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I see, headed off that question :)
@Mehrad don't do it async or @JohanLarsson will have your by the nuts
However, during the operation of the program Binding does his magic :) but even if I don't Save & exit and go cancel with basically Hide() the window I still have what he fiddled with :)
@NETscape it's as SYNC as it gets :) I love mine
the question is, do I need to load the user preferred settings each time he attempts Cancel or there is a way to ignore/disable the binding temporarily ...
might look like a funny question but I though since I don't now if there is such a thing exist (the second choice) I'll ask
The second one doesn't really exist
you can override the bindings, but its ugly, and hard to get back
wanted to know what's the best practice in this situation really.
Does this have a separate view model from what uses these options?
@NETscape all I said was that you should use async when it solves a problem. Profiler and Reed can tell us if there is a problem to solve :)
In other words, could you only update the real data if they click "save"?
@Mehrad with Cancel, you can set this.DialogResult = false then this.ClosE() depending on how you're working with the view
@JohanLarsson i'm just messing with ya man. go to bed its late by you!
@BradleyDotNET this too
I am thinking
@BradleyDotNET can't fully understand this question.
I have a OptionsView and OptionsViewModel
so how does what uses these options get the data?
<UserControl x:Class="MessagingModule.MessageControl"
d:DesignHeight="300" d:DesignWidth="300">
<ResourceDictionary Source="MessageControlResources.xaml" />
<ContentControl Grid.Row="2"
Because hitting "cancel" should dismiss the dialog, we don't care about the messed up state in OptionsViewModel
This is my xaml
from a repo in the Model just a class for the use in that type of data
Okay, and what updates that?
<ResourceDictionary xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/winfx/2006/xaml/presentation"

    <DataTemplate x:Key="ClosableMessageItemTemplate">
        <DockPanel Width="120">
        Command="{Binding Path=CloseCommand}"
@BradleyDotNET the binding from my OptionsView working his way through it's ViewModel and updates the contents of in instance of that repo
This is my resource dictionary
but I do not see the "X" button
@savi after you paste the code I would press Ctrl + K to make it formatted over here
@Mehrad Thanks, I did format it
@savi we should all agree that it looks way better :)
@BradleyDotNET I starting to understand what you meant by that question.
What am I doing wrong?
I guess you wanted to know if the binding is working on the real data or something which will update the real data later. and if so the answer is the first. Basically every click on the CheckBox updates the related Pricelist in the PricelistRepo's instance in use.
@savi what's the problem. did you say you're missing the button?
I do not see the "X" in the message view
@savi did you say it's a UserControl?
or a MessageBox
it is a UserControl
if you see my xaml
UserControl has a ContentControl
cuz I am not sure if I am in the right track but I can't see any <Button> component on your xaml unless you're talking about something else
no I mean the "X" not the button
@savi like the button is there but no x is in it?
if so maybe your button is too small and X falls off of it. In that case set the Padding property of the button to 0.
<Button Padding="0" />
how do I include a image in chat here?
Press the Upload button down there under send and attach it
I do not have any upload button below the send button
are you on the PC or phone?
its a PC
may be it is something got to do with privileges?
hehehe I do not have a upload button
@savi not sure. if you don't have it which is really bazaar you could upload it on the net and paste the link over here.
I only see send button on my case
@Mehrad Never mind, I need to leave now
lets continue this tomorrow!
thanks for your help
sure. ping me @savi
@BradleyDotNET you must have gotten busy. However, thanks for the hint. I am doing some reading about it.
@Mehrad Yeah, sorry
I actually have to go, so good luck! I'll talk to you tonight or tomorrow :)
11 hours later…
2 hours later…
Morning @Markus
morning family
hey @JohanLarsson how are you
Average :)
And you?
what time did you want to remote into my machine and develop my communications for me?
Hey Johan, are you still in the Java game? the robot shooter or what it was
Nope, they stole my code so I quit.
The code is still #1-70
they stole it?
whats #1-70?
@NETscape They managed to dig it out of the dom
@NETscape position 1 - 70 last time I checked.
is that 1 out of 70? can't parse
is the @Denver peaking his head in?
how are things?!
@NETscape Number 1 - 70 on the ranking. Think there are > 1000 bots.
how do you know that they stole it?
they kept the debug messages
Also I recognize the bugs. And how it works. Spent much time with it.
But it was a good thing. Made me stop wasting time on it.
who stole it?
what robot shooter game ?
@JohanLarsson we must've hit a sore subject ;)
I'm watching cross country skiing on TV
@NETscape dunno, internet kids.
so @JohanLarsson, should a question like stackoverflow.com/questions/28609095/… be flagged for deletion?
@BradleyDotNET see this too
I don't cv much
basically you ask a question which doesn't have enough detail, then you answer your own question which includes "I didn't have enough detail in my question, but here is an answer which includes the detail I missed"
Should it be deleted? probably not
there are far worse out there, and he included all his code
The design is bizarre
but that doesn't make it a bad question
well you can't give an answer to a question that doesn't have enough details
it should be deleted IMHO
or vastly re written
it's not generic enough
I could see it being re-written
you could use the "Non-SVCE" close-reason
but besides that, I'm not sure the question could even be closed
i got him to his answer by telling him what it was, that it wasn't in the provided XAML, and that IsTabStop will probably do it... he learned how to debug, and figured it out.
who should get the answer, me or him? I knew what it wasn't, but couldn't give an answer because i couldn't say exactly what it was.
That question is just a weird case all around
he never actually said if the problem was in the code he posted
If we had the old "too localized" reason, we could use that
with this control template?
this, meaning he thinks the code he posted is where the problem lies
right, but he didn't indicate in the answer if the problem was actually in that code
when a question isn't going to help anyone else than the orginal poster, it's off-topic and should be closed
it just adds noise to stackoverflow
closing as not-debuggable
If it gets negatively scored and closed, the roomba should clean it up
so just tested the login code after the re factor, but I'm getting a null reference @BradleyDotNET
you don't set ViewModel to anything.
hence it's null. one of the most common exceptions in programming. easily debuggable.
Q: What is a NullReferenceException and how do I fix it?

