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does anyone know:
el is a DOM element.
Is it okay to call $(el).jquerythis(); $(el).jquerythat() multiple times or should I save it in another var first like jqel = $(el); jqel.jquerythis(); jqel.jquerythat(); ?
nevermind I can do this with the straight DOM element.
1 hour later…
RT @sethladd: @html5 sure, use svg :P
holy cow the chat works on my blackberry
Q: Mac font on website on PC

I like how fonts look on a Mac. Is it possible to render something similar in a website and have it work on all operating systems and browsers? I'm aware of font-face but I can't seem to find a clean font. Ideally I want Arial but more smooth.

Hello out there
... Echo Echo Echo
hello there !
im up with a small error in jquery can anyone help me out ?
Q: As a web designer, which language should I learn first for my feature career? (PHP or JavaScript)

kdevs3I hope this is allowed to be asked. Well, I'm more of a basic web designer. I know the easy stuff pretty well. (Ya know, html, css) But I've been trying to take it to the next step and I'm contemplating about what I should learn that will help me out the most in my future web design/programming ...

hello all
any one home?
hi varun
hi Paul
am bit stuck in html can u pls help me
this has to be white background with black thin lines on page
this is working fine on IE7
but not working on chrome and IE8 and others
any1 there?
@PaulIrish booyah! Hey Paul!
Hi Moham
can u pls help me out on jsfiddle.net/YmnVF/1
i am unable to get where am i going wrong
What are you doing
this basically layout designer
What you are doing is not related to JavaScript, only plain DOM
will be used with alfresco
but was created using javascripts
so thought of asking here
not much ppl available in css html room
I don't understand your question.
this has to be white background with black thin lines on page
this is working fine on IE7
but not working on chrome and IE8 and others
Then you must be doing it wrong :)
i know
Try doing it in small steps until you get it right.
but where m i going worng cant find that
That is why you to a reduced test case first and make sure it works iteratively.
actually i cant understand the style stuff so thats a big issue for me
I doubt you will get any help with the current state. If you don't understand style, then I recommend you to learn it.
its like i know the basics of style and css
but not how it will be changed on browsers and how do they inherit things
Don't expect someone to do it for you, that is not what help forums are for. If you have a practical question, then people will help.
i do understand that
So to help you solve your problem quickly, try doing a reduced test case that you can verify it works on the browsers you are in need.
ok will try to resolve it myslef
thanks :)
Then you expand that test case, cause none of us know what the end result should be.
ya true
can u help me on
Q: fetch CSS rules in javascript

Varuni want the rules of css to be fetched and displayed in drop down for this i am doing.. var opnr = window.opener ; function getStyle() { var selCss=opnr.document.getElementById("CSS"); loadjscssfile("css/"+selCss.value,"css"); var cssRef = document.styleSheets[0]; cssRef.href ='...

