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@XCritics ES is changing though. Side-by-side comparison of CS from their website with latest SpiderMonkey here: gist.github.com/adscriven/5651235
I think ES has more readable array comprehension syntax.
Array comprehensions are weird
Yeah, sort of map + filter combined with new syntax.
Why CS starts array comprehensions with '(' beats me.
	function Year(){
		var year = new Date();
		var youngest_age = year.getFullYear()-13;
		var oldest_age = year.getFullYear()-70;
		for(var i= youngest_age; i > oldest_age; --i){
			document.write("<option name='Year' value="+i+">"+i+"</option>");
I am trying the above function to output, the first result as 'year' instead of 2000
But, can't seem to do it. I even tried i[2000] = 'Year';
Your name disqualifies you from ever getting help from me
@copy :) What can I do. If I am a noob,?
Weren't there a time, in which you were a noob before?
How about you get rid of the php, that'd be a good start
And then maybe replace noob by newbie or beginner
@phpNoOb There are two very basic mistakes
Actually, 4
Or your name
It woks, I just need
First of all, don't use document.write
Second of all, don't use inline html like that (use the DOM, createElement is your friend)
wait, I will fiddle this one, so you guys can see it live
Third, after you assign i = 'year', you're trying to --i in the loop which is stupid
Fourth, if(i=2000)
Use the correct operator
And this: for(var i= youngest_age; i > oldest_age; --i){
Do you really expect the youngest_age to be > the oldest_age?
Fifth, why does the function name begin in a capital letteR?
@FizzyTea ES?
@Zirak isn't that optional?
By convention, functions which begin in a capital letter are constructor functions
They create compound objects
It's not in the language of course, it's just convention.
@Zirak thanks for the advice I really appreciate it. But, check here jsfiddle.net/8v8KZ the script, actually works. The only problem, is how do I change that 2000 to say Year
can you check the fiddle?
because, sometimes looking at codes can be confusing
The fact that it works doesn't matter too much
@Zirak well, you have to understand I started only less than a week ago, so it is natural for me to make mistakes.
Even if those are, the worst types
...and that's why I pointed them out
The var youngest_age = year.getFullYear()-13; was a good idea, or so I thought. Because, it would check every year by itself, and update so that less than 13 year olds can not register. I actually though, I got lucky with that lol
I don't like it yet, 1 sec
It's awesome.
@phpNoOb recent_year_of_birth, ancient_year_of_birth
@Zirak What am I looking at
@FizzyTea You'r right. I was just testing it.
@XCritics See phpNoOb's questions above
Also, by your current system, I won't qualify. What, people born in the 1920s aren't good enough for you?
@Zirak Thanks a million. :) Well, life expectancy in my country is 70, So Its about micro mangement
I don't want the browser to waste time, rendering things, that are useless.
Since when
has it been like this
locked from noobs
@Zirak thanks a million.
But the noobs. They are the life and bread
@Raynos Bot gives auto write access; see gist.github.com/Zirak/5644118
We hated specific noobs
Like myself :D
I see
!!/tell Raynos help
How's life?
@Raynos Are there any meetups you're in?
Starting to look around for things to do besides work and Minecraft
@Zachrip Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I hate to ask you something so probably obvious, but i keep overlooking this, why does this infinite loop? jsfiddle.net/ZEyEt
And how do you expect me to see the code if it's an infinite loop?
Post it on a paste site
Never mind, I figured it out :)
jsfiddle.net/YtrKx/1 @Zirak ok never mind it just doesn't loop anymore, but I don't see why, 1943 is less than 2000, (yeah I was just fiddling with his code)
nevermind im an idiot
ok same problem
never mind
still an idiot
console.log(closest, farthest)
yeah I know I got it now ^^
Thank god it's time to go home, fuck I hate 12 hour days, makes for such a long 7 days
@XCritics do your hours change when you switch to programming?
@user101579 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
the hell is going on
A locked room?
You don't like it
@Zirak can we get a list of muted people?
The nilary /mute
@Zirak Nobody is muted
@SomeKittens yeah 5 8s
Who are we attempting to exclude, exactly?
@XCritics five eight-hour days?
okok is really the seed for all this
I don't think anyone really likes it, but...
@somekittens yeah
Guys, I have a question
Do you know any other cool blogs like BramCohen's? bramcohen.com
But that blog is about eating a giant squid
Are you drunk?
no why?
Just wondering
Me neither
@SomeKittens thanks
!!/choose ygotas ygotas ygotas ygotas ygotas ygotas ygotas glee
@copy ygotas
How unfair is that. :/
About 7 unfairness units
@Hemm Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@copy lets get durnk with each other
@Zirak please be here
Or you know, don't be, doesn't matter to me >:(
@XCritics You summoned?
Link that youtube video about clean code or what not? I forgot to bookmark it :/
What's an ideal size for a linux swap partition
@jakeed1 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics 8 gigabyte minus your ram
@copy out of curiosity, is there a big difference between the proprietary and open source video drivers?
@copy -8GB Yay
yay, free HDD space
@XCritics No idea, probably yes
@MikeNolan Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Roger Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
New room owner?
@copy last thing, I reinstalled my arch, I installed Gnome / GDM, when I enabled the gdm service, when my computer boots, this is what I see
@MikeNolan Caprica Six is the bot.
Also: Enjoy Rochester while you can. I miss it.
@XCritics Yes. Huge difference, try both, see which works for you
@SomeKittens It was 55 today
I would, but my computer is being lame :/
Has anyone ever done work with javascript WYSIWYG editors?
@MikeNolan Isn't it beautiful?
@SomeKittens What desktop you like best for mint? Cinnamon is pretty
I use Cinnamon on PC's that have the hardware to handle it, XFCE on my netbook (not that it helps much)
Ah :)
How's your startup coming?
which one?
The one you moved to san fran for
pretty cool
didn't work today, apartment hunted, and then Minecraft
but I'm starting to get familiar with the codebase
still making rookie mistakes, but doing well.
@SomeKittens that sounds like an awesome day XD
@BenjaminGruenbaum First time I got to hang out with my old friends since I left. Good times, and many puns.
is awesome
@TemporaryNickName lol?
yes. For a while now
Anyone here from Finland?
What do you guys use for hosting?
consider GAE
google app engine
@SomeKittens what startup in SanFran are you working for?
@MikeNolan zaption.com
Looks pretty sweet. Sort of reminds me of Popcorn.js
3 Hours til new Arrested Development!
@SomeKittens What codebase?
@Jhawinsss At my new job