John SaundersI have some code and when it executes, it throws a NullReferenceException, saying: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. What does this mean, and what can I do about it?

okay so by set, you mean?
beat me to it :)
I've set the parameter in the VM's constructor to:
public HomeViewModel(UserLoginModel login)
is that what you mean?
object o; // <- unset
so I must be missing a step here
public HomeViewModel(UserLoginModel login)

_loginObj = login;

o = new object(); // <- set
dude, put your mouse over things
or read your "Autos" window.
right in front of your face
okay so the ViewModel is showing as null
why are things (reference types) null?
because your referencing something that doesn't exist
I know pretty basic stuff
right. and how do you make them exist?
not the sharpest today
3 mins ago, by franssu
o = new object(); // <- set
so, if this.ViewModel is null.... you finish the rest.
I need to create an instance of the HomeViewModel, then
set this.HomeViewModel.initLogin(e);
you have private HomeViewModel ViewModel; somewhere in your view, don't you?
oh yeah I do actually, doh
so I just need to set it
keep cool guys ;)
so as I already have the property set up at the top of the class, why is it null?
private HomeViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
because it has to be set
property != field
if it was a field, the compiler would throw a not-initialized error in your face
or would it ?
so I should set it within the navigated event then?
Oh, right fields are initialized to default(T)
if it was a local variable it would complain
Either way, reference variables start off as null
no magic, you have to assign it to an instance yourself
Usually you assign the view model in the contstructor
But I guess you could do it in navigated, assuming nothing tried to use it before then
I'm confused as to how I should set it, I tried calling ViewModel.set
but no prompt comes up as set being available
@BrianJ you have to use the '=' operator
to assign the property to an instance of your viewmodel
you create that instance by calling its constructor
this.DataContext = new HomeViewModel(new UserLoginModel()); needs to be broken up
ViewModel = new HomeViewModel(new UserLoginModel());
this.DataContext = ViewModel;
then your event would work
okay gotcha
so the problem was that ViewModel wasn't assigned to an instance of the HomeViewModel
which is what you were saying all along
I think I may have the bool to visibility converter set up wrong, as the login page isn't showing now
place a break point in it and see if it breaks
when the page is loaded
if it doesn't break, it's likely that your binding is wrong
yeah will do that now. I think the class itself should be fine, could be the way I set up binding as you said.
generally it's either :
- wrong datacontext
- wrong name / type in the name of the Binding string in the xaml
- property doesn't raise INotifyPropertyChange.PropertyChanged in its setter, or raises it with a wrong name
@BrianJ this is like the 4th time this problem has happened :p
27 mins ago, by Brian J
private HomeViewModel ViewModel { get; set; }
yeah it triggers the breakpoint for the BoolToVisibilityConverter,
actually I think I'm wrong -_-
I was thinking you were binding ViewModel
are you getting binding errors?
not that I can see, I set a breakpoint on the BoolToVisibilityConverter, and it trigeered
just stepping through now
no errors are thrown anyways, steps through the method, but the browser isn't shown
and this is after making one change?
This is the way I have set up the binding:


and the converter:

