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@RyanKinal You should fix that tag description, it's totally unrelated to your interests, now. (note to mods : It wasn't me, I suggested nothing !)
@RyanKinal That swing, alright. I love electro swing. :)
Mmm. Yes.
Are you aware of /r/swinghouse?
I'm not a reddit user but I'm massively into swing house. :)
That's the only subreddit I've subscribed to
haha most of the people in the english language room are just people from here...
@RyanKinal So, I guess you know Parov Stelar then?
@OctavianDamiean Nope. I haven't delved too deep into it.
just wanted to pop in to say very nice answer here, @Loktar !
A: Image not drawn on canvas until user clicks?

LoktarLive Demo var imagesLoaded = [], images = [ 'http://www.zombiegames.net/inc/screenshots/The-Last-Stand-Union-City.png', 'http://www.zombiegames.net/inc/screenshots/Lab-of-the-Dead.png', 'http://www.zombiegames.net/inc/screenshots/Zombotron.png', 'http://www.zombiegames.n...

He's a genius.
@OctavianDamiean Where were you a few days ago when I asked for programming music :)
That's the kind of music I listen while downhill riding. Listening to swing house while going downhill at about 50 to 60km/h is just fucking amazing. :D
This is the kind of music I often code to it gets me in a good pace
@OctavianDamiean Good stuff
haha the English Language people aren't fun...
I suppose I'm not surprised
Real good programming music
@rlemon You are trolling pretty hard over in EL&U
thats ok... i'll get you in time my friend.
Anyone here watched " The Great Gatsby" and can recommend it ?
The Mad King is dead!
Drew Brees has
Long live the Mad King!
Oh yea, @mikedidthis an idea for the next version of your theme. In the sidebar there should be a link to get to your Tumblr administrative interface thingy. Is that called the dash? I have no idea.
Cool. I just find that Chrome lets you name a bookmark folder in your favorite bar as ♪. Looks good and concise.
@mikedidthis make me a damn fish theme!
when I get back from lunch I better have bin powers again (really there is no other point in being a owner)
@BenjaminGruenbaum For some reason I feel as though its "The Social Network" set in the 20's....
@OctavianDamiean you mean 'dashboard'?
@rlemon reading deleted messages!
just a movie to tease people who wish they were rich... haha
Yeah, reading deleted messages is an important one
@twiz Did you watch it?
it's the only important thing
And changing the title when you're feeling troll-like
@AmaanCheval or the description
dammit, why is my guitar broken ;_;
@AmaanCheval You pansy
or the tags.
i so wanna learn this TSSF - song right now
I'm probably wrong, but that's what it looks like to me @BenjaminGruenbaum
walk in, sit down, get bombarded with work-talk. Jeez.
@GNi33 I told you it wasn't a good idea to use it as an ollie obstacle ...
@GNi33 Perhaps you shouldn't have tried masturbating with it.
@OctavianDamiean Its kind of amazing how swing music + drums/bass = good music
Here's one more. :)
Ever seen them live, @OctavianDamiean?
@OctavianDamiean you listen to Caravan Palace at all?
@GNi33 Not yet, I hope I will at Urban Arts Form Festival this year.
A better codegolfer is also a better programmer
@twiz Oh yea, they're awesome!
oh okay, me neither, i had numerous chances though
@GNi33 Well yea, he's from Linz as far as I know.
they play in Linz all the time, just like AG Trio
You bastard.
@OctavianDamiean That one I actually know pretty well
!!>a=(Date.now() - new Date('09/18/1985'))/1000/60/60/24/365.242; console.log(a|0, 'years', (a-(a|0))*365.242|0, 'days')
@GNi33 I hate you right now.
@Shmiddty 27.657264747331652
but it's just not my kind of music
@copy Because they are able to read the unreadable code of other codegolfers? haha
This one too? (with an amazing dancer)
@OctavianDamiean I've seen this guy before.
Q: Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript. Is there life without it?

StefaanAt our company we have pretty large body of PrototypeJS based JavaScript code, which we are porting to jQuery for several reasons (not really important here). I'm trying to set up coding guidelines to make/keep things tidy during the porting. One observation from wading through the prototype bas...

Q: Lightbox Post Pop-up on homepage

WannabeI've been working on sampression lite theme and what I want to achieve is when a post' thumbnail/read more link on homepage is clicked, a modal will pop-up ( similar to pinterest and this wp theme here http://goo.gl/3wBeR ) I've tried bootstrap-lightbox js, shadow js, colorbox js but none of the...

