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I can't wait.
Jeez, I remember when the Ogg format was relatively new
@rlemon Is there something I'm missing about said song/ringtone?
var removeStyles = function () {
    [].forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName('style'), function (el) {
    [].forEach.call(document.getElementsByTagName('link'), function (el) {
        if (el.getAttribute('rel') === 'stylesheet') {
Oh, now I actually read the question.
oh well
@phenomnomnominal does wonders huh
The question is certainly interesting. And probably doable
what question
The one you posted
guys, how would u replace all number with same number adding space before and in end using replaceAll(old, new)?
from "562 hello5.2 old-5example" to "562 hello 5.2 old -5 example"
what say you?
@RyanKinal you don't watch Community :(
@rlemon 'strue
@MDKieran Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon, you should fix that
it looks rude
Swearing is the only thing missing from Community.
i have a question about chrome debugger, say i have linked my js file and jQuery.js when i have a error in my jsfile, it shows me exceptions in the jQuery js, but how can i stop this because looking at the jQuery file isn't going to help me figure out the problem, and its not showing any errors from my js file
This problem is hurting my soul :'(
still the best moment in musical history
@Connor, use the call stack
@rlemon, seconded
any1 would push me to the right way of solving 1 problem?
just ask
guys, how would u replace all number with same number adding space before and in end using replaceAll(old, new)?
from "562 hello5.2 old-5example" to "562 hello 5.2 old -5 example"
are u sitting in an exam room now?
ehm not
Cause I am Jehovah's most secret witness
just checking
I laugh way too hard every time I head that
@rlemon, me too bro, holy fuck
If years were seasons then this December would be the December of our December.
@rlemon I used to ask them if they witnessed Jehovah when they came to my door
I love that Annie's head pops up in the back of the scene before she says hey
@phenomnomnominal thats all i see in the callstack, nothing about myfile.js?
@Connor, look into the anonymous functions and see what is being called
when I see Jehovah I read Jenova then think of kick ass FF7 monsters.. but then these guys in suits show up with pamphlets and i'm disappointed
Might help you work out what's breaking
Look for a selector or event or something that you recognise from your code.
@phenomnomnominal thats the problem, i dont see anything from myfile
Well there must be something. jQuery doesn't start by itself.
the anonymous function 1 is

 var V = "abbr|article|aside|audio|bdi|canvas|data|datalist|details|figcaption|figure|footer|header|hgroup|mark|meter|nav|output|progress|section|summary|time|video", W = / jQuery\d+="(?:\d+|null)"/g, X = /^\s+/, Y = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/ig, Z = /<([\w:]+)/, $ = /<tbody/i, _ = /<|&#?\w+;/, ba = /<(?:script|style)/i, bb = /<(?:script|object|embed|option|style)/i, bc = new RegExp("<(?:" + V + ")[\\s/>]", "i"), bd = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i, be = /\/(java|ecma)script/i, bf = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|\-\-)/, bg
(see full text)
FF7? nah.. that's the book of Mammon
@skopp i did try some stuff but i dont know how to replace integer if its bigger then 9 (10, 200, 4000) and when its negative or float, any suggest?
and the second one is })(window);
1) use the full version of jQuery for dev, that's what it's for
ok I need to stop watching Community gag reels
@user1768615, try to cast the string letter by letter to a number
back to work rlemon!
If it's not a number, move on to the next character
@Loktar ?
if it is a number, add the next character and try to parse them
if you find the number you're looking for, add a space.
Or you know, use a RegEx
@phenomnomnominal, im not familiar with regex or regular expression yet, bcuz i just started learning java
You mean JavaScript right?
i know that javascript is different from java but since nobody is on java chat and codes are almonst the same
can yaml be considered 'markdown'?
why not try here?
He mentioned replaceAll
@skopp no, not at all. yaml is more like json than like markdown
but was around before json, no?
@user1768615 it isn't nearly the same.
@user1768615 run while you still can.
!!/ wikipedia it
@skopp Command wikipedia does not exist.
@user1768615, yes, the codes are "almonst" the same.
!!/ google "YAML"
Assuming "almonst" is a word in another language for "not at all".
@Warlock Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Challenge: What's the longest bit of valid JavaScript you can write that isn't a string, comment or mathematical expression that is also valid Java?
Okay if anyone was interest I used this to solve it, after pushing to the observable. page.viewModel.selected_movement.valueHasMutated();
@CapricaSix just wanted to open a snippet of it in here for reference
@phenomnomnominal n + n + ...
@phenomnomnominal any comment
@SimonSarris, smartass.
@phenomnomnominal alternatively, any java, since only the java need be valid
BTW, everybody knows JavaScript is Java
@phenomnomnominal if (condition) { statements } else { statements }
@dystroy dont make me do it
You guys are all annoying.
Java is a subset of JavaScript right?
@phenomnomnominal Your challenge may be a little unclear...
@dystroy, yeah I think so
... die u bot
@Darkyen Command "i does not exist.
room topic changed to JavaScript, Java, and Other Identical Languages: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com (hint, the controller is Zirak, the view is dystroy, and the model is BadgerGirl) [ecmascript] [javascript] [this]
die u bot :D
Java is to JavaScript as Apple is to Applesauce.
@Darkyen What's the rate ? I'm expensive.
@dystroy well i have an idea, of a different kind of game
price could be becoming a social giant as farmville
or ending up not being able to digest the big fish :P
i will first write a prototype for it :D and show u guys..
// a game that can work on lynx that is, i am sucker at graphics
I'm not in gambling, that's the job of banks :)
@Darkyen I will gladly steal it if it's good.
room topic changed to JavaScript: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com (hint, the controller is Zirak, the view is dystroy, and the model is BadgerGirl) [ecmascript] [javascript] [this]
I still wanna make a boob jiggle app
I thought yaml stood for yet another markup language
shake your phone, the boobs jiggle.
i wonder where i got that notion frpm
@BenjaminGruenbaum problem?
@SimonSarris umad bro :)
I could probably get to the rep cap everyday with only a few basic frequent questions like
I'm going to make a WebRTC app that does face swapping
Q: jQuery .on() does not trigger any events