@NETscape I'm not sure what you mean by one change?
so I'm guessing when you start the application, you're not logged in.
yeah, its supposed to load to the facebook login page
but since I re factored to the VM, the login page doesn't show
which makes sense
Visibility="{Binding LoggedIn, Converter={StaticResource BoolToVisibilityConverter}}"
was working when I had all the code in the code behind, so I'm guessing its something to do with the way I've set up the bool and converter
thats how I set up the bool in the VM
if you start the application with LoggedIn = false... thennnnnn converter converts false into?
this is the case you'd do the invertedconverter
at the moment the bool is set to false at start, then set to true once the initLogin is called
when you're not logged in, you want to allow the user to login
is initLogin getting called?
basically the browser should be visible when the view is loaded, then when the code is executed for login, the text block should be visible and browser hidden.
just checking now
yeah initLogin, gets called as soon as the view is loaded, triggered the breakpoint so
in that case browser visibility is being set to .Hidden as soon as view is loaded, meaning never given a chance to login
and does it pass the if test?
--it probably doesn't
yeah it continues to the end of the method, unless I've debugged it wrong, let me see
because it not navigating to that page
like i said, you need to invertbool2vis
LoggedIn = false -> show login
LoggedIn = true -> hide login
okay so I could just rename both converter as, BoolToNonVisibility is the inverse of the other
just copy paste
and rename, and inverse code
nope, browser still doesn't show..
lol lets see your converter
i see it haha
do you think renaming = inverting?
you have to change what the code actually does
well the two converters are the opposite of each other, so I thought so?
I'll post it here
bool bValue = (bool)value;
if (bValue)
    return Visibility.Hidden;
    return Visibility.Visible;
if true... shouldn't you be making it visible?
I guess so, I'll test now
@BrianJ that means you have to change your BoolToNonVisibility to be the opposite don't forget
and then you have to change your XAML to use the BoolToNonVisibility
I tried that but its still not showing the browser
commit your project to github so i can look
2 min
you also need to update:
            Visibility visibility = (Visibility)value;

            if (visibility == Visibility.Hidden)
                return true;
                return false;
everything up to date?
do you have a github.com account automatically?
ahh yeah you do
up to date now
browser showing :) but now the textblock just shows for a ms then disappears
@BrianJ did you login and the code get executed to handle login?
yeah all values are being assigned to the string variables, just not showing the textblock for more than a ms
so the textblock is hidden, then you log in, then browser disappears, then textblock appears, then textblock disappears?
browser shows, log in, texblock shows for a ms, then disapears
TextBlock has nothing in it...
<l:BoolToNonVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter" />
<l:BoolToNonVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToNonVisibilityConverter" />
also wrong.
the font color is also white fyi
lol nothing set for the text property, no wonder
but the text block still disappears after log in
what color is the background?
wait, i already answered this
5 mins ago, by NETscape
<l:BoolToNonVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter" />
<l:BoolToNonVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToNonVisibilityConverter" />
also now that I changed the line:

`<l:BoolToNonVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter" />0`


`<l:BoolToVisibilityConverter x:Key="BoolToVisibilityConverter" />`
the textblock shows but the login page doesn't..
because your xaml is wrong on the browser
okay working now, thanks
but the text doesn't display in the texblock for profile fields, although I've set the binding up.
you did? how?
Text="{Binding UserName}"
and the notify changed is set up for it, so not sure why?
public string UserName
            get { return _userName; }
                if (value == _userName) return;
                _userName = value;

