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Okay, thanks
@ddacot Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Anybody doing anything cool at this hour?
I'm currently stuck due to my lack of Scheme understanding
I'm trying exploring Chrome's debugger options
What the hell is shadow dom?
But when I get it...it'll be so awesome. run will be finished, and I can try modeling
I have a problem, this ( jsfiddle.net/pborreli/pJgyu )doesn't work for me, even including in my site, what can be the broblem?
@JanDvorak actually a pretty cool feature once it'll be finished
Chrome already offers showing it
yeah, I'm not sure how far the implementation is complete yet, but it landed in Chrome some time ago
it seems that it basically tears out some element's content and splices in a separate DOM tree when rendering; correct?
the purpose being to cut off QSA/jQuery selectors
I found this introduction to be pretty insightful -> html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/webcomponents/shadowdom
but basically, yeah
it just encapsulates markup into a seperate context
I want that feature
Hello all
@IshikawaYoshi Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak what are you not understanding?
It's not just the language, the logic behind it is a piece of work.
@ddacot Since when is there a jQuery function called .tweets()???
Ok, thanks. I have one strange problem, maybe anybody connected with this problem, so i try open page and see in console "Resource interpreted as Script but transferred with MIME type text/plain:" so i donno why response content type is text/plain but not text/javascript, i found solution on SO (regedit changes) but it's not help, maybe anybody have the same problem?
;what's befoer me look something like
(define-syntax foo
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ a b ...)
     ((stuff a b ...
             (more stuff))))))
I am stuck
@ddacot What in the hell are you trying to do.... That fiddle makes no sense whatsoever.
@Jhawinsss I'm pretty certain that that is a plugin
.. Mathematics 3 will make me fail :-(
Where the hell does (more stuff) come into play?
@GNi33 He doesn't have a plugin linked...
he has
Is it the last argument to stuff?
@Zirak I'd have to guess
have a look under "External Resources"
@GNi33 I did. There's nothing there...
@Zirak define-syntax is a macro?
@Zirak I guess it is
@Jhawinsss For me there is
and more is supposed to be a function, stuff is supposed to be an argument
@GNi33 Lmao not on mine.... I did fork it though.
@FlorianMargaine Probably. And yeah, I meant more-stuff but you get the point
So (more stuff) is actually the application...?
try to look up (defmacro define-syntax...
oh, it's part of scheme
@Zirak g.raphael worked great, thanks.
i setting it anyone can not give comment without logged in, but i want anyone can see comment without logged in and with logged in.anyone can tell me?
@SmartShovon wat? Context please
@JanDvorak please see this... you can understand wordpress.stackexchange.com/questions/100824/…
Can anybody help me with one question?
@IshikawaYoshi I'm sorry; you didn't read the room rules
i read it right now
@Zirak is the bot alive?
stupid js question
why the error?
seriously ?
@FlorianMargaine missing left paren on line 1?
sorry, this one:
(function() {
        var title = document.title,
            url = window.location.href,
            image = $('#content img:first').prop('src'),
            ret = 'http://www.facebook.com/sharer.php?s=100&p[title]=' +
                title + '&p[url]=' + url + '&p[images][0]=' image;

        return ret;
SyntaxError: Unexpected identifier
missing +
Missing '+'
missing + before image
I knew it was stupid
happens :-)
Anyone got a function for interpolating between colours?
@phenomnomnominal jqueryUI?
I'll just write one haha
Quick question, I built something as a proof of concept, it only works in chrome, yet I still wonder why it doesn't work in other browsers. Anyone feels like finding the obvious problem?
(Ignore the wrong doctype, that's a bug in CsQuery, switch to standards, that dosn't solve it)
@GNi33 happy birthday ! I hope you enjoyed my Facebook greeting ! :D
@GNi33 happy birthday!
@BenjaminGruenbaum it's a huge page... anything more specific?
@jAndy haha, yeah, thanks, just saw it (and LOST!) :D
@FlorianMargaine thanks :)
Uuuhm, how do I insert a variable in an object?
how old are you now? 37?
		var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
			value: textarea.innerHTML,
			mode: "css",
			indentWithTabs: true,
			lineWrapping: true,
			undoDepth: 300,
			lineNumbers: true,
			viewportMargin: Infinity
value: expects a string, and I want to parse the string textarea.innerHTML there, but it doesn't seem to understand that this way.
if textarea has an innerHTML property, it will work.
textarea.innerHTML is a string if textarea is a DOM element.
please do viewportMargin: Infinity * 2
just for the lolz
Anyway uhm
textarea is:
@FlorianMargaine thankfully there are still some years ahead until I hit that number
And it doesn't seem to work. :/
Hi any body ahving idea how to move columns within a table
I'm tired
I'm hungry
I'm angry
I busted at 517. place on the Pokerstars Scoop main event
played for 10 hours straight
That sounds like a violent gambling problem.
I had a freaking gambling problem some years ago
I think the starting field was about 19k or something
well, you did pretty good then
Ninja please!
but not good enough i guess?
aaand I cashed for $690 !!!!!!!!!!!!... not too bad ?!.. well first place just gets 200k
friend of mine one a ticket for some big italian tournament last month
over online-poker
ticket was worth about 2k €
bastard finished third
won about 120k
sounds good
one day it will be my day !
hehe, i wouldn't complain about it either ;)
biggest cash so far was 10,8k finishing first in a $55 buyin online tourny
not bad, not bad
I really thought last night was MINE... until my Aces got booted on a 2-4-5 board, the frickin idiot called in the big blind with A3, flopping the frickin straight
is it if(variable==null) or if(variable=="null") ?
I think the above one should work in your condition
Oh, !variable does the job for null too? Good.
there is a legendary answer on that one too
A: Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript?

