Conversation started Jan 19, 2015 at 7:04.
Jan 19, 2015 07:04
AsyncTasks use a fixed size queue internally for storing delayed tasks. Queue size is 10 by default. If you start 15 your custom tasks in a row, then first 5 will enter their doInBackground(), but the rest will wait in a queue for a free worker thread. As soon as any of the first 5 finishes, and thus releases a worker thread, a task from the queue will start execution. So in this case at most 5 tasks will run simultaneously.
However if you start 16 your custom tasks in a row, then first 5 will enter their doInBackground(), the rest 10 will get into the queue, but for the 16th a new worker thread will be created so it'll start execution immediatelly. So in this case at most 6 tasks will run simultaneously.
There is a limit of how many tasks can be run simultaneously. Since AsyncTask uses a thread pool executor with limited max number of worker threads (128) and the delayed tasks queue has fixed size 10, if you try to execute more than 138 your custom tasks the app will crash with java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException.
@iAnum do u mean to load 3 items everytime user refreshes listview?
3 items more added in list? this was ur Query
but, that changed in new versions
yes i want this
@CoKoder you can run upto 128 threads simultaneously in android
@DroidDev wow nice explanation (Y)
Jan 19, 2015 07:06
and private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1; number of threads can wait in queue
@iAnum everything is here
I think OP didn't read properly
I just copied the text
so I don't have to type
@DroidDev Who is OP? :P
@DroidDev but it is true for API 19 or above, right?
and after 128 threads running and private static final int MAXIMUM_POOL_SIZE = CPU_COUNT * 2 + 1; waiting in queue only, you'll get java.util.concurrent.RejectedExecutionException and your app will crash
Jan 19, 2015 07:08
@Edge ok. Then where r u getting stuck?
@DroidDev okz :)
in do back ground in return issue is coming
@CoKoder they only made the waiting queue dynamic
you can still submit 128 threads
but remember, your app is already running many
so use ExecutorService
I think I complicated the matter :/
@Edge ur logic is little weird :\
but, I also explained many other things
Jan 19, 2015 07:14
in do background, u are returning more than 3 objects
what does this line do? ` mListItems.add(0, "Added new item after refresh...");
to put it simply: just run your AsyncTask using asyncTask.executeOnExecutor(AsyncTask.THREAD_POOL_EXECUTOR, params); rather than asyncTask.execute(params);
and you won't need to worry about the threads running
just return 3 items at a time from async task, add them to list and refresh listview
got my point @Edge ?
@berserk Co Koder
OP != Co?!
@iAnum let me chekc
Jan 19, 2015 07:17
plus you were wrong about only 5 threads running @CoKoder you can submit 128 plus 10 can keep waiting in queue
hi there, how can i use PackageManager to know if an apk installation process is already started but not yet finished? thanks
@DroidDev In which Api?
@DroidDev how about API 10?
Jan 19, 2015 07:19
use this answer
@CoKoder not good for parallel execution of threads. Async Task uses its own thread pool executor
and when it tops out
you'll get exception
Conversation ended Jan 19, 2015 at 7:20.