" is that they hadn't had the time to
Is this the long fallout from having SE sites about politics, religion and interpersonal skills, by trying to run them like sites for impersonal technical matters? Intolerant remarks about (for example) sexuality and religious beliefs are not obviously off topic, not-nice, noise, but the very subject?
it's time to staexit
@Raedwald I don't think so
you mean, stack overflow-away?
@PeterHaddad Stacxit?
@Raedwald No. It's the long fallout from having SE the company decide it wants to exert its influence to "fix" sociopolitical problems. They announced they were going to start doing so in the wake of "Time to Take a Stand."
@Druckles yes that's better lol
@PeterHaddad Stack Outflow?
Stack Exchange: Fallout?
Guys... there's just no alternative
the stack is down
@Cerbrus that is exactly what we don't want to!
Pop the Stack?
steam was down this weekend. I return to work to see this. It's signs the end times!
@E_net4theMeta-RemoveR I don't understand why Sara is posting the same answer over and over. It's really dismissive in a way
stack ex/change
@Raedwald hl3 confirmed
it's time to overthrow the stack
stack overthrow? I'm listening.
@NickA I just.. don't know
the news is on HN. And the content is just a reminder that many online communities would rejoice at any SO problem
Hacker News
Good point
HackerNews (ycombinator news)
Didn't look on reddit. Nothing on lobsters
@YvetteColomb I sent that when you joined the room hours ago!
@YvetteColomb Possibly because he/she believes that posting nothing will amount to worse, and he/she doesn't have anything vetted from somebody higher up to post other than that
incidentally adding fuel to the fire doing so
It's one of those cases where if you copypasta, you lose; if you don't say anything, you lose
@NickA I know. was doing stuff
there was nothing on Reddit last night, I haven't looked this morning.
Honestly, I am surprised and disappointed this answer is duplicated across the network. It's a little dismissive. No answer would be better than a copy and pasted answer. I would strongly recommend getting someone with more good will within the community to make these posts. — Yvette Colomb 42 secs ago
Not sure a discord server for SO/SE exiles would be a positive example, particularly this close to an event like this. The closer it is in memory, the harder it is to be objective, typically
and that is the last they ever hear from yvette on the network
@SébastienRenauld Yeah. I don't really see the point either
So ... we raiding anything? Stopping the evil company?
@Zoe hey gimme some of that! :D
You know, a "We're looking into it" would work better than the copypasta
@SébastienRenauld You objectively lose less by saying nothing until you have something to say that people will accept. If you don't say anything, you always have the chance to reconcile by saying something later. When you double down on something your listeners have already rejected without offering anything to change their minds, you lose the battle completely.
@YvetteColomb She's probably the person with the most goodwill at this point -- of course, that's just speculation.
i.e. not a dismissal, but no change either
@YvetteColomb it's worse than just dismissive. It throws shade at a third party, thinly veiled as a "we're sorry for your inconvenience" answer on the announcement of a mod stepping down in the aftermath
@JL2210 not looking at the meta posts
@YvetteColomb That's faster than using "Contact us" to get account deletion :P
@StoryTeller ikr! lol
@SébastienRenauld "We're looking into it" has all the content and apparent sincerity of "Your call is important to us, please hold."
Still better than the copypasta, though - and I didn't mean it literally, word-for-word. There are ways to craft a similar statement in a better fashion
@TelKitty sorry I haven't called you back yet xo
For thoose wondering and who didn't saw it Gilles resignation brings a fair description of what happened in TL IMHO
I'm a developer, not a comms person - I don't do PR ;-)
@YvetteColomb That's fine, I am going to see you in a weeks time anyways :p
"We're looking into it" would've been super on the licensing question, instead of three weeks of silence an then a non-response.
@Tensibai I step down for 10 days and within that time end up with more communication from the site in the proceeding days as a mod. What on earth?
@TelKitty :D
Everything's on fire and we're running around in blind panic, please hold would be the thing I'd go for
@SébastienRenauld And yet you're better at it than the director of Q&A. This is not the first time she's done something on Meta that went over poorly.
@Tensibai How do you know it's fair ? Did you witness it ? Do you have a special faith in Gilles ?
@DenysSéguret Witness, mod on devops.se and it happen I read the transcript
@jpmc26 I'm seeing it as a bystander. Most people have issues with being inside the box when they're, well, inside the box
@jpmc26 could be because she had no other choice because of her orders
@JohnDvorak That's also a very likely possibility and definitely explains the pseudo-damage-control copypastas
@Zoe I'm not sure they don't care hun, I think they're in a corner and a crisis and probably don't know what to do.
I've been part of a later talk on the same subject with a slightly different concern, but the same outcome
dammit enter key
@ErikA This looks what any reasonable CEO would post right now. Or rather a few hours ago.
