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@ChewbaccoCat hahahaha
master now dating another bot
why u sad , :P
master is not married
because he is going without taking us to udaipur?
@Hans1984 going to bachelor party ?
@AshuKumar you are funny
Keeds are always funny
UK election hung assembly
@MukeshRana yeah i m cc@TCat-SmartCatwithT
smart cat ?@TCat-SmartCatwithT ?
yeah damn smart
@ColdFire is in fun mode :)
@AshuKumar good
@TCat-SmartCatwithT like a computer without ram
@AshuKumar lol
good Dr. Doom @ColdFire
How to upload question with screen shot
or image file in stack over flow
@KeshavGera for image u must have 20 rep
@TCat-SmartCatwithT change name to LOL
@KeshavGera as @AshuKumar said , you currently have 21 repo
but you need 20 repo to upload the image
so you need to -1 from your repo
another name change ?
@TCat-SmartCatwithT hahaahahahha
Shapeshifter cat
@TheFlash even forgot his real name so he kee p changes name to get real name cc@TCat-SmartCatwithT
@AshuKumar agree cat
Changed to new name
You will be surprised
Can we add a dialog feature to a view ?
For example if someone touch window outside the view, the view should be gone
set a listener?
That view has many child view...
i have done something like this,
one view is visible and have width and height behind it i have image view with match parent touch on that imageview hide the view
i do not know it will work or not
that is kinda hack
meh make a invisible view with matchparent
Also by that I don't want other views to be block by that
and onclick of that dismiss whatever you want
yay my SIP is up by 8 INR
8 rupees ?
8% ?
of total
well it was in loss and now it is in profit
by 29 INR
@ColdFire cool let me check my SIP
287 +
my 10k SIP only 29 INR :(
your 2K and 287 :(
no not 2k
its 9k
its been 9 months
@ColdFire Wakarimashtha
oh nine months
mine is only 10 days old
my other SIP is giving me 26% return
How to get mobile no from device in android
@ColdFire rich coldman
@TheLittleNaruto i have shared a reply of my loot see it, its a big one
@TheFlash lol that is a small SIP
@ColdFire Give me 10 minutes
That CoC things....
@ColdFire Give me 10 minutes
wolf :/
@ColdFire nice loot
very nice loot
what name you have in COC?
@TheF How much more time do you need ?
I texted u in WA
u didn't reply
I replied you already
You didn't check it yet
> The Delhi Metro- It can be cited an example of Human-Right violation. At daytime, it was another metro of the world but at night it was like the last shuttle leaving the ravaged earth.
cited an example of Human-Right violation
launching demo in moto g4 plus....@TheLittleNaruto
@TheFlash Try on Nexus
Give me nexus
I have only 2 devices to test
Moto g4 plus and Redmi 2
Give me apk
or tell me sample link
I'll try by myself
Can I send on ur gmail ?
sharing u link too
share link here too :D
@DroidDev lmao
@TheLittleNaruto sent..check ur gmail inbox
@TheFlash checking
@Hans1984 @ColdFire @AshuKumar @TheLittleNaruto AGAIN @Catmaster @berserk @MukeshRana @DroidDev @AshuKumar @Amy @FranciscoMelicias
@ChewbaccoCat lol
@ChewbaccoCat payment first what if master not found
@Catmaster LOL MASTER
I am now master , taken place of catmaster
@ChewbaccoCat @AshuKumar you are my undercharming cats now
under control
@Catmaster transfer money to pizza house and i will be ur forever (untill pizza finished)
@ChewbaccoCat lol....too less. I need $500 million :P
hah ahahahahahha
i'm wondering about this new :: syntax in java ("method reference" syntax),
why couldn't they just reuse the period . ?
unless object.method as an expression already has some other meaning i'm not aware of?
@Rahul That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: ceiling
@DroidDev From last 2 days ur neddle is stuck at $500 million
@TheFlash and suddenly he will get that amount
@TheFlash *needle and yes....isn't yours? :P
@AshuKumar I'll give you 20% of that, if I get that suddenly, without any work ;)
@DroidDev Nope I know very well my luck
in my luck there is always wtf
@TheFlash dude just do not be sad or hopeless :) everything gonna fine
@TheFlash well....same here. That's the only reason I still ain't got that 5, succeeded by 9 zeroes, in paper money ;)
@DroidDev let me give u information of next chori...
@AshuKumar Yo
@AshuKumar share it with me I will do it in a flash...!
yeah....a slow flash, that'll you'll see and will be amazed at, because you'll think to yourself, can slow-motion happen in real life?
The flash cries in a corner
LMFAO, @ColdFire @TheLittleNaruto A MUST READ
Just having a little knowledge of the flash ain't work in real life
@DroidDev Hilarious
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Q: Fragment Name in Manifest

tuniprocoderI have a strange problem in AndroidManifest, I can not write the fragment in Manifest (I want to change the label name) Thanks in advance!

Some one pls help him
This one also...
Q: What is -> in onClickListener? Please go through the image in description to understand it better

Sarfraz BaigI have been assigned to develop a calculator type app and I came across this sample code as shown in the picture. Sample Code What does the arrow symbol even means? How to type it using keyboard ? Is there an alternate way ? I am specifically asking for the arrow part.

@AshuKumar hi
paste.ofcode.org/QstYmKrC5h8G4YibDiuRWY can u see why onBindViewHolder is not working
List feedItem = feedItemList.get(i);
Log.d("Data",feedItem )
try this
@ResearchDevelopment Try to set some text and see if it's working or not.
List<String> feedItem = feedItemList.get(i); error is omcing
Incompatible types.
now....beat this perfection @TheLittleNaruto @TheFlash @ColdFire @berserk
@ResearchDevelopment Here is your problem
public int getItemCount() {
return (null != feedItemList ? feedItemList.size() : 0);
just return return feedItemList .size() if size is 0 then onBindViewHolder will never be called
@DroidDev nice
@ResearchDevelopment return feedItemList.size();
@ResearchDevelopment change type of feeItem to String
@BatCat Spanish?
@Mohsen lol no just simply..
@ResearchDevelopment code looks correct
you sure you have items in list?
Can you do Log.d("COUNT",String.valueOf(feedItemList.size())); ?
but still i am getting call back in onBindViewHolder why in constructor i am getting data
also your log statement is wrong
@ResearchDevelopment String item=feedItemList.get(i).toString()
Inside the getCount method.
if its empty it wont log anything
this i have updated code
38 secs ago, by Bat Cat
Can you do Log.d("COUNT",String.valueOf(feedItemList.size())); ?
Inside getCount method ?
@ResearchDevelopment what is the issue in updated code?
getItemCount also i am not getting cal lback
are you setting adapter to Recyclerview?
@ResearchDevelopment when you setting adapter
also have you set layout manager also?
Dude your bindviewholder will only get called if there if you return some count to the adapter..
before api call?
Show us the codes please
and when you are notifying it ?
that data has changed
Also, I think there was sth wrong too
this is my MainActvity class

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