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K, I'm on laptop on cellular internet
@AmaanCheval On my way home from a movie
@Zirak k I'm muted
@Zirak left, rejoined, get "Only users nominated by the room owner may talk here. See the faq for more information.
should I request access?
I'm still getting an error from XCritics though...odd
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined
(anonymous function)
(anonymous function)
Why would it go there
ok, that doesn't seem to affect main functionality
And it doesn't demote users now
@Zirak so the system is fully operational here?
@Zirak GOOD.
Let's see if that's true...
@BenjaminGruenbaum It should be operational
The bot should tell users about how the room works in the intro message
Good idea. Maybe "Welcome blah blah, room rules blah. Don't be alarmed if you can't talk immediately, you should get permission shortly (more about it [here](link to gist)). If you have a question, blah blah"
@Zirak I think it's a bad idea
Well fuck, bug
yup, will flood the room
Yeah, I asked @rdlowrey to join to see if it owrks
Sorry @rdlowrey
after some time will become annoying
@Zirak If the bot greets the user, that means the bot is aware of the user, which means it should grant it access anyway
I don't get why it throws that error...
can't freaking believe I created my first tooltip.
Oh, I think I do
If you didn't get write permissions, just let us know trollolol
Javascript is AWESOME
No I don't
@phpNoOb did you just get explicit write access?
He was here earlier
@BenjaminGruenbaum write access?
sorry, I'm just happy to have made my fist script in js
@phpNoOb the room is in gallery mode, you got auto-access
It won't happen again.
Don't know, I guess the room like me oO?
!!/mute phpNoOb test 2
@phpNoOb console.log('Hello World :)')? lol
@BenjaminGruenbaum User phpNoOb not found
@Zirak should accept usernames
Things have gone to hell, I fucked something up
It does
Hey uhm, a while ago, someone here linked me to something about the white space problem, that told how to overcome the fact that line breaks and indentation in HTML are translated into an unwanted space in the browser. Searching doesn't help and I was at school, so I don't have it in my history...

Can someone help me find that again?
!!/mute 1640606/ test 2
Sorry guys
Somehow an undefined went through an if? agh
I'm approved now!
@Zirak Did you break Skynet?
@rdlowrey yeah, that's me though, not the bot :P
@phpNoOb we're just testing, don't worry :)
I blame John Resig :(
@rdlowrey we all do
@rdlowrey he came here once, I think someone asked him to tell his boss that they don't have to support ie8 :P
There is no end to jQuery-related humor. It's like the infinity pool of programming jokes.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ok. no problem. I will try to contain my happiness from now on. :)
Anyway, feel free to un-approve me and ask for more testing as needed.
@rdlowrey that's up to @Zirak :) His code
It should work
Aha! I finally found it again. Never mind!
I see no reason why it shouldn't
@rdlowrey Three things are endless, Chuck Norris jokes, jQuery jokes and stupidity. :)
@OctavianDamiean that's just two things ;)
github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/blob/master/source/users.js#L20 if the user isn't in the bot's knowledge, find it and fire userregister. Otherwise, fire userregister
@rdlowrey can you leave and join?
Why would it go to the otherwise if the user isn't in the bot's knowledge?
@Zirak I'm still getting "rdlowrey has requested access to JavaScript: A Room with a View. And a Model. And a Controller..
I know I know there's a bug
I'm sorry, until I can fix it, I'm reverting back to normal room
room mode changed to Public: anyone may enter and talk
@rdlowrey Could you please enter this room? I can't seem to replicate the bug
in PHP, 14 mins ago, by rdlowrey
Dinner. Back later.
This doesn't make any sense
Holy crap I'm a retard
morning boys and girls
Throw me off a cliff
Morning, it's almost 4 am here
@Zirak what did you do?
user = getUser()
if user:
Notice the flaw in the algorithm?
bashes head against desk
!!> "#"+(+new Date).toString(16).slice(-6)
@copy "#c76366"
@CapricaSix Thanks.
!!> "#"+(new Date%(1<<24)).toString(16)
@copy "#c8c7ca"
@copy "#c8c60f"
Mar 13 at 1:40, by rlemon
(Random Fact, when rlemon was 13 he pooped on a slide. he isn't proud of it, but he felt it was time to confess. I'm sorry slide.)
@BenjaminGruenbaum Command slidepoop does not exist.
ugh, sorry
dammit, I Wanted zirak to say it :P
@BadgerGirl or @copy, could you enter this room please? I need someone who's not currently there
ok, going back to gallery
room mode changed to Gallery: anyone may enter, but only approved users can talk
We'll just need a brand new user to see that everything works allright
I think the commit message summarises my experience with this bug github.com/Zirak/SO-ChatBot/commit/…
@FizzyTea did you ever change nicks here?
Good work, btw.
@Codecube Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Adscriven
@Codecube Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@DemCodeLines Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Zirak I got two request access pings
Hey guys
@Codecube great, you can talk!
wat is going on
aler("Hello peeps");
I bet that pushed up your rank in the github swearing people
@DemCodeLines can you talk?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Yeah, once I think. I think adscriven might have been a separate account. I can't remember.
Cool :) just wondering
which if you lovly people is willing to assit me on an adventure?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bot gave voice to all users who entered
Now I can talk.
Didn't know I had to refresh the page
@Zirak good, but I also got pinged with access requests
@Zirak, do they only get the welcome message after they've been granted access
@Zirak also @DemCodeLines needed a refresh
@BenjaminGruenbaum, I think we all did
I have to code a Bookmarklet to check a website if it has changed or not, since the bookmarklet has last ran
@BenjaminGruenbaum Can I ask my question here now? Since you kinda asked me to come here?
I am about 40% there
@Codecube grab html, diff
@phenomnomnominal Yeah, they should happen almost concurrently though
store in localStorage
@DemCodeLines don't ask to ask just ask, if anyone is interested they'll answer
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's just...weird
Q: Website layout checker