@JohnDvorak No, I'm referring to when she replied to Tim's post about Hot Meta going away. Where she contradicted him and expressed her ideology on "niceness." She clearly wasn't ordered to do so. Why would the company tell her to contradict Tim?
@Tensibai and you're stepping down too. I did honestly think that the core community needed care - did warn them
@jpmc26 I must have missed that part. Link?
@jpmc26 I think that was her way of standing up for her employees. It just doesn't work on meta. People cannot demand respect. People need to earn the trust of the community before putting out heated statements
A: We’re removing “Hot Meta Posts” from Stack Overflow's sidebar for now; moderators now fully control [featured]

Sara ChippsI’d like to add some context to the “why” we are doing it. Tim, kindly, wanted to shield me from ire, however, in taking this job I signed up for this. I'd like to come here, own my decision, and deliver this feedback. Stack Overflow Employees have panic attacks and nightmares when they know th...

@JohnDvorak most downvoted answer on the most downvoted mso post ever
SE behavior, then meta enforced change to not possible to follow with the comments deletion and multiple chat rooms had already made my decision, this last behavior from SE has just pushed me to just drop the ball totally
I was not aware of this, but then again I don't spend much time outside of SO itself. Seems like SE is progressively doing a 180 on all their values one by one
@Magisch to be honest. I'm not sure these statements are founded. There's only partial information. So people are filling in the gaps and it's important to be careful when we do that. Just saying
@JohnDvorak If you have some time, read the room transcript under this answer: meta is 0.015% of users and not interesting on top of being a band of monsters
@YvetteColomb I've never known Bhargav to be the speculating type
I trust his judgement
@Tensibai well I stepped down, as I felt exhausted. I've been more free in posting on youtube, my opinions ...
@YvetteColomb And you have been posting on YT religiously, geez
@YvetteColomb In hindsight, it looks like stepping down when you did saved you from a very difficult decision.
@YvetteColomb if you had waited a short while you could've jumped the wagon, SMH
No worries, no blame, just stating ùy reasons
There really isn't enough information public to judge the underlying issue. There is probably enough public to judge the way SE has handled the firing, though
@AndrasDeak We could just say she's hipster: stepping down before it was cool.
@MadScientist which is my core reason to drop the ball TBH
Of course she did it first; she stepped down from horseback
the others had to walk ;)
@TelKitty hehe did you see my youtube vid about that? hehehe I'll say. there's gonna be a shake up.
For better or worse ...
A shakeup can go both ways. It can be to the benefit of the community, or at the expense of a few more moderators
I'm getting tired.
of all this
@JL2210 let me channel my inner Tim: go do something else
You guys believe this is one of those things that will take 6 to 8 weeks to be unraveled?
the company has changed irrevocably. The old site is dead and gone. I'm not sure the site will remain viable. It's the first time I've honestly thought that
@Veljko89 More like 6 to 8 months
dismissing the core users is an unwise move
I call a riot.
@Veljko89 "a few weeks" is a figure I specifiically have heard
And what would a riot do?
All you'll end up accomplishing with a riot is confirm their decisions to run the site top-down.
Everybody who cared about the site leaves
@Veljko89 I really do not know... what to expect. They need to change how they're relating to the community on meta
That's not a riot.
Good point.
That's an informed decision to vote with your feet, which is perfectly valid if done the right way
Honestly, I'm just praying for a replacement. If something similar to SO with a few changes to handle the way information ages and better focus on curation were to spring up, I'd be gone in a heartbeat.
A mass informed decision to vote with your feet?
@YvetteColomb It's all mine now >:D Welcome to my reign of terror popcorn
@jpmc26 yep trend setter. My kids did ask if I started something. I said "no", but having a SO mod step down does leave a mark.
then create the replacement
"Stack Overflow Employees have panic attacks and nightmares when they know they will need to post something to Meta." ... may I ask why? I had quite a few people calling me because my posts on 2 websites (one forum, one social media), one was even from overseas. Do I panic? No.
As long as it didn't make "diversity" and "inclusion" more important than the actual programming info, anyway.
@YvetteColomb I'm pretty confident they know exactly what we expect
@TelKitty meh
@Zoe sob I've created a monster.. Gimme that popcorn whipper snapper grabs popcorn bag How strong are you? I'm not strong.. you may win the bag
@Zoe you are cynical for such a youngun
Quit fighting, Zoe I trusted you with that popcorn, Yvette, don't grab
@Zoe Popcorn rain.
@TelKitty but you're kick ass lol
@YvetteColomb I have no idea. I have teeth though :P
@NickA it's too late, she took my corns! sob
@YvetteColomb Hi, I'm Cynical Zoe. Nice to meet you.
@Zoe dam I don't wanna be bit
And here I thought I was the cynical cactus
@NickA 57 more to go :]
@YvetteColomb Isn't being "kick-***" a requirement for managing an unruly mob of international users?
@Magisch lmao!
