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@DemCodeLines still doesn't tell me anything
@rlemon I gave you all the code I had.
@copy ready for hints?
@BenjaminGruenbaum want me to work for ya?
and without seeing the HTML elements or the context the js is ran in this is not helpful
@KendallFrey Lmao. Uhm... Nice website.
posted on May 08, 2013 by paullewis

Understand how paints affect your performance.

@JosiahSouth lol
@FlorianMargaine We actually got quite a few good applicants, but if you're willing to come here and don't have a visa problem like Darkyen we're always willing to consider
haha I see
I'm just shocked that he wouldn't just give up... I mean, a friggin table
@KendallFrey Why would anyone want access to that.
I thought you only had bad applicants up till now
@JosiahSouth Ask yourself. You're the one that did.
@rlemon Can ypu please Explain the bananas? i really dont get it.
@deep What's not to get? It's a banana
why Bananas?
@deep because banana, obviously.
@KendallFrey I'm not sure you grasp the concept of basic sarcasm. Or Condescension..
@mikedidthis unonebox plz
@Shmiddty rlemon.github.io/Killit/
totally worth it.
it's so good a gif
I would have left it
@rlemon that's a nice script
Banana & Boobies. What more do you want in life.
@Shmiddty has proven very useful
@mikedidthis can't tell if real or implants
real would jiggle more
Jessica Nigri. So implants.
gf has implants :) so I know the difference. :)
Jessica Nigri (born August 5, 1989) is a cosplayer and promotional model. She won IGN's 2012 contest for a model to portray Juliet Starling, the protagonist of the video game Lollipop Chainsaw, and went on to portray Starling at the 2012 Penny Arcade Expo East. Nigri was invited to Anime Expo 2012 as a Guest of Honor, and has been featured in YouTube shows such as KassemG and Revision3, and in an unique card in the downloadable trading card game Z. Convention appearances {| class="wikitable" width=60% !width=40%| Convention or event !width=5%| Date !width=25%| Cosplay |- | San Diego Co...
@rlemon but why?
@ShotgunNinja Pretty sure she doesn't....
she was self conscious about her itty bitty titties. this was before I met her.
@rlemon who paid for them?
personally they can be too big, but not too small if you ask me
@Shmiddty she did
@JosiahSouth Fair enough. I don't know whether or not she does.
it's all about perky
I am thinking of building another social network with a few key distinguishing features, starting from tomorrow. Do you think it would be at all successful?
watching how they bounce I can say with 90% certainty they are not real.
But I've heard of Nigri from cosplayer friends, and almost all of them think she's fake.
@ShotgunNinja Hahahaha sarcasm.
real boobs are freaking bouncy
@DemCodeLines no
there are too many social networks as is
real boobs are like.. bags of sand (40 yr old virgin ref)
to gain a competitive edge you would need to pour millions into advertising
These days, it seems all ideas are taken up
you have a better chance to win the lottery than you do of creating 'the next facebook'
because you are latching onto others ideas :P
social media is done. find a new innovation.
I am not really trying to create another facebook nor am I trying to snatch someone else's idea, I just feel web technology world has run out of ideas.
@DemCodeLines there are TONS of ideas left.
In fact more ideas are left than have been created
Ask for question and discussion website, you have stackoverflow, quora etc.
social neetwork> facebook, twitter
social media, youtube
@DemCodeLines then you need to pick a new hobby. The web is < 20 years old. How in the hell is it 'out of ideas'?? it's still in it's infancy
Have we managed to fix @KendallFrey's mess up
he's a jerk
i'm going to call his mother and tell her of his atrocities.
What else can you improve on?
Its almost impossible to think these days
She doesn't even know how to use a computer, dude. She would have no idea.
@DemCodeLines you want us to give you ideas?
considering all the stuff that is already made
lol, I'm fixing up some CSS, and I realized I just did a search for the "attention" class.
I literally just went looking for attention.
No, I did not come here asking for ideas, so obviously no.
@DemCodeLines if that is your mindset then go get a corporate enterprise-y job and turn out .net like it's no tomorrow.
@DemCodeLines make a social network for dogs
oh wait, that's called a park.
because the surface of the 'possibilities' on the web is just getting scratched.
