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19:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

Welcome all! This room is intended as a place to converse with candidates, discuss moderator traits, etc. For general discussion related to programming, check out our full list of chat rooms:
If you have questions about the election process itself, please ask your question on the Meta Stack Overflow. Remember, folks stepping up to lead this community are committing a significant amount of their time, please keep all discourse civil and constructive.
Hiya \o
rene is stalking me
I rather apply for dictatorship.
Have you tried a smaller exchange? ;)
@TravisJ just hand me a coffee ... I'm at your door ...
Sure, we always have coffee here!
Pretty sure there would be a mutiny if the coffee ran out
Choosing the "nomination" link only returns to the same page. Is it possible for me to nominate someone (not myself)?
AFAIK, no.
Mm, nope
Ok. Thanks.
11 minutes and no nominations? Already disappointed
Otherwise Jon Skeet would get nominated every election :P
@BhargavRao There's 11 questions though >.>
Just to be clear... these are all self-nominations?
"Surprise! You're a Stack Overflow mod!" is not the best surprise.
Mach is in at T+13 mins.
@JonEricson It is now, when the flag queue is pretty empty
When it's at like 2000+ it's the worst surprise
> How do you like your queue, sir?
> I'd like 2,000 in others, please, thanks.
for fun just let it go beyond 2000 flags ...
for the shock effect
It would be nice to have a bit more formal way of prodding a candidate to run, if not an outright formal nomination. There are some people who'd make great moderators, but are humble enough to not suspect it of themselves.
@meagar It's all fun and games until Bhargav goes on vacation. ;-)
@CodyGray prodding is that with of without electricity?
Prodder's choice
I can get myself killed. I rather opt-out of the prodding
flowers are delicate
Hope your guys can win :-)
We can. Not sure if happy with the prize ...
One condidate so far ...
Was the typo intentional?
Oh, typo ..
My Bad!
To restore the cosmic balance, let's call it a typa.
a hush falls over the crowd
Hmm, thanks. That's not my native language and I speak and use it rarely nowadays so, forgive me :]
So far Machavity has a 100% win chance
0% actually. There won't be elections until there are atleast 3 candidates.
Because of his/her loneliness of course!
@ʍѳђઽ૯ท It's really no problem at all. "Condidate" has a nice ring to it. ;-)
I'm not going to answer my own mod question and I have no idea what a haiku is. I've disqualified myself.
@rene - In all honesty, you could probably just write your name in the nomination answer box and win.
@TravisJ And answer "I am a blurry flower." to all the questions.
"I'm rene, deal with it"
@JonEricson Well I took it a little more serious before writing any words for the next time(s) which woke me up again :)
which candidate is going to let me use swear words? I mean the good ones...
@SuperStew None of them. That isn't up to the candidate. It's one of the site rules.
@CodyGray @SuperStew It is againist the Code of Conduct
@CodyGray Which candidate is going to petition for changing the rules to allow me to use swear words?
@SuperStew Nearly none
You can use swear words no matter who wins.
What happens after you do is a different question altogether.
Just like you can drink lava
It's not the fall that kills you. It's the rapid deceleration.
But only once
@SuperStew - You can use all the swear words you want.
Just not here.
@BhargavRao You could say that one dose of lava is a lifetime supply.
@MadaraUchiha Sounds like a Terry Pratchett quote :)
Oh yep, definitely
@BhargavRao The answer is: User suspension, moderator mesaages.
@TravisJ which candidate is going to fight against the strict "no fun allowed" policy?
@SuperStew none of them for now.
@smileycreations15 adklfd;fklad;fad then why are we even doing this
@SuperStew Sounds to me like you should nominate.
I don't think there is a "no fun allowed" policy. However, there has been a history of problems associated with certain types of popular posts. You should read this for some more insight:
@TravisJ i stopped reading as soon as they said Reddit took a hands off approach.
Why can't we flag comments on the election page, there's one there I would like to flag...
@DavidG - Yeah, I saw that too.
@SuperStew - If you were serious about the topic you should keep reading.
@DavidG custom mod flag on one of your own posts
I suspect it won't last long enough anyway.
@TravisJ ok i read a little more. thats still not a good reason to have hyper moderation.
What is hyper moderation?
Moderating after drinking 3 cans of Red Bull?
You can ask questions to candidates here.… (not created by moderators)
@rene i think moderating anything thats not blatantly disrupting the site qualifies as "hyper"
@smileycreations15 Why does it matter whether the room has been created by moderators or not?
