@rekire i have a list of linear layout .. i want to change the color of the linear layout(to detect that it has been clicked) and background of its child view(like image view and text view)..the thing iz that i am able to do so when the user click on one of the linear layout but when i m moving to another page on click the color changing algo not working....
@rekire i have a linear layout and inside there i have another linear layout(i'e ll_inner_row) inside that inner linear layout i have text views and image view whose background i want to change when click...
@sabya I'm not sure if this is possible in that way you think if you have let's say more than 4 of that subnested linearlayouts I would use a listview. that is better for performance... however I would add an eventlistener to every control and than change the color in the listener
@rekire but mate when i m removing the intent part its color iz changing but when the intent part iz present it moving to another activity without changing the color..
so you mean the color is missing after you return from the other activity? if so try to add an id to the view. without an id the system will not recover that property @sabya
@SHIDHIN.T.S I never tried it on android but normally I would use JDBC in plain java
@rekire.. no..the thing that when the user click on one of the linear layout it move to another screen and the background iz changed to detect that the item has been clicked....u can see the code the intetn part at the bottom///
Recently the android studio shows Error Java cannot find Symbol or each run. i have to go to built and rebuilt the project before each run. Is there any way to fix it?
i don't know if my project problem or the problem of the latest update of android studio.
is anyone facing the same problem ? a...
I have this code from a tut that enables scrolling and zooming of an image, but even if the image is small, the code will stretch the image so that It will fill the whole screen. I want it to have a dialog maybe that contains the image and enables the zooming and scrolling by modifying the code w...
@Hardy then can you give me simple demo link for fragment , i am still confuse about it. i have read the doc in Android Developer but not satisfied , looks complected
Hello everyone! Hey, I don't know I am failing to make the first letter capital letter despite of trying [this](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/4808705/first-letter-capitalization-for-edittext). You have any idea?
No error. It simply does nothing. No capital letters.This is my edittext xml: <EditText android:id="@+id/nameEditText" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:layout_below="@id/nameLabel" android:layout_toRightOf="@+id/thumbnailprev" android:inputType="textCapSentences" android:hint = "@string/namehint" /> @chintankhetiya @rekire Heya, how are you? any idea on my issue
@Appu yeah , i check your code, it's working for me, like when you click on it the Keyboard will prompt with Capital latter , and after the typing first character , keyboard will change it's appearance in lower latter.
@Appu @chintankhetiya @rekire Can you help me please? I need to play two videos in two video views in same screen i am unable to achieve it. Is it possible?
i have to make an application where i need to play two video simultaniously,on screen.
here is my code.but the video dose not play.am i doing wrong anywhere? :(
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
is there a way to avoid that a space at the end of a text variable is removed?
I have this xml in my strings.xml: <string name="delimiter_item">, </string> if I use `res.getString(R.string.delimiter_item)` it returns only `,` without space @Harish @Appu @chintankhetiya
I have a string like this:
mysz = "name=john age=13 year=2001";
I want to remove the whitespaces in the string. I tried trim() but this removes only whitespaces before and after the whole string. I also tried replaceAll("\\W", "") but then the = also gets removed.
How can I achieve a string ...
I have to concatenate these two strings from my resource/value files:
<string name="Toast_Memory_GameWon_part1">you found ALL PAIRS ! on </string>
<string name="Toast_Memory_GameWon_part2"> flips !</string>
I do it this way :
String message_all_pairs_found = getString(R.string.Toast_Memory_Ga...
I'm trying to invoke WebService from Andriod,At WebServerSide getting java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
here my Code from Andriod:
SoapObject request = new SoapObject(NAMESPACE, METHOD_NAME);
//Pass value for userName variable of the web service
PropertyInfo unameProp...
I'm on Mac, working on Android development from the terminal. I have successfully created the HelloWorld project and now I'm trying to run it from the command line in the Android emulator. Which command runs the emulator for my HelloWorld project?
I already have the Android tools and platform-...
@Harish I post a question on this adt bundle here, but no reply. It give problems as per my knowledge, and no one answered. So, again started from the first with eclipse and then ADT