series0neI am writing an application using jQuery, where when a button is clicked, a select box is generated and appended to a row. Whenever the select changes, it should trigger the change event, but using .on("change", function() {}); isn't working: Code: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>

@SimonSarris what!? You're no longer welcome here, gtfo!
@OctavianDamiean oh ok
Who doesn't want to talk to a weird interpolated version of yourself and the other person you're talking to.
@SimonSarris Nah, <3u
u mad bro?
u mad?
@phenomnomnominal know alcohol ? It's yet available
Anyone here play Don't Starve?
I love that you answer these as community wiki. Good Guy Dystroy FTW. — rlemon 12 secs ago
@Loktar ... every day
I've had the game forever.. even in beta, but just started playing earlier this week
omfg its addictive
@Loktar have you tried walking mars yet?
no not yet.. been addicted to Don't Starve! lol
anyone played Octodad?
!!s/marse/my arse/
@Loktar how much is don't starve?
@phenomnomnominal No matching message (are you sure we're in the right room?)
no, I think its 9.99
@rlemon, dammit
er no 14.99
Just realised I've been watching infomercials for ~3 hours
I'm committing to only buying < $5 games unless they are well proven (like Civ)
makes me really deal hunt too
Anyone excited for Last of Us?
Cant wait @phenomnomnominal
@phenomnomnominal i hate when that happens
any bargains?
Gonna be sooooooo good
yeah it looks pretty great
Last Naughty Dog before PS4
you should add me loktar00
Im at work so I cant add you right now
Will do
I'm a mega gaming let down though
steamcommunity.com/id/rlemon if anyone wants my steam ID
amount I want to game > amount of time I have available to game.
what happened to HL3
@rlemon You're playing civ ?
I have
I'm not playing it at the moment.
This guy on TV is way too into soup
civ is the only franchise I really play. I played all versions. I play every week. Often with my wife. I played since the first one... It's the only reason I still have a windows boot and I have a steam account...
Now for a soulful Chicken soup. Let's let it take us to a magical place.
@skopp HL2 was really bad, so I think they feel cornered for 3
< 80 hours accumulated.
@rlemon pff
Less than a week...
@rlemon, I also have accumulated < 80 hours playing Civ V
yea, Simon has like 500+ don't you @SimonSarris?
@OctavianDamiean and i will suicide if u steal it
@rlemon too much :(
@Darkyen thats not a threat. tell him you will staple his testicles to the ceiling fan and put it on high
@rlemon no dude
i am not threatening him either
@SimonSarris It wasn't all that bad. It was a bit short though.
passive aggressive threats are threats
my reasoning for HL2 being awful and stalling HL3 is thus:
!!s/ceiling fan/ceiling fan attached to the floor/
@Loktar Ps i know C++ aswell -_-
@phenomnomnominal @Darkyen thats not a threat. tell him you will staple his testicles to the ceiling fan attached to the floor and put it on high (source)
Q: How to people develop emulators?

chrislondonI hope this is right area on Stack Exchange to ask this question. People out there have built emulators for every game console but I don't understand how they do it? I consider myself (and have the professional title of) a senior level developer in several languages including Javascript but I do...

