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04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

mrng guys :)
GM mukesh. hru?
@iAnum good mornig
u have worked on Pull to refersh listview in adroid
Good morning @iAnum I am fine u tell??
GM edge :)
i m good mukesh
@Edge i haven't but what's ur Q?
I have a doubt @iAnum whether you are a girl or a guy??
good morning all
lol okay @iAnum from the very beginning i think that you are a guy but one day when you changed your SO dp which is the current one ,then this doubt comes in my mind :P
Q: how to display 3 ,3 item in listview when we pull to refresh in android

Edgepublic class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { private List<String> mListItems; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ((PullToRefreshListView)findViewBy...

GM devil. Taking name of devil at morning is not a good sign :P
i have tried but still i am facing Problem
mrng devil
@MukeshRana :D
Edge: lemme c
custom keyboard
anyone done ?
@MukeshRana r yu from chd?
@iAnum did u see
can u please tell me
yes @devil n u??
Edge, by ur Q, do u mean to load 3 items everytime user refreshes listview?
3 items more added in list?
hehe.. I am totally from chandigarh, Earlier our office is in Mohali 9 phase but that too shifted to chd now
so meet some day
yeah sure.. so you work in mohali??
yup in phase8
anum is also from chd...:P
lol is that true @iAnum ??
she's working in infy in itpark chd
that's great.. !! btw where you live in chd ??
bro my hometown is ambala, so i do daily updown
lol. I have come to know first time that I live in chd and work in xxx :D thanks for telling me @devil
okay.. why don't you shift to mohali @devil
its ok
@iAnum lol so you are trying to hide :P
it only an hour of journey from ambala to mohali
hmmm.. but still travelling sucks :P
earlier i was in delhi
there it takes more than an hour
lol.. you keem on roaming here and there.. :P how many years of work experience you have till now??
what am I hiding? :O
lol nothing :P
repost haven't seen ??
me too haven't seen
leave :)
nah h nah aive kive?
Hi guys
morning mukesh sama
GM all
mrng @kaushik :)
mrng @SweetWisherヅ :)
throws @berserk into lava
noes!! lava ;)
@SweetWisherヅ Yo!
@DroidDev Yo :)
anyone can pls check this code
its arraylist saving in session
@nida hello. I have seen ur code. No one will help u like this. I will help u in debugging the problem.
By the exception, what do u get, what's the issue?
i m trying to insert only one data in listview
its creating issues
No, I am asking something else
Ok u r trying to do this
but have u read carefully what the logcat exception points out?
yes let me give me 5 mins
See these lines in log, and debug @nida
@iAnum -1, rectangle should be freehand :P
print the values before performing split or anything
@DroidDev lol. Dont have time for this :P
Good Morning Guys
@iAnum ok doing
@TheLittleNaruto morning Naruto - Sama
@TheLittleNaruto mrng baby-kun :P
hihihihi xD @iAnum - chan I am baby , say me "kun"
@MukeshRana Swordsman-sama :D
mmmmm... Good question.
good morning guys
@rekire VGM Networking-Man :D
I'm back :D
@iAnum the issue is in this line Collections.addAll(list, TextUtils.split(serialized, ","));
mrng @rekire :)
@iAnum - chan, The name has become globalized. So, I thought of keeping this one only :P
@nida yes. then further more dig out the issue. Just examine the exception closely
`Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
01-16 14:07:19.632: E/AndroidRuntime(14242): at android.text.TextUtils.split(TextUtils.java:336)`
@MukeshRana vgm
u r passing null value in split func arg
if there is only one value passed then its giving me exception i think
@TheLittleNaruto well, ur new name can become globalize too. just take start :P
serialize is null dear
Hi All
check its value
I have a quick question. I just want to know which one more makes sense. So, Running multiple heavy task (e.g., 5 tasks) in an AsyncTask VS creating one AsyncTask for each task and call them in turn.
What do you think?
Or is it the same thing?
@rekire Are you done with Networking thing ?
@CoKoder depends, first option will have you run your five tasks in single thread, second will create 5 different threads for five operation
@iAnum hehe , well said! :D
@DroidDev I guess, second option seems to be better ?
@nida one more thing I just saw. TextUtils.split(serialized, ",") may be there is no comma in serialize string, so no array would have been created, raising exception
I need to connect the patch field and the wall plugs. Since someone put the gibs into the car instead of the flat I have to fill the gaps too
But... You have filled the gaps already ?
Wow -> profile views 1,500
Wow baby kun you are famous now :D
@CoKoder if your threads are going to run one after another, then first one is same as second. If you are going to run 5 operations in parallel, then second will give you speed, if your system can handle those threads simultaneously
@kaushik My Google+ Profile views are around 17,766 :P
@DroidDev So, second option has no disadvantages unless the system can handle it.
how to show a popup window on right side of a button ? anyone have any idea
@TheLittleNaruto no :(
@TheLittleNaruto me?
@DroidDev eats lava
@DroidDev I read that , at most 5 AsyncTasks can run simultaneously
Yo berserk -sama
yo kaushik-kun
@rekire That's of mine and you exceeds mine number of views ^^
@CoKoder yup, exactly. I don't think that it will slow the system down, because those will be background threads.
@berserk - sama
@CoKoder link please
@TheLittleNaruto yeah I reviewed that^^
@berserk eats?
Q: Running multiple AsyncTasks at the same time -- not possible?

