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00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

@MonadNewb BTW do you got a job already o.o?
I have a job...just not a coding job
which job?
I work for a temp agency doing random jobs.
I work for a temp agency doing random jobs
random as o.o
Mostly physical jobs...cleaning up a construction site, working in a warehouse, stuff like that.
but why not coding :(
You finished the university
Still gotta pay the bills while I keep looking for a coding job
On the bright side, I'm picking up some tutoring jobs for summer students at the local univ
So what are you up to lately? Are you in school for the summer? Or working? Or what?
I haven't finished university yet...
not even my technical studies (3 years)
and i'm already working on CCNA MPLS diagnosis winning 1600$....
Are you in classes right now?
Dropped it for a year taking it again by the end of this one
Are chances to work that hard in US?
Or 1600$ is too low?
BTW is actually 1600 S/. but is nearly the same...
Ofc the exchange is the same but is as im winning that amount
I'd take $1600
I bet dude....
I don't understand i always though that US was the best country but i must admit that most of people i know via online tells me that is hard to get a stable job
and too many taxes
So what is the normal university schedule like in Peru? I mean that in the US schools usually have two semesters: Aug/Sep through Dec and Jan through Apr/May. Summer classes are usually considered optional.
@Washu yes, taxes hurt the paycheck
@MonadNewb hi
@MonadNewb Is kinda the same here but summer is on january-februart
@Doorknob I'm starting to think that you are not a 12 year old kid....
@Washu why not? :P
@Doorknob Liez!!!
I was born in 2000 :P
@MonadNewb That's why i won't go to USA ... like never at least to work
@Doorknob youngster
@Washu You should at least come to visit
I'd love to go to peru for vacation. Just can't afford it right now ;-(
@MonadNewb I want to go to USA too mostly to visit friends... cause i dont think there is much to visit ._.
@Washu There's lots to visit. In fact, there are many parts of the US I want to visit myself.
well, it's time for me to log out. Not sure if I'll be back on again tonight. I'll catch ya'll later.
@MonadNewb catch you later man good luck
@Doorknob LIEZ
@Doorknob i know you are lying me llama boy
okay...I logged back in ;-)
@Washu You still here?
@MonadNewb Watching Dr. Who
fun fun
@Washu Just got 10k!
@MonadNewb 10k O.O
Time to abuse my new found powers!
@MonadNewb what's program euler?
@Washu Why do you ask?
@MonadNewb just saw your profile
I think the badge is clickable...
@MonadNewb NOPE
@Washu Fixed
@MonadNewb i suck at math
@Washu You should look at the problems. The first several are quite basic. I know you can code the first one in less than an hour.
@Washu Probably in 10 minutes in fact.
@Washu If you are interested in working on your math skills, Project Euler is a great place to start because it's also about programming!
@MonadNewb Hm.. i need to learn or i wont be able to study any engineering
But im pretty good with networking
@Washu Glad to hear it! We need network admins cuz I hate doing that myself =p
@Washu And check out Project Euler! Do some problems and see what you think.
@MonadNewb you created it?
but I'm a huge fan ;-)
The creator uses the handle "euler"
@MonadNewb how old are you?
@Washu Doesn't my profile say?
@MonadNewb i don't see profiles often xD
You should start!
@MonadNewb haha yeah xD
You will find a nice programming job
but first pay the bills
@Washu why would I? :P
@MonadNewb 10k is fun isn't it :D
@Doorknob yup!
@Washu @Doorknob Well, time to log out for tonight. TTYL
@MonadNewb bye!
@chintankhetiya hello
1 hour later…
good morning
good morning everyone
good morning everyone
@rekire @Hardy
Very Good Morning bapu
Very Good Morning bapu
That hakre is annoying me. he triggered a deletion of a question which caused a lost of 18 rep :(
OMG :(
coming back :)
Good Morning friends... :)
Very Good Morning bapu
@chintankhetiya good morning. how are you? I just see the bad news in your country.
@kongkea yeah , i am good. yeah it's very bad accident. one of my friend's family member are there and yet they didn't get news about there , because all mobile networks are not working. no connection.
Wish his/her fine.
yeah we can do that only :( tell me about you how's you ?
I am fine. but now I am not android developer. I switch to php. I hope, i can back as soon as possible.
what happed? I read nothing in our local press
I have top priority project with cakephp, so all of my member are switch as well.
holy shit
that is quiet bad but in germany where also such floods some weeks ago
t-online.de/nachrichten/specials/id_63851000/… look there at the galery "Foto-Serie: Hochwasser - vorher und nachher" that means before and after the pictures 7 and 8
@rekire yeah , what a Hugh different in both pic, these all things are relay scrabble
@kongkea that's good that you have good knowledge in PHP also
do you have idea about Fragment ?
@rekire developer.android.com/training/basics/fragments/… i have download demo from here and i am getting force close , Class Not Found, i am not confident in this , i don't know why
@chintan which ide?
mean ? editor ?
@rekire did you know how man people dead in Germany? @chintankhetiya I have no idea but I have helpful link to you. github.com/jfeinstein10/SlidingMenu
@chintankhetiya demo play.google.com/store/apps/….
if you use android studio or eclupse
@kongkea I don't know it... see also my linked patch which is starred at the right
which class can not be found @chintan?