Q: How to use javascript AVL tree?

omegaI want to use an AVL tree data structure in javascript, and I found a script online for it. https://gist.github.com/viking/2424106 However I am confused how to use it. There is no examples or documentation. Can anyone show me how I can create a node object and assign a key and value to it? And ...

@phenomnomnominal covered in salt and vinegar.
Half-Life 1 was the story of a scientist caught up in something much larger than himself. You played this hapless guy who escaped and explored worlds, with compelling confusion about who your enemies and friends were. It was dream-like and scary and mysterious and great.

Half-life 2 felt like you were being lead through a metaphorical tunnel the entire game. Literally some parts had NPCs reminding you to "go this way" for hour-long stretches. Most of the game wasn't escaping terrifying situations, instead it felt like you were merely "in transit". It's hard to have a thrilling feeling of e
(see full text)
you guys dunno how to threaten do you ?
@rlemon, why the fuck did that make me hungry...
I was trying to make a joke about dicks and lays...
Tell him i will staple his testicles and make constantly increasing DC voltage flow through the staple pins :3
@rlemon Just looked. 4311 hours played on civ V (admittedly I very often launch it on one computer then start coding on the other one)
I know there is a joke there.
more painful then anything :D
@dystroy 6 months play time. o_O
@SimonSarris Did you play EP1 and 2 as well?
@dystroy keep it up , when u have done 9, you will receieve and alien kid as child of u and civilization
@OctavianDamiean played EP1
LOL wtf 4311!?
@rlemon And as it's the most recent ones, it's the one I played the less
@dystroy yea that is why my Terriara is so high.
190hrs, maybe 20 of them playing
the rest === title screen
@Loktar That's roughly half of my BF2 play time. :D
Hey guys I have a problem I need to solve and hoping you guys could help. I have two input boxes, one is cover and one is premium. If cover changes premium does and if premium changes cover does. premium is worked out like this: cover/ratio and cover is premium * ratio. Any elegant way to do this with knockout?
@Loktar you are not gonna steal my idea.. right ? lol
@Darkyen nah I wouldnt do that
@Darkyen, I'm going to
♥ u so much @Loktar
And then sell it to Loktar
i amma make the text based version come out soon
@Loktar are there any companies who will invest on my idea / demo ?
kickstarter !
@rlemon on a game ?
@Darkyen, make the smallest usable version of the game
Put on iOS/Droid for free
@phenomnomnominal i will Not ever put it on iOS
Create kickstarter
i'd much rather make it open source then put it on iOS..
@Darkyen, boom, you just lost investors
i dont care
That's a retarded business decision
how about doing it off web :?
putting it on app store ?
Okay, then when it comes out I'll make a clone of it and put it on iOS
release on android, wait 6 months for $$$ - pay some kid to port it to iOS for $100 bucks.
college kids will do just about anything for beer.
@SimonSarris hl2 itself or the episodes?
and they are pretty good copypasta coders
@skopp only played EP1
i thought hl2 was decent... only not enough brainteasers like in hl1
@skopp (well, and HL2 itself)
well im mking
it on unity
hl1 was groundbreaking
came out when? 1999?
something like that
maybe 98?
I was in highschool I know that
me too
Nov 19 1998
They should make a new castlevania
i also remember sitting all night
@rlemon they are for the 3ds
theres tons of Castlevania games
and my mom got scared
and said "you're moving qith your aunty and uncle in belair"
3ds sucks.
when $ = undefined and you have to use jQuery instead how can i make $ = jQuery im sure its something like window.$ = jQuery();
@BenjaminGruenbaum bad play, the url gave it all away :P
The castlevania game coming out for it actually looks really good, its made me consider getting a 3ds :?
window.$ = jQuery?
@AmaanCheval well played sir
oh wow its out..
What's the best reference for working with Knockout?
and its ratings kind of suck..
@Loktar that type of plat former would be awesome PC game
Unity is not free ;-
or even that kind of concept
hoping there's a nice book, but doubtful
@Loktar , @AmaanCheval ... unity is not free ?
@Loktar ... said the constipated old man
i tried that.... its working now though, thansk @phenomnomnominal
@jAndy If you read the URL I already won though :P
Can we do an experiment
thats indeed true
I remember NFS2
Everyone google 'get', and say what the first result is
@Loktar GOGOGO Canvasvania
however tho, you can't win the game
I was the KING of the first two tracks
!!/ google get
@phenomnomnominal jQuery.get() | jQuery API Documentation
@phenomnomnominal GET | Guaranteed Education Tuition | Washington's 529 Prepaid ...
@jAndy We're not playing the same game. The game I'm playing is getting you to remember the game. I think I'm fairly good at it :)
ook wtf
@Esailija o/
@KendallFrey jQuery.get(), get mIRC, getpocket.com
@Esailija are you going to answer that question?
haha canvasvania
if I uncomment this, I get infinite loop? //console.log(oldLength, i );
@BenjaminGruenbaum you can't "not play" the game either ;)
can u revert to the old mad scientist picture of you @Esailija
everbody is playing, thats no #1 rule
@Darkyen no :P
you were much more talkitive and awesome back then
@BenjaminGruenbaum meh :D
jQuery.get() | jQuery API Documentation is 2nd
@Loktar is unity not free ?
@Esailija oldLength is a getter or i is a getter, problem solved
Its free, theres a prof vs you can pay for though
jquery is first for me too
@Esailija now answer that question, you deserve the rep for it
@Loktar yea.. reviews are not kind on it
@Esailija, or console.log has been overridden
@Loktar and what does unity pro gives ?
ever used it ?
yeah your answers are too logical
@BenjaminGruenbaum I forgot what my answer was
@Loktar here is the deal: you make the game engine for Canvasvania and I will help doing level development :P 50:50 split :P wuddyasay?
sounds legit to me
@Esailija That it's impossible because there is a reference that can't be deleted
@rlemon <33
@rlemon thanks bro.. for putting the transelvania first-level music in my mind
@jAndy I've had daybreak and the reading rainbow theme stuck in my head for like a month now.
@rlemon you wanna write a game engine >?
you're still ok
@Darkyen nope
I wanna rise above on the shoulders of giants and make me some $$$
me too :[
what is canvasvania ?
I meant castlevania of course
Online code editor sounds horrible
@BenjaminGruenbaum ok, I added a bonus too
@Esailija Say WHICH property
You can't delete
@BenjaminGruenbaum oh ok D
so epic when he joins the first level
@BenjaminGruenbaum but did you try Caja
@rlemon, you're priorities are wrong.
@phenomnomnominal Just registered, let's see.
Anybody liked ogre battle ?
is that feasible
or Heroes of might and magic ?
We need a JS/Canvas/Collaborative Journey to the Centre of Hawthorne
@phenomnomnominal Would be swell.
@irie11 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Esailija not yet
A: Making a Same Domain iframe Secure

