We've fixed a couple of additional important bugs found in 1.1 Beta 2 (126013 and 130082), so we've released an updated beta candidate build: 1.1 Beta 3. Please update, and thank you very much for your help in tracking down these bugs! Installation You can manually check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a s…
do u have idea some apps are creating barcode /qr code of applications r they creating from package name ? if yes so package name will be treated as text ???
We've fixed a couple of additional important bugs found in 1.1 Beta 2 (126013 and 130082), so we've released an updated beta candidate build: 1.1 Beta 3. Please update, and thank you very much for your help in tracking down these bugs! Installation You can manually check for updates via Help > Check for Update... (on OSX, look in the Android Studio menu). This will download and install a s…
I am having a string like: ,0,0,3,0,3,3,3,4,0,4,0,2,0,1,0,2,0,3,0,3,0 I need to remove all ,1 ,2 ,4 ,5 ,6 ,7 ,8 ,9 from the string and after that, I wanna merge all ,0,0 and ,3,3 (repeated occuances) to ,0 and ,3 respectively.
@ErumHannan Actually i don't have much experience with barcodes and all, i only implemented a module for one of my projects where i have to scan a barcode which represents a textbook and then fetch the details of that textbook from google apis :)
@berserk no that is not possible since you would need to make sure that there is a constrain that there are two equal chars, but regex does not support to say I want two random chars but those both have to been equal. That is also the reason why you cannot really use regex on xml
try that: step1=input.replace("[^03]", ""); step2=input.replace("0+","0").replace("3+","3").replace("",",") then you just need to remove the comma at the end if I don't forget something
i have one problem that when i am taking all contacts as a backup from phone it is showing that App is not working,with two buttons wait and close, how i will rectify this problem?
it is not showing any error in logcat ,but it showing one popup with two buttons wait and ok,and message is "App isn't responding do you want to close it"
in the BroadCastReceiver i'm writing a customalert it is throwing Unable to add window — token null is not for an application” i'm using context .it use receivername.this it is showing error constructor not defind..
my problem is i am working on chat app in witch i have to show message date wise like whatsapp for example lets say i am chatting with you today so it will show me today date on top and then messege with time
:21319805 I wonder, how to track response in retrofit ? Suppose I have response something similar to :
{"status":1, "data":[{"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"},{"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"}, {"name":"Naruto", "mobile":"123456"}]}
And I have a model class, which is having these two variable serialized. how to track data json array ?
@TheLittleNaruto first of all you should make model class which we generally call pojo in retrofit using this jsonschema2pojo.org . In this case you'll be having two pojo files one for the response you listed above and another for the items inside your JSONobject in JSONArray
@TheLittleNaruto you will get something like this in your first pojo/model class private String status=""; private List<DataItems> data= new ArrayList<DataItems>();
and your DataItems pojo or model class will contain
Actually error function gets executed and showing JSONException @Muk
RETRO_ERROR﹕ retrofit.RetrofitError: com.google.gson.JsonSyntaxException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Expected BEGIN_ARRAY but was BEGIN_OBJECT at line 1 column 2 path $
@ErumHannan Fetch each row and append it to StringBuilder with a new line. Keep that in mind, you must keep each column comma separated. And then write a that StringBuilder contents into a file and format it as a CSV. That's all.
@Erum : Suggestion for you, first clear your one query, do not encounter with another query, in that way you wont understand even a single thing. Also you wont be a pain for others who are trying to help you.
i m inserting data in database now i would like to save my db in sdcard so will i save in database and simultaniously will i take backup of my db ?? on every time will i copy db in sdcard
@TheLittleNaruto lol.. actually you'll be surprised to know i didn't even hit a single api using retrofit yet. all am doing is writing code for retrofit expecting that it will work later when i run my app on real device since right now i am not able to run because of that UNEXPECTED TOP LEVEL EXCEPTION for json serializer
@Muk hehe. I tested the sample. It's working without any hassle. Thanks to my head to understand clearly ;) :) @kaushik Not yet :) @Anjali Yes @Goku Part of nio package is available not all.
i was having only one model class. Which was for fetching data inside data jsonarray . But the response wont start with that. So it was throwing exception. @muk