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.example.android.fragments.MainActivity in loader dalvik.system.PathClassLoader[/data/app/com.example.android.fragments-1.apk]
that is strange
are you able to do same thing ?
did you try to rebuild and clean the project?
yeah , number of times , even restart the eclipse
I'll try it wait..
okay thanks
i want to do something like this , if user open the app in tablet the in portrait mode simple list open but if they open in landscap then the details for each item row should be appear in same screen at right side , but if user open same thing in smart phone then it should be simple as list either it could be a portrait or landscape
@kongkea that link is for sliding menu, i need some thing like ^ @rekire
that app starts tested on api 10, 16 and 17
mean you are able to run that demo
let me check
what you did ?
mean i have replay src , res, manifest file so non thing that should be left
I downloaded the project, extracted it and imported the project to my workspace
so you are directly able to run the code ?
than I build a configuration and started the project without touching any java files
i have done same thing , but i when i have import that project i am not able to import in eclipse so i have create new project and replace src, res and manifest
I copied the project before importing in a temp directory so the project could be copied to my workspace
@Gajini that is really bad
same thing i have done , once more , let me check
@rekire see my url , which i download and see the dir , is it same with you ?
25.06.2013 08:41 475 .classpath
25.06.2013 08:43 851 .project
25.06.2013 08:41 <DIR> .settings
25.06.2013 08:38 1.339 AndroidManifest.xml
25.06.2013 08:41 <DIR> assets
25.06.2013 08:45 <DIR> bin
25.06.2013 08:43 <DIR> gen
25.06.2013 08:38 <DIR> libs
25.06.2013 08:41 563 project.properties
25.06.2013 08:38 <DIR> res
25.06.2013 08:38 <DIR> src
proberbly due eclipse put there allready it's meta data
so my dir is okay then what should be issue ?
how you are imprting your project > import > general or import > android ?
import -> android -> existing android code into workspace
Android supports Arabian language in application
Greetings! I have this situation: there is application in android and c# application in pc. I connect from android to c# application through sockets. In android application I must set IP address of the PC where is c# application (internal IP, for example, But is there any way to connect automatically to the c# application - automatic IP retrieving to correct PC with that socket on?
@JavaDev in gerneral yes. I know that android has RTL support
@DanielsPitkevičs you could use some autoconfig protocols like wsdiscovery or bonjour or something else that depends on broadcast or multicast
@rekire it's my bad luck , i have try both way to import the project but No projects are found to import
I cannot understand why this makes trouble for you
me too
@rekire can you simply tell me , what that example shows ?
HI guys
m facing a strange problem with edittext
@rekire Can I scan all pc's in my network for open 4444 port? And if there is, then to connect to that? Will that work?
@Shruti hello
share it
so does the app look like on jb on a nexus 7 tablet
@rekire i think this layout file is located at simple layout folder , is it ? not in layout-land
yeah thanks for snap
I don't get the point
@all any one worked on live video Streaming from mobile and store the video in another Server
@user1929491 wait i will give you reply
friends i need help @chintankhetiya ,@Shruti ,@JavaDev ,@DanielsPitkevičs
i want some thing like that if user open the list in portrite mode in both phone and table , simple list should be display but if user change mode to landscape in then only it should be looks like your snap
@rekire okay
@user1929491 tell me
@priya welcome
i want to record live video Streaming from mobile
@chintankhetiya thanks..i need your help
and store the video in another Server
@user1929491 write your issue in single statement and then drop here , please
@priya tell me , i will if i know
i want to record live video Streaming from mobile and store the video in another Server
@chintankhetiya i want to set live wallpaper but it not loading!!
@user1929491 i so where is your basically native streaming location server ? youtube ?
@priya sorry no idea in wallpaper
@chintankhetiya ok fine..
what mean it's not set loading ?
what is your error log ?
it is live video from our mobile cam
mean didn't get ?
live video Streming from our mobile Device to Store on another Server
where is your current video file ?
@chintankhetiya i am not getting any error ,but its not loading while i set live wallpaper
@chintankhetiya live video from our cam
@priya how does it possible ? have you try to check simple Log ?
@user1929491 i think your concept is wrong.
correct me if i am wrong > you want to capture a video and the video should be upload at our server ? is it ?
@chintankhetiya i tried i am not getting any log not force close its simply the wallpaper is not displaying
yes @chintankhetiya
have you done this requirement
@priya i think you have add some security function in that case user can't see live wallpaper ! :) :P
@user1929491 i have upload from local path to server but i have played audio & video from Youtube
@chintankhetiya ok thanks let me check
i'm back
ok @chintankhetiya Do you have code to upload to local Server
please share with me? @chintankhetiya
@priya might be some other issue , sorry i can't help you more because i haven't create live wallpaper
@chintankhetiya ok..
Q: Android upload video to remote server using HTTP multipart form data

