@BradleyDotNET how would I use/create SerializedAsyncCommand (found in link)?
basically I want an Async command, when a button is clicked, I'll have to call an async method to detect which device it is. after device is detected I'll create a VM for it. Then i'll need to do some async IO to read all of its address values (say 10 second process). Once that is done, I'll need to add the created VM to UI
so I have _readValuesCommand = new SerializedAsyncCommand( async f => await ReadDeviceValues()); but that doesn't really seem right... is it basically fire and forget... in a way
The list get's loaded from DB at the start and if there was a user preferred setting in the past it deserializes it from an xml file and overwrites the Active state
and user preferences get saved each time you Save and Exit in the same xml file.