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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

1 hour later…
YO @berserk
u heard that ping? xD
yo @Flash ;)
ya :P
is there a problem if the calling url is like this: The 'http://localhost:9080//v2/module/access/upload-file??'
trying to apply image in checkbox as unchecked and checked state but image is loking small while image size is 30 * 30
any ideas
Good morning to kehdo :P
@iAnum h r u ?
u didn't tell me floor num @ErumHannan hate u
r u free today ?
lol. dunno. u can msg me always
can take time in break as well. feasible for both
@ErumHannan c@iAnum Open quote is expected for attribute "android:background" associated with an element type "solid".
this Error is coming please suggest
posted on February 03, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've fixed a couple of additional important bugs found in 1.1 Beta 2 (126013 and 130082), so we've released an updated beta candidate build: 1.1 Beta 3. Please update, and thank you very much for your help in tracking down these bugs! Installation You can manually check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a s

Any regex expert here? :3
posted on February 03, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

Good Morning Guys
@berserk xD
good morning
yes @ErumHannan
do u have idea some apps are creating barcode /qr code of applications r they creating from package name ? if yes so package name will be treated as text ???
pls reply
good morning guys
@rekire VGM :D
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire GM
@Flash I'm fine^^
@TheLittleNaruto @ErumHannan vgm
@ErumHannan sorry no idea :(
patching AS...
mrng @rekire :) @TheLittleNaruto baby-kun ;)
@rekire 1.1 Beta 2 ?
beta 3
@ErumHannan I dont know...but I think it should be packagename because it is only thing to identify the app.
54 mins ago, by Feeds
posted on February 03, 2015 by Tor Norbye

We've fixed a couple of additional important bugs found in 1.1 Beta 2 (126013 and 130082), so we've released an updated beta candidate build: 1.1 Beta 3. Please update, and thank you very much for your help in tracking down these bugs! Installation You can manually check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a s

