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sometimes those things are funny. reminds me of those email transcript memes where some guy calls out his boss ... but i wonder how often they authentic
if its funny it doesnt matter
imgur only shows 225 of your images on the free tier. is there any way to access the older ones?
obviously im asking the wrong people. yikes
Saw that!
Pretty historic!
mobile is its own war imo
i agree @canon
also, new boss, same as the old boss - thats what i say
its the same pattern over and over
@OctavianDamiean thanks, found this there webupd8.org/2011/03/open-source-skype-gnu-free-call-in.html
@canon Well, yea but closing the bug is not about that. You should read the bug comment.
what's it about, in a nutshell?
in under 140 characters
@OctavianDamiean "And I thought Mark Shuttleworth is Ubuntus #1 Bug ;)"?
^ needs to be used more often
@CHAPa Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@rlemon looks like the US Presidential elections - who to vote for
@CHAPa Ai!
hello @rlemon
@rlemon bro.
I want more stargate.
Guys, Im facing a testing problem. How to test this code stubing the spawn function ?
Quora users vs Yahoo Answers users. Which is dumber?
Imma go with Yahoo on this one
nah, i think Yahoo Answers takes the cake somethingawful.com/flash/shmorky/babby.swf (careful - autoplays with sound)
hi guyz
I am back
where ya been
whatcha seen
@skopp come again?
Today i got one more reason to reduce number of real life people, aqquintances and friends over people in this room :D
@phenomnomnominal is it only on my side, or do these clips open externally
They're all just links.
oh wait, i think I know why
No, hover over that
I saw a Red back spider today, but I totally ignored it even though I saw it crawling up on a wall of someone else's house
Youtube changed things
@Loktar ^^^
@rlemon that chick has a sexy finger
and not shy to show it
dude, she looks like she is 13 - pervert.
I was about to say just that.
hey im looking at her finger
ok. i didnt know ok
> But officer! She swore to me her finger was 18!
so shoot me!
@rlemon lmao
i laugh because it happened to me
What is it with Christians and small children?
i saw something about koalas
now its deleted
@O0oO0oOO0ooO I read that as red neck spider and was confused for a while.
1) spiders have very poor eye sight (most of them)
2) they don't see colour like we do.
0o0o0o0o stop putting subliminals here
to them blood is blood.
are you secretly brad pitt's char. from fight club, o0o0o0?
he's FireChromeplorer
i couldnt read that
If he'd tell you, it wouldn't be a secret anymore.
bad design. too white. typo sucks
anyone here know about htcaccess, i got an issue with it.
presenting Readability!
imagine they start doing infomercials for webapps
Readability is bloody lovely.
any idea how it works?
the parsing engine
posted on May 30, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} This is my magnum opus.

@skopp not a sausage. I just know its pretty.
@Feeds you donkey pit
you suspended me yesterday
for what
i knew it.
no answer.
don't post my crap
@mikedidthis are you any good with htaccess? ive gave myself access to a site, howver people are seeing a site without the image, so i need to give them access to see that image with a rule?
1 message moved to Trash can
@Feeds stop touching me
@mikedidthis Funny that their name is readability even though their readability sucks. :D
@KirstyHarris I literally have no idea but google says: stackoverflow.com/questions/10086989/…
@OctavianDamiean hurts my eyes
hey hey hey guys
@OctavianDamiean You think? I love leaning back in my chair and reading big type. I think its a marmite thing.
its .htaccess ok
. htaccess - very important
@mikedidthis Oh wait, never mind, I'm an idiot.
@OctavianDamiean you didn't press the button did you? ;)
@skopp who are you talking to? I don't think anyone here has issues identifying file types
@mikedidthis too bright if you ask me.
I don't like the hard white backgrounds
@rlemon Nobody really. I'm thinking. my fingers have tourettes
I code with dark themes only though.
@rlemon me too
@rlemon me too, but I think you can customise all that stuff.
omg so many pingggs
which themes?
@Darkyen whats up?
lol and screw you @FlorianMargaine for adding to my ping count :P
is there a "far" theme for ST2?
and @phenomnomnominal and @OctavianDamiean!
@Loktar please i need ur expertise
not of canvas
but of GAMES
but of kids
can u pm me somwhere ?
@Darkyen where? Im at work
gtalk ?
@Loktar wait what? I didn't ping you!
@OctavianDamiean oh I thought you did sorry :P
@XCritics Uhm ... thanks?
@Darkyen sure let me login
[email protected] <- incase u dont have me
i thought it was a joke first
i mean... the onion on github? yeah right. the onion.. hacked? aha
by syrians?
!!/YouTube reading rainbow themesong
!!/YouTube daybreak Michael higgins
definitely the onion.
Q: Is there a way to extract the styling from a HTML file, put it in a css file and replace the styling with css classes in the html page

user521180I have many html pages with loads of css within the style attribute. i am wondering if there is a way to replace all that with css classes automatically? Are there a plugin for Eclipse or any third party programs? edit: I found this but I don't like how it uses these kinds of selectors becaus...

thats an interesting q
remove style tags, add new ones
about the question i mean
@phenomnomnominal I'd +1 that
without manual labour?
I didnt ask that question, but it got me thinking
At the very least, somebody would have to write a script
@RyanKinal never say never
Everything, at some point, requires (or required) manual labor.
The DOM is a collection of spawned objects... is that an acceptable way of describing it?
it can be broken up into different things
hey, i sound like a tutor talking to kids in detention here
The Document Object Model (DOM) is a cross-platform and language-independent convention for representing and interacting with objects in HTML, XHTML and XML documents. Objects in the DOM tree may be addressed and manipulated by using methods on the objects. The public interface of a DOM is specified in its application programming interface (API). The history of the Document Object Model is intertwined with the history of the "browser wars" of the late 1990s between Netscape Navigator and Microsoft Internet Explorer, as well as with that of JavaScript and JScript, the first scripting lan...
I'd say the DOM is the DOM.
yeah yeah... im trying to analogize
The DOM is more of a specification than a specific thing.
Hey guys any idea why '<tbody data-bind = "foreach: selected_movement().components">' doesn't get updated after i push an object into it?
only after changing selected_movement it updates
I'm not terribly familiar with Knockout (that is Knockout, right?)
Yep it is
		add_alteration: function(){
					assured_name: '',
					commencement_date: '',
					cover: '',
					cover_term: '',
					description: '',
					person_assured: '',
					premium: '',
					premium_term: '',
That is what I push into selected_movement().components
also selected_movement() is the value data-bind on a <select> element
@SnakeEater Ctrl+k
What is selected_movement()?
@OctavianDamiean @phenomnomnominal I think you will both thank me :) lemonmeme.com/daybreak_ring.ogg
ogg format for cellphone ringtones ;)
@RyanKinal its an observable
@rlemon, already my ringtone :P
Best moment ever when it went off in an elevator

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