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@BillyMathews I wrote it, don't maintain it
haha, random
@WilliamJames both
I'm so flustered I can't even type
I have always said a manager should maintain the social media outlets because they are the ones that know what they want to say. And if they do not then how in 'high unicorn hell' does anyone else?
I thought that the $1,195 price tag was just some sort of scam
@rlemon hahaha
how is it premium?!
I owned this years ago, and rlemon.ca as well
bought both for like $4 a domain
@rlemon if you owned it a year ago you can send them a cease and decist and threaten to sue them for it
> years
like 2006ish??
somewhere around there
If they didn't use it legitimately ever since you can contact the register and demand to have it back
I own websitedeveloper.it - Going to cash in on that soon and start up my own company, just need to find a decent designer....current one might not be ready for the workload
And the one before could not keep up with me
there is some author, a football player, some lawyer, all with internet presence now and all with the name "Robert Lemon" - I think because of this the name is more popular now as a domain
@rlemon huh, from what site is that?
Any domain that is one word or two will be gone soon, which is why they opened other crazy extensions like .xxx .it .amazon .sucks etc...
The new domains will take about 10-15 years for the 'average lemon' to grasp are legit
@WilliamJames .it!?
I shouldn't have to buy subdomains, right?
I've always done them through cpanel
That's Italy's country domain ...
@OctavianDamiean www.websitedeveloper.it <<< I own that
I was looking in my 123-reg domain management and they offer subdomains for £10/ea?
Maybe Italy's country but it could also mean IT
Yea but it's been there for ages.
They (whoever that is) didn't open .it.
It was there already.
@BillyMathews Yes sub domains should be free, 123-reg are overpriced and charge you for silly things which are free elsewhere
@BillyMathews People on 123-reg I quickly move them over to 1and1. If you know what you are doing then you can save a lot and do it all yourself for free. But I also know some people have problems with 1and1
Yes but if I create a subdomain through cpanel you think it wont work?
one way to find out I suppose..
Yea, I don't like 1and1 at all.
I've heard bad things about 1and1 too
@BillyMathews For example email....123-reg charge you £1/Month for every email address you want at the domain you own. If you have 15 employees thats £15/Month just for emails. This is extra on top of your web hosting
NameCheap is pretty good
I was a customer.
I paid £70 for a year of unlimited hosting on 1and1 but my domains are just pointed there. So we will see how it goes
I read quite a few complaints which were all down to domain name troubles - which is why I am just pointing the DNS to 1and1 and keeping them on another provider that I like.
My biggest complaint is their nonexistent support, and that they are expensive (or were).
Plus they have ugly contract models.
@OctavianDamiean Yes. Which is why I said you need to do it yourself :) I think they are quite cheap, but that might be to counter a bad vibe people may have about them.
I only ever want two things out of an internet service: simple & cheap
@BillyMathews what about added value?
@OctavianDamiean is that the redis presistance thing?
oh nope, just a host
I like HeartInternet.co.uk there UI is really nice, they do not handle sub domains well though. But they charge more than I want to pay for reseller hostin
They (edis) have quite decent prices.
@BenjaminGruenbaum added value?
Cloud 9 offers free hosting with limitations of course
you can run php, node.js, and a few others on it
I would never go for 'free hosting'...until google offer it
And free normally means for non-commercial
but it's not bad at all from what I've seen thus far
deploy with git ftw
Yea git deployment is cool.
I am not sure how relevant this is but dreamhost / kotaku are doing a nice deal: dreamhost.com/promo/kotaku100/…
My company uses a host-papa reseller account, anyone with them?
posted on May 08, 2013

var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl." : "http://www."); document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "google-analytics.com/ga.js' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3727700-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} Big announcement from the SMBC-T geeks!