jAndyYou can just check if the variable has a truthy value or not. That means if( value ) { } will evaluate to true if value is not: null undefined NaN empty string ("") 0 false The above list represents all possible falsy values in ECMA-/Javascript. Find it in the specification at the ToBoolea...

My god ... building boot2gecko is like I imagine carrying a child to full term ...
Does anyone have a clue as to why CodeMirror displays its gutter with line numbers but refuses to highlight any syntax or take any starting code? :c
you didn't specify the language?
I hadn't, indeed! And now it does syntax highlighting. But still doesn't solve the dreaded issue of how it refuses to take the starting code.
@GNi33 Only drawback, taxes ...
thnx for help, it looks like i solved my problem
is there any method that aborts all asynchronous http requests made via ajax? like clicking the X button on a browser?
clicking the X button on a browser
Gaaaah. Everything on the code highlighter works, except the most very basic argument, value, that specifies the damned content of it. :c
@FlorianMargaine Really?
Even value: "test" doesn't work
@Ariane maybe it's not the correct property
check your plugin's doc, or use text? not sure..
value: string|CodeMirror.Doc
    The starting value of the editor. Can be a string, or a document object.
I hate plugins like that
with a hundred options
@Ariane Obviously yours isn't a string ...
I don't even want to look at the code..
@OctavianDamiean "test" isn't enough of a string?
Ah, wait that's the doc description ...
Never mind ...
@kevinlu Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
<textarea id="editCss" name="editCss" autofocus="autofocus"></textarea>
function init() {
	if(textarea) {
		var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
			value: "TEST",
			mode: "css",
			indentWithTabs: true,
			lineWrapping: true,
			undoDepth: 300,
			lineNumbers: true,
			viewportMargin: Infinity
	else {
		console.log('Unable to select textarea; CodeMirror failed.');


