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Lmao nice @rlemon
@Shmiddty Correct
@BenjaminGruenbaum what question ?
I remember a company telling us "work hard during this bug blitz and we'll reward you all with bonuses" so we all put in like 65 hour weeks for a month before release to really hammer in the quality - out 'bonus' was a $100 GC to the grocery store.
literally they stole 2 weeks free from basically everyone
no one was happy, like 30% of the company quit. it was pretty rough.
@dystroy Which message are you referring to?
A: Debugging of IE9-10 crash

Benjamin GruenbaumGood question! So! Your website crashes in IE, it's a painful problem I've had some times before. It's no fun, and don't expect a silver bullet solution, take comfort in that you're not the first one to experience this problem. You can use visual studio to debug IE. Visual Studio lets you run s...

@rlemon I worked 4 days (96 hours) straight at a magazine, my reward was a donut on the last day. I quit not long after that.
@BenjaminGruenbaum Your first week? You and Jan Dvorak argue with pretty much any passing sentence
Ask for overtime
@mikedidthis this is why Salary is not always a good thing
@zirak localstorage space is configurable in the browser is it not?
@mikedidthis Lmao. I work for what's essentially a magazine...
@Zirak I completely disagree with that statement, you're wrong :) Also, arguments are fun
@Shmiddty Not to my knowledge
@rlemon I agree. Also sucks that my job is enjoyable and I would do it for free most times.
But after about a month of registering pretty much every user for the "welcome" message, it's only about 66k
Including all the learned commands
It is in Firefox
@Jhawinsss I miss it, the 96 hours was during deadline week to go the printers.
has an unlimitedStorage permission you can set
Well, there's one option called dom.storage.default_quota
@copy I'm still waiting for that apology, I'm sitting in my home crying since
@rlemon For chrome extensions
@mikedidthis We print weekly....
@mikedidthis But I have literally next to nothing to with with production.
can you not just make the adapter an extension that works with the code on the page?
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm making pizza
@copy k, when you're done making pizza, can you mail me some?
@Jhawinss ah! I was the only designer at the mag, so I did all the layups, add designs, product images etc.
@copy Me too.
@BenjaminGruenbaum sure
@copy Benjamin Gruenbaum, Rabi Binyamin 2 entrance 3, P 9630604, Jerusalem, Israel
Actually, I'm gonna go home and buy some beer..... Then after the weekend I'll start living at the office. ;)
Can you draw a dragon on the box? That'd be so awesome
@BenjaminGruenbaum A carrier pidgeon is on its way
Anyway, I'm off to see some retarded action flick, bais
i'm off
l8tr g8trs
@rlemon BYE I LOVE YOU
I usually work 25 hours/week +/-..... I wonder what they'll do when they realize I'm going to hit OT next week.... I doubt that was the plan. Hmm..
@mikedidthis Damn.
@mikedidthis I tried to fix something for the paper in InDesign the other day. Failed horribly.
I work 84 hours a week
@Jhawinsss If your job is awesome enough that you work more, you should try to also get paid more
12 hours, 7 days on, 7 days off
@manuelhe Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
@mikedidthis Our paper is actually pretty nice. The website is just God awful... But with all this extra time I'm going to fix that!
@BenjaminGruenbaum Is this your house? maps.google.com/…
@copy Boss said something about a raise yesterday... Because I've been here a full year next week and haven't actually had a raise yet.
@Zirak Not sure if on-street parking, or merge
Also I mentioned that I've been getting job offers full time around $15/hr for Web Dev. Which is low... But I'm making $12 now.
Do you live in the ghetto, or is that common
On-street parking is pretty common in India too
In a lot of cities there are on-street parking
We have streets where you can't park, of course, but there are several where you can
See that parking lot, that looks like its right in the middle of a mini round-about lol
@XCritics That's everywhere in the US. Where are you from?
Who planned this place
Lmao that looks crammed.
Especially in cities which basically evolve
Neighbourhoods were built in times without cars, and when cars came around, you can't tear everything and plan better
Or cann yoouuuu muses on chin
@Zirak, this is the back side, it's entrance a and we live in b
Damn. I was hoping I could see you shower through the window.
...for research purposes
That wouldnt be creepy
@Zirak I hope you know, you only get stared cause you're popular >:(
oh, I've been meaning to ask: @copy & @BadgerGirl, how long are your earlobes?
@XCritics Jealous much?
Yeah :(
About 1.7 earlobe-size units
@Jhawinsss That's like 50% of an entry-level wage in Web Dev
"earlobe-size units" is the same as centimetres?
No, it's not even a linear scale
Somebody take the wallpaper on my webpage, and make it beautiful
May I have your earlobe size in centimetres please, or how you measure "earlobe-size units"? That'd also work.
It's a logarithmic scale, like decibels
either my gf poisoned me last night, or the lunch (Chipotle) I ate not too long ago was bad. My intestines are trying to leave my body, forcefully.
Everyone knows that
@Shmiddty It wasn't your gf, it was I, in a wig
@Shmiddty pics or it didn't happen
Approx. 1.1cm
huh, you have tiny earlobes. Thanks
@BenjaminGruenbaum Ever read/watch a song of fire and ice/game of thrones?
Ever heard of "a bowl of brown"?
mental pictures qualify, right?
ok, since /ban and /unban are bot-specific commands, how about /silent usrid [duration] [reason] and /voice usrid for planned room-bans?
