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Nice to see you're making an impact on the world that doesn't get you noticed on police blotters
@Zirak At least two people.
Any ideas on how to structure an HTML5 canvas multimedia app? The app is its own class, but should things like the loaders be separate classes?
I think I'll make a novelty account 'answersjswithcs'
Anybody feel like giving me constructive criticism on code I should refactor, or things I'm doing bad / wrong, feel free github.com/Gacnt/DotaFinder/blob/master/socket/socket.coffee I re-wrote it three times already to fix bad code and add classes
(am I still alive?)
!!are you still alive?
@SomeKittens Of course not
Is it normal to use the this keyword all the time in js?
As long as you know how to use it
and what it's actually going to be
For my app it looks like:
init: function (width, height) {
remove the ` and just highlight it and press ctrl+k
loadResource is a typo btw, so that might cause problems for you in the future :P
yeah :-)
What are you trying to make anyways?
@XCritics I am trying to make a interactive FDTD simulator for electromagnetic waves
canvas or
Probably will need to do webgl
How is webgl support now days, when I saw it 2 years ago it was a non starter because it didn't work on any computers.
Are we living in the future?
Well, unreal engine has been ported to Javascript so
Its now 1998?
Also that demo runs like shit on every computer I tried
Worked fine on my comp
Home time ttyl
@XCritics gl
Hello guys
who has experience with Indexed DB?
Q: InvalidStateError: DOM IDBDatabase Exception 11

Codecubecan someone please tell me where im going wrong here? window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB; if ('webkitIndexedDB' in window) { window.IDBTransaction = window.webkitIDBTransaction; window.IDBKeyRange = window.webkitIDBKeyRange; } var VULY_...

@SmartShovon Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
ok... i want to read comments from users who aren't logged in and who logged in.2 types user can see comment but logged in user only post comment.anyone can help me? i have a comment.php loop.
@SmartShovon Bananas.
somekittens i don't understand?
please if anyone can help me just tell me...
@XCritics you called?
I only have to be awake in 27 hours. I can make it.
Pass over sleep now, go to bed early tomorrow.
@Loclip Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Hello guys... I have a question about ajax.. we use $.get(url, parameters, callback, type) format to get data from server... why we need to specify type?
@pheno I did?
Oh I don't remember, probably just wanted to hear your voice ;)
Is array.splice(index) supported on modern browsers?
@Loclip I've never looked at the docs for that but it might be datatype
@Mikhail, Yes. Every browser since Netscape 4.
I wonder if this phenomenon has a name. Let's say you put a bunch of buttons in a person's environment, required to do some of his tasks (e.g. a button to open the door), and tell him to move on usually; however, some of the buttons, when pressed, will give him a small zap.
@Zirak hurting people?
Eventually, he'll resort to avoiding pressing the buttons altogether, and prefer to first query whether a button is safe, even if there's no seeming reason a button will be unsafe (for instance, a button he's already pressed before, or one that was there before the experiment).
@Loclip, $.get doesn't have a type property, just dataType
ok that was a horrible example
@phenomnomnominal so its json, xml etc?
@Zirak, it's jut conditioning
@Loclip, yep
Why do people, when discovering browser incompatibilities, go "oh, is a regexp global flag cross-browser"?
@Loclip, read the docs
!!/jquery get
!!/jquery $.get
@phenomnomnominal ok thank you
is this room only for javascript?
We like to pretend it is
It's also for horse grooming
We forgot to add the tag again
i mean why not add jquery, ajax :)
god I suck
room topic changed to JavaScript: A Room with a View. And a Model. And a Controller.: Everything JavaScript | New User? Read rules.javascriptroom.com (hint, the controller is Zirak, the view is dystroy, and the model is BadgerGirl) [ecmascript] [horse-grooming] [javascript]
@Loclip We don't want to encourage people
@Loclip, also, we're way too hilarious for that kinda shit.
So, I answer the question, @phenomnomnominal gets the credit, and more questions :(
Someone ask a question and tag it with please
Someone make a horse-grooming.js library, please.
@XCritics Suck it up you pussy
@XCritics, you just have to deal with the fact that my name is better than yours.
People are drawn to it.
I randomed my name, totally unfair
1 message moved to Trash can
I banish you
I was border-line whether I should have deleted that or not :P
Yeah, well you activated my trap card
> Welcome to Boat Programming, where you can ask anything about programming, as long as it involves being on a boat.
> Test
As you can see by staple boat-programming questions, like "How To Increase My Breasts Size Naturally? Please Help Me!"
That was the first link I clicked
guys one last question to have one general idea in my head.. is ajax only good for dynamically change html without reloading the page? I get it right?
@phenomnomnominal better answer this guys question again
@Loclip Use it when you want asynchronous database server-side interactions
I think I used asynchronous right there
"ajax" is a fancy term for "http request"
Use it when you want to make an http request
Everything else if a side-effect
@Loclip anything that needs a request to a server without refreshing the page
What'd you, copy and paste my answer?
ok thank you guys
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
OH god
I know what's coming
!!/mute XCritics "calm down" 30
You've activated my trap card
weird... @phenomnomnominal try again
No.. Don't..
@phenomnomnominal Muted user 2128168 (XCritics)
hahaha i wondering why you wrote rules when you just ignore them XD
That's an odd amount of lag
@IntervalGrid Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hello guys
I need your help with my question :
Q: JS validation for checkbox not working when put name []

