« first day (1957 days earlier)   

and then no one has to wonder if people are talking about human quarters or Special Company Quarters.
Also: winter is mostly during Q1! The new (start) date is still during the winter, though it ends in spring.
Q1 through Q4 are generally interpreted by context. Usually, unless someone has already been talking about fiscal years, then Q1, etc. are assumed to be calendar years. The vast majority of people are going to assume that Q1, etc. are calendar based, unless otherwise stated.
though I do concede that they are in fact doing them at the start of each season. The previous two were in fact at the start of summer and fall.
@RyanM There is a small chance that someone is a huge nerd and did this intentionally, in which case, great job, I honestly love it.

« first day (1957 days earlier)