Also, this is explicitly the room for asking questions of the candidates...
@MadaraUchiha oops, I thought this room was for discussing the election. Still 1 candidate
@MadaraUchiha Haven't you heard of the deep state? ;-)
@JonEricson Is that a Redux vs MobX thing?
@MadaraUchiha It is generally related to logical errors.
Yeah, an anti-establishment thing
@MadaraUchiha you mean "pro-reason" thing
or "pro-justice"
while (true){if (election.candidates < 10){getMoreCandidates()}}
@SuperStew Perhaps I'm not getting it. The Wikipedia definition keeps beating around the bush
@MadaraUchiha imagine my surprise. "the deep state" typically refers to a de facto shadow government that actually runs the show while the people think it's the puppet gov. I'm not sure exactly what Jon was implying, maybe something about the mods being the "deep state" of SO
@SuperStew I mean, this is an election for moderators
Not to mention that the SO moderator community number in dozens, not thousands, like the US government :D
It would be rather difficult running a shadow organization within that that actually controls everything
Unless you count my thing with @Shog9 which we are not supposed to speak about.
Perhaps. I imagine there's weird internal moderator politics where they try to out game-of-thrones each other
Ugh! He knows!
@SuperStew Pfft, please. What is a king unto a god?
@MadaraUchiha a tool?
@rene lol, well at least you are aware...
The issue with being the first nomination is ... you get a lot of comments...
@BhargavRao yes
@BhargavRao: I think the issue was the amount of strange comments on the first nomination. I could accept that not a lot of people read Meta or really understand what moderators do, of answering as a disqualifier? Really??
Happened last year as well.
The issue is, people aren't actually aware about what constitutes the role of a moderator..
Sounds like an intractable problem. Documentation already exists on large parts of this, but the documentation existed before they made that statement.
Well, that's democracy for you. Half of the voters not knowing what's going on is part of it.
@ErikA it's almost like democracy is inherently unstable.....
Do stack overflow moderator nominees have political parties/
that should be a thing
I'm from the flower party ...
that sounds nsfw
I'm from the nsfw party
@rene: I'd like to introduce you to my pet aphid, that cool with you?
@rene fairly blurry also..
@Mako, still wanna see how far you will go without the extra arrows, or are you in this time?
@BhargavRao: I think I've reached the limit of what I can do with what powers I have now. I'm thinking about it, but the more I think about it, the more I want to be an ambassador of sorts instead of just a janitor.
@Makoto bring it on. I'll bring my friend Sundew with me ...
I like to have meta-heads on the team... there are already a few, but a few more would be very helpful.
@rene: Sounds like we have a party plan then. I'll meet you in the mountains. :D
@BhargavRao you want to spread the down-vote load over more people?
Kinda ;p
sounds reasonable
@BhargavRao quick check with you: is there a formal stance by either SE or the mod team about moderators being a mod and and RO? And if there is, are there any concerns in relation to moderation rooms?
@MadaraUchiha I think you can delete your comment on Mac's nomination it is kind of out of context now.
I can't flag it as nln :)
@rene Nope, there is no stance, and there are no concerns.
@rene I myself am an RO in the JavaScript and the Java room
No problems.
I'm a RO of the R Public room! (It's something)
Those are rooms not really related to moderation.
I'm kinda surprised, we're an hour in and only Mac nominated
It is related to moderation of that particular tag.
Hmm okay, makes sense
... or are you saying that tags don't matter? #TagsDoMatter
@MadaraUchiha yeah, kinda boring at the moment
You guys already have several active mods who are also active in the management of the room, even if they aren't strictly in the RO team.
I've considered to comment that Mac can't be a mod because his Haiku is invalid. But people might actually take me seriously
@MadaraUchiha True, but I can imagine cases where a conflict of interest occurs. And currently none of the mods in SOCVR have access to the RO backroom. What happens there stays there.
@rene That's not an entirely accurate statement
There is already one on nomination and Haiku was not a requirement ;)
That we don't go into the backroom doesn't mean we don't have access to it :)
wait, what? ;)
Unless it's something outside the network?
It is outside the network
@rene I'll nominate for SOCVR RO this time. I'm now back to being a regular. O:)
Ah, I see
Unless you work for slack ...
oh, crap, they found my back channel...
@rene In the JS room we found that GitHub issues provide better context and offer more meaningful messages/discussion than a chat.