@DennisBetman Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
i have a table in which i want an existing column to be a primary key. There are other 4 composite key as well in that table... How could i achieve that??
I tried to register bmathews.com (taken) and it suggested "bedavemathews.com" I was like SINCE WHEN AM I DAVE?!
@xcx clojure
@DimitarK Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
What's uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
does any one know????
@Sadiq I'm sure someone does.
Refresh me again what you mean by 'composite key'? I have heard that phrase been thrown around meaning different things in my office
Try being a bit more clear in your question as well
@OctavianDamiean how do you deploy with git?
@FlorianMargaine Depends on the service, if you want to do it on your own servers you just need a hook.
I haven't read this article however the title is promising if you want to know more. danbarber.me/using-git-for-deployment
@OctavianDamiean broooooooooooooooooooooo
hello guys..any way to accesing the google map in javascript
What is a '.do' extension?
Any nodejs devs in here? I'm looking for a way to secure socket.io as I just found out that it's possible to sniff user data from any client. I was using the UserID of the currently logged in user to request data, but I'm now thinking along the lines of using the session from PHP or something. Any advice? I have found a few solutions on SO, but all of the implementations seem very complicated.
@OctavianDamiean make any progress with that sweet page of yours :P?
!!/tell william google .do extension
hi guys if any one know about the openstreetmap..?
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
!!/tell williamjames google ".do extension"
@XCritics Nah, that'll be just a fun side project. My actual site will be a proper site. :)
Server error (status 500) occured (message probably too long)
@OctavianDamiean I mean, what does the hook do?
^what is this shit
@KishoreInWindows ask Steve Coast
u suck.
@steve coast Hi buddy do you know about openstreet map api
I can't believe 7 days off, and you couldn't manage to get on Terraria once
Steve Coast (born 20 December 1980) founded OpenStreetMap (OSM) in July 2004. In 2007 he founded CloudMade. Career Coast interned at Wolfram Research before studying computing science at University College London (UCL). With Nick Black, he set up ZXV Ltd, a technology consultancy in 2006. In 2008 this became CloudMade after investment by Nikolaj Nyholm and Sunstone Capital. Steve resigned from CloudMade in October 2010, although he is still a shareholder. On 23 November 2010 Coast announced that he had accepted a position as Principal Architect at Microsoft's Bing Mobile. Personal life ...
@JoelMurphy could you elaborate? I don't really understand your question
Hey, @BillGates buddy, do you know about Microsoft?
@Steve Jobs
Too soon?
I mean.. it wasn't obvious but it was still pretty obvious
Ok, serial question, is Airdroids client side wrote in HTML / JS, or just Java?
@FlorianMargaine Oh that. It basically just calls git reset --hard HEAD
What's the limit of the stack memory? How is it decided?
@all i just kidding
It depends on your infrastructure though.
That reminded me of a job interview I went to once. The office was a table for two tightly squeezed in and my job was to work next to this guy within hugging distance. I never called back
@OctavianDamiean oh... not real deployment as I see it then.
You can let it do whatever you want.
@FlorianMargaine Well that's just for a non-bare repository.
Deployed sources should be free of .git/ for me
@XCritics ' AirDroid runs a much cleaner JavaScript that's linked with HTML5, as I understand.' - forum.xda-developers.com/…
Like I said, since it is git, you can do whatever you want with it.
Yeah... I think svn export is an advantage. I'll make a script to mimic it in git.
!!/mustache JoelMurphy
@rlemon Get the game, 'The Room' on your phone, I swear to god science you will not be disappointed
I don't game on my phone
What is the markdown for strike-through
it's for browsing and porn
@rlemon This isn't a game, it's a way of life
Do it, or I'll be so angry with you
My phone is still green/black squares - I love it :)
~~~ word ~~~ in the chat --- word --- in actual MD
no spaces
~~~word~~~ becomes word
The room is not free :/
You troll mother bitch
fuck, I had that the other way around
Q: Chat Easy Input Tools - Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands

rlemon About Provides keyboard shortcuts for common text formatting commands, reducing the dependency on mouse usage. Current version does not have a configurable set of hotkeys but later versions will. How to use. All of the following commands are run if the user has focus in the chat input area. ...