@SomeKittens The Zaption one?
@MikeNolan heh. Funny you should mention that. Huzzah for the MIT license!
@Jhawinsss yep
Would be an insult to my professor if I call him "you are a patternist" because most of his researchs are focused on "pattern matching"?
that barely makes sense...
Visual object recognition is pattern matching
Why does this not work:
neither does
neither does:
I've tried every goddamn combination.
@Zirak nice lecture on lambda calculus, a bit confusing and I've actually learned this before, but it shows how pretty lambda calculus is
@JanDvorak What does that mean for backend? Django? (assuming I don't want to write php)
Or Go, but that sounds silly for a site
Not sure pattern matching comes into play when your'e implementing a web server
I don't want to implement a web server, just hosting :)
@JanDvorak If you are talking about HTTP web server, then it does
If I wanted to implement a web server, I'd use nodejitsu or something
@BenjaminGruenbaum Why would you ever choose PHP over Django-Python?
I just want something to use for personal stuff
@MikeNolan I wouldn't, that's what I said :)
Ah misread that one.
I'm not a huge Django fan, but if it's that or PHP, I like Python a lot better, and I've also learned how to code Python at a sufficient level now (well, I used Django when I knew a lot less Python and it worked, but now I can probably make it dance a lot more)
I think in functional programming
when they are talking about Pattern matching, they are talking about matching data structures instead of matching image patterns or string patterns.
I got started in PHP but not too long ago I picked up Django and loved it. Sometimes it feels a little too bloated for smaller applications though.
I like table programming, too
If you think Django's bloated you should try Node
like you have list of employees in your data structure
and you can match that pattern and increase everyone's salaries easily
table programming
what's that
What the hell, requestFullScreen has to be called from an event listener???
I guess that makes sense
SET salary = salary + 100 FROM people WHERE salary > 10000
@JanDvorak Relational programming? That's actually nice some times
@SomeKittens I've been trying to decide whether I should use node or flask for smaller apps. Any idea which might be better suited? I head node.js does a great job with web sockets
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah. Thanks
I haven't played with flask, but Node does an amazing job with websockets
@MikeNolan nodejs is awesome for websockets, it's very simple, and if you're good with JavaScript there is no automagick. It's also great for web services, wouldn't really make a website with it though
Why not a website? There's just better options?
@Zirak Actually, now that I've finished the lecture, it gets simpler, he just has a hard time to explain the syntax in the beginning
@SomeKittens What about RoR? Ruby is a nice language
@SomeKittens It's not built for web sites, it's great for RESTful services and WebSockets, for a web sockets it's pointless
You lose the advantages it gives you like simplicity and speed
@JanDvorak I am not really an expert patternist so I cannot give you a greater example of pattern matching
Node is aimed towards web apps
If you want a website, Django with Python, ASP.NET MVC with C#, Rails with Ruby, probably all better options
If you just want to make a 'page dynamic', maybe even php
I <3 node, but it's not a silver bullet, and there is still missing stuff
@BadgerGirl That's pretty fair, given what the alternatives were
Just like there's only one bullet in the gun in a Russian roulette
Is it just me, or is the room emptier since gallery mode?
Yeah quite a bit
23 hours ago, by phenomnomnominal
@Zirak I wonder if people will be put off joining the room because it's in Gallery now
@BenjaminGruenbaum It's the weekend
Tuesday will be the real test
Monday's a holiday in the US
The bot's greeting message should include a word about how our access rights system works
That means nothing though, a real measure is the amount of new speaking users. We always have a bunch of people just idling
Hm. It'll be interesting to see what the room feels like after a week or two
@OwenVersteeg Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
Should we change the name?
JavaScript: (Not actually a Gallery, come on in!) :)
that was new... why was this locked when i came in
i had to "request access" although it seemed i was granted it immediately. although maybe one of you accepted me
It's locked for everyone, bot grants automatic access to everyone
It means that room owners can block people when we're annoyed by them
ahhh hahah
!!/mute Parris 'like this'
@phenomnomnominal Muted user 181310 (Parris)
!!/unmute Parris
!!/unmute Parris
@phenomnomnominal Unmuted user 181310 (Parris)
@SomeKittens Unmuted user 181310 (Parris)
@SomeKittens, :P I was just showing!
I was trying to swoop in and be the hero :sad:
you're a hero in my book!
Now back to reading silly RFCs and watching Zero Punctuation
(this is where i get banned for real)
it's pretty hard to get banned
@SomeKittens not if you're trying
If you're trying real hard, a mod might even swoop in and snatch you
Let's be honest, there's only one person who we really want to use it for
@SomeKittens Does a symbolic link not do what I think it does?
I installed node, went into the bin folder and ran ln -s node /usr/bin cause /usr/bin is in my path
what do you think it does
then ran node, and it says cnanot find it
makes a shortcut basically
@phenomnomnominal There have been others. Dumb search, anyone?
I feel like they're probably all the same person
@XCritics define "installed node"
./configure --prefix=/opt/node && make && sudo make install
@SomeKittens I believe you mean Donotus (AKA big turd), OKOK and BigBeton (AKA B7)? They are the same person.
do you mean you type'd 'node' into the console and it didn't do anything
did you restart your terminal (ha sorry gotta ask)
yes >.>
is your computer plugged in (jk)
as you on osx? or linux
@JanDvorak Were you around for DS?
are you on*
@SomeKittens I don't remember that exact username
Who is this?:
A douche.
@XCritics you might need to ln -s path_to_node /usr/bin/node i think
and this one?:
i might be wrong
A douche 2.
Note that my onebox #1 is not the same person as my onebox #2 or the same OKOK that we know
@radiant Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
is it ok to answer a cross domain question in this day and age using yql?
@JanDvorak He was 12, got his profile deleted.
Thanks @Caprica Six. Sure, i'm checking it.
@SomeKittens Last question, I added /opt/node/bin to my path
running npm works
running sudo npm doesn't, any idea why?
that's the opposite of the problem I had
How did you fix it?
sudo is like its own user
try sudo adding your path
~/.npm was owned by sudo, so I chowned it
@JanDvorak onebox #2 is okok
chown gacnt:gacnt node
drwxr-xr-x 5 gacnt gacnt 4096 May 25 23:08 node

