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But should the duration allowed to be variable? Constant?
Fuck this, I'm going to be a stripper
but if the event is being debated, then the duration and start time need to be variable.
But what if the event is from 08:00-10:00 and Suzy is open only from 09:00, and creates the 09:00-10:00 alternative? How'd I display it!? Overlap? Colours? What's the default duration? Unspecified, simply a "begin hour"? Yes, that makes sense
Fuck there's no ISO standard for displaying date ranges, only ISO 8601 for displaying discrete time.
is there an undo command in git bash?
I'm kinda noob at command line ◔_◔
@rlemon I know you use github, i ran $ git init in the wrong folder and I don't know how to undo that
care to aid me? :p
no clue
I only know basics
@BillyMathews delete the .git folder in that folder
Your entire git repository is stored in that folder, if you want to remove the repo, remove the .git folder
Also, I'm sure google has that
@BenjaminGruenbaum I'm not on a secure wifi connection so chrome isn't letting me use google as it defaults to https
and I don't know how to sort that out
but yeah sorry i've just downloaded git..
I don't understand why you cant do simple things like navigate repositories in git gui
why the fuck is the github guide half on the site and half on the command line? help.github.com/articles/create-a-repo
Because that's how most people interact with git?
And the winner of dumbest function I've seen today is...
function addToNextQueue(path) {
Well, that was rather unpleasant
Had problem with graphics card drivers. Then accidentally booted into windows (which wanted a system update)
But that did give me time to catch up on fmylife
I like how Windows lets the user decide if he wants to do a system update or not
@copy Go watch Glee
No, we watched it yesterday.
All of it?
No new episodes ... and no internet
Do you remember what was said on Season 2, episode 4, on 12:36?
Do you think I'm crazy?
No. He hasn't watched the second season.
Anyway, I'm back to elf binary parsing
But you have to tell Zirak about yesterday's episode.
@Zirak, was that a random point in time/space, or did something interesting happen then?
There were some gay people and 2 girls (one of them doesn't look too bad). And they all were singing about nonsense. The End
@phenomnomnominal You tell me
My brother has a wife. Ever since marriage, his movie collection has slowly begun the process of being tainted by things like Twilight.
Zirak's brother's wife: "Ever since marriage, my movie collection has slowly begun the process of being tainted by things like Die Hard."
Two agents named Johnson!?
Java is the best language
at being shit!
3 messages moved to Trash can
@math101 No. No Java. Not in my room.
uhm wow
@math101 Are you aware that JavaScript has very little to do with Java?
No shit smartass
are u aware that most people who code probably code in multiple languages?
does some one not know java !== javascript :O?
@math101 Yep! That's why we've got this nifty multi-room system.
@math101 as per the chat room title "Yep, this is the JS room, but if you're reading this far, you're probably clever enough to figure that out on your own."
@math101 It's not that there's a strict "1 language per room", it's just that we really don't like java
plus it might confuse newbies to the JS lingo if they see people pasting java code in here
And I'm sad right now. Bought some Waffle Crisps some hours ago, a rare delicacy. But it was so delicious I ate them all.
Now I don't have any Waffle Crisps
can you not buy more ?
> a rare delicacy.
They're hard to find here
online shopping
ebay a mega crate of them
They are hard to find in Israel
There's "sad I don't have any more cereal" and then there's "sad I'm going to buy some off the internet"
Or learnt English from someone who is.
ok, shoot @phenomnomnominal. What makes you think that? And what makes @copy think waffle crisps are hard to find in Israel?
What the hell are waffle crisps?
Github down for you guys?
he didn't learn it from me @phenomnomnominal :P
@XCritics yah
Always when I'm in the middle of something x.x
@math101 They're waffle cereals! en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Waffle_Crisp
status.github.com says everything's fine though
waffles with chocolate syrup.. mmmm
Chocolate chip waffles with butter syrup
Looks like Honeycomb to me
@Zirak, only british people say crisps
@Zirak Rather Israel than USA or the rest of Europe
Now I'm hungry. Ramen time.
oh lame.
it's an actual cereal name.
Frosted Flakes are where it's at
@phenomnomnominal That's the cereal brand's name :P
@copy But...your statement and the premise...how...what...
@copy what be wrong with europe
They're so delicious
They are definitely not hard to get in the USA
@copy Depending on which parts of the USA, surely it's not ubiquitous
i been playing around with the source code of simcity
@XCritics I've grown to like zenburn slinky.imukuppi.org/zenburn
That one is nice too, I was also going to try: github.com/goatslacker/mango.vim
hate the colour schemes
But...there was an Emacs color theme which rocked them all
i like a lighter background when i'm programming
Did someone say MACS?
@Zirak which was that?
@copy Steve Jobs.
Euphoria. I can't find good screenshots
One sec
tried google images?
Yes, my IQ is over 50
are you sure?
ah my eyes!
That is just august beauty
i use notepad++ lol simple colours best for me
@Dave Ew, Windows
@SomeKittens what OS you on now?
@Zirak You like emacs over VIM?
yes, otherwise I would've used vim
I've never used Emacs, I'm scared
@XCritics Linux Mint 14. I only use Windows for gaming
@XCritics ST2 works just fine
Q: My nvidia-settings /etc/X11/xorg.conf seems to not be saving or running?