this is also a big issue for me
Kenichi Ishibashi thinking to add CSS3 font-feature support to WebKit (advanced OpenType) http://goo.gl/A9S72 (already supported in Firefox)
RT @w3c: What's in the pipe for Web and TV? http://ow.ly/1dpzTa
OperaDriver is now a part of Selenium and has experimental Android support http://goo.gl/VMB4Y
RT @sideshowbarker: :( blocker bug in FF text-overflow:ellipsis RT @taku_eof …テキスト選択すると省略文字の背景に文字がオーバーラップする問題 http://t.co/HGsn2JX が出ている模様。
Wiki page with ideas on adding a new mechanism in HTML5 for marking up modal dialog boxes, tool palettes, etc. http://goo.gl/uKIlR
5 hours later…
RT @maboa: RT @schill It's about time. OS X 10.6.8 appears to have finally fixed broken HTML5 audio (...) in Safari. http://t.co/CHwISEI
I'm hearing rumours firefox 6 is coming in 6 weeks (early august). Anyone have any confirmation on this?
FF5 was just out
and they are following a chrome schedule now
so I can believe it
Yes FF6 goes beta on july 5th
I just want some official moz page telling me ff6 is coming early august
I guess the beta is a 1 month beta so it should
what features does it implement?
web sockets? :D
Dont know
Well it claims to support the 07 protocol
Dont know whether its on by default
Ah its enabled by default in FF6
which is great! So we now have websocket support in firefox6
Ahh that is nice
I cant see chrome or opera following suit soon though
chrome were the ones that slated it's security weren't they?
@MylesGray ... Chrome already have it enabled
Chrome and saf5 have websockets on by default
IE10 might support it, but I highly doubt it.
i must be getting confused between ff and chrome then
IE10 wont be out for another 3-4 years
and opera has websockets since 10.70th release
yeah must have been FF then...
man i've been missing out
this is what actual real world work does to me :P
but seriously .. what are the NEW features in FF5.x ?
i was kinda disappointed with the "what's new" page
because it contained only "we have addons , horray for addons "
@teresko 1000 bug fixes.
@teresko are websockets enabled in opera ?
@MylesGray IE10 should ship in 2012
wait wtf
IE10 dev preview
@MylesGray ... That came out 4 months ago
what the hell
Man im out of touch
@Raynos Y U SO MAD
@Raynos not sure .. i'm running on current releases and they have disabled/enabled all sort of things from each minor update to next
Looks like websockets are disabled in presto 2.9
11.50 beta (build 1049) have them disabled by default
FF5 fixes the recent webgl security issue
Also the JS engine has increased by a factor of 2/3
@teresko your right, there's little in there.
yeah .. it's kinda strange
God damn IE10 wont run on Vista
why do microsoft even try
FF6 brings WebSockets, .dataset
seriously just roll over and die
@MylesGray because Win8 & IE10 are getting released at the same time
There only supporting current & previous
Have you seen win 8?
backwards compatibility will die.
current & future you mean then?
We get <progress> in FF6
we get programattic media queries in FF6
@MylesGray well no when IE10 is released it will be supported by current and previous
@MylesGray and wtf? Vista? upgrade now.
win 8 is fairly similar to win7 you can nab a build off the interwebz
We also get https://developer.mozilla.org/en/DOM/BlobBuilder
win 8 is going into a more linux/mac look
FF5 should have been called FF4.1 ( FF4.5 if you go by opera's way of numbering )
@teresko yes it should have.
But the copied chrome's numbering
Give it 3 months and people will realise that numbers mean nothing
apparently there is a lot of work done on the kernel in win8 espec the server version
hmm .. windows server ( tries to care .. nope .. failed ) , i dont see what is the big deal with windows servers
they have a very specific niche market
@teresko SQL Server? Merge replication, web sync, .Net?
just makes life easy
not everyone is obsessed with linux and has that amount of time to spend on "free" software
@teresko whats the niche market?
.Net just makes programming so much easier
Is it the market where people think that spending lots of money gives them better servers
@MylesGray get out. Leave.
@Raynos just saying it like it is
.NET does not make programming easier
some people want exchange
sql server etc
cause they get support and there is a large KB
@Raynos , MSSQL , Exchange and some specific .NET stuff
@Raynos yes it does for the windows platform at least
@MylesGray , i suspect that you dont have any experience in NIX servers , because then you would know that only learning how to work with NIX servers takes time
when you actually know how to work with them , it becomes much faster then dealing with WindowsServer systems
@teresko I understand that, and yes I have worked with NIX servers in the past
@MylesGray :\
.. for one , NIX servers are less .. emm .. fragile
Next your going to recommend sharepoint
but when you are required to create a large database driven client management system with 150 remote users managing over 50K clients then windows makes it easy
@teresko agreed on that point though
@MylesGray windows only makes it easy if you know windows
and then there is the "update all software on your server from one tool"
@Raynos fuck no, sharepoint is rediculous
If you know NIX then nix makes it easy
@MylesGray it's got the same advantages you listed
It does everything for you. It holds your hand
It's a big solution in one big box.
Use it.
@Raynos NIX is not an option for some companies who are running mission critical centralised applications, some companies just dont trust NIX (agreed it is more stable but windows just makes people feel secure due to the large KB)
