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Anyone have an example of javascript pixel tracking? I figured it out for image and iframe, not sure where to start on the javascript version though.
!!/mustache anmolsaraf
better worded, how can I call a php with javascript without leaving the page?
!!>r='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Proin at mauris lectus,';(r.match(/[aeiou]/gi).length/r.match(/[a-z]/gi).length).toFixed(4)
@Shmiddty "0.4091"
does that seem correct?
yeah I was hoping to do it without AJAX, but that or jquery seems like my only option
(making a golf problem, Density of vowels)
@Shmiddty Remove toFixed then
More accurate and smaller ;)
@Daniel this sentence really doesn't make sense
actually, I could technically just do <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.site.com/address_of_file.php"></script>
@Neil I'm not solving it yet
and constricting the output makes the problem more complex
And: Sometimes y
@Daniel if you want to call a server without reloading the page, you have to use some program on the browser. This program is written in js, because it's the only language that all browsers support. This program can make an HTTP request to a server. This HTTP request is usually known as a technique called "AJAX"
@Shmiddty In which sense?
well it's pixel tracking for clients, and I'm trying to give them the simplest way of adding it to their site. some of them insist on using a javascript version, AJAX would be a bit more complicated for them and jquery would require that they include it
bye people
yep @FlorianMargaine that part I understand, thanks for clearing it up though
@Daniel huh
@Neil if you can just dump the result, you don't have to put any thought into it.
@Daniel Just give them a js file, and let your javascript do the work
Simplest way of them adding it to their site.. <script src="tracker.js"></script>
ahh that's true, the ajax can be on my internal js file, then I just give them the <script src=''></script> line
yep exactly @Loktar
Javascript can perform ajax, yes, believe it or not, without jQuery
thanks @neil @Loktar that's exactly what I was looking for, I was overthinking it
np good luck!
@Daniel Happens to the best of us :P
I am curious though, would there be any drawback to cutting the javascript all together and just giving them: <script type="text/javascript" src="http://mysite.com/tracker_file.php?action=visit&id=433"></script>
Technically that accomplishes what I want without even needing the JS file, but it doesn't 'feel' quite right using a php src
why not? It's nice to return a script, though
It doesn't have to end in "js" if that's what you mean
It just has to return javascript code
@P-S Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
okay cool, that makes sense. thanks!
should my Vowel Density problem include all characters on a line/all alphanumeric characters/only letters?
what is the difference between using a CORS request versus AJAX. Any drawbacks?
or is CORS just a cross domain ajax request?
@Daniel Never heard of a CORS request
ajax cannot happen across domains
me either, looking over the code of what the person was trying to do though, and it's there instead of an ajax request
No idea
come on guys
Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) is a mechanism that allows a web page to make XMLHttpRequests to another domain. It is more powerful than only allowing same-origin requests, but it is more secure than simply allowing all such cross-origin requests. How CORS works The CORS standard works by adding new HTTP headers that allow servers to serve resources to permitted origin domains. Browsers support these headers and enforce the restrictions they establish. Additionally, for HTTP request methods that can cause side-effects on user data (in particular, for HTTP methods other than GET, or f...
google is your friend
can anyone help me with [class*=something]?
Oh wait, nvm
@Shmiddty Google is my friend, but javascript chatroom is my best friend. Someone always googles it for me. >;)
yeah lol just googled it after asking here, confused as to why it would be used in this case since it's not cross domain
people just keep making me block them
Braces should only appear on the left if ()\n{, not on the right
well, gotta check if true is really true
So.... I know that Google Analytics normally reports a lot less page views/visits then webalizer. That being said, Google Analytics for me is reporting over 50% more views. What hell.
Anyone have a good replacement for this thingy here? http://jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/2/

Thanks in advance
@AndréSilva What's wrong with it?
It looks ugly
So.. style it?
@AndréSilva CSS...
I'm not a good designer.:(
but css is fun
So I would like to see another example so I can re style mine. :(
soo many pretty colors
booya, new monitor
@BenjaminGruenbaum Went for the Dell. Now my desk is out of space
So.. :( No examples?
I can't think of anything like this
Exactly my problem haha
@AndréSilva You just want it to look better?
@JosiahSouth Well, yes.
It looks rough
Someone painted in red haha
This is what I ended up going with: golf.shinh.org/p.rb?Vowel+Density
@AndréSilva Little better. jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/4
I'm not going to like, intricately style it for you hahaha. You get the general idea. Add some color, a nice border or two, make it a realistic size for what it is.
That gave me ideas
Thanks. :)
@AndréSilva Actually, it looks a hell of a lot better with rounded corners. jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/5
But Apple will sue.
@KendallFrey Hahahaha
You don't want to get sued by Apple.
You also don't want to sue Samsung, unless you like nickels.
@AndréSilva But yeah, just play with it. I'd make the buttons something other than text. Probably make them "bubbled" out and then indent on mouseover.
I feel like.... Maybe someone should re-write the Javascript room's rules.