UserLoginModel.cs wasn't added to your github project
but its looking for UserName at the HomeViewModel level
you only have Name and LoggedIn
yeah I'm just looking to bind the textblock to the username for a start
how can I add the Login model to the project on Github? I assumed all parts of the solutio n would be uploaded.
        private string _userName;
        public string UserName
                    _userName = _loggedIn.UserName;
                    _userName = "Not Logged In";
                return _userName;
                if (Equals(value, _userName)) return;
                _userName = value;
understand the code before you use the code
yeah so it needs to be logged in before the value can be used, or else it will be null
if(LoggedIn) it uses the value, if its not logged in, it displays "Not Logged In"
yeah good idea, because before this, if the log in was not successful there was no fail safe, just blank values
only problem with that was, "LoggedIn" doesn't exist in the current context
    if(LoggedIn && _loggedIn != null)
        _userName = _loggedIn.UserName;
        _userName = "Not Logged In";
    return _userName;
I'm still getting logged in doesnt exist
do I need to reference it from my VM somehow?
    if (_loggedIn != null)
        if(Equals(_loggedIn.UserName, value)) return;
        _loggedIn.UserName = value;
yeah still getting an error for "LoggedIn" doesn't exist in the current context
if it doesn't exist, then you need to reference a spot it does exist
Things don't just "not exist"
its not declared anywhere in the model, so I'll need to reference it from the VM
so I create an instance of the VM in the model then?
use _loggedIn?
i can't really debug your code since I can't run it. and i can't guess where the error is coming from. I can't do your entire project.
okay I think I just need to reference the loggedIn bool from my VM, thanks @NETscape
where did you put that code by the way?
in the UserLoginModel
you put that in HomeViewModel
and i made a typo
okay but I thought I'm already get/set the UserName in my model?
what was the typo?
_userName = _loggedIn.UserName; should be _userName = _loginObj.UserName
I copied the LoggedIn property to hint you towards adding it to HomeViewModel, where LoggedIn exists already
the only problem that code is giving now is here:

if (Equals(_loggedIn.UserName, value)) return;
_loggedIn.UserName = value;
bool does not contain a definition for username
 public string UserName
                if (LoggedIn && _loggedIn != null)
                    _userName = _loginObj.UserName;
                    _userName = "Not Logged In";
                return _userName;
                if (_loggedIn != null)
                    if (Equals(_loginObj.UserName, value)) return;
okay so that just shows not loggedin, although I've succesfully logged in..
have you tried debugging it at all
@BrianJ Do you know how to use breakpoints in VS?
yeah I'm being lazy actually, I'll use breakpoints, more than likely its related to the bool logic
thanks a lot for al your help @NETscape
@JohanLarsson btw did you make any developments with a radial gauge?
No, I forgot.
no, there is nothing wrong with the logic if my typo didn't exist
you should check if reference types are null before you use them. _loggedIn is not a reference type, its a value type... so checking if it is null doesn't make sense
@BrianJ I should write something tonight, don't have any excuses except for lazy
struct == null should not compile
@JohanLarsson I know that there definitely is a shortage of good gagues for WPF, all the test are expensive
okay @NETscape I should be checking the actual bool "LoggedIN"
no no no no no... why would that make sense?
you check if something isn't null so when you try to access it it doesn't throw a NullReferenceException
i already told you I made a typo
@Brad you up for a question?
okay so _loggedIn should be _loginObj.UserName ?
sure, go ahead
I have this gauge control that is just a linear gauge. Question is what is nicest if making an angular.
Could you be a bit more specific?
LinearGauge AngularGauge (two types) is probably nice fr styling and default style etc
Alternative could perhaps be an enum prop gauge.Layout = Layout.Angular.
@BrianJ why would that make sense now? uhhh how about _loginObj != null?
ah I see what you are asking
good, poor q :)
Like you said, styling will be different/important
so I would probably go two types
Neither named Gauge right?
ok ty sir
@BrianJ not to be rude, but you need to read something like Learn C# in 24 hours or something. You are more so wasting your own time by typing up questions to ask us and waiting for responses than it would take for you to properly solve the issues you are having if you took time to learn the language. Not to mention the fundamentals just don't seem to be there. Sure you might be learning from asking questions, but you need to spend some intimate time with a C# book or something similar.
The problem is that we are giving you answers, and you aren't learning from that. We do try to guide you to the answer, but you're guessing til you get it right or we give up and just tell you the answer. The reason developers/engineers get jobs is because they have problem solving skills. You're not helping yourself by relying on us.
The #1 thing I hated in college was my professor treated us like a bunch of dumb adults because he would laugh in our face and give very little guidance. Now that I'm graduated, I've realized he's the #1 reason I'm able to do what I do.
00:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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