Yeah, well. That is what almost everyone eventually becomes
@DemCodeLines that's like saying video games will never get better, films will never get any more immersive.
I want to create something new
19 secs ago, by DemCodeLines
Yeah, well. That is what almost everyone eventually becomes
Limited scope ^
Not sit in a cubicle all day.
@mikedidthis but... both are getting worse...
I would say there are more indie devs than corporate devs.
Make a social network with streaming video integration.
@DemCodeLines your doing it wrong.
@ShotgunNinja justin.tv
doing what wrong?
@rlemon Damn.
life. innovations.
@rlemon beat me to it.
you're setting up your own roadblocks.
'it can't be done because it's all already done' === closed mindset.
well I wish I didn't do that
@Shmiddty hmmm you may have a point. :) but you get what I mean. everything can also be pushed.
Make a social network for video game projects.
ten years ago webRTC was not even a consideration
7 years ago it was a pipe dream
today it's a reality
luckily facebook continued eh?
I mean Myspace existed
why even bother.
Yes, but look at it. StackExchange and Quora already exist as two biggest platforms on web for question answers. Its pointless to try to beat them. Social Networks are already there.
Video streaming is already there
@Loktar the main difference I saw was facebook was controlled, myspace was a fuckfest of stupid hacks and stylesheets that bombed half the users computers.
So have a social network for gamers. No one can seem to get that one right.
Anyone remember Xfire?
yeah myspace was such garbage
@ShotgunNinja people still use it!
the concept was novel, but myspace died on execution. Facebook did not.
xfire is actually pretty nice
@Loktar Yeah, but it's not a social network.
now if you can find a nice innovation that is lacking - improve that!
@ShotgunNinja Steam is closer
but those are even harder to find.
@ShotgunNinja Github?
The thing with social networks is not that they have one key feature to improve them, but they have easy integration of other people's features to enhance them.
Facebook is a platform.
@rlemon that is exactly what I have been trying to say. Trying to build something that hasn't already been made is almost impossible
problem with gaming networks is we are all already tied to networks given by the platform we game on
like would the PSN guys really have any reason to join your network?
@DemCodeLines So make a social media platform which improves on the frontend and the backend over Facebook.
.. make something you're passionate about
and other people will be to.
@DemCodeLines no, you got me wrong. Building something that doesn't exist is easy - improving someone elses hard work is hard.
@DemCodeLines your looking at the problem wrong. Facebook was one way to do a social network, myspace another way. There is more than one way, and more than one right way.
g+ is another way
twitter is another way
What do the other social media platforms do wrong? How could you improve on their core formula?
@ShotgunNinja To be honest, that is what I am thinking about, but when I initially asked here, you guys said it would be pointless unless you pour millions into advertising and it would nearly impossible to be the next facebook
but to make a successful social network with todays options you need a fuckload of marketing $$$$$$
@DemCodeLines Then don't try to be Facebook. That won't work.
What are your goals?
Are you just doing it to make money?
Set realistic goals.
You seriously think that?
No I am not.
@DemCodeLines No; he was just asking.
Plus, I wouldn't get anything out of it.
otherwise why would your social network appeal or even be seen by me when conglomerates like Facebook/Google/Twitter exist
I don't understand why you guys don't just ignore him.
what uh
@DemCodeLines well.. I dont know you at all, so...
can someone summarize what I just walked into?
It was a valid question
@DemCodeLines find a problem you have in life, and see if you can solve it with a tool. If there are tools that do that already, see how you can improve on it.
@SimonSarris tl;dr
@Loktar my bad sorry
I was just asking what your goals are :P many people make things just for profit
12 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
I am thinking of building another social network with a few key distinguishing features, starting from tomorrow. Do you think it would be at all successful?
@SimonSarris ^
^ How can we even answer that
@rlemon you need to set tldr sections back
"Guys I am going to make a car tomorrow with some cool new shit. You think it will be succesful?"
@FlorianMargaine I want to try to automate them :/ but it's hard algo
Make a carpooling social network that doesn't suck.
Too vague.
Well, obviously I would love to make something out of it at that point, but I don't expect money from it, at least right now.
re-write reddit and make the UI not suck.