@JosiahSouth tell @rlemon to finish them first xD
Yes it's unofficial, but proper grammar never hurt anyone.
@JosiahSouth What do you think? jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/6
I don't care whatsoever if poeple type proper, I don't half the time haha. I'm not a snob. It's just that rules should be written as properly as possible.
@KendallFrey Free web hosting?
How's that?
Well shit, I spelled people wrong hahaha.
@AndréSilva Hahahahahaha uhm.... What's this thing for firstly?
Helping a friend to finish his rock paper scisors game for college ;p
And I'm adding a counter for final count to see who won in an amount of rounds.
@AndréSilva I would ditch the total round look. It's childish. You could make it a vertical oval.... MAYBE.
Let em try it
@JosiahSouth I feel like they are fine.
What's "Jogadas"?
@rlemon Just voicing my opinion.
make a pull request then :P
@BillyMathews the 'rules' are done - the rest of it is not.
@BillyMathews Quite nice, actually.
@JosiahSouth Games.. matches..
get on the rest of the room owners to contribute more too it
@rlemon fair enough; I just remembered you saying it wasn't finished
the page isn't
the rules are pretty well defined
FAQ and such are not
I wasn't saying anyone did anything wrong haha. The rules are definitely well defined, some of them just read a little awkwardly.
Javascript Room Rules in a nutshell: don't be a dick.
@JosiahSouth i'm no English major and was drunk when I wrote them. I think they turned out pretty good :)
again, if you have fixes, make a pull request on github
@AndréSilva ALWAYS supply a radix for parseInt
Wouldn't it apply octal as default ?
that isn't guarenteed
^Even I knew that
Depends on the browser?
I mean it should but don't let the engine guess your intent.
@rlemon Hahahahahaha very nice then. I just graduated HighSchool and was never any good at english. But now that I work for a print/web publication and I have three people down the pipe proofing every word I write I've been getting a lot better.
@typ1232 Welcome to the JavaScript chat! Please review the room pseudo-rules. Please don't ask if you can ask or if anyone's around; just ask your question, and if anyone's free and interested they'll help.
hehe, i was just looking through the VideoJS - source
  // defaultVolume: 0.85,
  defaultVolume: 0.00, // The freakin seaguls are driving me crazy!
@JosiahSouth I struggled with writing in school, then got a job heading a SQA dept. doing technical writing helped a lot. however I'm lazy now..
the joys of being a developer
@AndréSilva Maybe you should just make it a perfect circle.
Something like this ? jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/8
@rlemon I was homeschooled.... Hahahaha. I spent my time on the computer instead of in my books. English suffered a bit, but I'm the Lead Developer over here at 18. So I'm okay with it.
self taught is the way to go imo
home schooling on the other hand. my gf was home schooled. Personally I think public school helped me with social interactions and 'street smarts' - I wouldn't suggest home schooling to anyone. but I'm biased.
@AndréSilva Why not this? It's compact, yet friendly. jsfiddle.net/hgQzZ/9
It isn't positioned perfectly though.
@rlemon I hated it. But I was never socially repressed. I spent almost no time at home other than during school. I was always with people.
I'll try that
thats good. I doubt the majority were like that.. (only been exposed to a handful of home schooled people)
Also my parents wonder why I moved out a month after turning 18, so did my two other brothers. They don't understand that when you HomeSchool someone you're basically drilling it into their minds that they should hate home. haha
@rlemon Very true. I always hated the stereotype where people would say "Oh you're homeschooled? So that means you don't have any friends?" Or shit like that haha.
public school <- moved out at 16 <- parents thought my life choice was wrong because I went into tech and they are all trade workers.
Oh, you're a geek? Could you fix my computer? It's slow.
But I see where it came from. Just like most African American folk REALLY DO eat more watermelon and fried chicken, most HomeSchooled kids are fucked in the head and socially repressed.
@SomeKittens del *porn*
the footer on that page used to be a t they sold as well
> Go Away Before I Replace You With A Very Small Shell Script!
No one in my family really does anything. They work in landscaping for minimum wage, retail on the sales floor. Dad works in a factory where he's been for 38 years. I'm the one who went for something different and I'm 18 and already on a steady career path. Too bad for them I guess.
Also, I never mentioned that I was HomeSchooled in a family of 10 kids. I'm the 3rd oldest. Unless you know first-hand, you'll never know what that was like.
@JosiahSouth Well, you can't really say none of them does anything then.
Your father and mother take (took) care of 10 kids and a house.
That's far from nothing.
@OctavianDamiean I was talking about siblings...
fucking email bullshit
@JosiahSouth Oh, misread that then.
My parents devoted their entire lives to us. I would never belittle them for it.
I was just saying that in comparison to my Father's job I'm on a whole different path... He's actually doing insanely well. He works for GM (Here comes the hate... Or did people get over that?).
I've got a friend interning at GM
@SomeKittens GM is the shit! I got a $2,000 scholarship from them for nothing even.
