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!!do some work or couch?
@Zirak couch
It's unanimous then
it's the best way to do it
I think this chat uses IFrame Calls
Maybe it's just magic.
protip: i'm fucking with you.
@rlemon :P
use xhr or websockets if you can
or a regular http post
Duhuude! Vintage mode for Sublime Text is pretty cool.
Sublime has a vintage mode?
@jAndy! I missed you
@Dreamonic Yeap.
thats what she said
@jAndy Wishful thinking right there. :D
@Octavian How do you toggle that mode?
and lol
You sure like to lol
@Dreamonic PreferencesSettings – User
Then delete then delete "Vintage" from "ignored_packages"
Now you're good to go.
Hi Guys
@Octavian and what does Vintage mode do exactly?
@Dreamonic keeps you young
How to call java applet function from java script?
@Dreamonic You can vi in Sublime.
@Satheesh Carefully.
actually I just like
write in multiple lines
so the surprise is bigger
when you realize how BIG ---it--- he is
why it doesn't strike that
Oh you failtard.
No markdown in multi-line messages.
@OctavianDamiean can you please guide?
@Dreamonic puts thick rimmed glasses on your monitor and turns your keyboard layout to a Hansen writing ball.
@Satheesh Not really, I don't use Java applets.
@rlemon That's. AWESOME.
@OctavianDamiean okay thanks.
@Octavian That's not really useful to me atm, so I'mma just keep Vintage as an ignored package :D
!!design or plan
@Zirak plan
@Zirak Difference?
"Design" as in "UI"
!!does this get split by or or by not by or
@jAndy by not by
I want a hansen writing ball
Select this-> avascript:alert(Array(16).join(' --'-1) + ' ' + "!namtab".split('').reverse().join(''));
press ctrl+c
Go to address bar
Type in "j"
press ctrl+v
press enter
Huray for AVASCRIPT alerts!
Wow, whoever thought of annoying people with javascript?
I don't think that's been there before.
Certainly not back in 2000, last time I checked.
Jul 20 '12 at 13:39, by Florian Margaine
!!> Array(15).join(+'a') + ' batman!';
What an interesting plot twist.
the joke is better with Life is Live.. if you listen carefully, the batman song is not even close to Nannananaanan
its more like ... nenenenenenene
@RobQuist 1) copy the text I post below
2) run in the console or addressbar (fixing the javascript:)
3) enjoy
depends on where you live
    javascript:var pagerot=function(){var b=function(){};b.prototype={constructor:b,rot:function(a){return[a].map(function(a){return(a=a?a:this).split("").map(function(a){if(!a.match(/[A-Za-z]/))return a;c=96<=a.charCodeAt(0);k=(a.toLowerCase().charCodeAt(0)-96+12)%26+1;return String.fromCharCode(k+(c?96:64))}).join("")}).join("")},find:function(a){function b(a){3==a.nodeType?e.test(a.nodeValue)||d.push(a):[].forEach.call(a.childNodes,function(a){b(a)})}var d=[],e=/^\s*$/;b(a);return d},
init:function(){this.find(document.body).map(function(a){a.textContent= this.rot(a.textContent)}.bind(th
@rlemon -> chrome doesn't let you paste "javascript:" in the adressbar
> 2) run in the console or addressbar (fixing the javascript:)
@RobQuist Fair point
@Rob it does, just go to google first
> (fixing the javascript:)
and try a lot
@rlemon what to fix ?
@copy omfg 89 chars
I quote "Type in "j" "
@rlemon but why
you know what Rob?! we may share the same name but you just lost like 8 cool points with me. jerk.
@RobQuist j unrecognized symbol
Loktar arrives!
What did i do wrong this time?
1 message moved to Trash can
quite annoying
Are all javascripters annoying people?
Anyone have opinions on Gamvas?
You shouldn't hang out with us
@Zirak epileptic ?
fuck fuck fuck.... credit card is already out...
!!> for(j in 5)console.log(j)
@jAndy General dislike of annoying things
@Shmiddty "undefined"
@Zirak wrong place then
@rlemon we've got one
@RobQuist This is for you, just run it in your console.