rodionI'm trying to run two AsyncTasks at the same time. (Platform is Android 1.5, HTC Hero.) However, only the first gets executed. Here's a simple snippet to describe my problem: public class AndroidJunk extends Activity { class PrinterTask extends AsyncTask<String, Void, Void> { protected Voi...

drinks maybe @DroidDev
lol :P
paste.ofcode.org/T64DKsLvixF3zPdPbspZeu , paste.ofcode.org/S9mdUiRQScCnVRayPYriZ7 this is my Xml i am Unable to set border around linear lay out please help me where amd oing wrong
@DroidDev my only concern is that if I run 6 tasks one after another, what happens the 6 one if at most 5 AsyncTasks can run simultaneously?
@CoKoder your app will get ThreadPoolException
@SweetWisherヅ no message is highlighted... you mean your counter? ;)
@DroidDev Will it crash?
@CoKoder yup, although, you can try using ExecutorService
you can pass multiple thread to this and limit the number of threads running simultaneously like following:
ExecutorService executorService=Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5);
@SweetWisherヅ fyi: removed messages only owner can see
submit as many as you want
and let ExecutorService handle the rest @CoK
@iAnum yes the issue is same
@SweetWisherヅ plz check my issue
@TheLittleNaruto nd reki is an owner :)
@rekire Yo yo :P
@SweetWisherヅ Correct
trhen why i am not able to see border
in linearlayout
@SweetWisherヅ hahaha
effetct is not coming on Linear layout for border
@rekire lol
That exactly goes for me as well
I knew something was wrong, but wasn't able to find proof. Please read this @CoKoder
@nida came up with solution? Break that code line into 2 and handle issue
@iAnum u have seen my issue
good noon @ all
want to track real time steps count while walking with any device
I think I am talking to myself
OP is invisible
@DroidDev So I can run up to 128 tasks one after another, right?
@CoKoder read this
as I wrote above, you'll have to use ExecutorService
@Edge no i haven't. ok i will see
@rekire Nah... removed msgs are not supposed to be shown in transcript :)
@SweetWisherヅ that's possible
@Edge where have u applied ur border in linear layout? :\
if u haven't set any, how will it apply?
@rekire its nt a possibility :) itz a functionality
@iAnum that i dint ask from u
i asked pull tor efresh listview
then I asked u a Q too. u didn't reply that dude
Q: how to display 3 ,3 item in listview when we pull to refresh in android

Edgepublic class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { private List<String> mListItems; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ((PullToRefreshListView)findViewBy...

he asked me abt border, nd asked u abt pull-to-refresh:P
@SweetWisherヅ hahaha
but both of u not replied
18 mins ago, by SweetWisher ヅ
check mine ;P
I just cleared the cache ;)
13 mins ago, by SweetWisher ヅ
try this too ^^
lol @Edge I have answered ur 2nd Q. and for 1st one, I queried u something,
@DroidDev, check it out this:
A: How to use ExecutorService with Android AsyncTask?

