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Good morning
@TheLittleNaruto say it again kid C:
@berserk Well played yesterday.. I give you that.
Greetings! @all
@TheLittleNaruto c:
@berserk And yeah keep showing your ass daily in chat..
Eh wait
I meant just keep coming online daily
Dude you're a real deal 😃
Start watching Gangsta if you have time
"Those who know how to win are much more numerous than those who know how to make proper use of their victories" -Polybius (source)
Good Morning Guys :D
morn' muk bruh
How are you bruh?
Good bruh, How are you bruh ?
Watch this: youtube.com/watch?v=8q4xY8NO7yQ @muk @ber @dro @theF @cold
I am good bruh
yeah I will, when I have a breakup :P
let me check bruh
@berserk dude watch it already. It's not about that basically
And this too: youtube.com/watch?v=mPCDQ34S8Rs @muk @ber @dro @theF @cold
@rekire update 2.3.3
@Amy Gm
@TheLittleNaruto Okay
hey GM
Buenos dias folks ! jay mahadev @ChewbaccoCat @MukeshRana @Amy @TheLittleNaruto @berserk
Jai Jai Mahadev
@Radhey yo
@TheLittleNaruto ok
Good morning people
ber ber...
Jai mahadev @Radhey
Good morning buddies
Someone has Nexus shit device ?
Nope dude
This MaFa device giving me strange issue when I am recording and during recording when I rotate it to landscape and rotate back to portrait and stop it , it throws this exception: hastebin.com/simosubobi.sql
Good morning guys
@TheLittleNaruto vgm; I already knew that
@rekire knew what? vgm
I doubt Mars man posted it XD
@TheLittleNaruto the update
@rekire I see. Are you awake enough to check above issue ?
Good Morning
Looks like this is device specific issue.
Can't really handle it from my side
@ColdFire I this morning saw news on youtube, which highlights that even qatar is financing hardcore islamic militant group in syria, and is a part of US lead coalition. Hence isolation from Saudi's and hence my previous statement, that qatar is most democratic country in middle-east, now stands somewhat on basis of mere speculations
@TheLittleNaruto well.....have a beer
Even the default camera app is taking forever to launch
@DroidDev Wish I could
It's been a while since I had a beer
@TheLittleNaruto I wish I could say that ;P
hehe Lucky boy
@muk Remember your limit.
You too Man
neepes, I never touched it.....but a friend of mine does
@TheLittleNaruto Wish I could show you a video of one of my friends when last time I visited Kasol
Well I am telling not to discuss on selling and buying over here
oh.....ok ok
I am not sellling or buying. It's a giveaway deal
The way you wrote it meant that only @muk
but we ain't sellin' buyin'
it was like me sayin', "hey, I am coming to bangalore, anybody needs liquor, I'll bring it with me, lemme know" ;)
This is my weed face btw :
umm....so you go bald after smoking? :P
@MukeshRana remove all message :D
I was pointing to face only 😒
there come a keeds. So yeah what we were talking about.. oh yes Milk. Yeah I do like milk but it has to be mixed with Bournvita first
oh....that reminded me, I gotta buy choco latte, which can be mixed in warm milk
I love things related to milk
@AshishJain use pastie sites to share long code and keep room clean
I am feeling really hugry now. Need a bowl of milk alongwith corn flakes
also, that's a relatively easy google search @AshishJain
Yes Please check this
@TheLittleNaruto lol, I had friends. If you went to their room even after 4 hours of last time they closed it, and open the door, the smoke would come out.
@DroidDev :D
Those guys are basically crazy
But it is true, if you want to focus one thing for a day or night, you should take weed
once, parents of a guy arrived in room. You won't believe, but his sister was practically knocking on walls, to check if they hid something inside the damn wall
...and we were like, what kind of sorcery is this? :/
Hi guys I am new to creating android app. I wanted some advice or walk-through. I have to create an android file which takes an audio file as input from the user then send this file to a python script for execution which return json data and then show that data on the page. I was thinking of using Phone Gap to make a hybrid app and use javascript to invoke python script. I was wondering whether this approach will work and if not then what are the drawbacks?
Well in Kasol, people even get them bitten by a snake. The end of intoxication
@TheLittleNaruto lol, one of them once forgot that it was his exam day, because he was in "suroor" :P
@Sudhanshu if your python script is on a remote server, then you can use RESTful api calls to send your data as a multi-part entity. Phonegap or not is your choice, since if you know the language then its all good and well
@DroidDev Thanks I'll start looking for RESTful api.
@Sudhanshu so your python script is on remote server?
No right now it is in local system.
@MukeshRana TRUE
hola @Shubham finally using his account
@Shubham yep
@AshuKumar Yup :)
how are u buddy?
as usual buddy :) kabhi khushi kabhi gum :D
@Sudhanshu oh....but if it will be on remote, then RESTful is answer to sending and returning data. Also, if you go by native android, you can use libraries for your tasks, like retrofit for RESTful api calls and data uploading etc
@TheLittleNaruto 🤣😂
@MukeshRana You remind me of Kasol trip :'( woh bhi in the morning main :(
wow what a english :D
@berserk yo
@Shubham lol
@TheLittleNaruto you have to disconnect the camera on orientation change, or you need to handle the configuration change yourself. in the context of the camera I would handle the configuration change myself
@berserk yo
LMFAO, them vids you shared @TheL
Yeah I watched 2 other videos too
@DroidDev watch this youtube.com/watch?v=uvqD_VUZI24
@DroidDev reading...
@TheFlash watching...
@TheFlash this one is too good man!
@TheFlash yo
@berserk yo
@TheFlash yo
@berserk yo
...and then there's this
cool explanation..so when we see distance star it's position is different than what we see..if there is high mass start in between
sup ? @berserk
playing mmo
massively multiplayer online ?
@TheFlash yeap....but I doubt, if a distant star has a high mass in front of it, we'll even be able to see it. See, distant stars are pretty far away....like millions-billions of light years away. So, anything in front of them, will most probably block all their light that'll come towards us
@TheFlash yea
@TheFlash @DroidDev sama
@berserk wolf
c..c...combo breaker
no bots today...