XCriticsI've got a fresh install of Arch-Linux, I'm running Gnome/GDM/Nvidia proprietary driver from pacman -S nvidia I then went sudo nvidia-xconfig and sudo nvidia-settings changed my monitor to 1920x1080, 120Hz refresh rate, but when I restart my computer it's only on 60Hz and I can't figure out why...

I like Vim as well, but dayum, Emacs was so much easier to get into.
@SomeKittens I just installed Arch-Linux
Loving it, so light-weight and fast
@XCritics I'm sorry.
Haha what why!
haha. Arch is excellent. I just like to make fun of it, claiming that the users spend more time tweaking the OS than anything productive
I'm already done tweaking :) I will install as I go, but all thats left is to figure out why my stupid xorg.conf isn't saving (or running not sure which)
Hate changing my refresh rate to 120Hz every restart
Good luck:
I think I got screwed... I've been babysitting the neighbors kids "for a half hour tops" since nine... Its ten now.
is it worth having a 120hz screen unless u use 3d vision alot ?
@Dave I play a lot of Counter-Strike, refresh rate is everything
well thats some dedication for a single game for sure :P
@rlemon Kill the kids. That'll show em.
I bought this puppy strictly for CS
Counter Strike isn't that good... ducks
You have so much disposable income
im more a BF fan for a shooter
@XCritics Give me your old monitor then
@Zirak old monitor is nothing special, just a 27" Acer from Staples x.x
ive been looking to get a new monitor, mines 8 years old now
I'll never go back to 60Hz in my life
I got a 32" Bravia I don't use :)
I'll gladly accept any left-over monitors you have
even a CRT?
I love CRt's
Replace "food" with "monitors"
haha, how many do you have in front of you right now
lol how many you need zirak !?
I have 1. "Need" is very loosely defined
I got 6 monitors, some attached to laptops, I think it's overkill
But it makes me feel important >.>
How many old ladies did you rob?
BenQ XL2420T, Retina MBP, Acer 27", Bravia 32", HP 24", and an old Alienware
Alienware does nothing but run Ubuntu 12.04 Server
Biggest waist of money ever
I technically own four monitors
only bought one.
Hi bot!
Finally sockets are ok
!!are you alive?
False alarm...
Is this a node trial?
Chat's sockets are acting up
Connection gets aborted after a few seconds
clear ls clear ls clear ls clear ls clear ls clear ls
Now I can't ask it to make decisions for me
Just ask me. I'm as rational as the bot!
@SomeKittens Should I start working now or should I procrastinate?
Bot doesn't let emotions influence its decisions, therefor bot 1, you 0.
@Zirak Work on your procrastination. It's been slacking.
More porn then. Hurray!
I have a million dollar webpage idea
Sorry to tell you, porn was already invented
Not porn between emacs and vim
But you weren't far behind, prostitution is the world's newest profession
emacs/vim slashfic? You've managed to offend and arouse every developer on the planet.
Oh yes, uncyclopedia has an irc channel
I'm gonna make them do it
Do it real good
Topic for #uncyclopedia: Why did the chicken cross the road? To escape North Korea's long-range missiles.
I'll regret nothing
You know you're lacking something when Ls take 98% of your sentence
@FlorianMargaine join #uncyclopedia
What is the arch ll equiv
nvm tree works fine
In ubuntu, ls would list files, ll would list every file including hidden
ll is just an alias
Read man ls
ls -a displays everything
Hour and a half... Last time I babysit
Bro, we could totally be terrariaing right now
Did you get combat pay?
Yeah, that's a word
XCritics in a couple mins I'll ping you
Ok, you're gonna have to wait till I can figure out how to add windows to my grub screen
Cause it is not there, but it exists!
Well hurry up your shit man! I ain't got all night lol
Or do you?
os-probe package should help you
Does it auto-find it when I do grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
With os-probe, I think it does
probe, or prober, I got prober
Prober then
...why am I even telling you this, just google it
Brb, restarting comp see if it works
Didn't work
Abandon all hope, I am now stuck
Fuck off, google it. Arch has amazing help online.
I will fuck off, and I will google it
so there
...why do I even indulge you
Cause you know one day, when I'm not full retard, I will be a good contributing member to this chat
brb, laughing for 2 whole minutes.
@XCritics Yeah, I used to think that...
@Zirak oh man that was good.
@XCritics you good to play?
Not yet, hang on
Trying to find my uuid
which I found
Ignore the last 3 lines
sudo rm -rf /*
^ don't do this
I know it's tempting
but don't
[ $(( $RANDOM % 6 )) == 0 ] && rm -rf / || echo "You live"
@rlemon soon, trying to find my media folder which apparently does not exist
cd /media
does nothing ?
Because there's no such thing as a media folder
is the device mounted?
Unless explicitly created, of course
Folder (inode/directory)
oh i found it
@Zirak you made a mention in my tumblr arrrrrlemon.tumblr.com
This is the happiest day of my life
Sadly, I have to wake up in...4 hours
Make that 2
@rlemon Sorry bro, won't be able to play tonight, I think I have to format windows :/
now i'm going to cry
maybe you should run sudo rm -rf /*
protip: it deletes shit. :P
I gotta fix the bootmgr on it I think
I've cv'd it as NARQ already so can't add that to the duplicates list
stupid syntax error
i give up
@rlemon formatting now, I'll be ready for you to take advantage of me tomorrow
unless youll be on for another hour or so
@FizzyTea I take it you like Aphex Twin :P?
not likely
Am I the only one who likes console.log to return what you logged?
^ more accurate picture of my sea cucumber
> Holothuria hilla
Your gfs fav toy ;)?
^ That's the most awful thing ever said by anyone ever.
The images...
Make them stop.
Make a good hot dog?
Found Arch on /dev/sda1
Found Windows 7 (Loader) on /dev/sdb1
I be all fixed and shit, now to install steam
guess what u cant monitor the progress off a transition
or animation if you are doing it with css
@rlemon is it salt water at all?
@Darkyen guess what time it is.
@BadgerGirl nail polish talk time ?\
For all those who wanna use transition and wanna make sure they can start monitor it ... the trick is use multiple transition and listen to the transitionend of dummy transition for example.
/* Css */
 transition:opacity 200ms,color 100ms;