@OctavianDamiean That guy is definitely in his grandparents' basement... haha
@SimonSarris not the most efficient way though
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: 27,"years",240.06172874999965,"days"
@twiz He's rocking the basement though.
true dat
@Shmiddty "undefined" Logged: 27,"years",240,"days"
@OctavianDamiean <3
@OctavianDamiean Parov Stellar is more than a genius
blarg, writing test procedures for website features is booooring
@dievardump I know right?
@KevinMurphy virtual reality 0ut 0f memory?
@ShotgunNinja they're zeros :D hehe
Yay @Shmiddty is room owner :) I voted for you in the secret room owner meeting we held.
@dievardump I actually can't decide if that is true or if he just dug up old swing music and added a good beat... haha
I like secret societies.
...why wasn't I invited to the secret room owner meeting you held?
@ShotgunNinja 100% accurate
@Zirak we didn't know where to send the invite to
@Zirak you just forgot. It is called Alzheimer.
@Zirak What secret room owner meeting ?
@phenomnomnominal what do you build your coffeescript in?
Koala seems nice
@Zirak sssshhhhh
...why aren't I wearing pants?
what are pants anyhow?
@Zirak shh, it's all good
@Zirak because you're doing it right.
One day I'll change my avatar picture, and nobody will know who I am.
@Shmiddty this has been a huge problem in the past
One day I will change accounts and post naked pictures here, but none of you will appreciate it.
Like adscriven
@Zirak Are you sure? :D
@OctavianDamiean in the same type, there is the french group Caravane Palace. Really good
@dievardump Yup, I know and like them. :)
you know french people?!
they're my cousins!!
Caravane Palace ?
What do you mean ? The guys of this group ? All of them are your cousins ?
I was just kidding, saying like France is a small country bla bla bla
I don't even know who they are
Well, we're like 20% of this room... we're more than the Chinese
@FlorianMargaine you need people to teach you good stuff if you don't even know a french group like Caravane Palace
I can't believe i am saying this, but i have just checked my design in IE10 and the custom font looks perfect whereas in chrome & firefox it's like bumpy, whats all that about?
@dievardump I don't have any musical culture
@OctavianDamiean Yep. I'll post naked pictures of you.
@Zirak Oh yeah! I want to see it!
omg, just saw that
59 mins ago, by Octavian Damiean
10" is too big to be really useful, 4" is too small and 7" is just about right.
You too think 6'' would be enough ?
10" is big but ok
between 6 and 8 is perfect
what are you talking about?
Tablets screens ?
My Lenovo and my horse are more in the 15" realm
You have a 15" horse ?
It's more like a poney, no ?
@dievardump He's talking about penises
Peni. It should be peni.
gonna spend the next couple hours setting up more virtual machines. B-)
couple hours?
dude... automate.
batch/bash scripts, bro
we've got images
but cloning them takes a while
@Zirak No, because then the singular would be penus.
I see no problem with that
@OctavianDamiean should know
"When on a male's body it is a penus. When placed in a bag along with others of its kind, you have a bag of peni"
You also have a sick fetish.
if only it was only that...
There seems to be less and less javascript in this room
depends on hours tbh
@Zirak I love when you say words like "naked" "penises" or even "compliance"
So this sentence should be in compliance with your demand of naked penises
@Zirak The plural is actually penises.
WRONG! Penes.
In US its penises though.
I love to tell people with a dead-serious face that the plural of Penis in german is "Penen"
In French it's the same. Penis/Penis
people go totally crazy after some time if I don't step down from my "opinion" for long enough
love it
Some: JavaScript: $0:''?'//:\'':/\*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,argume‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
!!/eval $0:''?'//:\'':/*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,argume‌​‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
@BillyMathews "SyntaxError: unterminated comment"
!!/eval $0:''?'//:\'':/*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,argume‌​‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
@ShotgunNinja "SyntaxError: unterminated comment"
/* starts a comment block
hehe, no there isn't ...
That's a regexp
well it clearly isn't executable in our test environment.
And the code starts with Some:
so it's a malformed regex.
!!/eval $0:''?'/\/\:\''\:\/*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,arg‌​ume‌​‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: illegal character"
!!/eval Some: JavaScript: $0:''?'//:\'':/*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,argume‌​‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
@ShotgunNinja "SyntaxError: unterminated comment"
@Shmiddty "SyntaxError: illegal character"
Q: Javascript and web application data

steoI am pretty new to Web Application programming and so to OOP Javascript and the new Client-Server interactions. I am encountering some trouble wondering about how much AJAX I should use or how much data I have to save "locally" . Explainig it better: at the moment , to manage the data that I ob...

Works in Chrome and SpiderMonkey. Blame the bot.
So many stupid questions on Stack today.
@FizzyTea I'm getting "SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL" in my dev console.
Do you want screenshots?
@ShotgunNinja Did you by chance play with the code in a fiddle?
@FizzyTea Chrome, Version 26.0.1410.64 m
Did I miss the English trolling?
$0:''?'/\/\:\''\:\/*/*~function($x$,$y$){+/\+/,function(){}.call.apply(alert,arg​ume‌​‌​nts[['0']])}([,"Hello world!"]);
^ that is what the bot saw
@SomeKittens well, the bot is still over there
welp, lunch. If you get a codepen or fiddle working, feel free to show me later.
SyntaxError: Unexpected token ILLEGAL is a common thing when you copy things from JSFiddle or similar sites... They insert zero space characters. Check your code in an editor like VIM and make sure there aren't any characters you didn't know were there.
@JosiahSouth Ah, okay.

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