Then use redhat
What's the large KB ?
blame FUD
@Raynos the interwebz, all the msdn documentation etc
"large KB" = KiB ?
@MylesGray the problem your describing is being locked into microsoft
We're already using microsoft.
@MylesGray fuck that. The MSDN is shit.
Look. Your still tainted by microsoft.
@Raynos it's not the worst, they have good tuts on how to set up major applications etc
On a new project there are solid alternatives.
@Raynos Haha, hardly, my main machine is mac
But there are so many other technologies you can use
N database engines, N server implementations
@Raynos sure on a new project
N server-side implementations
but if the company already has Active directory, exchange basically a whole MS backbone then ms is just a logical choice
@MylesGray I agree that it's hard to find a reason to migrate away from microsoft rathe then upgrade
or as you say, being locked in
But the sensible solution is to install a nix server, install nodejs, install a nice noSQL database etc.
haha your just JS obsessed :P
how many companies are going to employ a programmer to write a piece of mission critical software on an experimental framework
@MylesGray , Samba already supports AD , and all the rest of MS Domain Controller features
the main problem is that for large enterprise applications (yeah.... enterprise... :( ) the development time for a large .Net app is much less than with most other languages as it all integrates
that's why i never mentioned it as a "feature of Windows Server"
@teresko we are talking about MSSQL here, there is no reason not to use MSSQL if you already have an MS backbone, it is as @Raynos says you are locked into MS
i wouldnt use MSSQL even if i had a microsoft server
@teresko why not?
if the company is throwing money at you to build a backbone would you just go, ah to hell with it just go with MS and make life easier
well .. i'm a developer , and using mssql is just painful
@teresko what language do you develop in?
php/c++/erlang , and some java
@MylesGray I dont do mission critical software. I dont do enterprise. Horrible sector
if you used .Net yo would know what I mean... It just plugs in.
@MylesGray I use .NET. It's an overengineered pain in the ass.
one thing that pisses me off is ASP though wtf were they thinking
I hate ASP.NET
it is horrific
id rather use PHP (and I do) any day of the week
im not talking about web-apps though
im talking desktop apps
Tbh I would write mission critical stuff in erlang
for web-apps I would go with an all NIX setup
I dont write desktops
I have tried to use MSSQL before for web-apps and it is horrific
but for desktop apps it is a dream
for desktop , i guess best bet is Java
@teresko Java will be dead in 5 years
Oracle will kill it
sure , then we all will use Scala , or Clojure
they're already hinting they will charge for it
@teresko or Mono
@teresko are you talking from a cross-platform POV?
JVM is a pain, .NET is a pain
Just write the damned thing in erlang
because now it's not just windows/mac/nix , but you have mobile market too
"cross-platform" has become a much larger term
If you want cross-platform use HTML5 & JS
in combination with phonegap
heh .. not yet
but if what i hear about win8 will be true, then yes , HTML5/JS might as well become main cross-platform solution
@Raynos agreed
I dont know whats going to happen with desktop development tbh.
Browser based will be the only true X-platform language
The web might really take off.
I can see it doing just that
I mean the HTML5 File API will gives you FILE I/O
enter chromebooks
File Writer will be implemented in chrome/ff by the end of the year if you ask me
sorry guys , but i really cant make myself to care about firefox
right now there are only two innovative browsers in the market : opera and chrome
and , hell , they ain't even in same (competing) category , because chrome is a pure browser and opera is a web-suite
FF has become a sham
it is the curse of Netscape , it has returned to hunt Mozilla again
Very true, too much too fast, too little effort
@teresko I disagree. Firefox is still a solid contender.
@Raynos that is only because people blindly follow them
I have some respect for the FF guys.
they dont understand the intracasies
If i was to be controversial I would say the main reasons people use FF are because of plugins and because they dont know chrome exists
@Raynos , name one innovation made by Firefox in past 5 years ?
Opera I just dont get myself though... it feels... weird to me
yes, Mozilla Labs is a nice thing, but nothing comes out of it
I've tried Opera several times, but never really got into it - the UI was just off enough to be annoying (mostly focus-based) Maybe the latest one is better than previous versions I've tried.
@RyanKinal my thoughts exactly
well .. it is a completely different browser
@teresko true but have you seen "dont make me click"?
neither from bloodlines of webkit nor gecko
@teresko Right, and I wasn't expecting the UI to be exactly the same as every other browser. But there were... oddities.
Aza Raskin - knows his stuff
i have seen it
I think Opera suffers greatly from this
just too much all at once
dunno .. imo it is a matter of habbit
for example , i find firefox annoying in dozens of tiny ways
I just want my browser to be a browser
if I want anything else i'll get a specific application for that
for example behavior of ctrl+tab in FF is killing me
can't say i've tried it
i moved to chrome before FF4
as i said before , our "annoyances" in other browsers are only based on our habits