Well, Buick Achievers, but GM owns Buick. Close enough...
@rlemon: i found my one solution :D
The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle. — Joe Armstrong
@KendallFrey .. 'Custom Panel'..?
@BillyMathews ?
@FizzyTea (1) There is no point in pinging the bot (2) The bot is a notorious troll
says it has a custom control panel
Heh, I know, that was just to give what I said context.
to cut to the chase, is it really shit?
Not sure what that means.
Is what shit? The hosting? The panel?
the control panel
@RyanKinal But I don't disagree with much of the bot's trolling. It's just worded in an inflammatory way.
I realized I still had your fiddle open @AndréSilva jsfiddle.net/rlemon/hgQzZ/10
The control panel is fine.
Pretty much all I do is use the file manager anyway.
@KendallFrey what I hate! is that they cannot append their code to places it makes sense.

<!-- Hosting24 Analytics Code -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://stats.hosting24.com/count.php"></script>
<!-- End Of Analytics Code -->
they always append after the HTML
Well, they don't have the chance of ruining you html that way
yea but you cannot use them as a service anymore
my JSON responses don't so much like that HTML appended to them
I wonder if they append it to different content types. :/ probably not
maybe I'll just serve json as text/plain or image/png or something
Don't tell me you're returning JSON as html
no application/json
but they didn't respect it
this was ~1.5 years ago
@Shmiddty 0
That's why I use(d) a VPS
@Shmiddty -1
for actual applications
@Shmiddty -5
@Rlemon, you know earlier, when you sent me that code, ive put it into my site, and it wont work?
@Shmiddty Whassat for? Obfuscation?
@deep there is an error message there
please look in the console before bugging me
@rlemon I see no error
Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'style' of null
i have no idea what it means
then figure out what it means.
it links to the line as well
I suspect this is the issue, you have very malformed document.
please explain?
without a doctype I don't even know if this is valid as any form of HTML
how do you structure an html document?
<html><head> .. head stuffs .. </head>
<body> .. content .. </body></html>
you are missing key elements
the browser makes guesses
these guesses were wrong
stop making the browser guess
ok thanks
look up how to structure an HTML5 document
no point in starting anywhere else.
Oh yea, regarding the shadow and funny border attributes on HTML elements I was asking about earlier today, those guys really thought it would be no problem to just invent some attributes so they can select on those attributes in CSS.
I was like ¬_¬ DUDE!
@OctavianDamiean it would work.
not the best way... but i've seen worse crap out there
Of course it would work, but it isn't valid HTML.
I'm not talking about data-something.
'custom attributes'
<div shadow="info" />
^ they did that
they can do that if they just add data- to it
So one of my clients sites has been compromised, lots of the content was changed, it's a WP site. any suggestions?
@rlemon i decided just to add a listener and apply different css heh
tell them it's not soo stupid, they just need to it right.
Well yea, I told them. :)
@BillyMathews restore a backup :D
@BillyMathews figure out what compromised it first
don't restore anything until you find the hole.
@FizzyTea returns 0 if character is not in string
@rlemon yeah
I got that far
@Shmiddty 0
@Shmiddty Ah, yeah.
if you haven't made backups then you are fucked.
But how the hell do I find out how it was compromised?
!!ktor2 or study Latin
otherwise just restore a backup
@OctavianDamiean ktor2
@Shmiddty -1
@BillyMathews that is the question for a security expert
I just need to prevent it from happening again
I suspect a open config file or login
@rlemon so you can;t help me?
dude I could spend hours trying to hack your clients site and might never find the issue - someone else could spent 5 minutes and find it.
What the hell are we talking about now? Haha
i still cant fix it, ive attempted to make my HTMl look good though
it's not an easy task. hence security experts and QA departments
@deep your HTML is horrible. (was, i'll check if you've re-uploaded it)
@deep Deep, what is the problem?
@JosiahSouth lack of understanding i'm afraid.
@rlemon Ah. I thought someone was hacked?
@deep ok i'm going to fix this, but after I want you to start looking into modern web design.
@rlemon ok
@JosiahSouth that was Billy
@deep Use a HTML beautifier.
@OctavianDamiean it's worse than that. look at the actual HTML
What happened to Billy?
@rlemon I don't know where. :D
Ah found it
i want to attempt to make a basic RPG out of js, learning how it works, etc, rlemon send me a js fiddle with code to make an image move, but it wont work on my site, @JosiahSouth and ok @rlemon, when do i start?
@OctavianDamiean I don't really think a Beautifier will fix malformed code. It's more important that you write properly than organize properly.
Oy! <br>
@JosiahSouth I thought it was just about beautifying. ;)
@OctavianDamiean I use them sometimes.
@JosiahSouth They are fine in text, not for interface design though.
@deep Ok, so you don't know the basic structure of an HTML document.... But you want to "make a basic RPG" in js?
I thought i did...
@deep Or was that the other guy?? Somebody needs to fill me in. can hardly understand this chat log.

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