@MukeshRana morning SwordsMan - Sama @Erum Morning :)
@rekire Canary channel ?
@TheLittleNaruto that is the most "unstable" patch branch of AS
@rekire Yes, and I always update from that channel only ^^
Me too... So there are also no SDK changes.
I am an idiot. Dont see androids feeds of the room.
Yes. You can laugh on me.
I added two feeds with interesting changes like the AS updates or on androidpolice the teardowns
@TheLittleNaruto @rekire which one is better for twitter integration twitter4j or fabric ??
@rekire Thanks, if you can remember, I had told you to add the feed. So I deserve the praise :P
@MukeshRana dint use fabric. So cant compare :)
@MukeshRana I just know the first library and that was really bad
okay @TheLittleNaruto
@rekire i totally agree , my experience with twitter4j is also very bad
@MukeshRana nice there is a twitter login button
@rekire Hey! You know making regexes in java?? :3
@KetanAhir if i m using packagename then may i need to treat package name as text and simply decode it or any othermethod available in xzing library
@berserk /^yes$/
I need a regex, can u help me?
@rekire that's good :) and that is actually with Fabric twitter sdk ;)
do u guys know anyone who has used xzing lib ?
pls ping him
I am having a string like: ,0,0,3,0,3,3,3,4,0,4,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,3,0
I need to remove all ,1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 from the string
and after that, I wanna merge all ,0,0 and ,3,3 (repeated occuances) to ,0 and ,3 respectively.
Like this String will become: ,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0
@MukeshRana have u find type of scanned barcode successfully ?
@berserk sure that your output is right?
@ErumHannan Actually i don't have much experience with barcodes and all, i only implemented a module for one of my projects where i have to scan a barcode which represents a textbook and then fetch the details of that textbook from google apis :)
Original String: ,0,0,3,0,3,3,3,4,0,4,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,3,0
After step 1: ,0,0,3,0,3,3,3,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,3,0
After step 2: ,0,3,0,3,0,3,0,3,0
is there any google apis to fetch result of barcode or qrcode
hi @all
// repeat until the output don't change
@rekire I thought abt the 2nd step that way. But can't I do it in one replace?
hi @rekire
@berserk no that is not possible since you would need to make sure that there is a constrain that there are two equal chars, but regex does not support to say I want two random chars but those both have to been equal. That is also the reason why you cannot really use regex on xml
You mean to say it is possible with single char only?
Like I can do with 0 alone other than ,0?
no the problem is that you want to replace something under a condition
you don't want to replace ,0,3 because /,[03],[03]/ would match that too.
Well, If I use regex [0]+ on string like 000330300030, it will convert it into 03303030
lol @TheLittleNaruto
hm interesting idea yeah /0+/0/ would do that
Now, I need same for ,0 instead of 0 only.
try that:
step1=input.replace("[^03]", "");
then you just need to remove the comma at the end if I don't forget something
I don't think it will work.
I need to remove all the commas first for it.
@berserk I do that in step1. I remove all non zeros or threes that includes commas
link for download ADT bundle ???
But it didn;t removed commas.
in developer site i can't able to see the link..
its updated to android studio
This I got after step 1.
For step 2 to work, I need to remove all commas.
And Step 1 has a problem.
What if I have ,13,0,12?
@berserk that would break all ;)
@berserk regexplanet.com/advanced/java/index.html reports the expected result
Yea I am calculating there.
Is there any site where I write input and output text and I got the regex? XD
Am I asking for too much? :3
@berserk use this new step1=input.replace("\d{2,}","").replace("[^03]", "")
@berserk I guess there is no site since that is very complex
@berserk a little however this is a interesting problem
It erased 2 digit numbers
@berserk yep
And even 3 digits.
two or more digits, that is unbounded on the maximum side. without that comma it would require exactly two digits
hiii @all
Thanks @rekire :)
@TheLittleNaruto u used barcode?
anyone worked on in app purchase??
1 hour later…
can I ping you @rekire T_T ?
you did it already
Sniff! Sniff!
what's up?