Codecubeim needed to code a bookmarklet that will loop through all element's on a website, get its computed css style, also get the html for that style, hash the html (for a id) and save the hash for the id and the computed style to local storage, or something, then when the bookmarklet is ran again, it ...

that is my question
@Zirak, also, I think that new welcome message would be a good plan
Oh my. Those "requested access" things are annoying
@Codecube does it have to be a bookmarklet?
This is epicly off topic, but you told me to ask, lol. Here it is.
@BenjaminGruenbaum what other option is there?
1 message moved to Trash can
No, I will not excuse it. You need to do something or shut up. Your choice.
You will never, ever achieve anything in life if all you do is talk about it.
come on @SomeKittens there were no girls in PHP
I mean excuse as in you already know about it, so you don't have to read.
but ok, take it the way that pleases you.
hmmm, so guys what do you recommend?
@Codecube waiting for more than 15min on your question
@Codecube Iterate .stylesheets , string compare the initial HTML
@Codecube that's a bad approach though, since the HTML might change without the site actually changing.
@Codecube Even if you ignore caching, some sites include sutff like <!--- Date is TIME IN MILISECONDS SINCE 1970 HERE ---->
@BadgerGirl that you?
I'm assuming those are BadgerGirl's fingers
Yeah. I asked copy what color I should paint my nails and he code golfed the answer for me.
That's your...right hand?
@Zirak That's right.
@BadgerGirl who's wearing white in the background?
True love in action, folks.
@BenjaminGruenbaum That's me.
@BenjaminGruenbaum But its not really the html im checking its rather the css
@Codecube Still, I don't know how reliable it is, why are you performing this check anyway?
"#"+(new Date&~0>>>8).toString(16)
@BadgerGirl Impressive that you had a colour near the 3rd one hexpreview.com/(c76366)(c8c7ca)(c8c60f)
@copy post it as a comment here :P stackoverflow.com/a/5365036/1348195
Yours is shorter
It's not uniform
@user2415903 If you can say something...please do. Because that'd be awesome.
@Zirak I had the three of them, but copy insisted on the last one since it was the shortest version.
Yeah, always starts with 36
Only during the current 65536 milliseconds
Still, post it
!!> "#"+(now()&~0>>>8).toString(16)
@BenjaminGruenbaum "ReferenceError: now is not defined"
Awww, It's defined in this room (in SO's javascript), thought it might work in the bot
ok...I think I'm going to rest now. Ping me or comment on this issue if (when) there'll be issues with the permission system. If it's serious, you can always revert back to regular chat.
If I can manage to sleep
anyone here a ninja with MongoDB? I need to sort one collection by the results of another collection .
sigh it almost makes me want SQL
@SomeKittens That sounds like a join, and it shouldn't happen
Design your database based on your application, not the other way around! What are you really doing?
Hm. I'm trying to get the most popular tours. There's the tours collection, and another collection, called UserTourViewSet that stores all of our analytics.
So I need to ask UserTourViewSet how many hits a given tour has.
for ALL the tours.
No, tour should store the number of hits it has on the tours collection
OR, if you don't want it for the tours, have a popular tours collection, that stores the information about the tour you need for that part and the number of hits, denormalize
I think I'll add a function to the Tour that counts the number of views when it's saved.
Every time you need a join, that's not a join, that's another collection which updates when it should
That's just how MongoDB works
You got to let go and denormalize
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not sure what you mean by that
Do you know what a join is?
"that's another collection which updates when it should"
^that part (yeah, I know joins)
just unsure of the phrasing
Let's try an example
Let's say you're making a TODO list, and each users write items in the todo lists, and leave a link maybe
The SQL way would be - users table, todo table, one to many relationship
The Mongo way is having a users table which contains just login info, and a TODO collection where all the information about the user who wrote a TODO like link to his profile, etc is de-normalized into the TODO
So, if I want to show the TODO in my page, I don't have to ask the users collection for username, nickname, site, email, etc when I'm showing the TODO, it's already in the collection
the "Mongo Way"
I'm not saying I'm a huge fan of the approach, but if you're using Mongo, you should do it like you're supposed to
right. Implementing that now
Glad to help :)
It's really not that complicated once you get to know it (Mongo), it's just not very clever either :P
yeah. I like it more than SQL, but it certainly has it's quirks.
@Zirak , I just got a request now
This would be useful when writing comments on Stack Oveflow: usablica.github.io/widearea
(fullscreen button for <textarea>)
Yeah, it would
Also when writing questions/answers
So, in general.
If someone whats to request this on meta, be my guest. I have no time -.-
Interesting day. jsbin.com/obunol/17/edit works in IE, not in Firefox!
I did it in Chrome, so I knew IE was toast, but nope. Firefox. Any ideas?
the js is horrid, btw. Going to clean it up / un-globalize later.
@Musa Wow man, you're right. The spec only forbids < in section 4.5, probably because a > isn't supposed to be ambiguous. I just read that section 5 times, both in HTML5 and HTML4.01, Thanks for teaching me something :) This HTML OP is using is valid! It passes W3C validation and I manually went through elements in the document and parsed them using the spec. — Benjamin Gruenbaum 2 mins ago
