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01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

posted on January 20, 2015 by Cody Toombs

YouTube has always been one of Google less conventional properties, but the sudden leap from version 6.0 to 10.0 gave everybody a surprise. Even stranger is that with such a substantial jump in versions, there are virtually zero meaningful changes to the user-facing features. While there's relatively little for us to enjoy right now, a full teardown reveals that there are at least there are

3 hours later…
good morning
good morning
@devil still that issue is not fixing
Pull to refrsh listview
load 10 10 item
bro i told you
how to do that
its not this much complicated task
ok please tell
gimme 2 mins
are you getting data from webservices?
no i just put data as string
am getting data from Sqlite database
are you able to set count in a way that when ever you require you can get next 10 values from db?
private String[] mStrings i have puted data
final ArrayList<Notify> notifies = dbManager1.getNotificationList(15);
like this am getting data
from database
intilally set count =-1 in oncreate()
if we ll Put 10 in place of 15 it will disply only 10data
count will global variable na
now simply see this code
ok now then after
n try to understand
k wait
where we have to us count
what will visibile item
what you understand in that code
firstly tell this?
onelistview scrolling
we have to call asynk task
onScroll method will call
and we have to increase count
on each srolling
if (firstVisibleItem + visibleItemCount == totalItemCount
&& totalItemCount != 0) {
first visibile it=10 +10=20 u mean to say tha right
respectively again 20+10=30 like that it will increase?
n accordingly increase count
internetactive what about this
internetactive what varible is this
i was taking data from webservice
so i was checking wheteher internet is active
@devil paste.ofcode.org/5gXbFH2YfSygTq4n76YHjp please check this where am doing wrong
@user2794306 bro am so sorry am so much busy this time
i gave you idea
now try yourself
its not this much biog work
mrng guys.. :)
hi all
buries @berserk in sand coffin
@DroidDev Hi dude. Mrng
@PiyushGupta Morning :)
@DroidDev Hows you?
@PiyushGupta I am fine, how are you?
@DroidDev Me too fine. Thanks.
@KetanAhir Hi
@PiyushGupta howz going on ?
@KetanAhir Going good. What about you?
i m showing notification after first click on notification its opening my activity but on seond time when notification appears i m trying to click on notification but clicking on notification is not opening my activity
@PiyushGupta going good but I want BEST
@KetanAhir Yeah thats good spirit bro
Good Morning Guys
@DroidDev It was a clone. And now.... >:)
I completed my first Terrian Demo with Unity3D...it sounds like climbing mountain. @TheLittleNaruto @berserk
haha cool
u placed a first person controller inside , right? :3
@berserk yeah
@KetanAhir Thats great
@KetanAhir hehe know that feeling :)
but I dont know how to make work in mobile devices @berserk
@DroidDev took pity on DroidDev's face and let him live \0/
u need to build it
using android-sdk
@berserk @DroidDev @MukeshRana morning and united
@berserk what is a first person controller? :/
@maveň lol
@DroidDev first person character
@PiyushGupta morning sir :P
u r a gamer right?
@berserk somewhat
not that hadrcore
@maveň Mrng bhai
@berserk I know and done...but there is not any arrow key in mobile device to control character.
I think for that I will have to use joystick or something like that...right ?
ofc there wont be any
but joystick on phone?
actually it is possible
@KetanAhir Cool! I have no idea of Unity anyway
there is a wire which can plug any usb
like mouse
@berserk @DroidDev I meant virtual joystick as described in above link.
@maveň mrng :)
@KetanAhir kk
@berserk can you tell me any simple way ?
@berserk how to make it work in mobile devices
add keys for movement
using scripting
@berserk you mean using GUI ?
GUI or NGUI for drawing images.
script to add listeners to them.
u learning from videos?
hi al
new UI is good :)
@berserk from official site and other tutorials too.
material design?
@KetanAhir good, keep following the videos.
@all .. anyone worked on NFC..
Near Field Communication.. :)
@berserk Keep in mind that each build will be separate -- you are not going to have a desktop build run on android. Each version will require its own compilation, for its respective platform. are you agree with this statement ?
@ChintanRathod nope.... but sw did
@KetanAhir ofc
@ChintanRathod ya ?
have u ever try to disable nfc by code
is it possible
turning off ?
A: How to switch on NFC from my own application

CommonsWare Just the way we can switch Bluetooth on, can it be similarly done for NFC ? You cannot "switch Bluetooth on" programmatically "instead of doing it from the settings". Whether Bluetooth is enabled or not is a secure setting. Similarly, whether NFC is enabled or not can only be done via the Se...