EsailijaYou can't really delete the references, setting null will just silently fail and there is always a way to get the reference to the parent dom. References like frameElement and frameElement.defaultView etc. cannot be deleted. You could look into Caja/Cajita though.

@Esailija now improve your answer :P
Something about how it'd throw an exception in old IE, and it's non configurable in newer ES5 complaint browsers
@jAndy I spent a good portion of my childhood throwing holy water on the ground in that game in order to look for secret areas
@Neil ahhh soulmate !
probably is because we're at the same age too :P
@phenomnomnominal well if someone would port the terriara engine to js/canvas then it would be totes doable.
Okay boys and girls, I want to stay and play, but I have to do this shitty paper. Who wants to read it in a few hours?
@rlemon we could do that
easy peasy probably
!!s/someone/Simon Sarris/
@phenomnomnominal @phenomnomnominal well if Simon Sarris would port the terriara engine to js/canvas then it would be totes doable. (source)
@SimonSarris you could make so many awesome games with an engine like that
@rlemon I've never played but seen videos
think 2d minecraft.
much more interested in MC
which you should join :D
I have it, haven't played it in forever
@jAndy Probably :)
@rlemon I hope you plan on getting starbound
thats like Terraria * 4000
after my third structure was destroyed by lost creepers I gave up
creepers are easy
@yshchohaleu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
where are all those genius game producers/designers/musicians today
@rlemon in my server you can claim land
just for the soundtrack of that level, it was enjoyable to play
people cannot build or destroy inside the claim except you, including creepdoodles
last great game music artist alive is probably matt uelman
In the server I play on, mobs can't grief anything.
@jAndy when did your avatar get so handsome?
@SimonSarris @rlemon needed a victim for ba(d)tman-cap
I need more hours in the day

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