document.location = "104 116 116 112 58 47 47 99 104 97 116 46 115 116 97 99 107 111 118 101 114 102 108 111 119 46 99 111 109 47 99 104 97 116 115 47 108 101 97 118 101 47 49 55".split(' ').map(function(a) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 10)) }).join('')
@Shmiddty awesome head !
Thank me later.
That looks too long for goatce
Thanks Octavian
@OctavianDamiean troll
I appreciate a good troll
besides, only the uber troll of all trolls would really execute the whole line
for(n=readline(i=-1);i++^n;)for(j=-1;j++^n;)putstr(((i*j||j|i)+(j^n?' ':'\n')).slice(0,4)) needs -2 alphanumeric, -1 symbol
document.location = "104 116 116 112 058 047 047 119 119 119 046 121 111 117 116 117 098 101 046 099 111 109 047 119 097 116 099 104 063 118 061 100 081 119 052 119 057 087 103 088 099 081".split(' ').map(function(a) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 10))}).join('')
!!> "104 116 116 112 058 047 047 119 119 119 046 121 111 117 116 117 098 101 046 099 111 109 047 119 097 116 099 104 063 118 061 100 081 119 052 119 057 087 103 088 099 081".split(' ').map(function(a) { return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(a, 10))}).join('')
@OctavianDamiean "http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ"
probs rick roll
!!will I buy the unicorn head?
@rlemon No
I so knew it. :D
!!will I buy the unicorn head?
@jAndy All signs point to yes
@OctavianDamiean Haha
rlemon -> yes, its just 29,99 and you will have guaranteed cheap laughs for about 10 mintes, and after that you'll never use it again
@rlemon Huzzah! It's catching on!
What's catching on, Randy?
!!> "buttocks"
@RobQuist "buttocks"
@BillyMathews I started answering every useless noob question with "bananas"
31 mins ago, by rlemon
@RobQuist wrong, you need to first Banana, then you can strawberry the shit out of that coconut.
That seems like a fairly humorous idea.
I figure, ask a nonsense question, get a nonsense answer.
@BillyMathews If you peach up a bit you'll blueberry it.
@SomeKittens my defacto server name is 'banana' and my defacto db name is 'potatoe'
@rlemon I usually use variants on MC Hammer
@rlemon Mines Calypso.
I made an OS called BananaOS
asp.net image field, it shows the login form once but then it doesn't
We call our DNS server plethora
I call my penis Herman
!!> "Go on, take the money and run".match(/o/g).map(function(m) { return m+m+m }).join(' ');
@rlemon "ooo ooo ooo"
@SOChatBot chat bot and I are starting a band
@RyanKinal \o
@BillyMathews That's a strong name. Good choice.
I call mine Pedro
@BillyMathews I call mine Goliath.
@SomeKittens o/
@KendallFrey I'm sure it needs all the help and confidence boosts it can get.
@Zirak no, he calls it that because it LOVES taking balls from David
Oh, I never say that when it's around. It would be insulted.
Vote pedro
I call mine trunk so I can pull a Magic Elephant for the girls.
@rlemon And you had a "get hit on the head" joke right there...
If you don't mind.
Ok, any particular reason?
"Go on, take the money and run".match(/o/g).map(function(m) { return m+m+m }).join(' '); #js-sing-along
Stop wasting the time of your boss
@RyanKinal get in on this
@BillyMathews This is what I see:
@rlemon lol, I'll see what I can do
Oh, wow, he's even got the mop.
@KendallFrey Fair enough, why though?
Because TUMBLR === PORN // O NOES
Ohh, work network blocking it?
My reaction exactly.
No, software blocker.
You 'self block' Tumblr?
My blocker does.
On your computer or the network router?
My computer.
Then you self block Tumblr.
Not me.
I don't have a choice.
It's on your computer.
I still don't have a choice.
Is that an office computer?
I don't get it then.
You don't live with parents, eh?
Q: asp.net ImageField works once and then stops working

