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Good morning ALL
2 hours later…
@Hardy good morning bro
VGM bapu
@chintankhetiya @Hardy GM :)
@Kumar hey very good morning buddy
why you are late ?
I was working. got stuck at a code :(
@chintankhetiya there
yeah i am here
what happen with this ?
first image is showing a custom listview 8if you'll clik on the textview saying "start time" It 'll show timepicker dialog
and after selecting the time
I need to set it on the same text veiw
on which I clicked
I am not able to do that
okay so where if you time picker class or code form where you are using it ? in same file or using separate file for that
might be you have to update or notify your adapter after setting the list view
as showDialog function is in Activity class and also TimePickerDialog is in Activity class and I am calling showDialog function in Adapter class on click of textview
So there is no direct way to associate with the textview in adapter class with the MainActivity class
so have you created separate class for adapter of added inside activity ?
SO I need to call textview in MainActivity where I can set the time inside
public void onTimeSet(TimePicker view, int hourOfDay, int minute)
wait first tell me that where you have wrote yore code for click ? inside activity or inside adapter ?
inside adapter @chintankhetiya
@Appu good noon man
@Appu Hey GM :)
@Kumar okay then call you can simply call list item selected inside activity and that is override method which give you View v, parmas so using that way you can call text view
@Kumar @chintankhetiya @Hardy @Appu Hi
@JaiSoni Hello :)
@chintankhetiya How to get textview using v param?
@chintankhetiya @Kumar Hey, Morning! Just logged in and checking in so as not to miss the consecutive days on SO. Gotta format my computer now as it is badly effected by a trojan. cya. @JaiSoni Hello, How are you? and cya later.
@Appu Now give trojan a bad effect on formatting :P :D
As in my listview each item is containing 3 textview and 1 checkbox,So how to differenciate each one using View v params ?? @chintankhetiya
@Appu Good
and how r u?
add_btn = (Button) v.findViewById(R.id.add_btn); button should be part of layout_row
@Kumar I can help you if you show your adapter class
@JaiSoni am i right as i have suggested to @Kumar ?
@chintankhetiya it can be more simpler... we just need position of item in list and update Array/Arrylist and call notifydatachange function of adapter call @Kumar
no need to access particular textview adapter will do it for you @Kumar
@chintankhetiya @JaiSoni Sorry for late reply
@chintankhetiya I used that but after setting textview value it's showing FC :(
Friends I have become unemployed today
Have resigned yesterday
@JaiSoni Ok I am pasting it in pastebin.. plz give me 2 min @JaiSoni
@JaiSoni OMG , Why ?
Salary and admin behavior
then what will you do now? have you planned for next company
@JaiSoni OMG ,how much you are getting , ? how much you expecting ?
@Kumar yes I have applied in some companies... let us see what will happen
@JaiSoni BTW you have grate experience so no worry about that , have you applied any ware ?
@chintankhetiya I wass getting 2.75 CTC
@JaiSoni @chintankhetiya this is my adapter class.

You'll get job I am sure .. :)
BTW I am trying to get work as freelances...
Hey!! That's good..
@JaiSoni that's good ,
but I am new bee in freelancer world so hard to get work
@JaiSoni BTW , we can get the position in onItemSelectedListner(...parms)
but how that will call by row position , like if i have one text and one button and i wan't to call new activity when i a, tap on button and next i want to show Toast massage while i want to click on Text then ,
@JaiSoni yeah , it's bit hard but as you are good experience developer and grate portfolio so it could be easy
@rekire Master is inside , welcome , good noon :)
@rekire Hey!! GM :)
@rekire Hi
@chintankhetiya @JaiSoni hey have you seen that adapter class code
@rekire Hi
@Kumar not yet :P let me check ,
@chintankhetiya thanks buddy. :) @JaiSoni Ok Thanks :)
@Kumar yes.. give me 2 min..
@JaiSoni @chintankhetiya tell me if i need to paste mainActivity class also?
I think @rekire must be busy .. o-0
@JaiSoni i have same issue while in my one of my app , i have create separate Adapter class , and calling data but my list item click event was not working, don't know why , so i have must use that class inside the activity , even i am not able to notify the list data inside Adapter class
what the error you are getting after clicking on item ? @chintankhetiya
@JaiSoni see this and if you can test it at your side then download from github link
@Kumar i don't know , my list.onItemClick and list.onitemselected() both was not calling.
@chintankhetiya ok I will check it
@chintankhetiya @JaiSoni Do you guys get any idea on my issue? :)
@chintankhetiya ok I will check it
@Kumar i am doing as your way , but in my example i have added Adapter class inside Activity
@JaiSoni okay thanks
@chintankhetiya So is it working for you?
@Kumar chintankhetiya.wordpress.com see what i have done,
I have downloaded that code.. Checking. Plz wait :)
okay see that Main class , in that i have added Adapter class inside activity at bottom
@Kumar I am on the way dude... just give me some time
@JaiSoni then stay in Rajkot :P
@chintankhetiya I am in Bikaner (Rajasthan)
@JaiSoni NP Thanks :) :D
1 min ago, by JaiSoni
@Kumar I am on the way dude... just give me some time
you are on the way
@chintankhetiya good catch :)
@chintankhetiya The thing is little different here. The timepickerdialog is having a overriden function onTimeset. Inside that only I can update my textview data. So here I got the problem. I hope you understand . :D
@Kumar is it easy if you make simple interface and call after your time task , you interface will automatically callback you ,
Dont you think It'll bit lengthy process?? @chintankhetiya
@JaiSoni "And on Start TimeSetlistener{"??
are you talking about that onTimeset function bro ?
which is inside tImepicker listener
@Kumar yes
@JaiSoni Ok let me do...
@JaiSoni One more thing
void showStartTimeDialog(int position)
where I'll have to prepare this function ?
is it in timerbean or in Activity class ?
@Kumar timerbean
@JaiSoni Sorry I am little confused. I want to know how will that activity variable will be called inside showStartTimeDialog(int position) function?
@JaiSoni I did below: Is it correct?
public timerbean(Activity activity)
1 hour later…
@JayThakkar HELLO
hi @all sorry my computer went only for hypernate and connected me with the chat
@JaiSoni there ?
@chintankhetiya yes
need basic guidance in fragment
i have to create a app which should be run in both device and tab late
i have read about the fragment in android developers ,
but bit confuse at some instance
@chintankhetiya not much expert on fragments... but can try
i haven't started developing but before that i must be able to aware to all basic about fragment
i got this
i'm also not very familar with fragmetns even if i use them...
i don't know why it's looks hard to implement
i think it is simple you need to use that fragment manager and set the views or better fragmetns to it
no i read the doc but its hard to manage , multiple screen for landscape and portrait
well yeah that's a little tricky
9 hours later…
@Appu im sad man
@Washu hi

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