@Zirak /mute++
/mute is indeed better
Though I like the [reason] parameter. It should be required
you could change /ban to /mindjail
can we call it exile
but !!/exile is awesomer
banish is too -ish
!!/summonSkeetOn [userid]
!!/dev/null userid
@Zirak I think /ban and /unban should ban the user altogether
I suggest a userscript that listens to /hellban commands and add that user to each person's ignore list
@BenjaminGruenbaum What'd you call the bot /ban and /unban then?
@zirak /ignore and /listen
oh, and if /mute mutes, the reverse is /unmute?
`/listen` already exists:
!!/help listen
@Zirak probably mute, but why would I consider someone not responsible enough to deal with the bot but want them in the room?
@Zirak listen: Forwards the message to my ears (as if called without the /)
then /unignore/
@BenjaminGruenbaum Bot is also on other rooms
@Zirak ban should ban room access if in a Gallery room and is room owner, should add to bot banlist otherwise?
meh, it's a separation of church and state. Sort of. Not really.
I don't like the concept of it being so easy to ban though, I mean, I know (and trust) all the other room owners to be responsible but still I feel very uneasy.
separate commands for separate things. Someone can be ok, but misusing the bot
is there an irc channel for this chat?
The more power you give people, the more power they have to abuse
Well, in gallery mode, owners have that power already
@Jason no, this chat is not in IRC, you're welcome to write a port though
So really the solution is to only have responsible room owners.
@Zirak I know, and I understand why this is a useful thing to be able to do, still it makes me feel uneasy
And not be bitches about it (both ways - why you got demoted and why you're not a room owner).
@BenjaminGruenbaum yeah, I understand your concern
aargh... This chat's monologue background is on the .messages element, but that element is zero-height in the mobile version, and the background is on its parent.
Ok, one last thing that makes me feel uneasy, I like him, I have a lot of respect for his expertise in fields but I don't trust him to be completely fair to new users. Also, he has vowed not to be a part of this community, I've asked him to come back, but he didn't, so here we are
in PHP, 5 mins ago, by Benjamin Gruenbaum
@tereško do you plan to come back to the JS room? :/
I'm cool with that
yeah, teresko is awesome but, well, you know his MO.
MO ?
Everyone else in the room owner list I have complete trust in, the only change I'd make is add BadgerGirl
@Shmiddty Yup.
We also don't need dievardump's explicit write
@Shmiddty There's nothing around me. But I'm 18 and just graduated.... $12 is a lot better than anybody else I know. Even in the factories they get like $10.
tit bonus ;p
oh, and for this to work, we also need to scrutinize each other. If an owner is out of line it needs to be dealt with.
@Zirak we have mods for that :)
But as owners we can demote one another, so we have some control as well
Yeah i'd rather not have to deal with an ownership fight. I hated those on IRC more than any ddos kiddie. Even after being senior enough to not get in trouble for dropping the ban hammer on everyone involved no matter if guilty or not ;x
@ThiefMaster I'm wondering how you feel about this gallery suggestion where everyone is given write access, but some users may be explicitly have their write access revoked?
(for short, long, or indefinite periods of time)
@Zirak Let's try to avoid demotion. Talk it out if you must.
@ThiefMaster Yes, I'd love to have mod feedback: gist.github.com/Zirak/5644118
@BenjaminGruenbaum: Sounds good. No idea if the write ACL has a max size though
But since all the android rooms are using it without complaining I guess the limit is at infinity or big enough
@ThiefMaster I have to admit, hearing this from you really helps
You too @Gordon. What do you think of the above?
How should an userscript find out if it's present on the mobile version of this chat? Should I check the visibility of some element, or is there a global variable?
@JanDvorak: you could check for the "mobile" link in the footer
that feels dirty, but still better than my original idea
@ThiefMaster why does your name get to be blue, everyone else's name is in black.
He's a diamond mod
^ this
var chat = StartChat({ws: true}, 298479, {id: 17, deleted: false, frozen: false}, null, /* mobile = */true );
No idea if it's available in any globally accessible variable though.
howdy folks
I really miss some way in JS to access closure scopes :/
codepen is pain in the ass if you want to use webrtc
@JanDvorak There's a cookie for it
Luckily, the link has a specific class that I can use. Thanks for the suggestion @ThiefMaster
mc=1 if you're on mobile
@Zirak You mean sqrt(E)?
@Zirak thanks, this looks great
@powerc9000 If you want to temporarily make your name blue, run CHAT.user.current().is_moderator = true;
on full site, there's mc=0
@Zirak: that is not necessarily specific to the current tab though. if you are on mobile and disable mobile in another tab the cookie is 0 again
Time to dust off my regex-fu :-)
but if you check it onload it's probably safe
@ShotgunNinja e=m^2 c^2 ?
I dont need to be blue I just want to know why he was
@ThiefMaster I'd really like a way to have __parent__ in chrome with a flag
!!/google jquery read cookie
@copy Oh shoot, nvm
It is E / c
@Zirak right.
@JanDvorak !!( /mc=(\d)/.exec(document.cookie) || [] )[1]
also, I just found out the source of an error.
someone was doing this in a JS file:
...yeah that works
doesn't; there's the space
if (something) {
    var url = "whatever";
} else {
    var url = "something else";
