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03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

Time to compare Volley & Retrofit
@TheLittleNaruto great
Just curious in knowing answer for this question stackoverflow.com/questions/28299053/…
This is interesting
@TheLittleNaruto volley is slow man.. i have already tested :P
@TheLittleNaruto volley is slow man.. i have already tested :P
Volley Vs Retrofit
Volley Time : 923 milli sec
Retrofit Time: 213 milli sec
no more shocking for me now ;)
Hello guys
I am getting error when i try to open new screen. Here's the error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = com.squawkinit.autumnalert.TabModel)
I am not using parceable anywhere in the code
RIP Volley!
@rekire Up there ?
@droid_dev can you show your code in Tabmodel class ?
i am not using parceable then why it throws parceable error?
bye guys.. @all
@ChintanRathod Bye
@TheLittleNaruto now again
@rekire can you please help?
20 mins ago, by droid_dev
I am getting error when i try to open new screen. Here's the error
java.lang.RuntimeException: Parcelable encountered IOException writing serializable object (name = com.squawkinit.autumnalert.TabModel)
TabModel code - pastebin.com/kK6JVQ87
Hm I got today a very similar crash report in my case I missed somewhere a implements Serializable
the fragment should be annotated with transient
Thanks. Let me try @rekire
@rekire , I am looking for something existing program compiler or whatever which can convert a JavaScript code into java
What if I want to convert it into Java
Is there any way ?
@TheLittleNaruto I would use regular expressions or just the editor to rewrite the code
@rekire Thanks buddy. It worked :)
@droid_dev great :D Upvote me on SO if you find randomly something from me^^
@rekire Hmm.. I got "the editor" one. What i dint get is regular expressions ? How regular expressions will be helpful in converting existing JS code into Java
Do you want me to write a regex pattern to produce a Java code against JS code ?
since javascript is not type safe it is a little harder
That's what my point was.
I did that by hand, with some AS multiple line editing magic
That is why I was looking for an existing compiler which can compile JS code into Java code :P
@rekire ctrl + R
no that is not really possible
what should that do? replacing? I changed that to ctrl+h
Yep! That's for replacement
I jused the alt key and I selected multiple lines
alt key and ?
the mouse I selected some text
I am not sure how it's really gonna work.
pressing alt key and selecting multiple lines
@rekire I must say, you're an Smart and Sneaky Ass. ;)
I cannot explain it well, but you can modify multiple lines when you use it together with crtl and or shift you can select multiple words and so on... that is very handy
if you have just some long lines which you want to edit you can select just some letters of those lines and you have then gaps in the selected lines which can be very helpful too
Yes! alt+shift is working for me :D
that makes no differnce for me
@TheLittleNaruto hello
@rekire there
what is the proper way to save and restore a long value which is increment by 1 in every seconds in android? should i use onSaveInstanceState?
@ErumHannan it depends^^
have u done work in csv ?
@ErumHannan csv like in comma seperated values?
of cause... I did some fancy things with it in excel
i have to convert sqlite db in csv
how ?
can u pls share
i have done
but some issues
a double click opens csv files for me^^
are there
how ?
i just want to write sqlite db in csv file and csv file store in sd card
basically you just write out all values in that file. one line is one row and the fields are seperated by commas
yes but may i need to write in string builder i need to append one by one row in string builder and then write whole string builder in file m i right ?
e.g. you have to validate what makes the most sense in your case
and writing plain text in a file is very easy to google
i have done but little issues are there
its writing two files
one file with one row
and then another file with two rows
why is it so ?
any idea
I don't know your code and I have to go now...
bye guys
can u pls check code
i m posting
@rekire it wl take only 10 mins
@rekire hello
4 hours later…
@rekire lol xD
03:00 - 13:0013:00 - 19:00

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