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@someone hmm....never tried that....
I just thought that this would be more efficient instead of making http requests regularly
@someone but setCurrentTime(current_time_from_server) will also be coming from a server. What you can do is, get the time current from server, and then get current time from device
if I delete a folder its obvious that all the files within are deleted right?
now, lets assume that time on server won't be wrong ever, because servers are perfect machines
if someone on your device has played with time, then time from server and time from device won't match
and you can just lock the app for them or tell them to correct the time
and until they do, don't let them proceed with app
after they set the correct time, check time from server again
remember to keep 3 minutes window in server time and device time. That's the maximum you should compensate for HTTP (its an overkill, but still safe and a win-win for both parties)
i see wall of text
@ColdFire that can put a stop to people who used to get more lifes on candy crush by changing the time on device :P
lol really that is a such a stupid hack
candy crush developer should commit suicide
haha.....tru dat
time should always be taken from server
you never knew if wolf or human is using it
@DeStr yeap
@DeStr yeap
from here:journaldev.com/10416/… at the CustomAdapter if I dont want the animation can I just delete it?
here? CustomAdapter? animation? did I miss something?
oh...dat edit ;P
didn't paste the link :P
yeah....don't worry about the animation....just implement the basic functionality
how much should I delete though?
or just to use it because what the heck
Animation animation = AnimationUtils.loadAnimation(mContext, (position > lastPosition) ? R.anim.up_from_bottom : R.anim.down_from_top);
these two lines are for animation
because i saw that the result is unused
in the else statement above
so I wanted to butcher that out
@DeStr that'll get you into trouble later. Spend more time in beginning, but understand better. Its always more helpful. Code will only get more complex as you proceed, its better to clear basics in beginning
reember, jaraiya didn't teach naruto any new jutsus in 3 years of training, he just worked on his basics and when naruto returned, he took bells from kakashi
i didn't have the privilege to watch naruto
haha....but you get the point ;)
a samurai jack analogy would be better
got it :P
i didn't have the privilege to watch samurai jack :P
also @DeStr if you get time, try listview with checkboxes. Make the list scrollable upto two pages, check first three checkboxes, scroll the list up and down and see what happens
you'll learn a lot from this simple exercise
@DroidDev lmao
and he learned new jutsu in days
@ColdFire but he wouldn't have been able to fight well, if jaraiya didn't train him. See....basics my friend....basics ;)
meh trying to fill plotholes I see
@DroidDev will do
@ColdFire says the guy who's sad because fairy tail is ending :P
@DroidDev also you metioned earlier to use the file path, but later when using the adapter I need to convert that into bitmap and set it, to do it that way or there is something more to it?
@DeStr just get the bitmap from path and set it into your image view
thought there was some kind of trick
thanks again!
there might be some code for getting a file from path, but it'll be easy to google ;)
@DeStr no worries, I was waiting on installations anyway...didn't have anything to do. Glad I was of help :)
getting a file from a path is easy but I thought i can get bitmap straight from the file path
@DeStr naa...you'll need to convert file into bitmap. Be careful to not get too large bitmaps into your variables, since that'll throw out of memory exception for bitmap.
i got 16kb pictures
pretty sure nothing will happen
yeah...that isn't even near at hurt-limit ;)
also its a school project so ill be using only 10 examples to get my 100 and go work at mc donalds
@DeStr haha....beginning is always small :)
I actually love the freedom we got with this project
to get a 100 you need only 2 things, data base and writing to files
so I added php, pictures retrofit2 and some more stuff
oh....good to hear. That's nice that you are adding value to it
after installing jre, jdk, and openssl, I was finally able to get keyhash
woosh! that was long time for one silly hash
naa.....its just the commands need specific things and directories to be run from, and since I am not on android for a while now, I've forgotten everything
so, I am just starting from scratch and memories are slowly coming back
@DroidDev well its was funny and nice anime
tomorrow is holiday
@DroidDev ow cool!
also fairytail has comparatively less plotholes
....since they got nothing to build upon....
Hey guys!
@ColdFire have you seen code geass?
I have a question, but it is to vague/broad to ask it as question on SO as it seems to me. I was wondering can anyone suggest and good courses on android + kotlin and free (if there are such of course).
@DroidDev yup
@IccheGuri miss those days
which days ?
when I actually felt happy on a holiday.....
why not happy now?
coz everyday is holiday
I am always happy on a holiday
Now I am listening a song
in high volume
@berserk oh lol
how man ?
freelancer's life :D
Do you work in upwork ?
meh i just want to make my revenue in crore and then travel the world
and after that open a business and rest
@ColdFire I just wanna make revenue and pick up some ho.... ugh yeah, world tour
that is same
I just wanna pick my bike up, and go for a drive
well already started with indonesia
next is europe \o/
but well...this fb integration....I don't wanna do this we-got-code-for-you, now-go-paste-it kinda thing
@DroidDev well that is short term goal
@DroidDev you in chandigarh, u can do rn, its so peace at night
@DroidDev * SDK Integraion
@berserk yeah....that makes you top their recruitment list. Send me your pics when you get there
show them my avatar, and they will burn my resume right there
also....when you get there, you gotta teach me how to hack someone's facebook id :P
yeah i need to hack 2-3 id's
dont tell me.. I mean my cousin used to ask (pressurize) me to tell him how to hack ids
this way you meant?
this way?
nvm, thought u also might have went through this stuff...
I am in love with data binding and MVVM
kk, do they got holes? I mean loopholes, dont misunderstand me
@berserk yeah....the only things my cousins ask me about computers is, if I increase RAM, would the speed increase?
ok...on a serious note tho...once someone asked me to hack someone's fb
I burned some common sense into his brain for next 30 minutes
@berserk even moon's got scars :P
@DroidDev I tried, but he didn't have had enough thought processing power.
@berserk lmao
@berserk hmm...did you try in shudh punjabi? I mean really really pure punjabi?
meh COC is too easy now
looting is like cakewalk
@DroidDev the only thing left was abusing, but he was my cousin
:37556381 you dooooon't explain like that to your punjabi cousions, especially the ones who had no idea about how things work
> Dixcy Singh is now a connection on LinkedIn
@berserk what if I told you, that that guy was punjabi, he was my cousin, and he is older (tho only few months) than me? :P
well then...
have it your way wolfffffff
then he had some idea of how things work
my roomate's gonna get up now
he's asleep since 10 pm
don't these people's time to wake up start right about now
then he gonna ask u to go for eating pranthas?
man I miss chd ;-;
especially hostel life
I would be sitting in Night food street this time, munching some pranthas with tea/chocolate shake
@berserk where are you now?
I got a bowl of paneer bhurji saved for me from tonight. Another hour and I'll eat it :P
and where it is?
@DroidDev only bhurji? No roti?
time to test the code
@ColdFire Sangrur
@berserk roti is there
hmm I was expecting "where is Sangrur?"
its in punjab
i was expecting you to tell that already without asking
I already opened por...
wearing earphones
cries internally
lel....code worked
a bit of cleaning....pushing to git...and I am done for tonight
why are you working at home?
office work?
neepes, I finally got a good enough freelancing project
....and since its in android, I am overjoyed
wow nice
rich wolfffffffff
not rich yet....its just third day of me working on it
well future rich wolf
well...there's a facebook login, but once user logs into facebook, it just keeps that user, no matter what
trying to get it to ask for user again
1 hour later…
so no suggestions from anyone regarding my previous and only question?

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