KyleI'm having trouble on a certain piece of a current project and feel like I'm stuck right now. I'm trying to do a video upload with an HTTP post and multipart form data. I feel like I'm hit a wall in understanding the HTTP protocol and specifically multipart form data. I have a URL to upload...

@chintankhetiya thanks
@chintan about your question I'm not sure about that... I handle the rotation in all my apps due I don't see a reason for letting restart my app. however I expect that this is nessesary for that fragment stuff. on rotation the layout should change so that the fragments will be shown in another context
hi @chintankhetiya : when i touch the edittext the softkeyboard is seen but i am unable to input text using that keyboard .. even edittext is not getting focussed .. please suggest what to do
@Shruti check out that edtitext color , may be white , or print in log
@rekire okay , btw thank you
@chintankhetiya : checked text color its not white
added focusableintouchmode and focusable in the edittext but it is also not working
log.i("tag",getText().toString()); see what you are getting
even specified inputtype as textmultiline but that is also not working
3 mins ago, by chintan khetiya
log.i("tag",getText().toString()); see what you are getting
@Shruti what is the output ? ^
where shud i put this log ??
i have added a textwatcher on the edittext
@Appu crickets
Q: Where are the settings of a preferences screen stored?

rekireI know this question is a little stupid but I cannot find where the settings of my preferences screen are stored. I am using shared preferences this file is located at /data/data/my.package.name/shared_prefs/common.xml. However when I change something the changes are stored. I even implemented c...

Hey everyone!
@Neil I hate crickets. And why did you mention it?
@rekire Heya dear!
hi @Appu
What's up rekire?
Hi all
fine so far see also the question above^^
what's about you @Appu?
is it true that I cannot pull databases from the device as I can pull it from the Emulator ??
:"( noone repiles
@Appu If you hear crickets chirping, it indicates that nobody is speaking that it would be louder than the crickets
@Vera Yeah. It is in internal storage. How ever you can copy the file content to the external file on SDCard.
@rekire Seems you got an answer, but I wonder why it is not visible at all for you.
@Neil Oh, you replied to lull today :P
Alright thanks che !! :)
Hey everyone
Has everyone used ExecutorService in android? Not in standard java app.
@Appu but that answer does not help me... I want to read the settings from the console for debugging
its gujarati.. pronounce "6" in hindi... che = "Hai" ..Thanks hai
well that file exists on my api 10 device
@rekire Okay. Sorry, no idea then
@Vera Oh! Okay :)
Hi @Appu @chintankhetiya @rekire and @ALL
@Harish Hey!
how are you? whats going on?
@CapDroid I am good ya thanks, you? Long time, no see. You mean that in Hello World? :D
@Appu Me too good... I am only in one room..
@CapDroid Hi after long time
@Harish yes, brother.. hows you?
hello guys , i am back
@chintankhetiya bapu, "Namaste"
@CapDroid fine dude
hw abt u?
@Harish me too :)
@CapDroid ohh Bapu , avo avo , Namaste :) Kem cho ?
@chintankhetiya : that log is getting no value in it
now suggest wht to do ??
i hav to resolve this by today eve :(
how many edit text do you have in xml ?
@chintankhetiya bas bhai, shanti che
@CapDroid to vandho nai, good news che 1
@Shruti ohh ma'am , kya jata rya ?
@Appu hello dear :)
@chintankhetiya bolo bolo jaldi
got new job , in same city
@chintankhetiya great, congo... me looking for change..
want to come in Rajkot ?
no no, in same city @chintankhetiya
@chintankhetiya which one ?
okay , good luck for that ?
@Hardy will talk in gtalk
@chintankhetiya thanks bhai
@chintankhetiya Ok bhai
ye @Hardy ko leke ja tere sath
yeah , defiantly,vat karis
@CapDroid :D
@chintankhetiya @Hardy :)
@CapDroid hi bro
how r u
hi all anyone worked with sip/voip ?help needed..
@PriyankBhojak what do you need with thaat?
@PriyankBhojak Hi I am fine and you?
no brother, didn't work
@CapDroid i am fine
@Washu hi i want to integrate sip calling functionality i have checked example for csipSample but not getting proper thing for it can you please tell me if you have any idea calling through a voip server..
@PriyankBhojak try sipDroid example...
@chintankhetiya Hey!
@Washu @PriyankBhojak Yo!
@Washu No, don't get dozed.
@Appu the settingsfile is here: /data/user/##/my.package.name/shared_prefs/my.package.name_preferences.xml where ## is my numeric user id
@Washu i also checked it but after checkout source code always give this error in eclipese "Project has no project.properties file! Edit the project properties to set one."
@rekire so you got it.
@Doorknob knocking
hi appu
Q: Passing JSON URL to java Restful WebService