I didn't know that
Apparently, having random > in text in HTML is completely valid
@m59 I'm not a css guru by any means if at all competent, but where there is a -webkit vendor prefix, shouldn't you have a -moz for firefox?
Those are webkit only, so no.
yeah I can't sleep
@BenjaminGruenbaum huh, the user got added
@m59 what do you mean?
@Zirak Yeah, but we got pinged, didn't you?
box-reflect, only webkit has that.
oh ok
giving voice to 2404705
Object { event_type=1, time_stamp=1369446909, content="@Zirak , I just got a request now", more...} parseMessage invalid
@m59 well thats my only guess, that you're missing some vendor prefix somewhere
Apparently the delay is big enough for users to do a request. Poop.
That's to be expected, though...my connection isn't a barrel of monkeys.
What was my intention in that sentence?
I dunno but you made me nostalgia all over my desk
Barrel of monkeys sounds like a fast connection
@XCritics No, dude. There's only -webkit for transform (which the others browsers don't need...as the demo shows) and box-reflect, which isn't supported at all in any other browsers. Both are minor details anyway, that couldn't have anything to do with this issue.
Your connection isn't a barrel of monkeys, so it's not a fast connection
@m59 Then that was my final answer, gl :D
Yes, that's my intention.
Thanks, alter-brain.
I need to sleep
I wonder if I can teach my cat tricks
!!what's a monkey?
@Zirak monkey Any member of the clade Simiiformes not also of the clade Hominoidea containing humans and apes, from which they are usually, but not universally, distinguished by smaller size, a tail, and cheek pouches.
@Zirak time is it there?
What would muting an owner do?
@XCritics Yes
@BenjaminGruenbaum Revoke his ownership
I don't know but I intend to find out.. REBOOT
Try it on me
!!/mute Zirak "This shouldn't work maybe" 10
@BenjaminGruenbaum Muted user 617762 (Zirak)
In 10 minutes, it'll just grant you write access?
No, since I haven't implemented the duration yet
!!/unmute 617762
@Zirak Unmuted user 617762
ah fuck
that makes sense though
Also it's pretty easy to mess the room now if we do something like:
(no one gets access to the room now)
Bot still does IO in the background
@BenjaminGruenbaum And on this day, you shall paint eggs for a giant bunny.
Ah, cool :)
It just doesn't display anything
I'll make some hot chocolate and watch Farscape...that should do
I'm off, it's 5:30 and I've got to get some sleep
Sleep for me as well, please
@m59 Which part pushes the images away from each other, I don't see it >.>
@lsmagalhaes Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@XCritics Nothing. The li is display: table-cell, which spaces equally in the ul which is display: table. Then, the li is position: relative and the children a are position: absolute. Therefore, each a will start at the position of its relative positioned parent, the li. Understand?
But Firefox isn't doing that, while the other browsers are.
It's almost as though it is ignoring the position: relative of the li which the a children should be responding to.
@m59 Yeah I was just trying to get chrome to re-enact the problem, seems like the #dock img isn't taking
or the spacing, so I guess fix that and you fix your problem :D
btw, on my webkit version the dock black button piece thingy doesn't show
just the icons
and the transition is instant
update :)
I'm on Chromium
(was on chrome 2 minutes ago but rebooted for development purposes!)
I'm somewhat new to github, is it clone I wanna do if I want to get my repo from Github to make changes and be able to git push them?
Why the hell are people requesting access?
can anyone not join anymore or somethign?
@redleaf Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@Loktar I don't know, but it's peaceful
Yeah, when I first joined a bit ago, it said I had to be approved by the owner.
I refreshed a few times and it worked...
Well, I cleaned up the js...clueless about firefox :(
It's the new features Zirak made
Slow campsite wifi is slow
The room is in gallery mode but access is granted to everybody by the bot
do any other rooms do it that way?
Other rooms don't even have a bot
O wait, mine isnt running
@XCritics I may have determined the issue.
What was it?
Firefox, I think, is ignoring the li position: relative because it has display: table-cell
I can wrap the contents of the li in a position: relative div to fix it, I bet.
Technically, W3C says this is ok, but I don't see why they don't just make that work like the other browsers.
At least you found it :)
I hope!
Find out in a few minutes.
But yeah, I hate that there is so many different proprietary bullshit hoops you have to jump through when you wanna develop
CSS is just an absolute disaster altogether.
Yeah it's horrible
God damn fucking Nodejitsu, if it wasn't such a good price, and didn't support sockets, I wouldn't put up with it
angry much?
Yeah, I have nothing but problems with Nodejitsu x.x
They've been down for over 2 hours
Random screenshot
Just cause
Shark bait hoo ha ha
man I'm feeling good :)
I'm going to make one more quick improvement...
@rlemon ^^
Does anyone have an idea about why LESS style wouldn't load at all on browsers other than Firefox? IE 10 and Chrome 27.0.1453.94 m just display a page as if it didn't have any style at all.
Using the JS compiler, I mean.
There's no LESS compilation error message either.
did you link the stylesheets correctly? with /less ?
This is the beginning of my file. I believe so.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="fr">
		<meta charset="utf-8" />
		<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width; initial-scale=1.0; maximum-scale=1.0; user-scalable=no;"/>

