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@BenjaminGruenbaum I didn't get a word of that :p
That's swell
@Zirak simple, I just have to write my own mustachifier
@rlemon mustachify is open source
But his service isn't great
we can do better
What are you going to code it in?
What facial recognition library are you going to use :P?
there is a canvas one in js I wanna try out using canvas-node
I wrote one in c# years ago I could attempt to porrt lol
probably not tho
Ok dumb question time. I appreciate I am best moving away from having my plugins extending jQuery, in a sense like this: netmagazine.com/opinions/write-another-jquery-plug-kill-unicorn
But I can't seem to find any further examples. (waits to get flamed).
So, the other day I was told that .htaccess can't help me secure my site from MySQL injection, but I'm being told by someone that you can, and I don't really want to say they're wrong because they are a lot more experienced than me.. was I misinformed, and if not, how can I put it (that he's wrong)
Also, @rlemon, I think we should pick another room, English Language & User is pretty dead..
I like my women how I like my coffee. Without a penis
@mikedidthis You want more examples of why not to build jQuery plugins?
@BillyMathews no I want more examples of Revealing Module Patterns I believe.
basically I am trying to get a head of myself, and create a decent base / starting point.
decent base / starting point to create a jQuery plugin?
A decent starting point to write reusable code that isn't orientated around jQuery / Zepto.
So.. you want to write a library?
I want to write vanilla javascript and only fall back to say zepto, when I really need to.
@jamin79 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
zepto sucks.
Probably, but at the moment its my crutch.
Ok.. I'm not too sure on what to advise so I'm not going to advise you on anything :p
Ha, no worries.
@phenomnomnominal y?
16 mins ago, by Billy Mathews
So, the other day I was told that .htaccess can't help me secure my site from MySQL injection, but I'm being told by someone that you can, and I don't really want to say they're wrong because they are a lot more experienced than me.. was I misinformed, and if not, how can I put it (that he's wrong)
because the api is SO damn close to jquery you get comfortable
and then you try to do something that it doesn't have
and shit goes nuts
and you waste 10 minutes trying to work out why shit isn't working
@BenjaminGruenbaum @BillyMathews @Neil @dystroy @redline thanks I thought degree was essential as people tell me that you must have good gpa for a job and degree from a good institute etc etc...blah blah
@RomanticElectron It will help alot..
But the people who read your CV / interview you / employ you are humans, and if you can show them that you are the man for the job, then you will get the job.
@BillyMathews In my country they wouldn't let me walk into an interview without a degree at many companies
and I hate such nerds who just want nerds
> if you can show them that you are the man for the job, then you will get the job.
Otherwise, you won't
@BillyMathews Actually I am stuck in one of my projects in final year,i don't want to submit incomplete work and pass away instead I want to learn how to overcome the difficult part,I told one of my teachers so..but he argued you must take a chance and...etc etc...but I was not convinced but yet I fell in doubt..thats why asked you people
Holy shit, #1 -> SO -> 5m questions, #2 -> Super User -> 173k questions
@RomanticElectron If you are already working towards a degree, I recommend you finish it..
Did you never realize that SO was huge?
SO is the essence of SE
@AmaanCheval Yes, but I didn't realise it was > 20x bigger
@BillyMathews I want to take the chance and repeat the year for learning some stuff that the uni. offers ...
@RomanticElectron You want to voluntarily repeat a year?
@AmaanCheval yups
are there companies which pay you based on your SO rep?
@skripted lol?
i pray to god not
The more I repeat that question in my head, the funnier it is
well, good for me then
!!/stat skripted
@AmaanCheval skripted has 110 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 6 answers, for a q:a ratio of 3:2.
"earned 0 rep today"
thanks for that information ._.
Don't worry
@AmaanCheval That dude sucks
@SOChatBot Shithead
@AmaanCheval Amaan Cheval has 5280 reputation, earned 0 rep today, asked 9 questions, gave 220 answers, for a q:a ratio of 9:220.
How can I pass a function to an object constructor so that that function becomes a method?
this.method = functionParameter;?
@GNi33 GNi33 has 1633 reputation, earned 10 rep today, asked 1 questions, gave 52 answers, for a q:a ratio of 1:52.
@BillyMathews Yeah, how else would you do it?
I don't know
> earned 10 rep today
rare occasions are rare
but is there any way I can pass parameters to the function by default?
What do you mean by that?
Why do so many companies tend to make a library for javascript?
this.method = function(5, this.value);
Check out the comments here for a laugh - stackoverflow.com/q/16473701/1586880
Someone can tell me why this does not work? jsfiddle.net/Joseph82/npFfQ (I'm trying to refer to class instead of id) Oh, sorry , solved: jsfiddle.net/Joseph82/npFfQ/1
@BillyMathews Make a function that calls that function then
Good Idea
this.method = function (){
    example(5, this.value);
@RomanticElectron don't.
@RomanticElectron Yeah, sounds like a waste of time to me as well
this.method = example.bind(this, 5, this.value);
@FlorianMargaine don't what?
@RomanticElectron don't repeat a year for the sake of it. Try to get out of school with a degree as fast as possible, you will learn much more when you'll get out of it
the new feeds is better
@FlorianMargaine example being the function parameter?
Be careful with bind, though
If you want support for older browsers, include a shim
Is there any built in way to allow someone to pass some of the parameters to the method?
@BillyMathews what exactly do you want to do?
this.method = function (x, y){
    if (!x) x = 5;
    if (!y) y = this.value;
    example(x, y);
code sample plx
then what's wrong with this?
Would that work?
oh, default parameters?
@FlorianMargaine I wan't to but honestly telling I don't have enough resources to keep me going learning and probably will be forced to search for a job but who gives a job to someone who doesn't know much
this.method = function(x, y) {
    x = x || 5;
    y = y || this.value;
    example(x, y);
@RomanticElectron everybody. Nobody expects young people to know a lot out of school
Breaks for 0 and false and empty string
and who cares
@BillyMathews you should do that in the example function though
@FlorianMargaine hmmm...finding myself in the whirl of trouble again?
@FlorianMargaine but example is there parameter, I don't want to have to do that every time
and I know that that function will accept the same parameters across all objects
and all the default values will be referencing this
Also, how would I pass y and not x?
method(null, 17);?
function maybe(param,defval){
     return (typeof param === "undefined") ? defval : param;
If I call it 'maybe' I can tell people it's the maybe monad and sound clever :P
Q: How to get the div in which the cursor or caret is placed?