Jun 9 declared as nobots day
I agree it's very easy.. and I am getting HTTP/1.1 200 OK....
but after hitting the same URL I should get below response
"api_key": "9c198287a91110f0dec75b3e7e1e1f64"
@TCat :O
@TCat go and do ur last 10 days pending work
@AshishJain so, you aren't getting that reponse?
@DroidDev Yes
@TCat holiday for bots
@AshishJain well...try it in postman, it'll tell you the response. If you don't get same there either, then problem is at server end. If you get the same, then we need to see how you are fetching response out of your http call
@AshuKumar Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risk. Please read the offer document carefully before investing' says the disclaimer in the every advertisement of the mutual fund.
I have .json and tried to import that file in PostMan and getting{
"api_key": "9c198287a91110f0dec75b3e7e1e1f64"
@jagapathi yeh
@AshishJain what is .json?
@TCat crossing road is also subject to road risk. But we do it anyway :P
it is a collection/json file to test api over POSTMAN
using below code to hit URl
@DroidDev hahaha true
@AshishJain if that is n't the response you need, then ask your server side guy. If it is the response you need, then show me the code where you are fetching response from http call
Please check
@TCat i m thinking to start investment :D
@DroidDev even eating also subject to health risk :D
A: how do I get a string from my http response android?

AustinYES, THERE IS! YOU CAN DO ALL OF THAT IN ONE LINE! Just like this: response = client.execute(post); String responseStr = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); happy app making