Nikolay ElenkovCreate an AsyncTask and start your threads from doInBackground(). When they are done, collect, consolidate, etc. the data and return it. Then you can use it in onPostExecute to update the UI. Starting too many thread will consume memory, so you should consider whether they really need to run in ...

yes please ask
what was query
plz read the chat!
@DroidDev :P
@DroidDev, if you start two AsyncTasks more or less at the same time, the second will wait for the first to finish before it starts.
@DroidDev, my task are independent meaning they do not affect each other, so I guess waiting first to finish before it starts should be okay, right?
AsyncTasks use a fixed size queue internally for storing delayed tasks. Queue size is 10 by default. If you start 15 your custom tasks in a row, then first 5 will enter their doInBackground(), but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes, and thus releases a worker thread, a task from the queue will start execution. So in this case at most 5 tasks will run simultaneously.
However if you start 16 your custom tasks in a row, then first 5 will enter their doInBackground(), the rest 10 will get into the queue, but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly. So in this case at most 6 tasks will run simultaneously.
There is a limit of how many tasks can be run simultaneously. Since AsyncTask uses a thread pool executor with limited max number of worker threads (128) and the delayed tasks queue has fixed size 10, if you try to execute more than 138 your custom tasks the app will crash with java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException.
@iAnum do u mean to load 3 items everytime user refreshes listview?
3 items more added in list? this was ur Query
but, that changed in new versions
yes i want this
@CoKoder you can run upto 128 threads simultaneously in android
@DroidDev wow nice explanation (Y)
and private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1; number of threads can wait in queue
@iAnum everything is here
I think OP didn't read properly
I just copied the text
so I don't have to type
@DroidDev Who is OP? :P
@DroidDev but it is true for API 19 or above, right?
and after 128 threads running and private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1; waiting in queue only, you'll get java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException and your app will crash
@Edge ok. Then where r u getting stuck?
@DroidDev okz :)
in do back ground in return issue is coming
@CoKoder they only made the waiting queue dynamic
you can still submit 128 threads
but remember, your app is already running many
so use ExecutorService
I think I complicated the matter :/
@Edge ur logic is little weird :\
but, I also explained many other things
in do background, u are returning more than 3 objects
what does this line do? ` mListItems.add(0, "Added new item after refresh...");
to put it simply: just run your AsyncTask using asyncTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params); rather than asyncTask.execute(params);
and you won't need to worry about the threads running
just return 3 items at a time from async task, add them to list and refresh listview
got my point @Edge ?
@berserk Co Koder
OP != Co?!
@iAnum let me chekc
plus you were wrong about only 5 threads running @CoKoder you can submit 128 plus 10 can keep waiting in queue
hi there, how can i use PackageManager to know if an apk installation process is already started but not yet finished? thanks
@DroidDev In which Api?
@DroidDev how about API 10?
use this answer
@CoKoder not good for parallel execution of threads. Async Task uses its own thread pool executor
and when it tops out
you'll get exception
but, I don't think your five threads, in any possible condition, are going to make your app crash(if other things are handled properly)
@DroidDev I have tested 7 tasks in API 10, it worked without any issue.
I called like that :
MyCustomTask task1 = new MyCustomTask(context);
task1 .execute(..);
MyCustomTask2 task2 = new MyCustomTask2(context);
task2 .execute(..);
and so on 7 tasks in total.
@CoKoder like I told you
6 mins ago, by DroidDev
but, I don't think your five threads, in any possible condition, are going to make your app crash(if other things are handled properly)
@DroidDev yep, I experimented and confirmed your vision :)
@DroidDev Since I was not sure about 7 tasks(threds)
@CoKoder actually, as I said, you can submit upto 128 threads to run in parallel. That's a very large number and if you ever get that exception, something is horribly done wrong in app. For the record: I have once dealt with this ;)
most of the apps don't use much of multi-threading
I haven't seen more than 10 threads running simultaneously, other then downloading images for list of items
but, usually, you use specific downloader libraries for images
which uses...again... ExecutorService
so, normally, your app has more than enough reserved worker threads to execute about 5 threads simultaneously :)
as to explain ExecutorService, what it does is limit the number of threads concurrently running and others submitted to service keep waiting in a queue
@DroidDev I actually do not need to run them simultaneously, but I want to make sure they run one after other.
woot! complete and if this was an answer, I'd have gotten +1 :P
@CoKoder are you kidding? If you could have said that earlier... :P
all the explaining I did was for parallel threads
and I already said that if threads are to be run one after another, then you don't need to worry
but, in any case, you leaned quite a lot about threads today, so, all is well :D
@DroidDev yeah thanks to you.
no worries, actually, I love threading, so matter was of interest to me :)
atlast the discussion ended :P
+1 from my side Droid ;)
@iAnum lol, I can still go on :P
@iAnum thanks :)
how much have u worked on threads?
@DroidDev Ok, I am in :)
u would have good experience in threads, that's y u have much knowledge about it
@iAnum umm...once I wrote my own ExecutorService
you can say, that I almost fought the threads for one year
@iAnum and I have experience of one and half year
O-M-G :O
cool ^^
so that's not much of it
fighting threads for one yr?
still, I don't know about observer pattern
@DroidDev I have a question for you??
and will try to learn it if have chance
what was the main concern/goal?
@MukeshRana yup
hmm right :)
@iAnum first, I was making my own image downloader library
then, there was an app, in which, I had to use multi-threading
although, image downloader wasn't a success, but, it left me with a great deal of knowledge about threads
@DroidDev why you messed up with these asyncs and all?? so far i haven't got any single module where i have to run so many threads in parallel
oh.. so from there, a great story begins :D
from the mukesh's Q, I have similar Q. What's the practical use of 128 threads in an app?
@MukeshRana as I told, I was writing my own image downloader library. I tried to run upto 1000 downloading threads in that and that was the time when I first got ThreadPoolExecution so I start reading about it. I solved the threads problem, but left development in UI updation part
Hi there
by image downloading you means caching of images for listings and all or simply an image downloader that downloads images in your storage??
@MukeshRana downloading the images
I never reached to caching part
@iAnum I think its just a number, with a power of 2, never researched with that number, though, now you've raised it, so I might look into it
@MukeshRana for caching, I can just use WeakReferences, its not that difficult
1000 downloading threads? o_0
lol, those were just about 5 URLs repeated multiple times
@DroidDev lol.. actually my questions is at your time is this the only way to download images :P
well u definitely digged into some cool stuff :)
@MukeshRana nope, there were libraries and I use one of them even now. But, I've never wanted to use a library, until not absolutely necessary, hence, I was just being stubborn and childish though ;)
@iAnum I now wanna know how to use observer pattern in Java, but got no time for that :(
@DroidDev lol Actually my questions was specificallly related to async tasks. is that good and efficient to use so many asynctasks
@MukeshRana that just make the code redundant. If you are doing same thing in multiple AsyncTasks, then you are doing it wrong. Use a single for loop and execute tasks from that. Plus, AsyncTask also initiate a thread
so, that is just another thread, but with some more functionality, like UI updation and result passing
@iAnum oh! thanks for that :)
After hearing about this term, I am interested in reading this stuff
np dude
It is a must when you are dealing with multiple threads. How do you think Java returns message from thread...yes... Observer Pattern :)
did that make sense @MukeshRana ?
If i would have been at your place @DroidDev at that time i would have go for any other solution rather that working with these asyncs
@MukeshRana I wasn't working with asyncs. I wrote asyncs above because it was the part of question and I needed to explain that AsyncTask also works with a thread pool
For downloading, I wrote a singleton class and passed it all the urls and imageviews
I used to limit it to at-most 5 threads and others were waiting in queue
updating UI was nightmare for me though
okay okay @DroidDev (y)
...and to conclude:

Understanig threads; Explanation level: noob ;-)

58 mins ago, 16 minutes total – 48 messages, 7 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 23 secs ago by DroidDev

posted on January 19, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

@TheLittleNaruto how to display image on Imagview on Google map in android
@TheLittleNaruto there??
@MukeshRana Yes
worked with toolbar??
how can i replace its default navigation icon with my custom one??
You mean that arrow icon ?
which spins
yes arrow including that menu icon
it needs to be white
You want it to be white ? Is that so ?
Using style ?
can't i set my custom icon which is already white??
No idea
But you can change its color
mean to say using style i can change the color??
The style your activity is implementing, yOu need to customize it a little
can i have a sample??
okay thanks
lemme me check
thanks man
its working :)
hi everyone..
anyone has idea abt ibatis?
this one specifically
Q: Dynamic Insert Statement in ibatis

Pavan KumarI am currently using iBatis framework for my project. In here, I have a multiple tables whose names and even the column names are not revealed to me(Its dynamic). I can find the mapping of it in a <DBMapper> <table name="ACTMAPPING" tableName="ACTMAPPING"> <columns> <column TableColumnName=...

I just found another bug in the Android build tools: code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=100910
@TheLittleNaruto worked on chat app using xmpp?
@rekire Cool!
Let's wait for the fix ;)
Here are two related bugs:
- http://stackoverflow.com/q/27796421/995926
- https://github.com/telly/MrVector/issues/5
Q: how to display image on circular image on google map in android

Edgeprivate Bitmap getCircleBitmap(Bitmap bitmap) { final Bitmap output = Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888); final Canvas canvas = new Canvas(output); final int color = Color.RED; final Paint paint = new Paint(); final ...

@iAnum please check my issue
04:00 - 11:0011:00 - 22:00

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