user1929491I have a JSON url,i want to Parse the URL and get the information from the URL My requirement is to write a java restfull web service which accepts JSON URL as input and which returns the data I have followed the tutorial http://www.mkyong.com/webservices/jax-rs/jersey-hello-world-example/ he pas...

@Appu yeah I did. always that looking thrue non public code to get answers
grepcode is horrobly slow but the only source i found yet for getting simple the sources of differnt android versions
@chintankhetiya : i have only one edittext in that xml file
and your second comment i can't understand
Hi all..I have tried to save image in a particular folder, but am unable to open that image..please help
@swetha any error?
@swetha save in sdcard?
it is showing it is opened in another editor when am opening that image..@CapDroid
@Shruti okay , can you show me that xml file and the code in which you are getting the value
it is related to java..@CapDroid
@Shruti where are you from ?
@swetha hello , :)
@swetha ufff, I am only android developer...:(
@chintankhetiya...could u please look into my issue??
which one ?
@chintankhetiya::.I have tried to save image in a particular folder, but am unable to open that image..
@swetha are problem in saving or to open the image ?
open an image..@chintankhetiya
what is the size of image ?
@swetha have you checked whether it is stored properly and opening it from file manager.?
@SilentKiller are bapu tame pan aa baju ?
are badha gujarati o j che ke su...ha ha
Any Java+ROR developer here?
@chintankhetiya...the actual image size is 130kb and the image stored in folder is in 13bytes..
Ha! there you are. Then the way you write that image to that folder might have gone wrong. How did you save it?
@swetha it mean , problem is your image is not save properly
@Appu...i have used file outputstream..
@PriyankBhojak are you Gujarati Man ?
yea :D
@chintankhetiya...Could u provide solution?
@swetha can you provide absolutePath of that file..?
@chintankhetiya ha bapu tame aavo na to amare aavu pade ne tamne malva.. ;)
@swetha please can you show me your code?
@SilentKiller 0_O :) arrrrrreee pan :)
@chintankhetiya me too.. ;)
kidding :P
Q: store image to SD card

abci'm using cropping functionality in my android application and it works fine but i want to save cropped image to my SD Card. For that what steps needs to be followed?

@chintankhetiya have you worked on sip?
@swetha compare your code with it , is it same or something change in it ?
@PriyankBhojak what is that ? :P
@chintankhetiya...this is my code

if (source !=null && source.length()>1){
InputStream in = new FileInputStream(source);
int size = in.available();
byte[] bb = new byte[size];
OutputStream fo = new FileOutputStream(targetFile+"\\"+source);
@PriyankBhojak i am android developer
@swetha see above link which i have you suggest
@chintankhetiya..I have done the same..
@chintankhetiya i am also android developer and i am talking about voice calling functionality through sip in android only..
@PriyankBhojak sorry never worked on that, you want to implement voice calling like skype and other ?
@swetha check this as you are coding in java, not on android. or you could ask Neil if you still don't get it.
@chintankhetiya not now like skype but want to setup call through voip server
Hello All of you How to write service in Java for Window Application?
@PriyankBhojak okay let me check, never implement such thing
00:00 - 11:0011:00 - 00:00

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