@AshuKumar ...and breathing is subject to air pollutant risk :D
@rekire But that is Camera Intent not custom camera. Is it possible to handle config change with camera intent ?
@AshishJain what happened man
I want you to build the whole thing including the specification. It better be exactly what I expect it to be and please don’t bother me with the requirements.
my client right now ^
@AshuKumar Actually, I am not getting the exact same response what I want...
@AshishJain told you how to get the exact response out of call. Now, that code will return a string, which is the "actual" response that you need.
@DroidDev Yes, I was trying same and now getting same response.thanks MAN...
@AshishJain great!
@AshishJain then it might server errior
see....it was an easy google search
I just posted the first link I found on google
did u check in postman ?
@TCat Cat
@jagapathi cat
@TheFlash is going to meet real flash : i.e. sun
Ashu cat
⚡️ afternoon
@AshuKumar and once the flash meet sun - the flash melts
@TheFlash sun melts....
@jagapathi afetr noon
power of flash man
good noon ashu cat
@TheFlash hahaha
how are u buddy @jagapathi
@AshuKumar just fine
have some fun @AshuKumar @jagapathi youtube.com/watch?v=uvqD_VUZI24
@jagapathi goood
near to complete app
@TheFlash on lunch time
Looks like I won't be able to handle config changes in camera intent.
what is best way to remove / convert to resprenetative character from html content
@TheLittleNaruto good after noon fox :)
The one everyone is talking about is not working for me i.e. android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize"
@AshuKumar After noon Big Boy
@TheLittleNaruto i think it was @ChewbaccoCat or @HarshDalwadi or someone else
Fuck Dude! This custom camera will take time. I wont be able to take this in this sprint
Got plenty of works to do, Kinda blocked
@AshuKumar what's with them ?
@TheFlash Ok You make custom Camera for me instead of making those faces
@TheFlash hahaha i love standup comedy XD
@jagapathi credit goes to fox who shared initially
@TheLittleNaruto custom camera ? Do u mean custom camera view ?
@TheFlash I'll beat your ass right there
I am not in mood of fun.
TLN is busy with f** nexus XD
well I saw many reports camera crash issue in Nexus
@TheLittleNaruto sry man
Nexus is bad at Camera thingy. Either you create your own Camera to record video or just assume you're not going to have any customer who has no Nexus device
do you want demo ?
Choice is yours
@TheFlash Yep
@TheFlash Sorry for what ? I just like to yell at you. It makes me feel good.
@TheLittleNaruto yeah you prick, I bet you do feel good :P
Can I use any open source code or native Camera API ? @TheLittleNaruto
brb Lunch time
Q: What is the best IDE for web developement?

SebiWhat is the best IDE for web developement?

@TheFlash only native
@AshuKumar hi
how are u
@TheLittleNaruto i think they can not handle the keyboard configuration
@ResearchDevelopment hello, i m good and u ?
mee to good
i need one help
@ResearchDevelopment yes?
i have to acess data getBehaviour and Detail class varibale
@TheLittleNaruto well that is device issue
GA all
😒 hanger again
cool @TCat
!!hang counterrevolutionaries
@DroidDev Correct! The word is counterrevolutionaries.
hang plz @jagapathi
lol @DroidDev nice
@QuyTang :D
no rope to hang myself
hahaha @jagapathi
!!wiki rope
there is 1 in ur bedroom
try to find cat
@TheFlash or flash will give
@AshuKumar paste.ofcode.org/QstYmKrC5h8G4YibDiuRWY in this code i am able to get value in List in Constuctor but not getting value
@AshuKumar yup also I will help to hang at fav place as well
I am too kind
@TheFlash :P and after his death took his body to his bloody friend
@ResearchDevelopment give me some time will check
all trying to kill me :/
learning kannada
lmao @DroidDev @TheLittleNaruto^
@AshuKumar Why are you telling me this ?
@jagapathi nope it was @TCat
@TheLittleNaruto u asked me so that
@jagapathi I know. But I'll have to come up with something to solve it. Our products can make money from our customers only and we can't lose any of them.
@ColdFire nice
@TheLittleNaruto sorry no idea
35 messages moved to Trash can
so when we see any alien planet millions of billions of distance then it may not be there as many starts bent light in zigzag manner
@AshuKumar Hi u there
@TheFlash lol, now that we know that there's bending of light, we also know how to find the exact place of star. So don't worry about it ;)
Today is no lunch day...
@ResearchDevelopment lunch time brb
@TheFlash but i m having
okay go cat
have some bread
@ChewbaccoCat That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: chewcat
@ChewbaccoCat late cat
where is our master?
AGAIN LOST fuckin master @Hans1984

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