doSomething(url, /* ... */);
/( |^)mc=1/.test(document.cookie)
I facepalm'd.
Worst part was, it was working, but not doing closures properly, so only one of those branches worked.
Full:check; Mobile: check; thanks @zirak
Next step: upload that to my phone
btw, upvote plz :p - reddit.com/r/aww/comments/1ezhss/… [cats included]
I asked in the C++ room, they said that the padlock might be really discouraging to new users
@ThiefMaster pacefalm
Honestly, I've never noticed it
@ShotgunNinja ugly as it is... both branches should work if that's all there is.
@canon Well, it works the first time it's called, then it stops.
@BenjaminGruenbaum They don't see it before joining anyway if they don't go via the channel list, right?
Or is it shown in the SO tag sidebar, too?
@ThiefMaster I don't even know what the SO tag sidebar is :)
I changed it to be formatted correctly, and it started working.
Hm, I thought chatrooms were listed automatically if they had matching tags...
Not a lot of questions are tagged
And we have a framework name, right there
gg profanity filter
except neither is really positive
@ThiefMaster lmfao, this is the best one yet
@canon you don't have my userscript yet?
Who's that handsome yellow guy?
@JanDvorak 502 Bad Gateway
why does it censor the whole word and not just the male piece inside the word?
home time xoxo
@JanDvorak What does it do?
@ThiefMaster It shouldn't censor anything, it's two animal names
Well, the C++ room mostly think it's a good idea, but are concerned about the padlock, I don't think it's really an issue, I enter padlocked rooms before realizing what they are
ah, it's resolved this time.
@canon it colorizes the chat, each user with a different color. The 502 seems like a temporary problem
I see.
@ThiefMaster Your cat looks like Dr. Evil
Anyway, I'm off to see a movie, talk to you guys later.
Don't forget to pick up some milk
codepen.io/darkyen/pen/LkAFb <- the latency is horrible
Speaking on movies
Anyone seen Star Trek
^ my userscript
I'd use it if you had a better color algorithm. It makes me want to barf
Make my colour red.
@MuhammedAthimannil Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
I demand red.
!!watch the movie now or later?
@Zirak later
@Zirak you could edit the script and switch around channels
@Zirak Not mine. Found it on some website
anybody free with ninja script /
a responsive height issue
didn't find solution yet
didn't find solution yet :(
@Zirak About 1cm.
@BadgerGirl Thanks
And congrats on the promotion
Thanks. Now I can be even creepier.
I have a query -
How can I get response from servlet to javascript?
gist.github.com/Zirak/5644118#comment-834655 I haven't thought of that; thoughts welcome, as always.
@JanDvorak I refuse to use your userscript on the grounds that you're not using my profanity filter.
@cool_maniac Bananas.
@canon do you have a profanity filter?
@BadgerGirl , not as creepy as me. I have baby pictures of everyone in this room.
@BenjaminGruenbaum I have topless pictures of almost everyone in this room, including you.
Is there a way to use a while clause do make something happen during a transition?
@BenjaminGruenbaum Well, see, you're acting creepy. She isn't, most of the time
like while(*ELEMENT IS TRANSITIONING) {Do something;}?
You would hog the CPU during the transition
@BadgerGirl , that's only because you have my Facebook though :)
@JanDvorak I figured.
@JanDvorak lol, yeah. It was my first extension.
dotafire.com/dota-2/heroes time to make a long ass select box x.,x
I'm using maxHeight as the changing and transitioning property on one div full of text. But another one needs to be the same height in the end and also transition with the first.
I can get the final height of the div if I wait till the transition is over. But that looks sloppy.
@canon is it subject to the scunthorpe problem, or too weak to catch anything?
@Jhawinsss you might need to use a javascript animation
or synchronize well
it filters scunthorpe
@JanDvorak Which is what I'm trying to avoid... Ha.
but the regexes can be adjusted
@canon, so, a cl***ic problem?
no, classic isn't filtered. The regex for ass is a bit more complex.
and I just adjusted the cunt regex
not to mention there's no way to mention one specific bird species?
If I ever invent something useful, its name will contain an arbitrary amount of curse words, to fuck with all spam filters.
Good luck, filters :-)
also, mentioning male specimen of anything but hens is forbidden?
Can I get this div to automagically expand to the size of the page? Instead of staying the size of the content or a fixed size?
@Jhawinsss height:100%?
There's also Don Draper's alter-ego's first name to consider.
yes, but you'll need magic!
@JanDvorak Nope.
I really should just stop worrying about this until I've re-written the whole site in the first place....
The Great Tit (Parus major) is a passerine bird in the tit family Paridae. It is a widespread and common species throughout Europe, the Middle East, Central and Northern Asia, and parts of North Africa in any sort of woodland. It is generally resident, and most Great Tits do not migrate except in extremely harsh winters. Until 2005 this species was lumped with numerous other subspecies. DNA studies have shown these other subspecies to be distinctive from the Great Tit and these have now been separated as two separate species, the Cinereous Tit of southern Asia, and the Japanese Tit of Eas...
I'll just work on it tomorrow and do something else.... I'm sure the answer I need will show up in my sleep.
@Zirak I like this approach better than the regular gallery mode because it doesnt exclude everyone by default, so you have my blessing. Blacklist instead of Whitelist ftw!
Awesome, thanks