	document.getElementById("version").onchange=function() {
There's nothing wrong with that, right? D:
Global variables.
@FizzyTea No lecture on the righteousness or evilness on code, I just want it to work.
And the stupid mistake versionList changed nothing.
problem still there.
I know, the code is still valid with it.
2 mins ago, by Ariane
There's nothing wrong with that, right? D:
it's not about evilness. It's about what's wrong with it.
Uhm, what was the problem again?
The syntax highlighter does do its highlighting and put its line numbers and all, but it refuses to put "TEST" in the field.
Being evil isn't wrong? Cool!
Stop being a pain, will ya? It's five in the morning and I'm not in the mood. I don't care in the slightest about awful code at this precise moment as long as it works.
Does it work?
OK, reword your question to "why doesn't it work" :-)
Does element with id=version always exist?
@Fizzy On this page it always does.
So what's the error message?
There is none.
Great! :-)
What do you guys put on your sites in terms of contact details?
Fictive stupid information? School assignments. oo'
@phenomnomnominal email
@phenomnomnominal My contact details.
in a mailto:
@Ariane If it's an assignment you could get marked down for using global variables. Just sayin'.
Just email is heaps right?
@FizzyTea No because it's a PHP homework.
<a href="mailto:&#102;&#108;&#111;&#114;&#105;&#97;&#110;&#64;&#109;&#97;&#114;&#103;&#97;&#105;&#110;&#101;&#46;&#99;&#111;&#109;">Contact me</a>
Ew, windows 8
@phenomnomnominal this is what I have on my website ^
@FlorianMargaine do you think the scrapers are stupid enough to not decode that?
So here you have it. Highlighting works, and nothing in the console. :/
@JanDvorak never had any issue up till now
@JanDvorak, most of them will be too stupid
@Ariane EW MER GERD! It's so pink ...
@phenomnomnominal Ew, firefox
Pink is awesome. :C
@FlorianMargaine That's not so bad.
I know I know. Mostly working on N++ though. Only using Dreamweaver to occasionally sync my dropbox and wamp folders :p
ew a torrent bookmark folder
dude... N++ sucks a little less, but it still sucks a lot.
ew the horrible search terms...
you're never finding your results this way
ew 05.02am
ew french keyboard layout
ew global variables :-)
Guys, you win.
To please you I've deleted global variables.
We're not spying. We're just studying the screenshot
Still not very relevant.
@Ariane Right, so have you tried to strip it down to the bare minimum?
@Ariane Relevant in the JavaScript room. But anyway ...
Basically like this:
ew red on green
var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(document.body, {
  value: "function myScript(){return 100;}\n",
  mode:  "javascript"
'cept with your DOM element instead of document.body
Lemme try
replace "test" with textarea.value
or with textarea
Isn't "test" closer to bare minimum?
@Ariane No, I meant removing all other options.
Oh sure.
Between quotes or not, textarea.value ?
@FlorianMargaine Ah, and then she could add the initial source code as the textarea's content, eh?
@OctavianDamiean Been trying that too.
		var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror(textarea, {
			value: "textarea.value",
			mode:  "css"
This does not even initialize the formatting
there is one thing I love about the new site I'm working on
<!--[if lt IE 7]>
            <p class="chromeframe">You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="http://browsehappy.com/">upgrade your browser</a> or <a href="http://www.google.com/chromeframe/?redirect=true">activate Google Chrome Frame</a> to improve your experience.</p>
@Ariane no quote
@OctavianDamiean lol
@FlorianMargaine Same result.
bullying @Ari
@Ariane change your plugin
@FlorianMargaine For what? I haven't encountered another highlighter that works in real-time in my search
Apparently I didn't have a css problem, but a CORS one
I was using jquery for AJAX (since I already had to include it for IE8 animations), apparently it doesn't handle IE8 CORS correctly
you have to apply configuration
surprise surprise
why did it work in chrome then?
	if(textarea) {
		var myCodeMirror = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textarea, {
			mode: "css",
			indentWithTabs: true,
			lineWrapping: true,
			undoDepth: 300,
			lineNumbers: true,
			viewportMargin: Infinity
Found that with my poor search terms. :p
Good stuff.
shows how much the plugin sucks
and replace textarea.innerHTML with textarea.value
Textareas have values?
they're input elements
you input stuff in them
I can't believe it! It finally build the system image.
Only 12 hours later.
@DrOdissey Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
If there is Handlebar users here, I'm trying to bind a helper to my template. But the helper won't get the correct arguments. If I call {{helper my_variable}} the helper will receive the string 'my_variable' as argument. (Related to: stackoverflow.com/questions/16764617/…)
someone going out for laught like me cause of this ^ ?
not really, sorry
but it's not fun
@FlorianMargaine ehehe there are better right :D
@OctavianDamiean where you were at?? you leaved me alone in these days!!! :U
"After failing a hundred of css hacks to handle IE display"
@GNi33 for you ^
@FlorianMargaine what about thecodinglove.com/post/51069449556/… ?
i think is one of my preferred actually :D
togheter with "when i close IDE without saving" yep :D
Nothing comes close to the void feeling in your soul when IE7 just refuses to do what you want for hours and hours
rofl @GNi33 then you need 2 arms absolutely
I've seen IE7 - bugs... horrible, horrible IE7 bugs
Imagine whole content-elements literally jumping around on the page
when you hover over something completely unrelated to it
harlem shake userscript, you mean?
kind of, just without the harlem shake userscript
native IE7 harlem shake
doing it before it was cool
but Ie7 it's goooood
most inefficient way to drink
i prefer IE6 but Ie7 rocks anyway
I'm still unsure why it did what it did
don't worry, IE10 can still emulate IE7
it was a RTL - template though
probably some combination of that and nested floating
wow, IE7 hates nested floats...
I think I'll keep browsing in IE7 for a while now just to see the bugs
Just flashed the latest b2g and gaia version on my peak. feels bauce
@JanDvorak they're fun.... if you're not the poor soul that has to fix them
@OctavianDamiean you have a peak??
@JanDvorak you lucky !! do you have IE7 installer ? :O
@mikedidthis I haz teh peak
that project killed something in me
Yo jel brahw?
@OctavianDamiean depends on the colour! :)
@OctavianDamiean wha?
feels like there is a pun he didn't get
@GNi33 I was explicitly forbitted from trying to fix IE7 by my previous manager ("just check if the site is still functional in IE8 every once in a while")
@OctavianDamiean no pun! Legit condition
There's only one colour (← to please you, since you're a brit). :)
@JanDvorak yeah, because it sucks up time like a black hole
@JanDvorak that it's the perfect approach!!!
also that says busymom, not bustymom before people start :)
@mikedidthis Peak mate, peak, not peek. :D
Interesting... I opened SO in IE7, and it opened in the mobile view right away
@OctavianDamiean oh. Need moar coffee.
So wtf have you got then?
Firefox OS ftw.

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