Interval GridI have an JS validation for checkbox. function ActionCcdCheck (theForm) { if (theForm.ccd_chk.checked) { theForm.ccd_pos[0].className = 'part'; theForm.ccd_pos[1].className = 'part'; theForm.ccd_pos[2].className = 'part'; theForm.ccd_pos[0].disabled = fa...

!!/mute TemporaryNickName "you're an idiot" 30
@phenomnomnominal Muted user 1065129 (TemporaryNickName)
Can somebody help me ?
We'd love to hear your reasoning, but blatant spray of "idiot" is not very useful in this context.
@IntervalGrid No one is particularly interested in your question, so no.
@SomeKittens he probably just watched that video
I thought this forum is give an solutions
for what this forum made
this is a chat room. Not a forum
You asked your question on the forum
that's where you get answers.
most of the people in here are in here because we're sick of the bullshit questions on the main site.
occasionally, one of them will draw our attention and you will get an answer.
This is not one of those times.
You don't seem to have done much research
Man the geolocation api is SO simple
!!/unmute TemporaryNickName
@FizzyTea Unmuted user 1065129 (TemporaryNickName)
Thanks, I just got unmuted
@FizzyTea, he only had a few minutes left
Apparently that was meant to be a quotation.
I was just copying BlackOpsDotCom on Node.js because I found it really funny
Oh well, fair enough then. Apologies @TemporaryNickName
@Zirak, would there be anyway to have the bot wait for one last message from the mutee?
That's not a problem, I apologise you guys for not providing any background information
Just some quotation marks would have probably done the trick!
!!/tell Zirak echo "Blahblah has requested that you be muted for "x" minutes. You may send one more message to the room to explain why you shouldn't be muted.
@Zirak "Blahblah has requested that you be muted for "x" minutes. You may send one more message to the room to explain why you shouldn't be muted.
Netflix's servers must be dying today.
5% of their bandwidth is on AD apparently
!!/unmute XCritics
@phenomnomnominal Unmuted user 2128168 (XCritics)
@phenomnomnominal Trying to coffee chatsocket.coffee, getting error io is not defined for io.connect, I have NO idea how to fix this been googling it since you muted me
Any idea?
Driving me mental, works fine on the other computer
Show some code
CoffeeScript is awesome
{ coords: { latitude, longitude } } = position
where are you requiring io?
<script src='static socket require here'>
Is that before or after this file?
It's not anywhere, cause I'm just trying to compile it manually in the terminal
with coffee chatsocket.coffee
you need a -c
just calling it will try to run it
Thanks, I'm gonna go hang my head in shame, gg
Why are we a gallery again?
I muted some people
theyre unmuted now, I'll swap back
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@TemporaryNickName and @XCritics
Ah, so that's why I got requests
@TemporaryNickName came in talking about how anyone who uses node is an idiot. Turned out he was quoting that stupid video by that fat dude
Which lead to:
40 mins ago, by phenomnomnominal
@Zirak, would there be anyway to have the bot wait for one last message from the mutee?
And XCritics was getting all upset
I do that from time to time
Does anybody know how to remove the cached download file that apt-get downloads to install? my chromium won't save any cookies, which is absolutely no good, I need to log in to my site to test stuff x.x
I did a --purge
ok, just wondering
but it still did not redownload it, it just installed from the already downloaded file
@phenomnomnominal I'm not sure. I think the muted user will just be pinged with the duration (which isn't implemented yet...), and that they can open a room with an owner if they want to discuss it further.
My horse's fur isn't shiny anymore, is there a jQuery plugin for this?
Q: Go to a page and execute javascript using only the page URL