u need to redirect user to settings page :/
@SweetWisherヅ @ChintanRathod @TheLittleNaruto @PiyushGupta @Ved after long time all are here together....where are chintan Khetia, capdroid ?
@KetanAhir Chintan is busy with his work. and after so long time i also not talked with Caprois
i m showing notification after every hour and clicking on notification will open my activity inside activity i m using button on clicking i m calling main activity's method in which i m getting NPE
how can i resolve ?
@PiyushGupta gupta.. its time to take party from you my friend.. :P
@SweetWisherヅ ok.. i doubt its not possible.. and its true..
but whats my problem is .. if i one time enable my nfc with nfc adapter, it registers my context with its library
and thought its singleton , it kept my application context within it until we switch off nfc manually.
problem is .. when i tap card in activity (though i don't want it) it pause the activity, and resumes again..
this will relaunch my all code of resume
again and again
good morning guys
@rekire good morning dear..
@rekire vgm :D
@ChintanRathod But when u don't want to meet me
@SweetWisherヅ that guy is cool I met him in london
@PiyushGupta lol
@KetanAhir yeah true
vgm @ChintanRathod @TheLittleNaruto
@ChintanRathod wait
@PiyushGupta that time was different.. i was busy with release pe release
@SweetWisherヅ huh...
anyone knows github repo management ?
@Ved yes?
can we compile source in repo itself ?
@Ved no, it's a storage not a build server
You can compile your code on Heroku or Openshift
Good Morning All
good morning to all
@Michel how is u
vgm @Michel @Edge
@Edge i am fine you say
am to fine
@Michel there is one Issue coming on Pull to refresh listview
Q: how to display 3 ,3 item in listview when we pull to refresh in android

Edgepublic class MainActivity extends ActionBarActivity { private List<String> mListItems; @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); ((PullToRefreshListView)findViewBy...

f u have any Solution for this
opensshift seems good
let me try on that
@Edge what is the issue?
after Pull to refresh listview i am unable to load 3 item also i have its adding one by one item
while i want display first 3 item then again if pull to refresh then 3 more item like that respectivly
:21055760 I see a pattern :D
@rekire Hieee
Guys, any clue !
Android studio installer
after installng sdk and studio
i pressed launch studio
then it went to check for sdk info
and downloadng sdk again
@PiyushGupta hi ;)
@VamsiPavanMahesh where did you install the sdk?
@TheLittleNaruto I have a question ??
now say @ChintanRathod
@rekire Oh really? greattt
@rekire Hows you??
@PiyushGupta I'm fine
@SweetWisherヅ I learned android with his book in the version 0.92 back in 2009^^
i learned from Google only :P
@rekire :P
Cya.. Lunch Time
@MukeshRana Sure
@rekire ;)
posted on January 20, 2015

New Cyanide and Happiness Comic

hi any one wants to relloacte
@Anjali there ?
You might be interested in NDLS job offer
@TheLittleNaruto Where is it located?
what is NDLS?
@rekire New Delhi - Capital of India
Oh. Okay
@PiyushGupta Shame on you :P
@Edge Package
more than ur current CTC
@TheLittleNaruto Oh really. Y???
if u have any freind who ever wants
ping me
@Edge i ping u
@PiyushGupta lol
yes u want to come @PiyushGupta
@Edge PKG?
yaar more than u ll get ur Current CTC
@Edge I have 16K only here yar.
u can get more than 20 k
@Edge Great. Even with 2 yr expe?
but bro join will MAx 2 week
Oh. Okay. can i send my CV thr?
yes plz
send me Cv
@PiyushGupta why are you kidding?
@devil Really. I am not kidding none of you
join my company here you will get good salary
@devil where is ur company
@devil chandigarh?
@PiyushGupta did u send
u just send CV if ll get good salry then Join if not its ok
@Edge No i could not read ur id. Just get my id from SO profile and send me a mai so i can forward my cv
Holy Fuck! What's going on xD
@TheLittleNaruto Cool down little baby xD:
Ok. Just gimme some time i will send u in soon time
Hey Folks...
@MDroid hi how are u
yaar still am facing issue in pull to refresh listview
@Edge whts the issue ?
wait am showing code
@Edge try pull-to-refresh-master project from Github
i tired same like thai
but when i release pull to refresh then Error is coming
can i send my code u ll Look its easy but i dont know where am doing mistake
@Edge have you checked ?
its adding one one item while i want to load first 3 item then if we load using pull tor efresh listview then again it should load respectvly
@MDroid u got it
send me your code
@MDroid r u online on Skype ?
can't we add array or arraylist in List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs ?
@devil you can add
i tried but its saying convert it to string
Please see question
List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs is used for "Key and Value" pair so we used to add BasicNameValuePair
Q: Android facebook sharing native app

smail2133I receive problem with facebook app sharing. For proccess with facebook I use spring-social api, who hence use facebook api v1. When I try share app link, my request visible only in native facebook app. Expected: when user click on notification from native facebook app, need to be redirect to go...

@devil aa should be string
yes check above its arraylist
n its saying it not accepts the arraylist values
you have taken array. so there should not be one Key has more than one Value
One Key should have one value*
so you want i must use for loop here
that will be a very lengthy task
you can take String array
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userName[]", userName1));
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userName[]", userName2));
nameValuePairs.add(new BasicNameValuePair("userName[]", userName3));
like this
in forloop
won't it make speed slow
now it is your requirment*
@MDroid u got mail
yeah chking
01:00 - 11:0011:00 - 17:00

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