		<title>Examen Final - Création multimédia 1</title>

		<link rel="stylesheet/less" href="styles.less" />
		<script src="extensions/less-1.3.3.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>

		<script type="text/javascript" src="extensions/jquery-1.9.1.min.js"></script>
		<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts.js"></script>
I have a curious error in the Chrome console (only just now realized that Chrome has a console oo')
XMLHttpRequest cannot load file:///C:/Users/Azma/Dropbox/%C9cole/Cr%E9ation%20multim%E9dia%20sur%20support%‌​20I/Examens/Examen%202/Travail/styles.less. Cross origin requests are only supported for HTTP.
Firefox gives no errors as expected...
Oh, and IE says:
SCRIPTS: Access denied.
less-1.3.3.min.js, Line 8 Character 3630
@Ariane you need to run chrome with the --allow-file-access-from-files flag set
@phenomnomnominal Excuse me, what? o_o What is a flag?
I'm not using cmd if that's what you're implying.
Q: Google Chrome --allow-file-access-from-files disabled for Chrome Beta 8

AlexandreI have been developing an AJAX application using jQuery and Microsoft Seadragon technology. I need to have access to the html5 canvas function toDataURL. With Google Chrome, the same origin rule applies to this function which means that a page run locally (with the file:/// in the URL) failed to...

Hm, my /root only has 100mb of space left, yet I have no idea how to expand it, I know how to shrink with gparted, but not expand.. Any idea? Something about moving the partition and doing a bunch of other gypsy magic but I have no idea and don't want to lose my stuff
Hmm, maybe that's not a good link
!!/google chrome allow file access from files
github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/… <- Not related, but shows you how to solve it
...So all browsers except Firefox are retarded if you're testing your stuff locally, and not from a web server?
Or, or, don't PHP :D
There is no PHP anywhere on my page. This was an HTML/CSS exam.
If by retarded, you mean, don't just randomly give access to your local files, then yes
Files in the same website's folder. >_>
It's like why you can't access https:// pages from http://
Because it loads CSS just fine, you know. And probably runs <script> tag stuff indiscriminately. I see no logical reason for blocking access, honestly. At worst they should display a warning saying "this file is trying to access less-1.3.3.min.js; accept?"
But even that sounds unnecessary.
Just out of curiosity, what are you trying to test for your html / css?
are you just trying to dabble with some styles and what not?
What am I trying to test? What do you mean?
Also, you should probably just compile your LESS sever side.
@Ariane Like, are you just playing around with css to test different styles?
@phenomnomnominal This was a strictly html/css exam, a single page, to make a responsive page. I didn't have time or the need to set up a server.
Or is it for something you plan on using
@XCritics Does the above answer your question?
@Ariane, by server, I mean, don't compile your LESS on the client
Do it on your machine then include the CSS

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