user226995When you go on a page and you click on something that calls up a javascript (like sections on Wikipedia that generate the '#...' in the URL) the URL changes in the address bar of your browser. On Wikipedia, I can just use a link the includes the #... to go to a specfic section. However, in other ...

@BenjaminGruenbaum :D
Math.round(x / y) * y will round x to the nearest multiple of y right?
@phenomnomnominal One last thing, any idea why gist.github.com/Gacnt/… might be returning undefined, when the logs at the bottom cleary show it's alive?
@XCritics apt-get remove
@SomeKittens I did that, even with a --purge
I'm using Firefox / Firebug :/
sudo dpkg -r package_name
or the real Chrome
@XCritics what exactly are you logging there?
The Chromium in the Ubuntu repos is really out of date, they stopped maintaining it.
logging this.occupants
@Somekittens oh
log i as well
omg, I put i in the wrong place didn't I

          return this.occupants.splice(i, 1);
TypeError: Cannot call method 'splice' of undefined
I have no idea why it would log @occupants before the if, and then after the if it's undefined
it's probably a scoping thing
inside the forEach you can access the array that it's being called on
# this is so awesome
exist { |x| equal(x, 4) }.call( [] )
=> [[<#var>, 4]]
It can define variables now!
are you sure you're using this right?
I think so :/
leaveRoom: (user) ->
    @occupants.forEach (client, index, arr) ->
      if client.username is user
        arr.splice index, 1
Should work
What is arr in this case?
and lemme try
@SomeKittens back on chrome thank god :D
A nicer way would be to make @occupants an object
and use the usernames as the keys
It is an array though
Then you wouldn't have to iterate over them
Hmm, I'll keep that in mind, I'll probably end up re-writing this model again, I've done it 4 times :)
@occupants[user] = null
delete @occupants[user]
That syntax throws errors in the chat haha
what does
@occupants followed by a [
It's trying to do regex checking for pinging
Uncaught SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: /^occupants[/: Unterminated character class
How do you get around that then?
It just throws the errors, doesn't break anything
oh ok
I thought 'throw' was the definition of your stuffs coming to a hault right meow
#variables, now with correct names
(exist { |x| equal(x, 4) }).call( [] )
=> [[<x>, 4]]
everytime I try to have nodemon my folder with extensions for .coffee, my app.js always has an error, what gives
gist.github.com/Gacnt/dbf3e72305bc165acc17 this is the original version of my model, has no structure what so ever, just code
I can't wait until I implement full if-statements. It'd be so kick ass.
@Zirak Whassat?
Logical programming!
equal(a, b) assures that the arguments, well, are equal. So if one of them is a variable, a binding occures.
@phenomnomnominal I love coffeescript..
I'm hooked
exist allows you to introduce variables
Logical programming is so different. I like, it, it just requires a massive conceptual shift.
@Zirak Prolog?
The .call stuff at the end makes the environment; it's not the top-level API yet
Huh. So the program derives the variable from logical assertions?
@XCritics BRO!??!1! COOL STORY!!11?!!
@SomeKittens Nope, implementing logical programming in an existing language (in this case, ruby)
@phenomnomnominal I thought... You would be happy crys
@Zirak You're absolutely insane.
It's so much fun
!!c> ([0...15]).map((i) -> (i * (150 /14)) - 60)
@phenomnomnominal [-60,-49.285714285714285,-38.57142857142857,-27.85714285714286,-17.142857142857146,-6.428571428571431,4.285714285714278,15,25.714285714285708,36.428571428571416,47.‌​14285714285714,57.85714285714285,68.57142857142856,79.28571428571428,90]
@Zirak , we'll talk about models and theories in logic some time :) looks nice (your code)
@phenomnomnominal TimeError: Could not reach 88mph
no longer locked eh?
No use for it if nobody's muted
@SimonSarris we just lock it when we want to mute someone
Bot still adds write access right?
getUsers: () ->
    @occupants.forEach(client, index, arr) ->
      returnOccupants = []
      returnOccupants.push client.username
Any idea why client would not be defined? Same array as earlier
ah foudn it out
was missing a space damnit
There's this scheme macro in the paper I'm basing this on...I hate that macro so much
It's a pseudo pattern matcher, and it's non-trivial
Burn it
@SomeKittens Got a second to help me test something?