Nothing much. Was about to ask same ^^
What's up ?
I asked first!
I am working on new App
Just Login Screens
I used analytics and found some bugs^^
which analytics do you use ?
google analytics (premium)
i have one problem that when i am taking all contacts as a backup from phone it is showing that App is not working,with two buttons wait and close, how i will rectify this problem?
@TheLittleNaruto by clicking this link: google.com/analytics/web
Is it for android Apps as well ?
I think its for Web Applications only
@Hanuman Track your logs
@TheLittleNaruto it works fine for apps ;)
mmmmm.. I guess I should sign up and get started
I can see Mobile App tab as well ^^
we use the premium version so we can see what our users do in realtime not sure if this is possible with the normal version too
How much we'll have to pay for premium version
no idea compared to omiture we save a huge sum
@TheLittleNaruto how did you find that out?
hehehe, filtered with your favorite word, That's all ^^
vgm :P
no exactly
2283 for "gm"
search with baby kun @rekire :)
@kaushik I did that allready^^
You're popular, rekire ^^
@TheLittleNaruto chat.stackoverflow.com/… 14k
it is not showing any error in logcat ,but it showing one popup with two buttons wait and ok,and message is "App isn't responding do you want to close it"
I want to thank you every people who remember me by pinging me xD
means my application doing too much work and message like "The application may be doing too much work on its main thread."
lol @rekire You need to see this: chat.stackoverflow.com/…
You'll have to reward me as your best fan :P
@TheLittleNaruto I have to^^
@Hanuman You'll have to do the process in background, use asynctask
@Hanuman use threads or asynctasks for havy calculations
i don't know how to use asynctasks background please provide some url to learn
in the BroadCastReceiver i'm writing a customalert it is throwing Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” i'm using context .it use receivername.this it is showing error constructor not defind..
@Harish I know that I would try to start a translusent activity which should keep invisible and display the dialog there
@rekire so how to show alert in this case..?
hello guys ..any one worked on fitbit api?
@Harish "start a [...] activity [...] and display the dialog there"
@Jigs what is that for ?
@muk There ?
how to change background color onclick of layout
this api provide us interface for integrating hardware (like fitbit tracker watch )
@rekire need to start activity in that i need to display alert ha then am i need to set the contentview to it or no need..?
@Jigs You dont read the documentation ? wiki.fitbit.com/display/API/…
@TheLittleNaruto yo i have one dought
i already worked on it , but stuck at one point
@Riturajsuman doubt*
Okay @Jigs
problem @@TheLittleNaruto
my problem is i am working on chat app in witch i have to show message date wise like whatsapp for example lets say i am chatting with you today so it will show me today date on top and then messege with time
and it repeat date wise..
So, is it a problem or your requirement ?
So, what did you try so far ? @Ritu
hello friends
and i am successfully able to get message
with bubble
@TheLittleNaruto yes ??
time also i am able to display
i am using listview
to display message and time
@rekire i haven't seen it..
but i want to display only time but once date change date should appear...like whatsapp
any logic
How to take picture from front camera without user permission like(click on button to take picture),is this possible?@TheLittleNaruto @Shweta
:21319805 I wonder, how to track response in retrofit ? Suppose I have response something similar to :
{"status":1, "data":[{"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"},{"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"}, {"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"}]}
And I have a model class, which is having these two variable serialized.  how to track data json array ?
@TheLittleNaruto first of all you should make model class which we generally call pojo in retrofit using this jsonschema2pojo.org . In this case you'll be having two pojo files one for the response you listed above and another for the items inside your JSONobject in JSONArray
getting me ??
@rekire are you there?
@TheLittleNaruto you will get something like this in your first pojo/model class
private String status="";
private List<DataItems> data= new ArrayList<DataItems>();