/* js part using jQuery for more sense */
   if( e.originalEvent.propertyName.indexOf("color") > -1 )
    /* do something */
@Darkyen Don't you hate it when you have the perfect french tips and then you accidentally hit something with your nail while it's drying, smudging it?
@BadgerGirl never nail polished... so no idea
@BadgerGirl omg I hate that so much
@XCritics I know, right?
I just spent 3 hours listening to my gf bitch about how her nails weren't working out
@XCritics What was she trying to do?
!!s/listening/ listening with great interest/
!!s/bitch/tell me all/
Even he knows not to go against the bro-code :P
@phenomnomnominal I just spent 3 hours listening with great interest to my gf tell me all about how her nails weren't working out
Tomorrow I'll bitch about my nails just to see if copy listens with great interest.
I just spent 3 hours listening with great interest to my bf tell me all about how his emulator wasn't working out.
So it's only fair.
Even if you overwrite Object, {} still works
Please have a look at this link
Q: Left and right button misbehavig when trying to add an empty span to contenteditable div

Mr_GreenIn my project, I am trying to add a span wherever the caret is in the contenteditable div. This span element will be used as getting the offset position of the caret indirectly. var _spanElem = "<span class='spanPos'></span>"; Now , I can get the care position in the contenteditable div and al...

@XCritics Yep!
you know the feeling when somebody tells me to use blind jQuery ?
@XCritics I feel your pain. My girl is a trained beauty therapist, so its a regular thing.
Q: Create a more voices for meSpeak.js

John SmiithI saw a meSpeak.js project and there is also a folder called voices, but every voice file is json so i want to convert Mbrola voice to .json is there is any way to do that thanks

Good morning geeks of all lands
morning all
how to get last month by javascript
like we can do for current month
date.getmonth() gives current month
is there a way to get December
var m=date.getMonth()-1
if(m<0) m+=12;
i think its not working the way i want ..
like its m= May-1(April) ..
I want december in m in every case
huh? So, you want the december of the previous year?
is date.setMonth(11) what you want?
admins at school blocked imgur
how shall i reddit
also, imgur powers SO
i can see or rather not see that
There is definitely some javascript involved
The javascript changes the transform on each change, and CSS transitions do the rest. Beautiful use of transitions and 3d transformations.
the timer is a SVG animated by javascript, though.
@all hi
need help friends
don't tell me to need help
If you need help, sure, ask
hey guys !!! need your help.. see the link
I have the app on the iPad and on that i have the html (web view )page please check this http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16332081/need-the-web-view-pagination
And in when font size get incrase from particular limt than the remain content must go in to next page
Take a l0ok
Q: Html select with options as textboxes

Er. Nikhil AgrawalI am writing an select drop down in html which has <option><input type="text"></option> But when I am running that program the textbox is coming out of the dropdown,the purpose of inserting text box in select is that , If a user is unable to find its desired option . He will be able to add a n...

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