user13814I have a imagefield that only works once as first time it displays messagebox but when I close messagebox using cancel button , here is how I am <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#<%= imagebutton1.ClientID %>').click(function() { alert('hello'); // O...

My parents don't even know how to check their mails using the computer
You could have just said 'My parents installed a porn blocker on my computer'.
That would be too mainstream
But IDK its not for me to judge.
Man... that sucks. Tumblr is an amazing source of high-quality naked ladies.
And other things, but mostly high-quality naked ladies.
^ that
Though tumblr can get pretty damn scary as well.
There's the full spectrum, really
Damn, you guys talk shit, but no one actually helps, burn this chat room down !
@user13814 Dude, you're asking asp.net questions ... what did you expect?
Maybe because your problem is boring
it involves JS @OctavianDamiean
I am sick of this excuse now, It's related to ASP.NET, WE CAN USE JS WITH ASP.NET !!!!!
@user13814 Really, you just had poor timing. You asked in the middle of a discussion about porn.
@user13814 you know where the door is right?
Well, porn-blocking. But still... porn-related is more interesting than ASP.NET related.
@user13814 That doesn't make it any better. It's still asp.net related.
So it suck.
@user13814 chat isn't for help, it's for chatting
The JS room is just one big porn discussion. Anything else that comes up is just a temporary interruption.
@BillyMathews read SO rules for Chat Rooms !
@user13814 Also if you are sick of it, you're free to click this link
@user13814 IDGAF
@KendallFrey I'm pretty sure the JS room is one big temporary interruption.
chat room = a room to chat
@user13814 Read the rules for this room.
if people want to chat about your question then great if not don't complain
@RyanKinal I'll show you a big temporary interruption.
so @KendallFrey you don't watch porn?
Ready to argument ? everyone's on it,

Ask for help ? it's boring
@user13814 You insulted us. We pushed back.
@user13814 someone replied to your question anyway.
@OctavianDamiean I thought my question wasn't related to JS ?
el burro es beuno <- that's all the help you're getting from me @user13814
@user13814 Try return false; in your event handlers.
down voting my question, seriously grow up
@RyanKinal already did, nothing changes
Professor misspoke and said he wanted an animated bibliography. Now doing my bibliography entirely in gif form
@user13814 Then I'm out of ideas.
@SomeKittens lol
@user13814 ...no, your problem is boring.
@SomeKittens Love it.
> This question does not show research effort
Your theory is that we don't help, and your evidence is your specific case. But we do help. When we're interested.
@user13814 Did you consider that there's a larger SO community, any number of which may have downvoted your question? Statistically, it's unlikely that one of us was the downvoter.
@SomeKittens You are so wrong !
If I declare a variable inside scope of "if statement". Can I use the same variable in that function?
@Mr_Green Yeah
@SomeKittens Your mean too
It takes quite a bit to interest us... Hey, look, a mosquito!
^^Look a question where we helped
@SomeKittens It is safe right?
@SomeKittens @SomeKittens You're mean too (source)
@Mr_Green JS doesn't have "if statement" scope... the variable will be scoped to the function.
Depends on what 'safe' means, but you shouldn't have any problems.
hmm k thanks guys
@SomeKittens last question you answered ,


Don't think he show enough research effort either, you didn't down voted him !
@Mr_Green Yeah. JS has functional scope (i.e. things created using the var statement in a function will be local to the function)
> I am using socket.io with node.js
^ guaranteed interest
@user13814 It involved Node.js, Heroku and so on, it was by far more interesting.
@user13814 What about this one?
Oh, good comeback.
Wow. Just brilliant.
@SomeKittens get life please
Randal, srs? haha
@user13814 When you're in a hole, you should stop digging ...
@BillyMathews Two l's (Randall) but who's counting?
what the actual fuck is going on in here today?
It's a common mistake, no problem
hi all,how to use the returned values of functions in dojo?
@OctavianDamiean still shows no research effort
@SomeKittens I had a coworker ask me how many l's are in my name just the other day.
@user13814 One huge problem with your question is that ASP.NET does all sorts of horrible things with JavaScript, none of which we can actually see in your question. All of its clicks are handled with JavaScript, often times before the event handlers you add on your own.
You should get name tags
Yeah, I get it spelled al, el, and ull
@mikedidthis Help vampire and troll day. :/
@BillyMathews I work remotely.
randull? hahaha
Heh... Ran-dull.

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