@DemCodeLines spacebox.io was built out of a desire to make stripe payments easier to set up and easier for non-tech users.
rewrite reddit and dont invite any redditors
Totally go for it. I don't think any idea will be successful. Ideas aren't things that can be successful.
@DemCodeLines this is important: Executions are successful, not ideas, and we don't know anything about your execution until you do it.
rewrite reddit and call it redgag
But we're all for you trying
I have repeatedly heard that idea doesn't have value, its all about execution.
It's VERY IMPORTANT to remember that before reddit there was digg, and zero people imagined digg being replaced so quickly.
So @SimonSarris yeah
@SimonSarris you are really motivational, like an 80's cartoon
/me misses good 80's cartoons
I was just being honest on the social media front - it's an area I wouldn't even attempt to go into because everyone and their dog (when they start out) wants to make 'the next facebook'
I honestly am not looking to create the next facebook
in C#, 14 mins ago, by Kendall Frey
@DemCodeLines Every person and his dog has wanted to make a social media site.
someone should make a carpool network that doesn't suck.
Way too much work.
@rlemon You copycat.
because environment and shit.
and time.
I don't mind shooting down bad ideas or examples, but I dislike the culture that shoots down people before they try :D
then first if you want to make a social media site figure out who your target audience is
@SimonSarris I agree
make a niche one
those can be succesful
@Shmiddty They could call it carpool-tunnel.net
a social media site tiered towards a group of individuals might be more successful.
Alright, well here are my thoughts, would you guys like to hear them?
fucking ninja's
@SimonSarris yep, we may have worded it a little harsh. But to be fair, the comment before that was the web isn't going any where / ie its peaked.
@DemCodeLines Yes.
By the same token, if we replaced schools with buildings full of resources and people that did nothing but encourage kids and answer questions... We'd have cooler schools.
@DemCodeLines yes, let me steal your thoughts... don't expect no execution from me though, have no fear :D
haha and cooler kids
who said the web has peaked?
@SimonSarris if we developed a system where though technology we can download information and morality to others...
@SimonSarris again why I was probably too harsh. He did
@SimonSarris No one...
@mikedidthis "Isn't going anywhere" could also be construed as "is going to be around for a long time"
I'd love to hear your thoughts, @DemCodeLines.
I just want to create an interest-based website. Similar to twitter, but improved. People with similar interests all around the world get to discover each other and have discussions that everyone with a specific tagged interest can participate in.
like g+ communities?
Somewhat not really
Or Google Grouops
sounds like g+
Stack Exchange for forums instead of Q&A
I am not really on G+ so I don't know
Yecch. Forums.
there is a soft spot in my heart for fourms
how is going atwood's project btw?
if you want to make a social media site you should probably get on the popular ones to see what they do right and what you think you can change / improve on
what was the name already...
I love forums
I grew up on forums
newsgroups as well
I grew up on forums + irc
I joined mensa just to see if there was a forum
I started my career on a forum! :P
mainly irc
@rlemon that is a good idea.
I never met anyone else in the group in real life :D
undeadgames.com which led to everything else
@mikedidthis ?
I think that was for Simon @RyanKinal
One more thing, I quite frankly fear getting into legal trouble with G+, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook and other giants for creating another social network that is similar to them.
speaking of forums, did anyone ever play Tactics Arena Online?
@rlemon Well that was just a horrible ping, then
@mikedidthis Fail!
@RyanKinal His original comment was: I just feel web technology world has run out of ideas. But yeah I screwed it up.
@DemCodeLines eh, just be willing to shut it all down or hire a legal team if this happens.
@DemCodeLines You can't, unless you rip off their style.
they have to ask you first iirc
@RyanKinal Yep, a big fail. Its a sign to log off :)
@mikedidthis nooooo
Well, I won't be creating a facebook, twitter look-alike
wanna make a template for me. I won't pay you but i'll link to you!
but obviously the same core idea
should make a social network for people who want to make new social networks
I want to make something based on emails
because everybody uses mails
@DemCodeLines Sooo... Facetwit+ with a new skin?
and maybe use slicktext as partner for extended features :P
haha nah, but the basic core idea that all social networks have. Obviously it will look much different.