Ornithology has questionable motives

Mar 11 at 14:41, 4 minutes total – 4 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked Mar 11 at 14:50 by Kendall Frey

Censoring is a wasted effort. There is always a way around it.
> the user has his write privilege provoked
ugh, stupid typo...
@JanDvorak One of the filter modes applies a css blur to the offending words... but there's an option to remove blur on hover. It's less destructive that way.
does it censor "T1T$"?
What censor?
I say the fuck word on here all the time.... It's never censored it?
@JanDvorak it does now
i am shtupid
@Jhawinsss it's Canon's u$er$cr!pt
The f word is a word starting with f. So what's the fuck word?
@KendallFrey I shouldn't use it...
@KendallFrey "fuck" starts with "fuck" as well
Suck my cox cok kox kok etc etc
Pity the people that live in Bangkok.
{{Infobox Settlement |name = Fucking |official_name = |other_name = |native_name = |native_name_lang = |nickname = |settlement_type =Village |total_type = |motto = |image_skyline = Fucking, Austria, street sign cropped.jpg |imagesize = |image_caption = The frequently stolen traffic sign, at the entrance to the village of Fucking. |image_flag = |flag_size = |image_seal = |seal_size = |image_shie...
Also, penis.
@JanDvorak Fucking America, you mean
@KendallFrey I thought the only Fucking big enough to get on a map was in Austria
Imagine that on the jersey
Ducks given: more than none
Fokker was a Dutch aircraft manufacturer named after its founder, Anthony Fokker. The company operated under several different names, starting out in 1912 in Schwerin, Germany, moving to the Netherlands in 1919. During its most successful period in the 1920s and 1930s, it dominated the civil aviation market. Fokker went into bankruptcy in 1996, and its operations were sold to competitors. History At age 20, Anthony Fokker built his initial aircraft, the Spin (Spider)—the first Dutch-built plane to fly in his home country. Taking advantage of better opportunities in Germany, he move...
The American Family Association had programmed its filter to replace the word “gay” with “homosexual”, causing an article about sprinter Tyson Gay’s triumph at the US Olympic trials to begin: “Tyson Homosexual was a blur in blue, sprinting 100 meters faster than anyone ever has."

Further on in the piece the runner was referred to as “the 25-year-old Homosexual”
@canon what will the Fucking citisens do if you filter out their village name?
fuck them :P
it's a soft filter
you can still view the word on hover
That's fucking useless, isn't it? :-)
not really
if a work associate looks over my shoulder nothing is particularly glaring
but I can opt-in quickly
etc etc

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