and your DataItems pojo or model class will contain

private String name="";
private String mobile="";
@MukeshRana have you used butterknife?
JSONArray contacts = jsonObj.getJSONArray("data");
for (int i = 0; i < contacts.length(); i++) {
JSONObject c = contacts.getJSONObject(i);

String name= c.getString("name");
String mobile= c.getString("mobile");
hope it will help you
@RobinHood just heard of it but never implemented :(
@Muk Ah Looks like you dint understand. I did the same thing.
Wait let me show you what I tried
See the commented line inside success method.
@RobinHood use Otto
you are doing it little bit different, what's the problem you are getting now? your list doesn't hold the data or what?? @TheLittleNaruto
Actually error function gets executed and showing JSONException @Muk
RETRO_ERROR﹕ retrofit.RetrofitError: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $
@TheLittleNaruto ?
@RobinHood instead of ButterKnife
okay.. so try making two model classes as i told above @TheLittleNaruto
that will surely work
@TheLittleNaruto see this pojo paste.ofcode.org/mxdsrvUBNxM9xGbcJsmdwU
Pojo is fine. Looks like I am doing something wrong in RestClient or the API interface.
And I am not sure, what it is.
@MukeshRana have u done saving db file in csv format ?
lol , i don't think there is problem in your RestClient or API interface since Exception is regarding parsing of response @TheLittleNaruto
@ErumHannan no
have u done saving db file in csv format ?
That is what my question is, @Muk
How can I navigate to data jsonArray
Wait... Let me show you some more snippets @Muk
@TheLittleNaruto why don't you give a try to two pojo's scheme
@MukeshRana Actually I am not sure how having these two pojo classes is gonna help me.. See some more snippet : paste.ofcode.org/skcUDxNhA3sEF3u5KwWa3R
@ErumHannan Fetch each row and append it to StringBuilder with a new line. Keep that in mind, you must keep each column comma separated. And then write a that StringBuilder contents into a file and format it as a CSV. That's all.
CSV = Comma Separated Values
one more thing
i have made database in my app now this database will be saved in device automatically ? ?
yes Of course.
where ?
i m not getting location of my database
in data folder; like this data/yourpackage/yourdbname.db
No you wont be able to see it until your device is rooted
You can make a copy to your sdcard
my package is not visible even ?
data folder is not accessible in non rooted device
its accessible
android-->data-->package name
I mean its contents
but my package is not there
what can i do ?
5 mins ago, by TheLittleNaruto
You can make a copy to your sdcard
can u pls tell me how ?
Now you know the path (which is not directly accessible) of your db, right ?
So you can copy it in your sdcard somewhere else.
no i dnt know the path
Dont ask me, you need to know how to copy in Java
i just know the name of my db
@TheLittleNaruto hey buddy
one thing more on eveery insertion i will take a backup ??
Banging My head on wall
@TaimurAyaz Hey
what's up?
@Erum : Suggestion for you, first clear your one query, do not encounter with another query, in that way you wont understand even a single thing. Also you wont be a pain for others who are trying to help you.
@Tai NM, You say ?
just came from shopping :p
i m inserting data in database now i would like to save my db in sdcard so will i save in database and simultaniously will i take backup of my db ?? on every time will i copy db in sdcard
@Tai Wow! Did you buy new Handset ?
@Muk Thanks, I understood now, what is the point of taking two pojo classes. Let me give it a try then.
yeah bought an S4 but for some reason it had a problem and there was no sound on calling so returned it
gonna buy another one in a couple of days
@TheLittleNaruto which device are you using?
@TheLittleNaruto sorry i was out for a coffee.. so your problem solved ??
@Tai Moto G :) I got lollipop update as well!
@TheLittleNaruto i found my database path
@MukeshRana I am trying now. Was trying to understand why you keep pushing me to use two pojo classes
that's a good phone
did you like lollipop?
It is cool :)
Manager called! brb
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. actually you'll be surprised to know i didn't even hit a single api using retrofit yet. all am doing is writing code for retrofit expecting that it will work later when i run my app on real device since right now i am not able to run because of that UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION for json serializer
@ErumHannan hey erum, I have an advice for you don't try to climb a mountain before even trying to learn how to walk...first learn then create
yup searching @TaimurAyaz
@TheLittleNaruto have u faced any problem in lollipop
@TheLittleNaruto there?
sorry buddy I forget about this site developer.android.com :p
@Muk hehe. I tested the sample. It's working without any hassle. Thanks to my head to understand clearly ;) :)
@kaushik Not yet :)
@Anjali Yes
@Goku Part of nio package is available not all.
Its supported some classes not all .
Actually it does not use the important one "File"
@TheLittleNaruto I found some bugs ;)
Great! Report to Google
@TheLittleNaruto String countryCode = tm.getSimCountryIso().toUpperCase(Locale.ENGLISH);
if I put ISD number , I get countrycode as IN
Yeah Files , Paths and some other classes to which is needed :p
there is an option for filtering the type of file which is why I find it useful
And in a sample I have used it as well.
@Anjali What is your query ?
with FILES classes you mean ..??
@done reading from db and writing in csv file and csv also saved in sdcard
but one issue
I dint test or compile it yet, but you might want to see it, @Goku pastie.org/9877758
Check the filter part
ok Let me check...
@TheLittleNaruto lol so what's the problem actually??
@Muk The problem was Pojo Classes.
i was having only one model class. Which was for fetching data inside data jsonarray . But the response wont start with that. So it was throwing exception. @muk
lol.. so what if i don't want to make two pojo classes??
You can make one
that's totally up to you
i m making one
@TheLittleNaruto hmmm, that's but exception was saying and i thought you find something that it was not possible with single pojo class :P
but i m inserting every row in file
Anyway thanks to you :P @Muk
@MukeshRana lol
@TheLittleNaruto :)
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

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