Youtube+Twitter+Facebook = YouTwitFace
Also, when all these social networks started out, did they have to create a professional terms and service agreements page on the website?
I am obviously a single person and not a lawyer, so I can't draft a professional one
@Loktar hahaha
you will need a legal team close to deployment if this is the case
@FlorianMargaine lol i had to post that
That's why you contract a lawyer. Or steal somebody else's Terms & Service Agreement
none of these sites started without an overhead cost or investors
Don't worry, most developers are single too.
stealing other people TOS is usually good enough
nice ^
@rlemon I believe thefacebook started without investors
Well I did use twitters a little bit
@SimonSarris Well crap
no his 'partner' was the original investor and gave him like $1000 to buy server space.
@rlemon if you write some JS for me, I will design all your shit.
...control your use of the service ("...", "...") etc. etc.
@KendallFrey that's such a stupid stereotype. Almost all the dev I know are in couple/married.
@mikedidthis it's not even for me :P
@FlorianMargaine Count me one against that.
@KendallFrey I actually wonder...
@rlemon who is it for?
@KendallFrey when I was in SF EVERY DEV I MET WAS MARRIED. Even the 22 year olds.
How many of the people in this room are single?
a friend of a co-worker owns a business and this is his current website washagosandandgravel.com
opposite: who's in couple/married?
<--- single
long term gf :P
MILLION DOLLAR IDEA: It's facebook, but with a "dislike" button.
gf / kids / cat
@RyanKinal gets lots of chicks tho. Single by choice.
loktar is married with 3/4 kids
@Shmiddty call it "digg"?
yeah I dont have a full kid left
@rlemon so its a site and not a theme :)
only like 3/4 of one :P
@mikedidthis no I was going to put it all on WP for him
@Loktar's kids have the coolest dad
well, 4 kids, but only 3 with your wife :P
haha ty
fuck doing it right. he's not paying me
@SimonSarris Ever. Like, ever.
maybe obama's cooler
@rlemon I don't do WP. But I can give you a PSD to slice and dice.
@FlorianMargaine he could be, but I bet I see my kids more than he gets to see his
I actually miss doing small business sites.
that's for sure
^ coolest parents ever
@rlemon Brilliant
Cooking with a 3-year old (great Youtube video)
also makes me think of this (found on reddit a few months ago)
!!/mustache jflay
hey would anyone be willing to solve a quick issue im having?
i MUSTACHE you a question
move her face 16 degrees to the left.
issue solved.
@Shmiddty dude. Instagram is awesome - 20 years of camera technologies thrown down the drain for some shitty filters that make everything look like it was taken with a 1970's Polaroid. how can this not be the best thing ever!
@jflay just ask the question
we won't bite. (snide sarcasm and general loathing is expected)
@rlemon wat
I found it on reddit too, but was like "WAT"
So the answer is that I don't need a professional terms and service agreement thing on my draft?
lol, until you see the 'it's sharpie' then it's all... eh.. ok
@rlemon not the reason for instablock
ask to ask?
@jflay I'm sure we can handlebars it
@rlemon what's "sharpie"?
!!/define sharpie
@FlorianMargaine sharpie An alert person.
@DemCodeLines make a working model - get people excited - get investors - get a legal team to write your ToS
it's a permanent marker
you can get semi-permanent as well
but it all washes off skin with a little bit of scrubbing
What makes Instagram and Pinterest all that interesting?
I really don't find it that interesting.
Pinterest is useful
instagram is not
well when i am using my parent button to submit my form which exits in the iframe, like so "window.frames['sample'].document.forms['sample_sheet'].submit();" it just submits the form without giving me HTML5 alerts like if i have a letter in a type="number" box, instead of it saying "Please enter a number" like it used to, it just submit it with no error checking...
Pinterest is gold man
I hear Pinterest is pretty awesome. I know a lot of Pinterest addicts.
My girlfriend's childhood friend visited us a while back
Yet Instagram got more than a million active users within a month iirc
he used my laptop for his daily internets
my mom and gf use Pinterest for recipes
so i wanted to know if i needed to do something with javascript to check that?
I recently discovered he never logged out of pinterest on my computer
I pinned all sorts of awful things for him.
@Shmiddty As well you should
I never got into the pinterest thing...