can't run npm as non-admin :/
Is it cause it's in /opt?
I'm gonna flip
up = new SyntaxError("unexpected argument type");
throw up;
faeces = new MonkeyError("unexpected argument type");
throw faeces;
hand = TypeError.new "insufficient data to perform the requested operation"
raise hand
Ok, language that I am currently using is really screwed up and I don't like it.
@TemporaryNickName, dude there is literally NO point in you removing your messages!
@phenomnomnominal if you have a userscript revealing them, would you please share?
anyways, I figured that people in fundamentals of programming courses prefer to use foreach loop (advanced forloop) over ordinary for loop.
@JanDvorak, no userscript, but any room owner can see them
Which is pretty much everyone in here
@phenomnomnominal thanks, I didn't notice this feature :-)
One time, a dude asked me a question when he was having a trouble with his looping code that can easily be solved if he uses an ordinary for loop. It was weird.
There are places where a functional loop is actually better
Do you mean the \recursion?
  for(var i=0; i<arr.length; i++){
    (function (i){
      arr[i].onEvent = function(){
        //use i


    el.onEvent = function(){
      //use i
The latter avoids one level of indentation and you need a function call anyways.
The former actually creates a lot of functions, which makes it slower
I've developed an application that guess the number that you think using Javascript. You can try it here: github.com/IonicaBizau/guess-your-number If you want, star and fork it. :)
@BenjaminGruenbaum moonwave99.github.io/simple.js thoughts?
@RickCigarette Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
everybody sleeping Zzzzz
Q: how to install Jquery with dreamweaver

Ahmad Eivazusually when i go to a website for Jquery or something like that i have tutorials on where the certain code goes but i cant wrap my head around this one, http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/09/05/slicebox-3d-image-slider/ or http://tympanus.net/codrops/2011/01/03/parallax-slider/ Any help woul...

rofl ^ really dreamweaver exists yet? :D
let's talk about SEO !?

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