But yeah, slack is good as well.
In the R Public room, we realized that there are no users to even chat ... so having a back room is useless.
TIL there's an R Public room
@BhargavRao I wouldn't be joking ... if you RO nominate you're in. Can't imagine the vote would blow up.
We have another contender!
Good luck @Zoe
Thanks ^^
@MadaraUchiha what?
Good luck @Zoe
How do I nominate myself? I'm checking my wrist watch, it's about Reign Of Terror O'Clock.
@rene Hah, thanks for having confidence in me :p ...
@EricLeschinski go to and scroll down
@EricLeschinski There's a link at the bottom of the page here, and some questions here
It would appear that mods can nominate themselves :D
One of the mods in the past tried it out as well. :p
@BhargavRao Did it actually work?
@MadaraUchiha Not enough diamonds? Run for mod a second time! Guaranteed diamond duplication! :p
@MadaraUchiha SOCVR has a GitHub repo as well; users can post issues to be discussed at upcoming room meetings
Now having seen two submissions I feel like #10 is asking two distinct questions. Showcasing questions/answers on Meta which you're not proud of isn't the same question as asking to have your question disassociated from your account.
@TylerH Yes, as does the JS room
But we have a second, private repo, where we do moderation stuff
Specifically, decisions made about specific users and trolls.
@MadaraUchiha yepz.
@MadaraUchiha As @Zoe said, you will get more diamonds.
Funny story
When ChrisF was elected moderator for his fifth site (I don't remember if it was SO or some other site) due to a bug, he got a diamond for all of the sites
For a very short time :)
@MadaraUchiha: Well, 5 is practically the entire network anyway :x
How a ordinary user suspend a user?
What would've been nice for ChrisF is, if in that context, they just added him to their payroll to "fix" the bug
@smileycreations15 They don't.
@smileycreations15 They don't
... Jinx
@MadaraUchiha @meagar But a team admin can do in its team.
@Makoto yeah, that question needs rewording, I think? Not sure how.
@rene: I'd say, pick a question; there's two to choose from there
@smileycreations15 Can they? That makes sense to me.
@GraceNote I tend to agree with @rene and @Makoto
@meagar yes, I tried in my team
Could question #10 be reworded so that it doesn't ask for posts on meta that the candidate is not proud of, but rather what would they do with posts that they are not proud of?
@smileycreations15 I'm not sure what you're asking about then
@smileycreations15 you should totally create a Meta post about that and tag it with teams. You'll be able to flesh out more details there and get the people who actually know teams to look at it.
@Makoto The suspension is not on main, only the team
MSO supports Teams, too
@smileycreations15 yeah, but team admins can only suspend in the team. And team admins there are effectively the moderators of the team, and they decide the rules.
@MadaraUchiha I think what would you do with the posts is the least interesting aspect of the question. It is much more enlightening to see people describe the posts they're not proud of, and what they've learned. That was the intention of the original question, and so it should be the same even when inverted.
Yeah, to @CodyGray's point I was hoping for a showcasing of posts on Meta that they could admit that they weren't proud of and show what they learned from them.
Hmm, that's fair
that is also how I understood its intent
Either way, the question needs a bit of clarifying
Cynical perspective: we didn't catch this for the week that the question was up...
Someone suggested clarifying in a comment to the question, but I was afraid to do it, as I suspected people were already working on their answers.
It might be too late now
@Makoto Sometimes, some good ol' production QA is necessary.
@MadaraUchiha: :%s/necessary/compulsory/g
Although this may be my own bias given that I've had more than enough of those scenarios at work in the last two months
@Makoto how close from thinking to running?
I left a comment a while back @YvetteColomb - still thinking, want to really be more of an ambassador sort if I'm honest
@smileycreations15 Please don't.
We'd like to keep this room bot free, for now, at least.
@Makoto and how would you do that?
@MadaraUchiha I will create new room for the bot
@MadaraUchiha discrimination ... I'll see myself out ...
@smileycreations15 there is a chatroom on SO specifically for testing bot stuff
I'm largely doing that so far on Meta, for the audience that exists on Meta. I'm still thinking through what ambassadorship even looks like here since there's a disconnect on how community moderation and the goals of the site overlap with one another.
That's a Meta post I'm working on when I have spare time. Lol, spare time.
@TylerH Yeah, but this is verified with real stackoverflow posts.
19:00 - 22:0022:00 - 00:00

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