3 mins ago, by rlemon
@DemCodeLines make a working model - get people excited - get investors - get a legal team to write your ToS
@rlemon what do you mean by "get people excited?"
How exactly do you get people "excited" for an unfinished product?
That is not even released yet.
he said make a working model first
Google 'hype'
See this?
@DemCodeLines ... dude... seriously?
or you can make a teaser page and marketize it
It's not out. It's there to sign up people for a Beta. They will be excited.
what @FlorianMargaine said :D
Think about video games, movies, books, etc.
the kind I like a lot is a single big image and/or a single line of text with a "sign up" button
clean, slick, efficient.
Hell. Kickstarter is founded on the idea that people can get excited for an unfinished product.
I am just nodding furiously here
@SimonSarris MMOs are evil.
@Shmiddty They are mostly done poorly, yes
MMOs are also hype-machines
I am about to ask a really stupid question now: People need to know about the website to get them excited right? How exactly do they get excited if they don't even know about the website?
@SimonSarris I hate that fixed header so much...
Also, you should all be playing League of Legends with me
@RyanKinal I'm awful at all things dota. Dota, hon, lol, etc.
@SimonSarris I don't want the game I choose to play to be a second job.
A game is a series of interesting choices. Many MMO games merely reward you for wasting time (more time spent = more powerful you are) than they do offer interesting choices. There are some good ones though.
@RyanKinal my LoL name is also Shmiddty
@Shmiddty Sweet. I'm Nuworld. I'll add you, if I remember.
I will most likely forget by the time I get home
hello people. quick question,... does superfish css work in IE?
Hence the "if I remember" :-D
1 hour ago, by Florian Margaine
user image
@KirstyHarris wtf is a superfish?
@FlorianMargaine Nice
@KirstyHarris yes
@RyanKinal its a css menu
@RyanKinal playonlinux makes it real easy.
@FlorianMargaine any ideas why this aint working then?
its showing a black menu in IE and ive no idea why :S
tbh I don't want to click on your link
@FlorianMargaine Ooh... that was one of the factors holding me back from going back to Linux.
and I don't have any IE available
ok, no worries
its not a joke site btw
its my paranormal teams website
@RyanKinal I'll see if the game runs smoothly though, I'll keep you informed
"keep you informed" is a correct expression, right?
yes it is
@RyanKinal +1 see why i'm getting annoyed and brass with him?
And thanks :-)
@rlemon Yes. Yes I do.
@FlorianMargaine that's awesome
what should I be seeing @KirstyHarris ?
oh fml... i forgot... they have the holding page up again :S
@RyanKinal yeah
i will have to get him to take it down, basically the superfish menu isnt working in IE for some reason
I'm pretty sure your issue is somewhere else than superfish
ok :S
maybe its the theme :S... fml
because I've used it on plenty of websites and it works perfectly well on IE
@KirstyHarris the theme or you're using superfish badly...
ok,... thanks florian
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" >
is this your meta?
but superfish itself works perfectly well.
7 mins ago, by DemCodeLines
I am about to ask a really stupid question now: People need to know about the website to get them excited right? How exactly do they get excited if they don't even know about the website?
@DemCodeLines reddit and hacker news
@DemCodeLines that's called "marketing"
this is a premade theme ive just tweaked @rlemon
and people study it for years
HN sucks
honestly, it's just so slow
except the frontpage
I am guessing I could fall in trouble for sharing link to my website on Facebook?
because it's always cached
@KirstyHarris well until I see the actual page... can't help
but the threads are always so slow
@DemCodeLines ... what?
ok, no worries, i will try and get it asap
you can share your link anywhere - the worst the site can do is remove it
and/or ban you
You never know man. If Apple can sue for rounded corners, anything can happen.
Facebook is not scared of you. Nor will they ever be.
haha no
if that was the case... facebook.com/Myspace wouldn't exist.
worry about obscurity before you worry about insane popularity
be lieveeee me
being popular enough to be targeted by facebook is a problem everyone wishes they had
I am also worried about security, like seriously.
@DemCodeLines Apple sued for everything - and recently people are starting to realize they are full of shit and judges are throwing cases out left right and center.
"a tap is just a no length swipe" - eat shit apple

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