@Zirak maybe?
Don't ask if you can ask...just ask
Help me test something. NOW.
yeah, yeah
click Find Players
fuck you websockets in userscripts
I lub dem
God, awesome when everything works, and you don't have to stay up late stressing out to fix it
@SomeKittens not working ?
Please don't say yes
Fuck it, I'm implementing the macro as a dispatch table
I wish I understood half the words you typed
You can't understand 5 words of that?
dispatch table in reference of that context is what got me there
Fuck it, I'm a table.
@XCritics distracted
works for me
I'm having trouble implementing a lot of functionality easily because the implementation in the paper, written in Scheme, defines some macro (which is basically a syntax extension, so it can do a lot of powerful things)
@SomeKittens chat working for you?
So I'm going to try and implement all the cases of the macro with an object; if it fits this branch of the macro, fire that function from the object, and so forth.
@FizzyTea Help me test real quick!
nvm fizz
Impatient, he is.
I just wanna go to bed :)
Your name's gone
Everything works great!
All that's left is making sure no duplicates get created on the page / figure out one bug I had in mind, good night folks
@phenomnomnominal would you please add this CSS to your userscript? .message {overflow:hidden}?
@JanDvorak, I've been looking into it, I need to remove the word wrapping. But the US isn't working at all on my machine and I don't know why
The socket onmessage handler isn't getting called
proxy blocking websockets?
I did, however, encounter the same problem even without the userscript on
Source is there
If it's working for you, you need to add .prettyprint div.message pre, .prettyprint div.message code { word-wrap: inherit } to the end of the CSS string
Hey guys, I am having the strangest problem with knockout here, concerning the Options' binding.
I have a value bound to that which is initially an empty observable
everything works fine and dandy
until I change to a different page in the website, the return to the page that uses the options binding. The options change, but the value remains the same as the previous query...
Anyone have an ideas to fix this issue?
can we get a code example?
  `<select id="movements" style = "width: 20%"data-bind = "options: policy.movements,
  optionsText: function(item){
    return item.description + ' (' + (item.date).slice(0,10) + ')'
  value: selected_movement, change_movement: selected_movement">
<tr><strong>Description: </strong><span data-bind = "text: selected_movement() ? selected_movement().description: 'unknown'"></span></tr><br>
What do you mean by "the value remains the same as the previous query"?
What I mean is that the new value doesn't update at all and becomes static
where it should be dynamic. Its like it just gives up :P
do you get any errors in your console?
None :(
!!c> Math.ceil((-58 + 60) / (150/14)) * (150/14) - 60
@phenomnomnominal -49.285714285714285
@SnakeEater Huh, that's weird. I'd need a live example to see more
Code in strings: ew.
@GNi33 "A very Happy Birthday mate"
Are high charts my best bet for a good pi chart in JavaScript?
More importantly, is there a free alternative?
I am not sure but I think sencha extjs also has good pi charts
@BenjaminGruenbaum You have g.raphael or d3 or jit
Those are just off the top of my head
Thanks, do these support all browsers?
Ah cool
g.raphael uses raphael so it probably does
raphael and d3 should, not sure about jit
Best way to do .Count() (count the number of elements that match a predicate) is .filter().length right?
way to go
(No real difference anyway though, since JS has no notion of lambda expression trees to decompose)
In ruby, there's a better way
I'll remember that next time IE9 runs Ruby ;)
In C# there's .Count
403 access denied
Even the second one?
I really need help in installing the TinyMCE plugin Codemagic. There's no explanation whatsoever on the GitHub page, and so far I can only fiddle around. I'm sort of despaired, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
@phenomnomnominal neither was found
@Lakshay Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Oh my god... Never mind. I just had to take the time to ask a question to try a 1001st thing that worked.
Lol. That's funny. Though why didn't they make a video? o:
Hey, uhm.... A "trailing slash" is a slash AFTER something right?
AT THE END of something

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