Romantic ElectronI have three contenteditabledivs and I want to know ,in which div the user has placed the cursor or caret through tab key or mouse click, <div contenteditable="true"></true> <div contenteditable="true"></true> <div contenteditable="true"></true> Can somebody help me out?

@RomanticElectron jQuery?
nops javascript
@RomanticElectron that's backwards (your question, you should use an event based approach, checking for mouseover and mouseout)
@BenjaminGruenbaum I think there is something in the getSelection API that can help me but don't remember what?
@FlorianMargaine ^?
@BenjaminGruenbaum there is a method which returns all the nodes in the selected text,I have forgotton the name
@RomanticElectron shockingly, it has an utterly confusing name getSelection , I still think you're doing it backwards
@BenjaminGruenbaum let me check in a book,i think i found it somewhere there...let me be sure what I am talking about
You're talking about getSelection ... I just said that
dx.com Big sale today
haven't checked it out yet.. just saying
Whoa. It says "Free shipping to IN"
I mean shit... $1.24 for a fucking usb cable
that is amazing!
1.5 meter
@dwaddell Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
free shipping to france too!
and the uk
dx.com is an amazing site
they have so much
@OctavianDamiean what up?
Gotta perform a disk analysis and data rescue for a customer. :(
Sorry I might be asking this second time, but how can I keep right to not get involved in left div

@FlorianMargaine Hahahaha
@MuhammadRaja like so: jsfiddle.net/uqkTc/2 ?
@OctavianDamiean that sucks.
Best part, my boss took all the tools with him. :D
So, I'm back to stone age.
Do people in cold climates actually use things like that?
Trying to abuse a scissor to open a case. :P
I hate to say it, but we own this: dx.com/p/…
@mikedidthis dude, this is awesome
@mikedidthis A friend did too. It feels funny
it is so good
ProTip for the customer: Don't step on your notebook ... they don't enjoy being stepped on.
@mikedidthis thanks
its the strangest thing ever.
@MuhammadRaja no problem. Generally if your floating one element, you have to float the other.
ahh I see
This site is strange
A notebook with two hard drives!
I'm not even kidding.
@AmaanCheval at that price I will take two.
HA! I found a screw bit! :D
I feel like MacGyver, honestly. :P
With this screw bit, I'll attempt to build a time machine to go back in time and ask my boss to leave me some tools in the office.
Don't forget a paperclip
I'm afraid of Morlocks though. :/
Why the fuck does emberjs have a dependency on jQuery?
Are you sure it is on jQuery or just on Sizzle?
Not 100% sure, the source code seems to use jQuery a bunch of times
If it is just Sizzle, you can replace it with Zepto.
got some cables, glasses for fishing, and a dash cam for my car
all for $40
I'll just use Knockout, I know it better anyways
Knockout's cool.
Me: "How big is the hard disk?"
Customer: "Not that big, it would be cool if you can make a full disk clone."
Me checks hard drive ... 750GB. ¬_¬
Lol, ubuntu?
@FlorianMargaine Could you help me out with this method again please?
@OctavianDamiean dd it and burn it to 160 dvd's
just to be a bitch.
@rlemon :*
@OctavianDamiean seriously... it's what we will now call "pulling a samsung"
> but.. I complied with your demands...
@BenjaminGruenbaum MOST OF DA TYME
Any GolfScripters here?
I mean, you could go a step further and do CDs or gasp floppy discs
GoldScripters are the furries of the JavaScript community
@rlemon floppy disks would be fucking hilarious. :D
I want to assign string.empty to a text box,

$('#<%= textbox.ClientID %>').val(""); //is this right way of doing it ?
ne glfscrptrs?
@MuhammadRaja WTF is #<%= that looks horrible, almost like PERL
@OctavianDamiean personally I would rar and re:rar add in a few file break points as well.
asp hehe
@BenjaminGruenbaum asp.net
@MuhammadRaja Nope, asp.net shouldn't look like that. At least not in 2013

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