@copy But you're testing those properties on each isVisible invocation. That can't be right. If a browser has say "mozHidden", then that's a constant, so it should be tested only once.
If you invoke a function multiple times during a page visit, it doesn't make sense to test the same stuff that is a constant on every invocation. It makes sense to test it once and then re-use those results.
@BadgerGirl, because he's not even crippled and he sits in that wheelchair, when I bet there is a fucking talented disabled kid in the states who would sing circles around him.
@nileshgadgil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I'd prefer not to allow webpages to access my system information. If I use NoScript, Panopticlick is only able to see my User Agent string and HTTP_ACCEPT headers. Otherwise, it can sniff way to much information, including a list of my installed browser plugins. Is there a way for me to "sandbox"...
Only thing I ever did on guitar was learn to play Come As You Are - Nirvana ( I think that's what it's called ), didn't interest my enough to continue learning, wasn't ever gonna make it big and wasn't fun enough to be a hobby
Yeah, my one buddy was insane when we were in guitar class, he was playing Crystal Mountain by Death full sweeps not missing a cord, he tried to teach me how to 'sweep' my mind was blown trying to keep track of where my fingers are going, it's like walking down the strings
Seriously though, after using Coffeescript and javascript for a while, rails makes way more sense than it did when I first tried learning it when I had no concept of JS / CS
Ew java :P
ffs, that moment when I Think CTRL+Z is re-do and I close my terminal, and have to go through and delete all the .swp files vim makes x........x
@phenomnomnominal what happens is when the window width changes, so does the width AND height of the element, which must keep perfect squares on both sides of a rectangle. Since the height is 100%, if the squares don't get wider %-wise, then they end up taller than wide, so as row 1 increases, row 2 has to get bigger at the rate I have recorded.
or something like that
I think I can kind of experiment to find it if I can think of how to write a js function to return an exponentially greater value based on how close a number is to 87.5
@markotom Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
[[File:The river effect in justified text.jpg|thumb|right|{{hl|1=(?:\.) {2,}(?=[A-Z])}}]]
In computing, a regular expression (abbreviated regex or regexp) is a sequence of text characters, some of which are understood to be metacharacters with symbolic meaning, and some of which have their literal meaning, that together can automatically identify textual material of a given pattern, or process a number of instances of it that can vary from a precise equality to a very general similarity of the pattern. The pattern sequence itself is an expression that is a statement in a language designed s...