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It would be nice to have a bit more formal way of prodding a candidate to run, if not an outright formal nomination. There are some people who'd make great moderators, but are humble enough to not suspect it of themselves.
I don't think there is a "no fun allowed" policy. However, there has been a history of problems associated with certain types of popular posts. You should read this for some more insight: stackoverflow.blog/2012/01/31/the-trouble-with-popularity
@MadaraUchiha imagine my surprise. "the deep state" typically refers to a de facto shadow government that actually runs the show while the people think it's the puppet gov. I'm not sure exactly what Jon was implying, maybe something about the mods being the "deep state" of SO
@BhargavRao: I think the issue was the amount of strange comments on the first nomination. I could accept that not a lot of people read Meta or really understand what moderators do, but...um....lack of answering as a disqualifier? Really??
Sounds like an intractable problem. Documentation already exists on large parts of this, but the documentation existed before they made that statement.
@BhargavRao: I think I've reached the limit of what I can do with what powers I have now. I'm thinking about it, but the more I think about it, the more I want to be an ambassador of sorts instead of just a janitor.
@BhargavRao quick check with you: is there a formal stance by either SE or the mod team about moderators being a mod and and RO? And if there is, are there any concerns in relation to moderation rooms?
@MadaraUchiha True, but I can imagine cases where a conflict of interest occurs. And currently none of the mods in SOCVR have access to the RO backroom. What happens there stays there.
Now having seen two submissions I feel like #10 is asking two distinct questions. Showcasing questions/answers on Meta which you're not proud of isn't the same question as asking to have your question disassociated from your account.
When ChrisF was elected moderator for his fifth site (I don't remember if it was SO or some other site) due to a bug, he got a diamond for all of the sites
Could question #10 be reworded so that it doesn't ask for posts on meta that the candidate is not proud of, but rather what would they do with posts that they are not proud of?
@smileycreations15 you should totally create a Meta post about that and tag it with teams. You'll be able to flesh out more details there and get the people who actually know teams to look at it.
@smileycreations15 yeah, but team admins can only suspend in the team. And team admins there are effectively the moderators of the team, and they decide the rules.
@MadaraUchiha I think what would you do with the posts is the least interesting aspect of the question. It is much more enlightening to see people describe the posts they're not proud of, and what they've learned. That was the intention of the original question, and so it should be the same even when inverted.
Yeah, to @CodyGray's point I was hoping for a showcasing of posts on Meta that they could admit that they weren't proud of and show what they learned from them.
I'm largely doing that so far on Meta, for the audience that exists on Meta. I'm still thinking through what ambassadorship even looks like here since there's a disconnect on how community moderation and the goals of the site overlap with one another.
That's a Meta post I'm working on when I have spare time. Lol, spare time.