@XCritics ^^
@rlemon where have I seen that before?
possibly I posted it
it's not unheard of
or my profile.
Probably on your profile.
Also, why have you posted that as a question..? :x
I want emacs to support js, this way I'll be able to never open chrome
Stack Apps bro
@FlorianMargaine yes I'll explain in more detail. Basically I'm creating a chatroom script similar to the one that we're using right now. I've created the functionality of the script, but I want to add some security so only authenticated users can use the chat. For example, if someone was to look at the source code of my script, they would see "socket.emit('user_id',loggedUserID);". If they copied this code onto their own website, they could 'sniff' new messages without being authenticated.
I already have a login system with PHP, so I was wondering what the best approach to secure my system is
@JoelMurphy I see. I had a similar issue... let me google that
@BillyMathews go check out stackapps - it's kinda it's deal
Every time I see PHP or any server side other than Node, I feel like a Jehovah Witness trying to preach about Node.js
@rlemon Yeah I was just looking (I should really do that before asking) - looks pretty cool
I haven't been to this part of the stackexchange before
@JoelMurphy google "nodejs php share session", you'll get plenty of results. The idea is to store the sessions in a place where both php and nodejs can retrieve them
node.js AND php? u crazy man... u crazy.
@BillyMathews me neither, but there is some pretty cool stuff there.
Anyone any comments on this hosting package?
@mikedidthis yeah, I like the idea of desktop notifications for stackexchange
shared hosts have always been too much of a PITA for me to consider
I would go crazy and install loads but my laptop might get upset :(
@XCritics could I troll you with a benchmark?
be wary of "unlimited data and bandwidth" - this is legit, but they limit your speeds accordingly.
@rlemon why is that crazy? It's understandable that only the websockets part is handled by nodejs in an application
and @rlemon what's the difference in shared/dedicated hosting?
@BillyMathews /looks
@FlorianMargaine I know, but if you have the choice to use a unified language / technology why wouldn't you?
@Billy shared means that plenty of other people use your server
Besides the obvious
@rlemon Is there any way to test this?
@WilliamJames I was with ipage shared hosting and godaddy shared hosting before and both sucked so hard.
@FlorianMargaine Besides the obvious :P
speeds were shit, like REALLY shit and inconsistent.
Any feedback on 1and1 in this department?
and sporadic downtimes
I would shell out the $200/year and get a cheap VPS
Like I said earlier, my company uses a host-papa reseller account and we haven't had any downtime (I've worked here two years) and I've never noticed bad load times
then you're one in a million
@rlemon because php ecosystem is way more... developed, easy to find dev, etc. If only a small part uses nodejs because socket.io is the only solution, then I'd go for this kind of setup depending on the website
4s page load times are too long IMO
I never understood what advantage VPS (Virtual Private Server) had over Shared - seemed like a con to me, just more hassle and more pricey
@WilliamJames except I have full control over my server
I can monitor my own shit, control my own shit.
@Billy the issue with shared is that other people can do shit to your computer and it won't be your fault, you just have to deal with it
it's like a dedicated server without the cost and slightly less speed / space.
@rlemon £20/month for VPS :x
@rlemon But why would you want that? Admittely all I use is php/mysql so maybe I dont need the hassle
you're telling me a dedicated is more? I guess it makes sense
@rlemon you have control even though you don't know how to use it :P
@WilliamJames do you want to own a car that you cannot pop the hood on??
@FlorianMargaine that is besides the point :P
Vps is different than shared hosting...
@rlemon When the car is standard under the hood and just worked. Yes.
@rlemon ^^
different mindsets then
@FlorianMargaine Cheers. I've looked into redis, but it seems very confusing to me. I'll have to read up on this
I have done shared hosting and VPS from different companies and VPS is 100x more reliable (for me) and just overall less of a headache
Have you guys heard of linode?
For special software I can understand. But if you are just using the standard that works - why have the extra hassle?
I use them, and am very happy with the service
@FlorianMargaine Oh yea, that was just my simple staging server hook.
I've heard good things about linode - never tried them
@JoelMurphy the point is just that php and node pick up the session data in the same database. Redis is an excellent db for sessions, but you could use mysql too
I have a linode vps
Oh course a real deployment script would look different.
What control do you get over a VPS? That is beneficial to client websites
@OctavianDamiean that's what I want to talk about :)
Ok guys
Don't mix shared hosting with vps
That has nothing to do with each other
Why disadvantages does a shared hosting have? Apart from having to share resources
@BillyMathews desktop notifications are too distracting :)
@mikedidthis true
@WilliamJames I think that is the main disavantage
@WilliamJames go setup a small server locally - install Fedora or CentOS or Ubuntu or something and run it GUIless - start doing your development here - then go back to your CP with your shared hosting and realize the massive amounts of limitations they give you
@FlorianMargaine fine it's not worse than jvm, (which compiler is not meant for, functional lgs), or better with JIT
@William try to install varnish on shared hosting. Or memcached. Or nginx. Or... I don't know, most of the stuff any real website needs.

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