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01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

Task.Run( () => myAsyncFunction());
it executes myAsyncFunction()
even though I don't call await Task.Run... and I don't call Task.Run(.....).Start()
it fire forgets it
the task will complete or not and you will not be able to handle the exeption
if you do it on shutdown it may not finish as the app kills background threads.
all makes sense now. I thought you'd have to invoke it with await or Start
Task.Run returns what is called a hot task
hi @svick!
I'm gonna ask Reed if he uses async for writing a small file to disk.
@BradleyDotNET said yesterday, "almost all IO should be non-blocking"
and I'm pretty sure Reed says use bg thread or async it... not sure what the threshold is... obviously if its a really small file then sync it up
it is worth considering at least.
webrequests feels like no-brainer async
I stand by that statement :)
but they are order(s) of magnitude slower tahn disk
Note that sometimes it doesn't matter, but its a good rule-of-thumb
I used to obsess about async. Rewriting things back to sync now.
we have to await Reed once again
can't believe he would leave us
Shame on him for having a life :)
ya, no ****... what is he. some kind of human?
drch is also up there in the stratosphere with reed.
asking this on main will just be closed right?
ehhh, iffy.
can't parse
iffy, as in, it might get closed, it might not.
I +1 if you ask
its a bit opinion-based
so yeah, iffy
but if you think about it, Streams seem to always offer Async functions... sooooo...?
don't call them if you know there isn't much data?
~60% of the highest voted questions on programmers are clsoed
The whole thing smells of micro-optimization to me. Using async is probably not the performance bottleneck in your app
I'd rather do it right
if it is something that saves state to disk to handle crashes async probably makes sense
if it is just saving a setting once per session it does probably not buy much
opens the door for classes of bugs
@JohanLarsson so much this
@Jeremy too general
use _____ when it solves a problem
@NETscape Yeah, that's perfect... ;)
KISS, YAGNI, et c...
use a flamethrower when your cubem8s pi$$ you off....
noooo lol
Or your handy blowtorch:
haha that's gotta be a macro for you by now @BradleyDotNET
svick was not very chatty
I hoped he would become reg :)
Not that one
I do have some other XKCDs that are commonly applicable though
Reed gave me github.com/StephenCleary/AsyncEx/blob/master/Future/… but I'm not sure where CanExecute would fall into place
ahh its local
@BradleyDotNET how would I use/create SerializedAsyncCommand (found in link)?
basically I want an Async command, when a button is clicked, I'll have to call an async method to detect which device it is. after device is detected I'll create a VM for it. Then i'll need to do some async IO to read all of its address values (say 10 second process). Once that is done, I'll need to add the created VM to UI
so I have _readValuesCommand = new SerializedAsyncCommand( async f => await ReadDeviceValues()); but that doesn't really seem right... is it basically fire and forget... in a way
Commands in general are "fire-and-forget"
The runtime invokes them, so there is no "caller" to return to
So if you need to know when its done
ahh okay.
it will either mutate an object that raises some event/callback
which is why canexecute is controlled inside the serializedasynccommand class
or it itself can do so, I would just derive from that class if you want to take that approach
well its fine that i fire and forget the command
its just... how do I call it
or write the async method
I mean I could do a random public async Task<bool> ReadSelectedDevice and return true if it read something
but it won't really make a difference since commands are fire/forget
The Task<bool> would be for CanExecute, right?
The framework does use that return value
Task<bool>, bool would be whether reading device was successful
CanExecute is controlled inside the SerializedAsynccommand class
@BradleyDotNET would you fancy a little question? :)
Right, but its invoking a method you gave it
@Mehrad sure!
it sets can execute to false, calls async method, then when its done it sets can execute = true
Ah, you are correct
so it would be invoking my async method... what do I make my async method return?
@BradleyDotNET I'll wait till you finish your conversation with @NETscape. :)
that implementation is missing something :)
The full DelegateCommand also takes a Func<bool> for can execute
if you want the button to be enabled based on your read, you'll have to derive/modify it
no... the button will be enabled... then disabled while reading, then when done, enabled again
Ok, so what does the return value even do?
what does it affect on the UI?
that's my question lol
You shouldn't be giving it a Task<bool> for Execute
that doesn't make any sense
Does that answer your question?
serializedasynccommand takes a Func<object, Task>
So it takes an object, and returns a Task
so how would you create a new instance of it
The way you did it seems fine to me
perhaps a bit odd since you have an async lambda
but thats just lambda vs. named method
okay... and I called await ReadSelectedDevice or whatever...
in the lambda
which you had to do since the signatures didn't match
@NETscape I liked the lambada version better :D
okay... so ReadSelectedDevice needs to be async Task<bool> ?
or what?
@Mehrad yeah i always add that a for whatever reason lol
ReadSelectedDevice, ideally would be async Task
since you are throwing the return value away anyways
but it should be fine the way it is
@NETscape :D pretty sure the lambada (dance) is spelt this way. It cracked me up :) muscle memory kicks in sometimes.
Hey guys I am trying to implement a usercontrol
this user control has a datatemplate which displays a datagrid
@BradleyDotNET to clear it up, I wasn't giving it Task<bool> for Execute, I was saying, is that what I pass as the command to SerializedAsyncCommand
I want to make this usercontrol closable, I mean I want to implement a close button
how do I do?
@NETscape Right, and you don't use the return value
there are worse sins
@savi MVVM?
if thats the existing method signature, then go with it
@Mehrad yes
it is MVVM
Closable is pretty undefined. What exactly does that do?
@savi Josh Smith's MVVM example has a workspace control thats closable
@savi yep. @NETscape beat me to it. Best example
@savi you basically need to implement Workspaces class with the CloseCommand and make your class inherit from Worksapces
@BradleyDotNET I guess it my turn now :)
yeah, you can have him. i guess i have to be a human now
go ahead
This is the little window I was talking about in the past couple of days
@NETscape cheers :D
The list get's loaded from DB at the start and if there was a user preferred setting in the past it deserializes it from an xml file and overwrites the Active state
and user preferences get saved each time you Save and Exit in the same xml file.
reason using xml cuz I am not allowed to touch the DB content and only read
01:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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