@teresko true, we are victims of habit
btw , your main browser is the one to which you trust your bookmarks ( in my case all 5000+ of them )
@teresko My bookmarks are actually in the cloud... at least, the ones I have at home. Work, not so much.
well , my too
yeah mine too...
i use opera's link , so that bookmarks from my laptop , phone and work pc are always synced
@Raynos The date you have there sounds likely - wiki.mozilla.org/Releases#Firefox_6
I just use the built in chrome sync
nothing fancy
i think the introduced it in version 8.x or 9.0
I just use Chrome's sync... and some of the bookmarks I have at home would not be work appropriate. If you know what I mean.
sure , but if you really want to find some NSFW bookmarks , then in my case you would have to dig through all of them
@RyanKinal super mega pronz? :P
pleads the 5th
@MylesGray , it does not have to be pr0n , for page to be NSFW
hell , your latest "research" in job market is NSFW too
Has anybody else here been completely and utterly spoiled by Chrome's background updating?
@teresko Given that Firefox 2 was release five years ago, I would say that being a contender to Internet Explorer and forcing their hand to produce a marginally better browser was a pretty good "innovation" five years ago
@teresko firefox has been pushing a lot for ES5
@RyanKinal , that is one of the reasons why i keep my distance from Chrome
Firefox has been pushing a lot of development APIs
Firefox , or Mozilla Foundation in general ?
Also they own rhino
The own the MDn
You've got to love the MDN
but again , it has nothing to do with innovations ( or lack the of ) in Firefox
I still think Firefox has been pushing a lot over the last 5 years
Firefox mobile.
That's fast. Faster then opera mobile
@Raynos , it is like saying that Safari has facilitated the spread of touch-screen based phones
@Raynos i agree with u
@teresko what has Chrome innovated?
@teresko Presumably you're looking for UI innovations? The backend (rendering, JavaScript engine, etc.) stuff should conform to standards anyway, you would contend
I mean I would personally prefer chrome or opera
But there's nothing wrong with firefox
@Raynos , i might be wrong , but didnt the V8 come from Chrome ?
or the concept of running each tab in a separate process
V8 has been in the works forever
though , my knowledge about chromes innovations is kinda limited
I think FF has been part of the js arms race.
@teresko Firefox 3.6 vs. Chrome 4...?
you can run your own test for your current browser
@teresko I'll also argue that FF pushed IE out of 95% dominance spot
while it is inarguably true , that doesn't count as innovation
You may have a point. But it doesnt mean theres anything wrong with ff
@Raynos there's nothing wrong with it, it just isnt as good as it CAN be...
@MylesGray For your arbitrary definition of 'good'?
In terms of HTML5/CSS3/ES5 compliance it's solid.
in terms of Speed and UI it's solid
In terms of plugins and add on support it's solid
It's a matter of personal preference
My personal preference is Chrome.
no , not in terns of UI & speed
I have no problem with people having personal preference towards firefox
@teresko FF5 is just as fast as Chrome 12. It's just as fast as Op 11.5
firefox interface it the most unresponsive of all the browsers that i know
thats , not what i meant
I have no problem with the interface.
It's responsive for me.
Are you using Firefox on a netbook ;)
I agree that firefox is not optimised for low CPU devices
hey , thats offensive , my laptop is not "low cpu device" =P
@teresko Well, I won't advocate using Firefox as a CPU benchmarking tool :P
cheers - ff has fast js, but slow ui... so it's slow ;)
@KamilTomšík I dont find the UI any slower then chrome
But I have a decent CPU
Its by no means a light weight browser
Chrome and Opera are superior light weight browsers
@Raynos hmmmmm... maybe I am wrong :)
but opera worx pretty fast even on netbook
which is not true for ff...
I admit - my experience on desktop can be affected by W7 superfetch - it's fast because I use it all the time, but xp on netbook has only prefetch and I'm not sure it could affect performance too
I agree. Firefox is no good on a netbook
But for a decent desktop (bought one last week, 2500k 8GB RAM) Firefox is just as good as any other browser
@Raynos yeah, probably - if you don't have anything cpu-intensive running too... like virtual machine/computer - like I do have sometime
Q: Is it possible to mark code so as to add custom entries to BBEdit's "Functions" menu?

chaiguyI remember back in my CodeWarrior days, it was possible to add entries to the code navigational menu using #pragma mark directives, which made it easy to organize your code file into sections visible in the menu. Is there any such way to do this in BBEdit, specifically in JavaScript files?

@YiJiang exactly :P I just prefer a different layout
@KamilTomšík you dont run VMs without 8GB ram do you?
@Raynos nice rig, Sandybridge is a killer
was till you see LGA2011 later this year
@Raynos I do ;) and not only VMs - also virtualization ;)
@MylesGray I've skimped on the Gpx though. only got a ATI 5770
@KamilTomšík ... crazy man.
quad channel DDR3, integrated northbridge into the CPU and PCI-E3.0
5770 isnt the worst
it's entry level
for games.
for a pc bought last week anyway
if it was me I would have bought a GTX570 for that price
@Raynos the point is - I don't need 8GB because I don't work in Eclipse/Netbeans, I don't use FF, I don't use Thunderbird, or any other crazy stuff :)

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