@Zoe Lmao, nobody else is going to understand that
I know, it's fun :D
@jpmc26 oh you should meet @TelKitty in real life. She's hilarious! And very bright. I enjoy her company. My horses love her. She brings them apples and carrots
Aussie mafia?
Good, let's get back to horses and popcorn. All this talk about firings, resignations and riots is scaring my chickens.
@jpmc26 well now that's interesting. I haven't heard anyone mention programming in a while roflmao the largest programming website no longer discusses programming
lowers pitchfork and turns on popcorn machine STEP RIGHT UP!
@jpmc26 not a dichotomy... (inclusion maybe, with a given definition of inclusion)
@NickA One popcorn, hold the pitchfork juice please!
@YvetteColomb the plot thickens, you are planning horse powered takeover of the planet after all
@Raedwald hear hear
@Gimby You know what happens it you feed a horse popcorn?
@jpmc26 @Yvette meant like this :p
@Cerbrus It explodes?
@Magisch hmmm looks left looks right and gallops off on horse
It probably just eats it.
@NickA Um, I don't think horses are explosive XD
Much less exciting, far more appealing
@Cerbrus expectations shattered
@Zoe Well tf that wasn't Rick Astley, you woulda got me
@Zoe I'm sorry I gave you a hard time when you stood up for mod election - I think I misunderstood you and probably was a harsh judge on you. Please forgive me for that.
@AndrasDeak If the goal is, "Don't treat people like crap," sure. There's no contradiction there. I have no problem with that. I bought into that wholeheartedly when I believed that was what SO's Be Nice policy meant. (You can go back and read my plea over "Time to Take a Stand" if you want proof of that.) But it's gone far, far, beyond that and become, "Let's fix the racial and sex disparities," and, "It's your fault that there are disparities for not being nice enough."
@YvetteColomb Don't worry about it - it's fine. ^^
At this point, all Stack Overflow is is us working for the company. I don't want to do that anymore. Who's with me?
@Zoe well I cannot create a private room now to chat! lol but anyway that part, I'm woman enough to stand up when I've made a mistake. So in the public arena that can go. xx
one thing if they want meta to be nicer this is kind of a shotgun to the face of that goal
@JL2210 I suggest we give them time
I'm still hoping an apology / contrition is coming and they're just slow because its early monday morning where they are
@JL2210 I still have a love and affection for the site. Probably cos of you bozos LOL and a hangover - it still has some good content - although it's hard to see amidst the heads falling.
I don't want to start a rebellion, I want to have a backup plan if SOinc decides to shut the gates.
@JohnDvorak We've been giving them time for years. Things have literally just gotten worse as it passed. At what point do you say, "Enough"?
What more will time give us? They've already stripped us of our say in the site, they're going to do what they want. Nothing will change that.
@jpmc26 I mean, to justify the latest ... event.
@JohnDvorak exactly! my thoughts exactly!
@JL2210 Shog is coming back with good news on the close vote experiment
@JL2210 I've said I'll give it a month
we can't abandon him now!!
@YvetteColomb Doesn't really matter if there's not much of a site left :/
Report is done. Results are fantastic. Got colleagues checking my work. Week was shit otherwise, but happy about this one thing. More next week! @jl2210 — Shog9 ♦ 2 days ago
@JL2210 best case, reconcilliation. Worst case, no difference.
@JohnDvorak In the past 2 years, has the situation ever improved as a result of giving them time?
@Zoe :\
@jpmc26 well yes - we got 3 CVs - my inner serious voice is trying to suppress uproarious laughter at how lame that one example is.
@jpmc26 I can recall several incidents that have been resolved by just letting the other party talk
@JohnDvorak I meant with SO PR nightmares specifically.
Even if nothing changes for the better as a result of this, returning to status quo is better than pressing the nuke button a few minutes too early.
@YvetteColomb It's not laughable. That was actually fantastic. But it is worth noting that when they did it, it was explicitly not with the intention of trying to help long time users, but with the intent to measure whether it helped askers.
@LightnessRacesinOrbit do you think they're that organised? tbh nothing about this company strikes me as being well organised
I think they're not listening to the CMs enough
I would like to know just what the proposed rule change was that started this whole kerfluffle.
@jpmc26 did you watch my last youtube vid about this? youtube.com/… You will find we are more agreeable than not - there's just some details we don't agree on.
@JohnDvorak Don't get me wrong. I'm not suggesting we ignore whatever comes or that we just abandon the site wholesale right now without another place to even go. But I also don't think there's any use in having expectations of something that is highly unlikely.
Hello all. For those who are not aware, I have set up a notification room with feeds of moderator tags from ALL meta sites network-wide to stay updated as events unfold
@SamuelLiew Might be worth pinning that?
@jpmc26 I have no objections to having a backup plan. But I still want to keep an open door for SOinc to make amends.
@JohnDvorak I have a serious question for you. For you personally, what do you think it would take for SO to "make amends"?

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